-- gps.hs: General Program Synthesis Benchmark Suite -- -- Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Rudy Matela -- Distributed under the 3-Clause BSD licence (see the file LICENSE). {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} import Conjure import System.Environment (getArgs) import Data.Char (isLetter) -- GPS bench #5 import Data.Char (isSpace) -- GPS bench #7 import Data.Ratio ((%), numerator, denominator) -- GPS bench #10 import Data.List (findIndex) -- GPS bench #12 import Data.Maybe (fromJust) -- GPS bench #12 import Data.List (sort) -- GPS bench #16 import Data.Char (chr,ord) -- GPS bench #24 -- GPS bench #16: #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710 import Data.List (isSubsequenceOf) #else isSubsequenceOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool isSubsequenceOf [] _ = True isSubsequenceOf (_:_) [] = False isSubsequenceOf (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == y = xs `isSubsequenceOf` ys | otherwise = (x:xs) `isSubsequenceOf` ys #endif gps1p :: Int -> Float -> Float gps1p 0 1.0 = 1.0 gps1p 1 0.0 = 1.0 gps1p 1 1.0 = 2.0 gps1p 1 1.5 = 2.5 gps1g :: Int -> Float -> Float gps1g x f = fromIntegral x + f gps1c :: IO () gps1c = conjure "gps1" gps1p [ prim "+" ((+) :: Float -> Float -> Float) , prim "fromIntegral" (fromIntegral :: Int -> Float) ] gps1c30p :: IO () gps1c30p = conjure "gps1" gps1p [ pr (0 :: Float) , pr (1 :: Float) , pr (1/2 :: Float) , pr (-1 :: Float) , prim "+" ((+) :: Float -> Float -> Float) , prim "*" ((*) :: Float -> Float -> Float) , prim "-" ((-) :: Float -> Float -> Float) , prim "abs" (abs :: Float -> Float) , prim "negate" (negate :: Float -> Float) , prim "id" (id :: Float -> Float) , prim "fromIntegral" (fromIntegral :: Int -> Float) , pr (0 :: Int) , pr (1 :: Int) , pr (-1 :: Int) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "*" ((*) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "-" ((-) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "div" (div :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "mod" (mod :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "^" ((^) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "abs" (abs :: Int -> Int) , prim "negate" (negate :: Int -> Int) , prim "id" (id :: Int -> Int) , prim "round" (round :: Float -> Int) , prim "truncate" (truncate :: Float -> Int) , pr False , pr True , prim "&&" (&&) , prim "||" (||) , prim "not" not ] gps2p :: Int -> Maybe String gps2p 0 = Just "small" gps2p 500 = Just "small" gps2p 1000 = Nothing gps2p 1500 = Nothing gps2p 2000 = Just "large" gps2p 2500 = Just "large" gps2g :: Int -> Maybe String gps2g n | n < 1000 = Just "small" | 2000 <= n = Just "large" | otherwise = Nothing gps2c :: IO () gps2c = conjureWith args{maxTests=5040, maxSize=30} "gps2" gps2p [ pr "small" , pr "large" , pr (1000 :: Int) , pr (2000 :: Int) , prim "Just" (Just :: String -> Maybe String) , prim "Nothing" (Nothing :: Maybe String) , prim "<=" ((<=) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , prim "<" ((<) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , prif (undefined :: Maybe String) ] gps3p :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] gps3p 0 9 1 = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] gps3p 2 9 2 = [2,4,6,8] gps3g1 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] gps3g1 start end step = enumFromThenTo