-- terpret.hs: Benchmark execution-model problems from TerpreT -- -- Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Rudy Matela -- Distributed under the 3-Clause BSD licence (see the file LICENSE). -- -- You can find the description of these exercises on: -- -- 1. https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3067695.3082533 -- 2. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2017/03/1608.04428.pdf -- -- Here, we prefer the simplified definitions found in 1. import Conjure import System.Environment (getArgs) -- TerpreT #1 -- invert -- t1p :: [Bool] -> [Bool] t1p [False] = [True] t1p [True] = [False] t1p [False,True] = [True,False] t1p [True,False] = [False,True] t1g :: [Bool] -> [Bool] t1g ps = map not ps t1c :: IO () t1c = do putStrLn "TerpreT benchmark #1: invert\n" conjure "invert" t1p primitives123 -- the same primitives are used for TerpreT #1, #2 and #3 primitives123 :: [Prim] primitives123 = [ pr False , pr True , prim "not" not , prim "&&" (&&) , prim "||" (||) , pr ([] :: [Bool]) , prim ":" ((:) :: Bool -> [Bool] -> [Bool]) --, prim "map" (map :: (Bool -> Bool) -> [Bool] -> [Bool]) , prif (undefined :: [Bool]) ] -- TerpreT #2 -- prepend zero -- t2p :: [Bool] -> [Bool] t2p [True] = [False,True] t2p [False] = [False,False] t2p [True,True] = [False,True,True] t2g :: [Bool] -> [Bool] t2g ps = False:ps t2c :: IO () t2c = do putStrLn "TerpreT benchmark #2: prepend zero\n" conjure "prependZero" t2p primitives123 -- TerpreT #3 -- binary decrement -- -- here we choose to represent with little-endian notation t3p :: [Bool] -> [Bool] -- t3p [True] = [False] t3p [True,True] = [False,True] -- 3-1=2 t3p [False,True] = [True,False] -- 2-1=1 t3p [False,True,True] = [True,False,True] -- 6-1=5 t3g :: [Bool] -> [Bool] t3g [] = [] t3g (p:ps) = if p then False : ps else True : t3g ps -- hah! Conjure surprised me again: -- decrement [] = [] -- decrement (p:ps) = not p:(if p then ps else decrement ps) t3c :: IO () t3c = do putStrLn "TerpreT benchmark #3: binary decrement\n" conjure "decrement" t3p primitives123 -- TerpreT #4 -- 2-bit controlled shift register -- t4p1 :: (Bool,Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool,Bool) t4p1 (False, True, False) = (False, True, False) t4p1 (False, False, True) = (False, False, True) t4p1 (True, True, False) = (True, False, True) t4p1 (True, False, True) = (True, True, False) t4p2 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> (Bool,Bool,Bool) t4p2 False True False = (False, True, False) t4p2 False False True = (False, False, True) t4p2 True True False = (True, False, True) t4p2 True False True = (True, True, False) t4g :: (Bool,Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool,Bool) t4g (False,p,q) = (False,p,q) t4g (True,p,q) = (True,q,p) t4c :: IO () t4c = do putStrLn "TerpreT benchmark #4: controlled shift\n" conjureWith args{target = 50400} "cshift" t4p1 $ primitives123 ++ [ prim ",," ((,,) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> (Bool,Bool,Bool)) , prif (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Bool)) ] conjure "cshift" t4p2 $ primitives123 ++ [ prim ",," ((,,) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> (Bool,Bool,Bool)) , prif (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Bool)) ] -- TerpreT #5 -- Full adder -- t5p :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> (Bool,Bool) t5p False False False = (False,False) t5p False False True = (False,True ) t5p False True False = (False,True ) t5p True False False = (False,True ) t5p False True True = (True ,False) t5p True False True = (True ,False) t5p True True False = (True ,False) t5p True True True = (True ,True ) t5c :: IO () t5c = do putStrLn "TerpreT benchmark #5: full adder\n" -- using primitives123 below works, but increases the runtime to 18 seconds -- let's leave it commented out so runtime is faster when running automated tests -- BENCHMARK: uncomment primitives123 conjure "fadder" t5p $ -- primitives123 ++ [ prim "not" not , prim "," ((,) :: Bool -> Bool -> (Bool,Bool)) , prim "==" ((==) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -- , prim "^^" ((/=) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -- poor man's xor , prif (undefined :: (Bool,Bool)) ] -- the printed function is weird, but correct -- fadder p q r = if p == q then (p,r) else (r,not r) -- TerpreT #6 -- 2-bit adder -- t6p :: (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool,Bool) t6p (False,False) (False,False) = (False,False,False) t6p (True ,False) (False,True ) = (False,True ,True ) t6p (True ,True ) (False,True ) = (True ,False,False) t6p (True ,True ) (True ,False) = (True ,False,True ) t6p (True ,True ) (True ,True ) = (True ,True ,False) t6c :: IO () t6c = do putStrLn "TerpreT benchmark #6: 2-bit adder\n" conjureWith args{maxSize=6} "adder2" t6p $ primitives123 ++ [ prim ",," ((,,) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> (Bool,Bool,Bool)) , prim "==" ((==) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool) , prim "^^" ((/=) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -- poor man's xor , prif (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Bool)) ] -- TerpreT #7 -- Access -- t7p :: [A] -> Int -> A t7p [1,0] 0 = 1 t7p [1,0] 1 = 0 t7p [0,2,1] 0 = 0 t7p [0,2,1] 1 = 2 t7p [0,2,1] 2 = 1 t7g :: [A] -> Int -> A t7g [] _ = undefined t7g (x:xs) 0 = x t7g (x:xs) i = t7g xs (i-1) t7c :: IO () t7c = do putStrLn "TerpreT benchmark #7: access\n" -- yes, one can implement index with index... conjure "`access`" t7p [ prim "!!" ((!!) :: [A] -> Int -> A) ] conjure "`access`" t7p [ pr (0 :: Int) , pr (1 :: Int) , pr ([] :: [A]) , prim ":" ((:) :: A -> [A] -> [A]) , prim "-" ((-) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "undefined" (undefined :: A) ] -- TerpreT #8 -- Decrement Elements -- t8p :: [Int] -> [Int] t8p [2] = [1] t8p [1,0] = [0,-1] t8p [0,1,2] = [-1,0,1] t8c :: IO () t8c = do putStrLn "TerpreT benchmark #8: decrement elements\n" conjure "decrelements" t8p [ pr (1 :: Int) , pr ([] :: [Int]) , prim ":" ((:) :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "-" ((-) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "map" (map :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]) ] -- above, even though map is provided, Conjure cannot use it as it cannot -- introduce lambdas conjure "decrelements" t8p [ pr (1 :: Int) , pr ([] :: [Int]) , prim ":" ((:) :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "-" ((-) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "map" (map :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "subtract" (subtract :: Int -> Int -> Int) ] -- now above, the story changes because of subtract, map is used main :: IO () main = do as <- getArgs case as of [] -> sequence_ ts (n:_) -> ts !! (read n - 1) ts :: [IO ()] ts = [ t1c , t2c , t3c , t4c , t5c , t6c , t7c , t8c ]