-- weird.hs: conjures some weird or unintuitive functions -- -- Copyright (C) 2025 Rudy Matela -- Distributed under the 3-Clause BSD licence (see the file LICENSE). -- -- This file conjures some weird or unintuitive functions. -- It is here to make sure we do not overprune! -- -- For simplicity, -- we do not use partial definitions here. -- We use fully defined functions to conjure themselves. import Conjure -- | xor for integers -- -- returns the sum but only when one of the arguments is 0 (^^^) :: Int -> Int -> Int 0 ^^^ y = y x ^^^ 0 = x _ ^^^ _ = 0 main :: IO () main = do conjure "^^^" (^^^) primitives conjureWith args{usePatterns = False} "^^^" (^^^) primitives -- This example is quite the degenerate case, -- it takes a while to conjure even with just 2 primitives. -- I am leaving it commented-out for now... -- conjure "thirty" thirty [pr (0::Int), prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int)] primitives :: [Prim] primitives = [ pr (0::Int) , pr (1::Int) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "*" ((*) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "==" ((==) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , prim "&&" (&&) , prim "||" (||) , prif (undefined :: Int) -- guard does not play well with usePatterns = False yet ] -- | returns the sum when one of the arguments is 0 -- -- Naming: thirty/30, sum of __3__, when one is __0__ thirty :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int thirty 0 y z = y + z thirty x 0 z = x + z thirty x y 0 = x + y thirty x y z = 0