start (step+start) (end-1) gps3g2 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] gps3g2 start end step = if start < end then start : gps3g2 (start+step) end step else [] gps3c :: IO () gps3c = do conjure "gps3" gps3p [ pr (1 :: Int) , prim "enumFromThenTo" ((\x y z -> take 720 $ enumFromThenTo x y z) :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "-" ((-) :: Int -> Int -> Int) ] -- not possible, no recursive descent conjureWith args{maxSize=8} "gps3" gps3p [ pr ([] :: [Int]) , prim ":" ((:) :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "<" ((<) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , prif (undefined :: [Int]) ] gps4p :: String -> String -> String -> Bool gps4p "" "a" "aa" = True gps4p "aa" "a" "" = False gps4p "a" "aa" "" = False gps4p "a" "aa" "aaa" = True gps4p "a" "aaa" "aa" = False gps4p "aa" "a" "aaa" = False gps4p "aa" "aaa" "a" = False gps4p "aaa" "a" "aa" = False gps4p "aaa" "aa" "a" = False gps4g :: String -> String -> String -> Bool gps4g s1 s2 s3 = length s1 < length s2 && length s2 < length s3 gps4c :: IO () gps4c = do conjure "gps4" gps4p [ prim "length" (length :: String -> Int) , prim "<" ((<) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , prim "&&" (&&) ] gps5p :: String -> String gps5p "a" = "aa" gps5p "b" = "bb" gps5p " " = " " gps5p "!" = "!!!" gps5p "aa" = "aaaa" gps5g :: String -> String gps5g [] = [] gps5g (c:cs) | isLetter c = c:c:gps5g cs | c == '!' = c:c:c:gps5g cs | otherwise = c:gps5g cs gps5c :: IO () gps5c = conjureWith args{maxSize=6} "gps5" gps5p -- can't find [ pr "" , prim ":" ((:) :: Char -> String -> String) , pr '!' , prim "==" ((==) :: Char -> Char -> Bool) , prim "isLetter" (isLetter :: Char -> Bool) , prif (undefined :: String -> String) ] -- GPS Benchmark #6 -- Collatz/Hailstone numbers -- gps6p :: Int -> Int gps6p 1 = 1 gps6p 2 = 2 gps6p 3 = 8 gps6p 4 = 3 gps6p 5 = 6 gps6p 6 = 9 gps6p 12 = 10 gps6p 60 = 20 gps6p 360 = 20 gps6g :: Int -> Int gps6g = tnp1 where tnp1 n | n <= 0 = undefined tnp1 1 = 1 -- 1 tnp1 n = 1 + gps6g (if even n -- 7 then n `div` 2 -- 10 else 3*n + 1) -- 15 -- This one is out of reach performance wise: -- Speculate hangs with this background. -- Removing three or setting maxEqSize to 4 makes it unhang. -- But a size of 15 or 17 is simplyl out of our reach. gps6c :: IO () gps6c = conjureWith args{maxSize=6,maxEquationSize=3} "gps6" gps6p [ pr (1 :: Int) , pr (2 :: Int) , pr (3 :: Int) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "*" ((*) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "`div`" (div :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "even" (even :: Int -> Bool) , prif (undefined :: Int) ] -- GPS Benchmark #7 -- Replace Space with Newline (P 4.3) gps7p :: String -> (String, Int) gps7p "a" = ("a", 1) gps7p "aa" = ("aa", 2) gps7p "a a" = ("a\na", 2) gps7p "a\na" = ("a\na", 2) gps7g :: String -> (String, Int) gps7g s = (init $ unlines $ words s, length (filter (not . isSpace) s)) gps7c :: IO () gps7c = conjure "gps7" gps7p [ prim "," ((,) :: String -> Int -> (String, Int)) , prim "init" (init :: String -> String) , prim "unlines" unlines , prim "words" words , prim "length" (length :: String -> Int) , prim "filter" (filter :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> String) , prim "not" not , prim "." ((.) :: (Bool -> Bool) -> (Char -> Bool) -> Char -> Bool) -- cheat? , prim "isSpace" (isSpace :: Char -> Bool) ] -- GPS Benchmark #8 -- String Differences gps8p :: String -> String -> [(Int, Char, Char)] gps8p "a" "a" = [] gps8p "a" "b" = [(0,'a','b')] gps8p "aa" "ab" = [(1,'a','b')] gps8p "dealer" "dollar" = [(1,'e','o'), (2,'a','l'),(4,'e','a')] gps8g :: String -> String -> [(Int, Char, Char)] gps8g = diffs 0 where diffs _ [] _ = [] diffs _ _ [] = [] diffs n (c:cs) (d:ds) = if c == d then diffs (n+1) cs ds else (n,c,d) : diffs (n+1) cs ds -- out of reach as Conjure cannot invent helper functions -- even if that would be solved, -- I conjecture it would be out-of-reach performance-wise. gps8c :: IO () gps8c = conjure "gps8" gps8p [ ] -- GPS Benchmark #9 -- Even Squares -- given an integer _n_, print all of the positive even perfect squares less -- than _n_ on separate lines. gps9p :: Int -> [Int] gps9p 10 = [4] gps9p 100 = [4,16,36,64] gps9p 1000 = [4,16,36,64,100,144,196,256,324,400,484,576,676,784,900] -- non-optimal performance, but does the job -- gps9g :: Int -> [Int] -- gps9g n = [x*x | x <- [1..n], x*x < n, even (x*x)] gps9g :: Int -> [Int] gps9g n = filter (n >) (filter even (map sq [1..n])) where sq = (^2) gps9c :: IO () gps9c = conjureWith args{maxTests=60} "gps9" gps9p [ pr (1 :: Int) , prim "map" (map :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "filter" (filter :: (Int -> Bool) -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prim ".." (enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]) , prim ">" ((>) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , prim "even" (even :: Int -> Bool) , prim "sq" ((^2) :: Int -> Int) -- invented separately ] -- GPS Benchmark #10 -- Wallis Pi -- (quarter pi approximation) -- 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 -- - x - x - x - x - x - x - x ... -- 3 3 5 5 7 7 9 gps10p :: Int -> Rational gps10p 1 = 2/3 gps10p 2 = 8/9 gps10p 3 = 32/45 gps10p 4 = 64/75 gps10p 5 = 128/175 gps10p 6 = 1024/1225 gps10g :: Int -> Rational gps10g n = product $ take n $ iterate wallisNext (2/3) wallisNextP :: Rational -> Rational wallisNextP q | q == 2/3 = 4/3 | q == 4/3 = 4/5 | q == 4/5 = 6/5 | q == 6/5 = 6/7 | q == 6/7 = 8/7 | q == 8/7 = 8/9 wallisNext :: Rational -> Rational wallisNext q = if n < d then (n+2) % d else n % (d+2) where n = numerator q d = denominator q -- wallisNext (x % y) = (y + (y + 2)) % (x + (x + 2)) -- which simplifies to... -- wallisNext (x % y) = (x + x * y) % (x + x * x) -- which simplifies to... -- wallisNext (x % y) = (y + 1) % (x + 1) -- this correct version gps10c :: IO () gps10c = do conjure "wallisNext" wallisNextP [ pr (1 :: Integer) , pr (2 :: Integer) , prim "+" ((+) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer) , prim "*" ((*) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer) , prim "%" ((%) :: Integer -> Integer -> Rational) , prim "<" ((<) :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool) -- , prim "numerator" (numerator :: Rational -> Integer) -- , prim "denominator" (denominator :: Rational -> Integer) , prif (undefined :: Rational) ] -- simplified background conjure "wallisNext" wallisNextP [ pr (0 :: Integer) , pr (1 :: Integer) , prim "+" ((+) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer) , prim "*" ((*) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer) , prim "%" ((%) :: Integer -> Integer -> Rational) ] conjure "gps10" gps10p [ pr (2 :: Integer) , pr (3 :: Integer) , prim "%" ((%) :: Integer -> Integer -> Rational) -- , pr (2/3 :: Rational) , prim "product" (product :: [Rational] -> Rational) , prim "take" (take :: Int -> [Rational] -> [Rational]) , prim "iterate" ((\f -> take 720 . iterate f) :: (Rational -> Rational) -> Rational -> [Rational]) , prim "wallisNext" wallisNext ] -- GPS Benchmark #11 -- Lengths Backwards gps11p :: [String] -> [Int] gps11p ["a"] = [1] gps11p ["aa","a"] = [1,2] gps11p ["a","aa"] = [2,1] gps11p ["a","aa","aaa"] = [3,2,1] gps11g :: [String] -> [Int] gps11g = reverse . map length gps11g2 :: [String] -> [Int] gps11g2 [] = [] gps11g2 (s:ss) = gps11g2 ss ++ [length s] gps11c :: IO () gps11c = do conjure "gps11" gps11p [ prim "reverse" (reverse :: [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "length" (length :: String -> Int) , prim "map" (map :: (String -> Int) -> [String] -> [Int]) ] conjure "gps11" gps11p [ pr ([] :: [Int]) , prim ":" ((:) :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "++" ((++) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "length" (length :: String -> Int) ] -- GPS Benchmark #12 -- Last index or zero gps12p :: [Int] -> Int gps12p [0] = 0 gps12p [0,0] = 1 gps12p [0,1,0] = 2 gps12p [1,0,1] = 1 gps12p [0,1,0,1] = 2 gps12p [1,0,1,0] = 3 gps12g :: [Int] -> Int gps12g xs = length xs - fromJust (findIndex (0==) (reverse xs)) - 1 gps12c :: IO () gps12c = do conjureWith args{maxSize = 11} "gps12" gps12p [ prim "length" (length :: [Int] -> Int) , prim "reverse" (reverse :: [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "findIndex" (findIndex :: (Int -> Bool) -> [Int] -> Maybe Int) , prim "fromJust" (fromJust :: Maybe Int -> Int) , prim "-" ((-) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "==" ((==) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , pr (0 :: Int) , pr (1 :: Int) ] -- GPS Benchmark #13 -- Vector Average -- gps13p :: [Rational] -> Rational gps13p [0,2] = 1 gps13p [1,3] = 2 gps13p [1,2,3] = 2 -- not hit, but nvm gps13p [0,0,2,2] = 1 gps13g :: [Rational] -> Rational gps13g qs = foldr (+) 0 qs / fromIntegral (length qs) gps13c :: IO () gps13c = do conjure "gps13" gps13p [ prim "0" (0 :: Rational) , prim "+" ((+) :: Rational -> Rational -> Rational) , prim "/" ((/) :: Rational -> Rational -> Rational) , prim "foldr" (foldr :: (Rational -> Rational -> Rational) -> Rational -> [Rational] -> Rational) , prim "length" (length :: [Rational] -> Int) , prim "fromIntegral" (fromIntegral :: Int -> Rational) ] -- GPS Benchmark #14 -- Count Odds -- gps14p :: [Int] -> Int gps14p [0,0] = 0 gps14p [1,3] = 2 gps14p [0,1,2] = 1 gps14g :: [Int] -> Int gps14g xs = length (filter odd xs) where odd x = x `mod` 2 /= 0 gps14g2 :: [Int] -> Int gps14g2 [] = 0 gps14g2 (x:xs) = if x `mod` 2 == 0 then gps14g2 xs else 1 + gps14g2 xs odd' :: Int -> Bool odd' 0 = False odd' 1 = True odd' 2 = False odd' 3 = True odd' 4 = False odd' 5 = True gps14c :: IO () gps14c = do conjure "odd" odd' [ pr (0 :: Int) , pr (1 :: Int) , pr (2 :: Int) , prim "`mod`" (mod :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "/=" ((/=) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) ] conjure "gps14" gps14p [ prim "odd" (odd :: Int -> Bool) , prim "filter" (filter :: (Int -> Bool) -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "length" (length :: [Int] -> Int) ] -- hah! I was expecting Conjure