-- | -- Module : Test.ListableExpr -- Copyright : (c) 2019-2025 Rudy Matela -- License : 3-Clause BSD (see the file LICENSE) -- Maintainer : Rudy Matela -- -- This module exports a 'Listable' 'Expr' instance. -- This instance does not, by any means, list all possible expressions. -- It lists expressions based on a subset of the symbols exported by -- "Data.Express.Fixtures". -- -- This is only intended to be used for testing, -- so this will not be exported on @ express.cabal @. module Test.ListableExpr ( -- * The Expr type Expr -- * Expressions of a type , IntE (..) , BoolE (..) , IntsE (..) , CharE (..) , IntE0 (..) , IntEV (..) , BoolE0 (..) , BoolEV (..) , IntsE0 (..) , IntsEV (..) , CharE0 (..) , CharEV (..) -- ** Functional values , IntToIntE (..) , IntToIntToIntE (..) , BoolToBoolE (..) , BoolToBoolToBoolE (..) , SameTypeE (..) , unSameTypeE , SameTypedPairsE (..) -- * Terminal expressions , E0 (..) , EV (..) -- * Ill typed expressions , Ill (..) ) where import Test.LeanCheck import Test.LeanCheck.Function.ShowFunction import Data.Express.Fixtures import Data.Function (on) -- | Terminal constants. newtype E0 = E0 { unE0 :: Expr } -- | Variables. newtype EV = EV { unEV :: Expr } -- | Expression of 'Int' type. newtype IntE = IntE { unIntE :: Expr } -- | Constant terminal value of 'Int' type. newtype IntE0 = IntE0 { unIntE0 :: Expr } -- | Variable of 'Int' type. newtype IntEV = IntEV { unIntEV :: Expr } -- | Functions from Int to Int newtype IntToIntE = IntToIntE { unIntToIntE :: Expr } newtype IntToIntToIntE = IntToIntToIntE { unIntToIntToIntE :: Expr } -- | Expression of 'Bool' type. newtype BoolE = BoolE { unBoolE :: Expr } -- | Constant terminal value of 'Bool' type. newtype BoolE0 = BoolE0 { unBoolE0 :: Expr } -- | Varialbe of 'Bool' type. newtype BoolEV = BoolEV { unBoolEV :: Expr } -- | Functions from Bool to Bool newtype BoolToBoolE = BoolToBoolE { unBoolToBoolE :: Expr } newtype BoolToBoolToBoolE = BoolToBoolToBoolE { unBoolToBoolToBoolE :: Expr } newtype CharE = CharE { unCharE :: Expr } newtype CharE0 = CharE0 { unCharE0 :: Expr } newtype CharEV = CharEV { unCharEV :: Expr } data SameTypeE = SameTypeE Expr Expr unSameTypeE :: SameTypeE -> (Expr,Expr) unSameTypeE (SameTypeE e1 e2) = (e1,e2) data SameTypedPairsE = SameTypedPairsE { unSameTypedPairsE :: [(Expr,Expr)] } -- | Ill typed expressions. newtype Ill = Ill { unIll :: Expr } instance Show E0 where show (E0 e) = show e instance Show EV where show (EV e) = show e instance Show IntE where show (IntE e) = show e instance Show IntE0 where show (IntE0 e) = show e instance Show IntEV where show (IntEV e) = show e instance Show IntToIntE where show (IntToIntE e) = show e instance Show IntToIntToIntE where show (IntToIntToIntE e) = show e instance Show BoolE where show (BoolE e) = show e instance Show BoolE0 where show (BoolE0 e) = show e instance Show BoolEV where show (BoolEV e) = show e instance Show BoolToBoolE where show (BoolToBoolE e) = show e instance Show BoolToBoolToBoolE where show (BoolToBoolToBoolE e) = show e instance Show IntsE where show (IntsE e) = show e instance Show IntsE0 where show (IntsE0 e) = show e instance Show IntsEV where show (IntsEV e) = show e instance Show CharE where show (CharE e) = show e instance Show CharE0 where show (CharE0 e) = show e instance Show CharEV where show (CharEV e) = show e instance Show SameTypeE where show (SameTypeE e1 e2) = show (e1,e2) instance Show SameTypedPairsE where show (SameTypedPairsE ees) = show ees -- | Expression of 'Ints' type. newtype IntsE = IntsE { unIntsE :: Expr } -- | Constant terminal value of 'Ints' type. newtype IntsE0 = IntsE0 { unIntsE0 :: Expr } -- | Varialbe of 'Ints' type. newtype IntsEV = IntsEV { unIntsEV :: Expr } instance Show Ill where show (Ill e) = show e instance Listable IntE where tiers = mapT IntE $ cons0 i_ \/ cons1 unIntEV \/ cons1 unIntE0 \/ cons2 (\(IntToIntE f) (IntE xx) -> f :$ xx) \/ cons1 (head' . unIntsE) `ofWeight` 2 \/ cons1 (ord' . unCharE) `ofWeight` 2 instance Listable IntE0 where tiers = (IntE0 . val) `mapT` (tiers :: [[Int]]) instance Listable IntEV where list = map IntEV $ listVars "x" (undefined :: Int) instance Listable IntToIntE where tiers = mapT IntToIntE $ cons0 idE \/ cons0 negateE `addWeight` 1 \/ cons0 absE `addWeight` 1 \/ cons2 (\(IntToIntToIntE ef) (IntE ex) -> ef :$ ex) \/ toTiers (listVars "f" (undefined :: Int -> Int)) `addWeight` 2 instance Listable IntToIntToIntE where list = map IntToIntToIntE [plus, times] instance Listable IntsE where tiers = mapT IntsE $ cons0 is_ \/ cons1 unIntsEV \/ cons1 unIntsE0 \/ cons2 (\(IntE ex) (IntsE exs) -> ex -:- exs) \/ cons1 (tail' . unIntsE) `ofWeight` 2 \/ cons2 (\(IntsE exs) (IntsE eys) -> exs -++- eys) `ofWeight` 2 \/ cons1 (\(IntsE exs) -> sort' exs) `ofWeight` 3 \/ cons2 (\(IntE ex) (IntsE exs) -> insert' ex exs) `ofWeight` 3 instance Listable IntsE0 where tiers = (IntsE0 . val) `mapT` (tiers :: [[ [Int] ]]) instance Listable IntsEV where list = map IntsEV $ listVars "xs" (undefined :: [Int]) instance Listable BoolE where tiers = mapT BoolE $ cons0 b_ \/ cons1 unBoolEV \/ cons1 unBoolE0 \/ cons2 (\(BoolToBoolE ef) (BoolE ep) -> ef :$ ep) \/ cons2 ((-==-) `on` unIntE) `addWeight` 2 \/ cons2 ((-==-) `on` unBoolE) `addWeight` 2 \/ cons2 ((-<=-) `on` unIntE) `addWeight` 3 \/ cons2 ((-<=-) `on` unBoolE) `addWeight` 3 \/ cons2 ((-<-) `on` unIntE) `addWeight` 4 \/ cons2 ((-<-) `on` unBoolE) `addWeight` 4 \/ cons2 ((-/=-) `on` unIntE) `addWeight` 5 \/ cons2 ((-/=-) `on` unBoolE) `addWeight` 5 \/ cons1 (odd' . unIntE) `addWeight` 2 \/ cons1 (even' . unIntE) `addWeight` 2 \/ cons2 (\(IntE ex) (IntsE exs) -> elem' ex exs) `addWeight` 2 instance Listable BoolE0 where tiers = (BoolE0 . val) `mapT` (tiers :: [[Bool]]) instance Listable BoolEV where list = map BoolEV $ listVars "p" (undefined :: Bool) instance Listable BoolToBoolE where tiers = mapT BoolToBoolE $ cons0 notE \/ cons2 (\(BoolToBoolToBoolE ef) (BoolE ex) -> ef :$ ex) instance Listable BoolToBoolToBoolE where list = map BoolToBoolToBoolE [orE, andE, implies] instance Listable CharE where tiers = mapT CharE $ cons0 c_ \/ cons1 unCharEV \/ cons1 unCharE0 instance Listable CharEV where list = map CharEV $ listVars "c" (undefined :: Char) instance Listable CharE0 where tiers = (CharE0 . val) `mapT` (tiers :: [[Char]]) instance Listable SameTypeE where tiers = cons1 (\(IntE e1, IntE e2) -> SameTypeE e1 e2) `ofWeight` 0 \/ cons1 (\(BoolE e1, BoolE e2) -> SameTypeE e1 e2) `ofWeight` 1 \/ cons1 (\(IntsE e1, IntsE e2) -> SameTypeE e1 e2) `ofWeight` 1 \/ cons1 (\(CharE e1, CharE e2) -> SameTypeE e1 e2) `ofWeight` 2 \/ cons1 (\(IntToIntE e1, IntToIntE e2) -> SameTypeE e1 e2) `ofWeight` 2 \/ cons1 (\(BoolToBoolE e1, BoolToBoolE e2) -> SameTypeE e1 e2) `ofWeight` 2 \/ cons1 (\(BoolToBoolToBoolE e1, BoolToBoolToBoolE e2) -> SameTypeE e1 e2) `ofWeight` 2 \/ cons1 (\(IntToIntToIntE e1, IntToIntToIntE e2) -> SameTypeE e1 e2) `ofWeight` 2 instance Listable SameTypedPairsE where tiers = cons1 (SameTypedPairsE . map unSameTypeE) `ofWeight` 0 instance Listable E0 where tiers = mapT E0 $ cons1 unIntE0 `ofWeight` 0 \/ cons1 unBoolE0 `ofWeight` 1 \/ cons1 unIntsE0 `ofWeight` 1 instance Listable EV where tiers = mapT EV $ cons1 unIntEV `ofWeight` 0 \/ cons1 unBoolEV `ofWeight` 1 \/ cons1 unIntsEV `ofWeight` 1 instance Listable Expr where tiers = reset (cons1 unIntE) \/ cons1 unBoolE \/ cons1 unCharE \/ cons1 unIntsE \/ cons1 unIntToIntE `addWeight` 1 \/ cons1 unIntToIntToIntE `addWeight` 1 \/ cons1 unBoolToBoolE `addWeight` 2 \/ cons1 unBoolToBoolToBoolE `addWeight` 2 -- | This listable instance only produces Ill typed expressions instance Listable Ill where tiers = mapT Ill $ cons2 (\(IntE ef) (IntE ex) -> ef :$ ex) `ofWeight` 0 \/ cons2 (\(IntToIntE ef) (IntToIntE ex) -> ef :$ ex) \/ cons2 (\(Ill ef) ex -> ef :$ ex) \/ cons2 (\ef (Ill ex)-> ef :$ ex) instance ShowFunction Expr where bindtiers = bindtiersShow