-- bst.hs: conjuring functions over binary search trees (BSTs) -- -- Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Rudy Matela -- Distributed under the 3-Clause BSD licence (see the file LICENSE). {-# LANGUAGE CPP, TemplateHaskell #-} import Conjure import Test.LeanCheck import Data.Express hiding (height,size) data Tree = Leaf | Node Tree Int Tree deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) deriveExpress ''Tree unit :: Int -> Tree unit x = Node Leaf x Leaf nil :: Tree -> Bool nil Leaf = True nil _ = False left :: Tree -> Tree left (Node l _ _) = l right :: Tree -> Tree right (Node _ _ r) = r valu :: Tree -> Int valu (Node _ x _) = x leftmost :: Tree -> Int leftmost (Node l x _) = if nil l then x else leftmost l rightmost :: Tree -> Int rightmost (Node _ x r) = if nil r then x else rightmost r height :: Tree -> Int height Leaf = -1 height (Node l _ r) = 1 + max (height l) (height r) size :: Tree -> Int size Leaf = 0 size (Node l _ r) = size l + 1 + size r ordered :: Tree -> Bool ordered Leaf = True ordered (Node l x r) = (nil l || rightmost l < x) && (nil r || x < leftmost r) && ordered l && ordered r preorder :: Tree -> [Int] preorder Leaf = [] preorder (Node l x r) = [x] ++ preorder l ++ preorder r inorder :: Tree -> [Int] inorder Leaf = [] inorder (Node l x r) = inorder l ++ [x] ++ inorder r posorder :: Tree -> [Int] posorder Leaf = [] posorder (Node l x r) = posorder l ++ posorder r ++ [x] -- the following assume a binary search tree mem :: Int -> Tree -> Bool mem _ Leaf = False mem y (Node l x r) = y == x || (if y < x then mem y l else mem y r) insert :: Int -> Tree -> Tree insert x Leaf = unit x insert x (Node l y r) = case compare x y of LT -> Node (insert x l) y r EQ -> Node l y r GT -> Node l y (insert x r) before :: Int -> Tree -> Tree before _ Leaf = Leaf before y (Node l x r) = case y `compare` x of LT -> before y l EQ -> l GT -> Node l x (before y r) beyond :: Int -> Tree -> Tree beyond _ Leaf = Leaf beyond y (Node l x r) = case x `compare` y of LT -> beyond y r EQ -> r GT -> Node (beyond y l) x r union :: Tree -> Tree -> Tree union t Leaf = t union t (Node l x r) = Node (union (before x t) l) x (union (beyond x t) r) instance Listable Tree where tiers = cons0 Leaf \/ cons3 Node `suchThat` ordered instance Name Tree where name _ = "t1" -- the following instance could have been derived with: -- deriveConjurable ''Tree instance Conjurable Tree where conjureExpress = reifyExpress conjureEquality = reifyEquality conjureTiers = reifyTiers conjureSubTypes x = conjureType (undefined :: Int) conjureSize = size conjureCases t = [ val (Leaf -: t) , value "Node" (Node ->>>: t) :$ hole l :$ hole x :$ hole r ] where Node l x r = Node undefined undefined undefined -: t main :: IO () main = do conjure "mem" mem [ pr False , prim "||" (||) , prim "==" ((==) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , prim "<" ((<) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , guard ] conjure "mem" mem [ pr False , pr True , prim "`compare`" (compare :: Int -> Int -> Ordering) , primOrdCaseFor (undefined :: Bool) ] -- simply out of reach performance-wise (reaching 16 but need size 22) conjureWithMaxSize 12 "insert" insert [ pr Leaf , prim "Node" Node , prim "unit" unit , prim "`compare`" (compare :: Int -> Int -> Ordering) , primOrdCaseFor (undefined :: Tree) ] -- reachable in 15s after 32878 at size 14. -- out of reach performance-wise (reaching 16 but need 19) -- cf. the primOrdCaseFor version below -- increase target to 50400 to reach... conjureFromSpecWith args{target=10080} "before" beforeSpec [ pr Leaf , prim "Node" Node , prim "==" ((==) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , prim "<" ((<) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , guard ] -- with 15, this reaches the solution, using 12 for shorter runtime -- using maxEquationSize = 7 reduces runtime from 13s to 11s conjureFromSpecWith args{maxSize = 12, maxEquationSize = 7} "before" beforeSpec [ pr Leaf , prim "Node" Node , prim "`compare`" (compare :: Int -> Int -> Ordering) , primOrdCaseFor (undefined :: Tree) ] -- with 15, this reaches the solution, using 12 for shorter runtime -- using maxEquationSize = 7 reduces runtime from 13s to 11s conjureFromSpecWith args{maxSize = 12, maxEquationSize = 7} "beyond" beyondSpec [ pr Leaf , prim "Node" Node , prim "`compare`" (compare :: Int -> Int -> Ordering) , primOrdCaseFor (undefined :: Tree) ] -- out of reach (reaching 12 but need 13) conjureWith args{maxSize = 9} "union" union [ pr Leaf , prim "Node" Node , prim "before" before , prim "beyond" beyond ] -- maybe with invariant following test data there will be more pruning -- properties? beforeSpec :: (Int -> Tree -> Tree) -> Bool beforeSpec before = and [ holds n $ \x t -> ordered t ==> inorder (before x t) == takeWhile (< x) (inorder t) ] where n = 360 beyondSpec :: (Int -> Tree -> Tree) -> Bool beyondSpec beyond = and [ holds n $ \x t -> ordered t ==> inorder (beyond x t) == dropWhile (<= x) (inorder t) ] where n = 360 -- unionSpec :: (Int -> Tree -> Tree) -> Bool -- unionSpec union = and -- [ holds n $ \t1 t2 -> ordered t ==> inorder (union t1 t2) == merge (inorder t1) (inorder t2) -- ] where n = 360 -- same as insert, but using an if instead of a case: insertIf :: Int -> Tree -> Tree insertIf x Leaf = unit x -- 2 insertIf x (Node l y r) = if x == y -- 6 then Node l y r -- 10 else if x < y -- 14 then Node (insert x l) y r -- 20 else Node l y (insert x r) -- 26