-- Computes averages of several benchmarks -- -- Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Rudy Matela -- Distributed under the 3-Clause BSD licence (see the file LICENSE). import Data.List import Data.Function import Text.Printf groupOn f = groupBy ((==) `on` f) parseLine :: String -> (String,Double) parseLine s = (n,t) where n = unwords $ init ws t = read $ last ws ws = words s showLine :: (String,Double) -> String showLine (s,x) = printf "%-25s %.2f" s x collapseAvg :: [(String,Double)] -> (String,Double) collapseAvg sxs = (fst $ head sxs, avg $ map snd sxs) avg :: [Double] -> Double avg xs = sum xs / fromIntegral (length xs) io :: String -> String io = unlines . map showLine . map collapseAvg . groupOn fst . map parseLine . lines main :: IO () main = interact io