Changelog for (Code) Conjure ============================ v0.6.8 (February 2025) ---------------------- * add `guard` to provide guard as a primitive * fix bug in `maxConstantSize` handling v0.6.6 (February 2025) ---------------------- * (pruning) test candidate cases earlier and indepentently (can be disabled with `earlyTests=False`); * (pruning) rewrite after filling in recursions; * improve showing of test values; * some internal refactoring and code cleanup; * update documentation of new interfaces with runtimes in examples and removal of uneeded uses of maxSize. v0.6.4 (February 2025) ---------------------- * Create `` as the main setting to configure a target number of candidates to explore. This should relate more closely with runtime. `target = 10080` is the default. * relax `maxSize=12` to `maxSize=24` by default. * show runtime in the output by default * some internal refactoring v0.6.2 (February 2025) ---------------------- * don't require 0 as a base case by default (defalt to `requireZero=False`) * add switch to limit the size of constant sub-expressions (`Args.maxConstantSize`) * add switch to enable showing of allowed patterns (`Args.showPatterns`) * update examples v0.6.0 (February 2025) ---------------------- * `Args` record: add `showCandidates`, `showTests` and `showDeconstructions` to make it easier to see what Conjure is doing. * require `0` as a base case when recursing over `Num`s, can be disabled by setting `requireZero=False` on `Args`. * `conjpure*`: return a record rather than a tuple. * improve main documentation and introductory examples in Haddock and README. * improve Haddock documentation a bit throughout (`conjureIsDeconstruction`, `deriveConjurable`, etc). * slightly improve examples and benchmarks * (internal) improve debugging mechanisms of `Defn` evaluation functions. v0.5.16 (January 2025) ---------------------- * slightly improve search space pruning * slightly cleanup code * fix build of tests on GHC >= 9.10 * improve tests and CI scripts v0.5.14 (February 2024) ----------------------- * improve commutative pruning, slightly faster Conjure * add `carryOn`, `rewriting`, `requireDescent`, `adHocRedundancy` switches to the `Args` record * add more benchmarks and tests v0.5.12 (February 2024) ----------------------- * bump Speculate requirement to v0.4.20 * improve testing of Conjure itself * improvements and fixes of Conjure's benchmarks v0.5.10 (February 2024) ----------------------- * improve pruning of candidate functions; * `Conjure`: un-export experimental `equalModuloTesting` * `Conjure.Conjurable`: add `conjureListFor`, `conjureSizeFor` & `conjureGrounds`; * Reorganize internal modules * Add `Conjure.Defn.Redundancy` module for redundant candidates; * Add `Conjure.Defn.Test` module testing candidate definitions; * Add `Conjure.Reason` module for term-rewriting-based reasoning; * Add `Conjure.Red` module for recursive descent; * `Conjure.Expr`: add a few auxiliary functions * Move functions out of `Conjure.Engine` into new modules * add more examples and benchmarks; * improved testing of Conjure itself; * and several other improvements and fixes. v0.5.8 (January 2024) --------------------- * prune redundant mutants using a few new rules * rework numeric recursion criteria * improve pretty-printing * improve error handling * refactor and lint throughout * Conjurable tuples up to 12-tuples * bump Express requirement to v1.0.14 (bugfix) v0.5.6 (November 2023) ---------------------- * `Conjure` module: no main API changes * `Conjure.Engine`: add `equalModuloTesting` * `Conjure.Utils`: add some misc functions * add `bench/redundants` that reports groups of redundant candidates v0.5.4 (November 2023) ---------------------- This has been the "dev" version after v0.5.2 for almost a couple of years: * report invalid theories-from-testing * weed-out some redundant candidates: - add and use `isRedundantDefn` - update how deconstructions are handled * add (but not use) `conjureSize` to `Conjurable` v0.5.2 (March 2022) ------------------- * show number of tested candidates * complete `Conjurable` derivation functions * reference related