-- Print erroneous candidates -- -- Copyright (C) 2024-2025 Rudy Matela -- Distributed under the 3-Clause BSD licence (see the file LICENSE). import Conjure -- This script needs some internal utilities of Conjure: import Conjure.Engine import Conjure.Defn import Conjure.Defn.Redundancy import Conjure.Defn.Test import Conjure.Utils import Test.LeanCheck.Tiers (discardT) -- | This function prints erroneous candidates, -- i.e.: candidates that yield errors or loop indefinitely -- even if for just a single combination of argument values. -- -- The arguments are, in their respective order: -- -- * maximum candidate size (5 = few seconds, 7 = few minutes); -- * function name (for pretty-printing purposes); -- * proxy value to indicate the type of functions to generate; -- * list of primitives, in Conjure-compatible form. printErroneousCandidates :: Conjurable f => Int -> String -> f -> [Prim] -> IO () printErroneousCandidates n nm f ps = do putStrLn $ "Erroneous candidates for: " ++ nm ++ " :: " ++ show (typeOf f) putStrLn $ " pruning with " ++ show nRules ++ "/" ++ show nREs ++ " rules" putStrLn $ " " ++ show (map length css) ++ " candidates" putStrLn $ " " ++ show numErroneous ++ "/" ++ show numCandidates ++ " erroneous candidates" putStrLn "" --printThy thy putStrLn $ unlines . map showDefnWithErrors $ erroneous where numCandidates = length candidates numErroneous = length erroneous erroneous = [(c, e, es) | c <- candidates, (e:es) <- [listErrors c]] candidates = concat css css = take n . discardT isRedundantByIntroduction -- additional pruning rule $ css' (css', thy, _, _) = candidateDefnsC args nm f ps -- Conjure uses this for listing candidates nRules = length (rules thy) nREs = length (equations thy) + nRules maxTests = 60 -- a hardcoded value probably will not hurt in this simple benchmark maxEvalRecursions = 60 listErrors = listDefnErrors maxTests maxEvalRecursions nm f showDefnWithErrors (d,e,es) = showDefn d ++ "-- " ++ showExpr e ++ " = bottom -- and " ++ show (length es) ++ " other errors\n" main :: IO () main = do -- This N value limits the maximum size of candidates, -- increase it to print erroneous candidates of bigger size. let n = 6 printErroneousCandidates (n+1) "foo" (undefined :: Int -> Int) [ pr (0 :: Int) , pr (1 :: Int) , pr (2 :: Int) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "*" ((*) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "-" ((-) :: Int -> Int -> Int) ] printErroneousCandidates n "?" (undefined :: Int -> Int -> Int) [ pr (0 :: Int) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "*" ((*) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "dec" (subtract 1 :: Int -> Int) ] printErroneousCandidates (n+1) "goo" (undefined :: [Int] -> [Int]) [ pr ([] :: [Int]) , prim ":" ((:) :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "++" ((++) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]) ] printErroneousCandidates n "??" (undefined :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]) [ pr ([] :: [Int]) , prim ":" ((:) :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "++" ((++) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]) ] printErroneousCandidates n "ton" (undefined :: Bool -> Bool) [ pr False , pr True , prim "&&" (&&) , prim "||" (||) , prim "not" not ] printErroneousCandidates n "&|" (undefined :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool) [ pr False , pr True , prim "&&" (&&) , prim "||" (||) , prim "not" not ]