to use an if like above, but it was smarter: -- gps14 [] = 0 -- gps14 (x:xs) = x `mod` 2 + gps14 xs conjure "gps14" gps14p [ pr (0 :: Int) , pr (1 :: Int) , pr (2 :: Int) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "`mod`" (mod :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "==" ((==) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , prif (undefined :: Int) ] -- GPS Benchmark #15 -- Mirror Image -- gps15p :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool gps15p [0] [0] = True gps15p [0,1] [1,0] = True gps15p [0,1] [0,1] = False gps15p [0,0,1] [1,0,0] = True gps15p [0,0,1] [0,0,1] = False gps15g :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool gps15g xs ys = reverse xs == ys gps15c :: IO () gps15c = do conjure "gps15" gps15p [ prim "==" ((==) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool) , prim "reverse" (reverse :: [Int] -> [Int]) ] -- GPS Benchmark #16 -- Super Anagrams -- gps16p :: String -> String -> Bool gps16p "a" "aa" = True gps16p "aa" "a" = False gps16p "ab" "ba" = True gps16p "ba" "ab" = True gps16p "ab" "c" = False gps16p "ab" "aba" = True gps16g :: String -> String -> Bool gps16g cs ds = sort cs `isSubsequenceOf` sort ds gps16c :: IO () gps16c = do conjure "gps16" gps16p [ prim "`isSubsequenceOf`" (isSubsequenceOf :: String -> String -> Bool) , prim "sort" (sort :: String -> String) ] -- GPS Benchmark #17 -- Sum of Squares -- -- Given integer _n_, return the sum of squaring each integer in 1 to n gps17p :: Int -> Int gps17p 1 = 1 gps17p 2 = 5 gps17p 3 = 14 gps17p 4 = 30 gps17g :: Int -> Int gps17g n = n * n + gps17g (n - 1) gps17c :: IO () gps17c = conjure "gps17" gps17p [ pr (0 :: Int) , pr (1 :: Int) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "*" ((*) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "-" ((-) :: Int -> Int -> Int) ] -- GPS Benchmark #18 -- Vectors Summed -- -- zip with sum gps18p :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] gps18p [0] [0] = [0] gps18p [0,1] [0,1] = [0,2] gps18p [1,0] [0,1] = [1,1] gps18g :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] gps18g xs ys = zipWith (+) xs ys gps18g' :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] gps18g' [] [] = [] gps18g' (x:xs) (y:ys) = x + y : gps18g' xs ys gps18c :: IO () gps18c = do conjure "gps18" gps18p [ pr ([] :: [Int]) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim ":" ((:) :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) ] conjure "gps18" gps18p [ prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "zipWith" (zipWith :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]) ] -- GPS Benchmark #19 -- X-Word Lines -- gps19p :: Int -> String -> String gps19p 1 "a a a" = "a\na\na\n" gps19p 1 "a\na\na" = "a\na\na\n" gps19p 2 "a a a" = "a a\na\n" gps19g :: Int -> String -> String gps19g x xs = unlines (map unwords (chunk x (words xs))) chunk :: Int -> [String] -> [[String]] chunk x [] = [] chunk x ss = take x ss : chunk x (drop x ss) gps19c :: IO () gps19c = do -- speculate takes too long conjure "gps19" gps19p $ take 0 [ prim "words" (words :: String -> [String]) -- , prim "words" (lines :: String -> [String]) , prim "unwords" (unwords :: [String] -> String) , prim "unlines" (unlines :: [String] -> String) -- , prim "chunk" (chunk :: Int -> [String] -> [[String]]) -- , prim "map" (map :: ([String] -> String) -> [[String]] -> [String]) ] -- GPS