work on README * add switch to unique-modulo-testing candidates (slow) to allow computing the near upper/lower limit on pruning v0.5.0 (September 2021) ----------------------- * allow synthesizing/conjuring from properties with `conjureFromSpec`; * complete Haddock documentation; * remove several unused functions; * add stub `conjurableDerive` functions; * Makefile: add targets to run GPS(2) and TerpreT benches. v0.4.4 (September 2021) ----------------------- * remove need for explicit deconstructions: - use `-` and `1` instead of `dec`; - allow `mod` and `div` as deconstructions; * bump Express requirement to v1.0.6 (bugfix); * complete the GPS1 benchmark; * add GPS2 and TerpreT benchmarks; * minor fixes in the README. v0.4.2 (August 2021) -------------------- * default to using top-level patterns on generated functions; * memoize function evaluation; * double-check theory at the end and report warning on incorrect properties; * add `prif` to `Conjure`; * simplify deconstructor discovery and add `conjureSize` to `Conjurable`; * add `cevaluate`, `ceval` and `cvl` to `Conjure.Conjurable`; * add `bench/gps` and `bench/lowtests`; * improve tests and benchmarks. v0.4.0 (July 2021) ------------------ * background primitives are now provided with `pr` and `prim`. * report number of rules used in pruning * require Express v1.0.4 and Speculate v0.4.12 * allow `..` notation * add benchmarks, replicate, subset, p12, p30 and candidates * add and use the `Defn` type and `conjureDefns` * minor changes in benchmarks * cleanup unused code v0.3.6 (June 2021) ------------------ * add switch for descending recursions to allow generation of `gcd` * refactor recursion generation (replace a hole later) * change `conjpureWith` to take `Args` * rename two args fields to `maxBodyRecursions` and `maxEvalRecursions` at this point, the old names were misnomers. v0.3.4 (June 2021) ------------------ * reallow recursions under `&&` and `||` (simplifies the generated `or`, `and`, `set` and `elem` functions) * only require deconstructions on a non-empty subset of arguments (allows `fib01` to be produced) * limit number of terminal evaluations in `recursiveToDynamic` * fix bug in `recursiveToDynamic` (not counting some recursions) * add 4 new benchmarks: `count`, `gcd`, `tree` and `setelem` v0.3.2 (June 2021) ------------------ * significant runtime reduction in several benchmarks, e.g.: - take is now reachable in about 5 seconds * improved candidate generation: - faster runtime - fewer redundant/invalid candidates * limit recursive calls to use deconstructors - test to find deconstructors automatically * improve recursion evaluation method (`revaluate` replaces `recursexpr`) * add fibonacci benchmark * minor: - record runtimes with one decimal place instead of two - add longshot benchmark - add intercalate to the list benchmark - add stub `Conjure.Constructors` module v0.3.0 (May 2021) ----------------- * only automatically include an `if` for the return type of the given function * add the `take-drop` benchmark * make bottom-up enumeration more type directed v0.2.8 (May 2021) ----------------- * export the `A`, `B`, `C`, `D`, `E` and `F` helper types v0.2.6 (May 2021) ----------------- * require Express v0.1.10 due to `hasHole` being now exported there * require Eq result on `conjure1`, `conjure2` and `conjure3` * code cleanup and more tests v0.2.4 (May 2021) ----------------- * allow conjuring from specifications in addition to partial definitions (`conjure1`, `conjure2`, `conjure3` and related functions) * improve examples * improve criteria for automatic primitive inclusion: - only include `if :: ... -> Bool` if there are `Bool` primitives - include `False` and `True` automatically only on Speculate's background * add code-optional candidate nubbing and debug functions v0.2.2 (May 2021) ----------------- * by default, search for 60 argument combinations among 100000 enumerated combinations v0.2.0 (May 2021) ----------------- * search until 100% match is found and exit * other misc changes v0.1.2 (April 2021) ------------------- For the changelog of earlier versions, check the git commit history.