-- Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Rudy Matela -- Distributed under the 3-Clause BSD licence (see the file LICENSE). {-# Language DeriveDataTypeable, StandaloneDeriving #-} -- for GHC < 7.10 import Test import Data.Dynamic -- An Unit type that is not an Eq instance data Unit = Unit deriving Show deriving instance Typeable Unit -- for GHC < 7.10 instance Listable Unit where list = [Unit] instance Name Unit where name _ = "u" instance Conjurable Unit where conjureExpress = reifyExpress conjureTiers = reifyTiers instance Express Unit where expr = val main :: IO () main = mainTest tests 5040 tests :: Int -> [Bool] tests n = [ True , conjureApplication "not" not == not' pp , conjureApplication "not q" not == not' qq , conjureApplication "negate" (negate :: Int -> Int) == negate' xx , conjureApplication "negate i" (negate :: Int -> Int) == negate' ii , conjureApplication "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) == xx -+- yy , conjureApplication "+ i j" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) == ii -+- jj , holds n $ \x y -> (x <==> y) == (x == (y :: ())) , holds n $ \x y -> (x <==> y) == (x == (y :: Int)) , holds n $ \p q -> (p <==> q) == (p == (q :: Bool)) , conjureEquality Unit == Nothing , holds n $ \xs ys -> (xs <==> ys) == (xs == (ys :: [Int])) , holds n $ \s1 s2 -> (s1 <==> s2) == (s1 == (s2 :: String)) , conjureEquality [Unit] == Nothing , holds n $ \xy zw -> (xy <==> zw) == (xy == (zw :: (Int,Int))) , holds n $ \xy zw -> (xy <==> zw) == (xy == (zw :: (Bool,Integer))) , holds n $ \xy zw -> (xy <==> zw) == (xy == (zw :: (String,[Int]))) , conjureEquality (undefined :: (Int,Unit)) == Nothing , conjureEquality (undefined :: (Unit,Int)) == Nothing , holds n $ \xyz wvu -> (xyz <==> wvu) == (xyz == (wvu :: (Int,Int,Int))) , holds n $ \xyz wvu -> (xyz <==> wvu) == (xyz == (wvu :: (Bool,Bool,Bool))) , holds n $ \xyz wvu -> (xyz <==> wvu) == (xyz == (wvu :: (Int,Bool,()))) , holds n $ \xyz wvu -> (xyz <==> wvu) == (xyz == (wvu :: (Bool,String,[Integer]))) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Unit,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Unit,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Unit)) , holds n $ \mx my -> (mx <==> my) == (mx == (my :: Maybe ())) , holds n $ \mx my -> (mx <==> my) == (mx == (my :: Maybe Bool)) , holds n $ \mx my -> (mx <==> my) == (mx == (my :: Maybe Int)) , holds n $ \mx my -> (mx <==> my) == (mx == (my :: Maybe [Maybe Int])) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: Maybe Unit) , holds n $ \ex ey -> (ex <==> ey) == (ex == (ey :: Either () ())) , holds n $ \ex ey -> (ex <==> ey) == (ex == (ey :: Either Bool Bool)) , holds n $ \ex ey -> (ex <==> ey) == (ex == (ey :: Either Int Int)) , holds n $ \ex ey -> (ex <==> ey) == (ex == (ey :: Either Int Bool)) , holds n $ \ex ey -> (ex <==> ey) == (ex == (ey :: Either Bool Int)) , holds n $ \ex ey -> (ex <==> ey) == (ex == (ey :: Either [Int] String)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: Either Unit Bool) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: Either Bool Unit) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: Either Unit Unit) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Int,Int,Int,Int))) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool))) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Int,Bool,(),Char))) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Bool,String,[Integer],Bool))) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Unit,Bool,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Unit,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Unit,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Unit,Unit)) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int))) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool))) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Int,Bool,(),Char,String))) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Bool,String,[Integer],Bool,String))) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Unit,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Unit,Bool,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Unit,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Bool,Unit,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Unit)) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int))) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool))) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Int,Bool,(),Char,String,Bool))) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Bool,String,[Integer],Bool,String,Int))) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Unit,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Unit,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Unit,Bool,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Bool,Unit,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Unit,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Unit)) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int))) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool))) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Int,Bool,(),Char,String,Bool,Int))) , holds n $ \t1 t2 -> (t1 <==> t2) == (t1 == (t2 :: (Bool,String,[Integer],Bool,String,Int,[Integer]))) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Unit,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Unit,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Unit,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Bool,Unit,Bool,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Unit,Bool,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Unit,Bool)) , isNothing $ conjureEquality (undefined :: (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Unit)) , conjureArgumentHoles (undefined :: Bool -> Int -> Bool -> ()) == [b_, i_, b_] , length (conjureCases (undefined :: ())) == 1 , length (conjureCases (undefined :: Bool)) == 2 , length (conjureCases (undefined :: Int)) == 0 , length (conjureCases (undefined :: Integer)) == 0 , length (conjureCases (undefined :: [Int])) == 2 , length (conjureCases (undefined :: [Bool])) == 2 , conjureCases (undefined :: Bool) == [false, true] , conjureCases (undefined :: Int) == [] , conjureCases (undefined :: [Int]) == [nil, i_ -:- is_] , conjureCases (undefined :: [Bool]) == [nilBool, b_ -:- bs_] , conjureCases (undefined :: Maybe Int) == [nothing, just i_] , map length (conjureArgumentCases (undefined :: () -> Bool -> Int -> [Int] -> [Bool] -> ())) == [1, 2, 0, 2, 2] , conjurePats [zero, one] "f" (undefined :: Int -> Int) == [ [ [ ff xx ] ] , [ [ ff zero , ff xx ] ] , [ [ ff one , ff xx ] ] , [ [ ff zero , ff one , ff xx ] ] ] , conjurePats [] "f" (undefined :: [Int] -> Int) == [ [ [ ffs xxs ] ] , [ [ ffs nilInt , ffs (xx -:- xxs) ] ] ] , take 3 (conjurePats [zero, one] "?" (undefined :: Int -> Int -> Int)) == [ [ [ xx -?