# Makefile for Conjure # # Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Rudy Matela # Distributed under a 3-Clause BSD license, see the LICENSE file GHCIMPORTDIRS = src:test GHCFLAGS = -O2 -v0 \ $(shell grep -q "Arch Linux" /etc/lsb-release && echo -dynamic) # -Wall -Werror -Wno-unused-matches -Wno-orphans -Wno-name-shadowing -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns -Wno-unused-pattern-binds HADDOCKFLAGS = \ -i $(shell find ~/.cabal -name leancheck.haddock | tail -1) \ -i $(shell find ~/.cabal -name express.haddock | tail -1) \ -i $(shell find ~/.cabal -name speculate.haddock | tail -1) \ -i $(shell find /usr/share/doc/ghc*/html/libraries -name template-haskell.haddock | tail -1) \ $(shell grep -q "Arch Linux" /etc/lsb-release && echo --optghc=-dynamic) \ | grep -v "^Warning: Couldn't find .haddock for export [A-Z]$$" INSTALL_DEPS = leancheck express speculate template-haskell NJOBS := $(shell grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | head -n -1 | wc -l | sed 's/^0$$/1/') LONG := $(shell which long >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo long) EG = \ eg/arith \ eg/count \ eg/dupos \ eg/either \ eg/factorial \ eg/fibonacci \ eg/fib01 \ eg/higher \ eg/id \ eg/ints \ eg/bools \ eg/gcd \ eg/list \ eg/maybe \ eg/oddeven \ eg/pow \ eg/replicate \ eg/setelem \ eg/take-drop \ eg/sort \ eg/subset \ eg/spec \ eg/tapps \ eg/tree \ eg/bst \ eg/tri \ eg/bits \ eg/peano \ eg/these \ bench/candidates \ bench/redundants \ bench/erroneous \ bench/ill-hit \ bench/longshot \ bench/lowtests \ bench/strategies \ bench/self \ bench/carry-on \ bench/p12 \ bench/p30 \ bench/gps \ bench/gps2 \ bench/terpret \ bench/unique \ bench/weird \ proto/u-conjure TESTS = \ test/expr \ test/defn \ test/conjurable \ test/derive \ test/red \ test/utils RMTIME = sed 's/^-- [0-9.]*s, /-- /' all: mk/toplibs all-all: all $(EG) $(TESTS) test: test-makefile $(TESTS) $(patsubst %,%.run,$(TESTS)) diff-test test-sdist ghci: src/Conjure.ghci tags: src test/Test.hs hasktags $^ # Disclaimer: This bench target is not intended to generate paper-grade runtime # datapoints as it runs each benchmark just once. This target is # meant to track large runtime changes across different git # versions. .PHONY: bench bench: $(EG) $(patsubst %,%.bench,$(EG)) @mkdir -p bench/runtime/$$HOSTNAME ./bench/versions | tee bench/runtime/$$HOSTNAME/versions %.bench: % @mkdir -p bench/runtime/$$HOSTNAME/`dirname $<` @printf "%-18s " $< @/usr/bin/time -f%e ./$< 2>&1 >/dev/null | \ python3 -c 'print("%.1f" % float(input()))' | \ tee bench/runtime/$$HOSTNAME/$<.runtime diff-test: $(EG) $(patsubst %,%.diff,$(EG)) out: txt txt: $(EG) $(patsubst %,%.txt,$(EG)) test-sdist: ./test/sdist test-makefile: test/mk.run test-via-cabal: cabal configure --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks --ghc-options="$(GHCFLAGS) -O0" cabal build cabal test expr test-via-stack: stack test code-conjure:test:expr --ghc-options="$(GHCFLAGS) -O0" --system-ghc --no-install-ghc --no-terminal test-on-ghc-9.10: make test GHC=ghc-9.10 GHCIMPORTDIRS=src:test:../leancheck/src:../express/src:../speculate/src fastest: $(LONG) make test -j$(NJOBS) fastestbench: $(LONG) make test -j$(NJOBS) && $(LONG) make bench fastxtestbench: $(LONG) make txt -j$(NJOBS) && $(LONG) make test -j$(NJOBS) && $(LONG) make bench clean: clean-hi-o clean-haddock rm -f $(EG) $(TESTS) mk/toplibs full-clean: clean clean-cabal clean-stack rm -f tags TAGS mk/toplibs %.run: % ./$< .PRECIOUS: .%.txt # prevent deletion by make .%.txt: % ./$< >$@ %.txt: .%.txt $(RMTIME) $< >$@ %.tee: % $(LONG) unbuffer ./$< | $(RMTIME) -u | tee $<.txt %.diff: % ./$< | $(RMTIME) | diff -rud $<.txt - # lists files missing copyright notices list-missing-copyright: grep -LRE '(Copyright|\(C\))' `git ls-tree -r master --name-only | grep -vE '(\.(runtime|txt)|versions|toplibs|(Toplibs|All)\.hs|depend.mk)$$'` || true # NOTE: (very hacky!) the following target allows parallel compilation (-jN) of # eg and test programs so long as they don't share dependencies _not_ stored # in src/ and test/. Runnable binaries should depend on mk/toplibs instead of # actual Haskell source files mk/toplibs: mk/Toplibs.o touch mk/toplibs p12: bench/p12 ./bench/bench $< | tee bench/runtime/$$HOSTNAME/p12.runtimes p30: bench/p30 ./bench/bench $< | tee bench/runtime/$$HOSTNAME/p30.runtimes avgs: runhaskell bench/avgs.hs