Benchmark #20 -- Pig Latin -- gps20s :: (String -> String) -> Bool gps20s pig = pig "hello world" == "ellohay orldway" && pig "a string" == "aay tringsay" gps20g :: String -> String gps20g = pig pig :: String -> String pig = unwords . map pig1 . words pig1 :: String -> String pig1 (c:cs) = if isVowel c then (c:cs) ++ "ay" else cs ++ (c:"ay") pig1Spec :: (String -> String) -> Bool pig1Spec pig1 = pig1 "hello" == "ellohay" && pig1 "world" == "orldway" && pig1 "string" == "tringsay" && pig1 "east" == "eastay" isVowel :: Char -> Bool isVowel 'a' = True isVowel 'e' = True isVowel 'i' = True isVowel 'o' = True isVowel 'u' = True isVowel 'y' = True isVowel _ = False isVowel' :: Char -> Bool isVowel' 'a' = True isVowel' 'e' = True isVowel' 'i' = True isVowel' 'o' = True isVowel' 'u' = True isVowel' 'y' = True isVowel' ' ' = False isVowel' 'b' = False isVowel' 'c' = False isVowel' 'd' = False isVowel' 'f' = False isVowel' 'g' = False gps20c :: IO () gps20c = do conjure "isVowel" isVowel' [ pr 'a' , pr 'e' , pr 'i' , pr 'o' , pr 'u' , pr 'y' , pr True , pr False ] conjureFromSpecWith args{target=50400} "pig1" pig1Spec [ pr "ay" , prif (undefined :: String) , prim "isVowel" isVowel , prim "++" ((++) :: String -> String -> String) , prim ":" ((:) :: Char -> String -> String) ] conjureFromSpec "gps20c" gps20s [ prim "words" (words :: String -> [String]) , prim "unwords" (unwords :: [String] -> String) , prim "map" (map :: (String -> String) -> [String] -> [String]) , prim "pig1" pig1 ] -- GPS Benchmark #21 -- Negative To Zero -- gps21p :: [Int] -> [Int] gps21p [1] = [1] gps21p [-1] = [0] gps21p [1,-1] = [1,0] gps21p [-1,1] = [0,1] gps21g :: [Int] -> [Int] gps21g [] = [] gps21g (x:xs) = (if x < 0 then 0 else x) : gps21g xs gps21c :: IO () gps21c = conjure "gps21" gps21p [ pr ([] :: [Int]) , pr (0 :: Int) , prim ":" ((:) :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "<" ((<) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , prif (undefined :: Int) ] -- GPS Benchmark #22 -- Scrabble Score -- gps22s :: (String -> Int) -> Bool gps22s scrabble = scrabble "a" == 1 && scrabble "hello" == 8 && scrabble "world" == 9 && scrabble "scrabble" == 14 gps22g :: String -> Int gps22g = scrabble scrabble :: String -> Int scrabble s = foldr (+) 0 (map scrabble1 s) scrabble1 :: Char -> Int scrabble1 'd' = 2 scrabble1 'g' = 2 scrabble1 'b' = 3 scrabble1 'c' = 3 scrabble1 'm' = 3 scrabble1 'p' = 3 scrabble1 'f' = 4 scrabble1 'h' = 4 scrabble1 'v' = 4 scrabble1 'w' = 4 scrabble1 'y' = 4 scrabble1 'k' = 5 scrabble1 'j' = 8 scrabble1 'x' = 8 scrabble1 'q' = 10 scrabble1 'z' = 10 scrabble1 _ = 1 -- aeilnorstu gps22c :: IO () gps22c = do conjureFromSpec "gps22" gps22s [ pr (0 :: Int) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "map" (map :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "scrabble1" scrabble1 ] -- GPS Benchmark #23 -- Word Stats -- gps23p :: String -> ([(Int,Int)], Int, Double) gps23p = undefined -- gps23p "" = ([], 0, 1.0/0.0) gps23c :: IO () gps23c = do conjure "gps23" gps23p [] -- GPS Benchmark #24 -- Checksum -- gps24p :: String -> Char gps24p "a" = 'A' gps24p "aa" = '"' gps24p "a a" = 'B' gps24p "b" = 'B' gps24g :: String -> Char gps24g s = chr (sum (map ord s) `mod` 64 + ord ' ') gps24c :: IO () gps24c = conjure "gps24" gps24p [ pr ' ' , pr (64 :: Int) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "`mod`" (mod :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "sum" (sum :: [Int] -> Int) , prim "ord" ord , prim "chr" chr , prim "map" (map :: (Char -> Int) -> String -> [Int]) ] -- GPS Benchmark #25 -- Digits -- gps25p :: Int -> [Int] gps25p 0 = [0] gps25p 1 = [1] gps25p 12 = [2,1] gps25p (-21) = [1,-2] gps25g :: Int -> [Int] gps25g 0 = [0] -- 3 gps25g n = if abs n < 10 -- 8 then [n] -- 11 else abs (n `rem` 10) : gps25g (n `quot` 10) -- 20 -- out of reach performance-wise gps25c :: IO () gps25c = conjure "gps25" gps25p $ take 0 [ pr (0 :: Int) , pr (10 :: Int) , pr ([] :: [Int]) , prim ":" ((:) :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prif (undefined :: [Int]) , prim "abs" (abs :: Int -> Int) , prim "<" ((<) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , prim "rem" (rem :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "quot" (quot :: Int -> Int -> Int) ] -- GPS Benchmark #26 -- Grade -- gps26p :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Char gps26p 4 3 2 1 5 = 'A' gps26p 4 3 2 1 4 = 'A' gps26p 4 3 2 1 3 = 'B' gps26p 4 3 2 1 2 = 'C' gps26p 4 3 2 1 1 = 'D' gps26p 4 3 2 1 0 = 'F' gps26g :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Char gps26g a b c d x | x >= a = 'A' | x >= b = 'B' | x >= c = 'C' | x >= d = 'D' | otherwise = 'F' -- out of reach performance-wise gps26c :: IO () gps26c = conjureWith args{maxSize=2} "gps26" gps26p [ pr 'A' , pr 'B' , pr 'C' , pr 'D' , pr 'F' , prif (undefined :: Char) , prim ">=" ((>=) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) ] -- GPS Benchmark #27 -- Median -- gps27p :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int gps27p 0 1 2 = 1 gps27p 1 0 2 = 1 gps27p (-1) 1 0 = 0 gps27g :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int gps27g x y z | y < x && x < z = x -- 8 | x < y && y < z = y -- 16 | otherwise = z -- 17 -- Conjure found a smaller implementation! gps27c :: IO () gps27c = do conjure "gps27" gps27p [ prim "<" ((<) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , prim "&&" (&&) , prif (undefined :: Int) ] conjure "gps27b" gps27p [ prim "min" (min :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "max" (max :: Int -> Int -> Int) ] -- GPS Benchmark #28 -- Smallest -- gps28p :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int gps28p 0 1 2 3 = 0 gps28p 3 2 1 0 = 0 gps28p 1 0 2 3 = 0 gps28p 3 2 0 1 = 0 gps28p 1 1 1 2 = 1 gps28c :: IO () gps28c = conjure "gps28" gps28p [ prim "`min`" (min :: Int -> Int -> Int) ] -- GPS Benchmark #29 -- Syllables -- gps29s :: (String -> Int) -> Bool gps29s sys = sys "pub" == 1 && sys "hello" == 2 && sys "world" == 1 && sys "string" == 1 && sys "haskell" == 2 && sys "photography" == 4 gps29g :: String -> Int gps29g "" = 0 gps29g (c:cs) = if isVowel c then 1 + gps29g cs else gps29g cs gps29c :: IO () gps29c = conjureFromSpec "gps29" gps29s [ pr (0 :: Int) , pr (1 :: Int) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int->Int->Int) , prif (undefined :: Int) , prim "isVowel" isVowel ] main :: IO () main = do as <- getArgs case as of [] -> sequence_ gpss (n:_) -> gpss !! (read n - 1) gpss :: [IO ()] gpss = [ gps1c , gps2c , gps3c , gps4c , gps5c , gps6c , gps7c , gps8c , gps9c , gps10c , gps11c , gps12c , gps13c , gps14c , gps15c , gps16c , gps17c , gps18c , gps19c , gps20c , gps21c , gps22c , gps23c , gps24c , gps25c , gps26c , gps27c , gps28c , gps29c ]