- yy ] ] , [ [ xx -?- zero , xx -?- yy ] , [ zero -?- xx , xx -?- yy ] ] , [ [ xx -?- one , xx -?- yy ] , [ zero -?- xx , xx -?- zero , xx -?- yy ] , [ zero -?- zero , zero -?- xx , xx -?- yy ] , [ one -?- xx , xx -?- yy ] ] ] , mapT length (conjurePats [zero, one] "foo" (undefined :: [Int] -> Int -> Int)) == [[1],[2,2],[2,3,3],[3,3,4,3],[4,4,4,4],[5,4,5],[5,5],[6]] , mapT length (conjurePats [zero, one] "foo" (undefined :: Int -> [Int] -> Int)) == [[1],[2,2],[3,3,2],[4,3,3,3],[4,4,4,4],[5,5,5],[6]] , conjurePats [] "foo" (undefined :: [Int] -> [Char] -> Int) == [ [ [ ffoo xxs ccs ] ] , [ [ ffoo xxs emptyString , ffoo xxs (cc -:- ccs) ] , [ ffoo nilInt ccs , ffoo (xx -:- xxs) ccs ] ] , [ [ ffoo nilInt ccs , ffoo (xx -:- xxs) emptyString , ffoo (xx -:- xxs) (cc -:- ccs) ] , [ ffoo nilInt emptyString , ffoo nilInt (cc -:- ccs) , ffoo (xx -:- xxs) ccs ] ] , [ [ ffoo nilInt emptyString , ffoo nilInt (cc -:- ccs) , ffoo (xx -:- xxs) emptyString , ffoo (xx -:- xxs) (cc -:- ccs) ] ] ] , fromDynamic (conjureDynamicEq ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) `dynApp` toDyn (1::Int) `dynApp` toDyn (2::Int)) == Just False , fromDynamic (conjureDynamicEq ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) `dynApp` toDyn (1::Int) `dynApp` toDyn (1::Int)) == Just True , isNumeric one , isNumeric (val (1 :: Integer)) , isNumeric bee == False , isNumeric (expr [0::Int]) == False , isNumeric true == False -- the following conjurableOK calls take 5 seconds to compile! , conjurableOK (undefined :: ()) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Bool) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Int) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Char) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Integer) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Ordering) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Float) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Double) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Rational) , conjurableOK (undefined :: A) , conjurableOK (undefined :: B) , conjurableOK (undefined :: C) , conjurableOK (undefined :: D) , conjurableOK (undefined :: E) , conjurableOK (undefined :: F) , conjurableOK (undefined :: [()]) , conjurableOK (undefined :: [Bool]) , conjurableOK (undefined :: [Int]) , conjurableOK (undefined :: String) , conjurableOK (undefined :: ((),())) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Bool,Bool)) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Int,Int)) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Char,String)) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Bool,[Int])) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Int,Int,Int)) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Bool,Int,Char)) , conjurableOK (undefined :: ([Int],[Bool],String)) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Maybe ()) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Maybe Bool) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Maybe Int) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Maybe Char) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Maybe String) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Either () ()) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Either Bool Bool) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Either Int Int) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Either String Int) , conjurableOK (undefined :: Either String Char) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Int,Int,Int,Int)) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)) , conjurableOK (undefined :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)) -- little sanity check (conjurableOK should catch it anyway) , take 6 (conjureListFor (undefined :: Int) i_) == [zero, one, minusOne, two, minusTwo, three] , conjureTestDefn 6 12 "factorial n" fact == [ (value "factorial" fact :$ one, one) , (value "factorial" fact :$ two, two) , (value "factorial" fact :$ three, six) , (value "factorial" fact :$ four, val (24 :: Int)) ] , conjureTestDefn 4 6 "sum" (sum :: [Int] -> Int) == [ (sum' nil, zero) , (sum' (val [0 :: Int]), zero) , (sum' (val [0, 0 :: Int]), zero) , (sum' (val [1 :: Int]), one) ] , conjureTestDefn 3 4 ":" ((:) :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) == [ (zero -:- nil, zero -:- nil) , (zero -:- val [0::Int], zero -:- zero -:- nil) , (one -:- nil, one -:- nil) ] ] isNumeric :: Expr -> Bool isNumeric = conjureIsNumeric (undefined :: [Int] -> [Char] -> [Bool] -> [Integer]) ffs :: Expr -> Expr ffs e = ffE :$ e where ffE = var "f" (undefined :: [Int] -> Int) ffoo :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr ffoo ex ey = headOr err . mapMaybe ($$ ey) . mapMaybe ($$ ex) $ [ var "foo" (undefined :: [Int] -> [Char] -> Int) , var "foo" (undefined :: Int -> [Int] -> Int) , var "foo" (undefined :: [Int] -> Int -> Int) ] where err = error $ "ffoo: cannot apply `foo :: * -> * -> *` to `" ++ show ex ++ "' and `" ++ show ey ++ "'. Unhandled types?" -- Equality but obtained through conjurable (<==>) :: Conjurable a => a -> a -> Bool x <==> y = x == y where (==) = eval err . fromMaybe err $ conjureEquality x err = error "<==>: could not conjure" infix 4 <==> -- to be used in the test of conjureTestBinds and related functions fact :: Int -> Int fact 1 = 1 fact 2 = 2 fact 3 = 6 fact 4 = 24