-- Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Rudy Matela -- Distributed under the 3-Clause BSD licence (see the file LICENSE). import Test import Conjure.Defn import Conjure.Defn.Redundancy import Test.LeanCheck.Error (errorToLeft) import Test.LeanCheck.Function () import Data.Express.Fixtures main :: IO () main = mainTest tests 5040 tests :: Int -> [Bool] tests n = [ True , dvl sumDefn (sumV :$ val [1,2,3,11::Int]) == (17 :: Int) , dvl sumDefn (sumV :$ val [1,2,3::Int]) == ( 6 :: Int) , dvl sumDefn (sumV :$ val [1,2,3,4::Int]) == (10 :: Int) , dvl andDefn (andV :$ val [False,False]) == False , dvl andDefn (andV :$ val [False,True]) == False , dvl andDefn (andV :$ val [True,True]) == True , dvl andDefn (andV :$ val [True,False,True]) == False , dvl orDefn (orV :$ val [False,False]) == False , dvl orDefn (orV :$ val [False,True]) == True , dvl orDefn (orV :$ val [True,True]) == True , dvl orDefn (orV :$ val [True,False,True]) == True , dvl and1Defn (andV :$ val [False,False]) == False , dvl and1Defn (andV :$ val [False,True]) == False , dvl and1Defn (andV :$ val [True,True]) == True , dvl and1Defn (andV :$ val [True,False,True]) == False , dvl or1Defn (orV :$ val [False,False]) == False , dvl or1Defn (orV :$ val [False,True]) == True , dvl or1Defn (orV :$ val [True,True]) == True , dvl or1Defn (orV :$ val [True,False,True]) == True , dvl factDefn (factV :$ val (0 :: Int)) == (1 :: Int) , dvl factDefn (factV :$ val (1 :: Int)) == (1 :: Int) , dvl factDefn (factV :$ val (2 :: Int)) == (2 :: Int) , dvl factDefn (factV :$ val (3 :: Int)) == (6 :: Int) , dvl factDefn (factV :$ val (4 :: Int)) == (24 :: Int) , dvl factDefn (factV :$ val (9 :: Int)) == (362880 :: Int) , errorToLeft (dvl factDefn (factV :$ val (10 :: Int))) == Right (3628800 :: Int) , errorToLeft (dvl factDefn (factV :$ val (11 :: Int)) == (39916800 :: Int)) == Left "Conjure.Defn.toDynamicWithDefn: recursion limit reached" , dvl fact1Defn (factV :$ val (0 :: Int)) == (1 :: Int) , dvl fact1Defn (factV :$ val (1 :: Int)) == (1 :: Int) , dvl fact1Defn (factV :$ val (2 :: Int)) == (2 :: Int) , dvl fact1Defn (factV :$ val (3 :: Int)) == (6 :: Int) , dvl fact1Defn (factV :$ val (4 :: Int)) == (24 :: Int) , dvl fact1Defn (factV :$ val (9 :: Int)) == (362880 :: Int) , errorToLeft (dvl fact1Defn (factV :$ val (10 :: Int))) == Right (3628800 :: Int) , errorToLeft (dvl fact1Defn (factV :$ val (11 :: Int)) == (39916800 :: Int)) == Left "Conjure.Defn.toDynamicWithDefn: recursion limit reached" , dvl isZeroDefn (isZeroV :$ val (0 :: Int)) == True , dvl isZeroDefn (isZeroV :$ val (1 :: Int)) == False , dvl isOneDefn (isOneV :$ val (0 :: Int)) == False , dvl isOneDefn (isOneV :$ val (1 :: Int)) == True , dvl nullDefn (nullV :$ val [0,1,2,3::Int]) == False , dvl nullDefn (nullV :$ val ([] :: [Int])) == True , holds n $ cevl 60 sumDefn === (sum :: [Int] -> Int) , holds n $ cevl 60 andDefn === (and :: [Bool] -> Bool) , holds n $ cevl 60 orDefn === (or :: [Bool] -> Bool) , holds n $ cevl 60 isZeroDefn === ((==0) :: Int -> Bool) , holds n $ cevl 60 isOneDefn === ((==1) :: Int -> Bool) , holds n $ cevl 60 nullDefn === (null :: [Int] -> Bool) , holds n $ cevl 60 appendDefn ==== ((++) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]) , holds n $ cevl 60 idDefn === (id :: Int -> Int) , holds n $ cevl 60 constDefn ==== (const :: Int -> Int -> Int) , holds n $ cevl 60 appDefn ==== (($) :: (Int->Int) -> Int -> Int) , holds n $ \f g x -> cevl 60 composeDefn f g x == ((.) :: (Int->Int) -> (Int->Int) -> Int->Int) f g x -- evaluating at the incorrect types should return Nothing , isNothing (cevaluate 60 sumDefn :: Maybe ([Bool] -> Bool)) , isNothing (cevaluate 60 andDefn :: Maybe ([Int] -> Int)) , isNothing (cevaluate 60 nullDefn :: Maybe ([Int] -> Int)) , noUnbound (xx -:- xxs, xxs) , hasUnbound (xx -:- xxs, yys) , isDefined sumDefn , isDefined andDefn , isDefined nullDefn , isDefined [(nil, nil), (xx -:- xxs, xxs)] , isUndefined [(nil, xxs), (xx -:- xxs, yys)] , isRedundantDefn sumDefn == False , isRedundantDefn factDefn == False , isRedundantDefn fact1Defn == False , isRedundantDefn nullDefn == False , isRedundantDefn isZeroDefn == False , isRedundantDefn isOneDefn == False , isRedundantDefn andDefn == False , isRedundantDefn orDefn == False , isRedundantDefn and1Defn == False , isRedundantDefn or1Defn == False , isRedundantDefn appendDefn == False , isRedundantDefn const0Defn == False , isRedundantDefn const0RedundantDefn , isRedundantDefn constDefn == False , isRedundantDefn constRedundantDefn , isRedundantDefn constRedundantRedundantDefn , isRedundantDefn redundantDefn1 , isRedundantDefn canonicalDefn1 == False , isRedundantDefn redundantDefn2 , isRedundantDefn constBoolRedundantDefn , isRedundantDefn idListRedundantDefn == False -- NOTE: ^ ByIntroduction is not an active check -- as it does not pay-off in terms of performance , isRedundantBySubsumption constRedundantDefn , isRedundantByRepetition constRedundantDefn == False , isRedundantByIntroduction constRedundantDefn , isRedundantBySubsumption constBoolRedundantDefn == False , isRedundantByRepetition constBoolRedundantDefn , isRedundantByIntroduction constBoolRedundantDefn , isRedundantBySubsumption idListRedundantDefn == False , isRedundantByRepetition idListRedundantDefn == False , isRedundantByIntroduction idListRedundantDefn , isRedundantBySubsumption constNilRedundantDefn == False , isRedundantByRepetition constNilRedundantDefn , isRedundantByIntroduction constNilRedundantDefn , isRedundantBySubsumption constFalseRedundantDefn == False , isRedundantByRepetition constFalseRedundantDefn , isRedundantByIntroduction constFalseRedundantDefn == True , canonicalizeBndn (introduceVariableAt 2 (const' xxs (yy -:- yys), (yy -:- yys) -++- (yy -:- yys))) == (const' xxs yys, yys -++- yys) , canonicalizeBndnLast 1 (introduceVariableAt 2 (const' xxs (yy -:- yys), (yy -:- yys) -++- (yy -:- yys))) == (const' zzs yys, yys -++- yys) , canonicalizeBndnLast 2 (introduceVariableAt 2 (const' xxs (yy -:- yys), (yy -:- yys) -++- (yy -:- yys))) == (const' xxs zzs, zzs -++- zzs) , isBaseCase (ff (xx -:- nil), xx) , not $ isBaseCase (ff (xx -:- xxs), ff xxs) , isRecursiveCase (ff (xx -:- xxs), ff xxs) , not $ isRecursiveCase (ff (xx -:- nil), xx) , subsumedWith (// [(zero -+- zero, zero)]) (ff zero, zero) (ff xx, xx -+- xx) == True , subsumedWith (// [(zero -+- zero, zero)]) (ff zero, zero) (ff xx, xx -+- zero) == True , subsumedWith (// [(zero -+- zero, zero)]) (ff zero, zero) (ff xx, xx -+- one) == False , subsumedWith (// [(zero -+- zero, zero)]) (zero -?- xx, zero) (xx -?- yy, xx -+- xx) == True , subsumedWith (// [(zero -+- zero, zero)]) (zero -?- xx, zero) (xx -?- yy, xx -+- zero) == True , subsumedWith (// [(zero -+- zero, zero)]) (zero -?- xx, zero) (xx -?- yy, xx -+- one) == False , subsumedWith (// [(zero -+- zero, zero)]) (zero -?- xx, zero) (xx -?- yy, xx -+- yy) == False , isRedundantModuloRewriting (// [(zero -+- zero, zero)]) [(ff zero, zero),(ff xx, xx -+- xx)] == True , isRedundantModuloRewriting (// [(zero -+- zero, zero)]) [(ff zero, zero),(ff xx, xx -+- zero)] == True , isRedundantModuloRewriting (// [(zero -+- zero, zero)]) [(ff zero, zero),(ff xx, xx -+- one)] == False , isRedundantModuloRewriting (// [(zero -+- zero, zero)]) [(zero -?- xx, zero),(xx -?- yy, xx -+- xx)] == True , isRedundantModuloRewriting (// [(zero -+- zero, zero)]) [(zero -?- xx, zero),(xx -?- yy, xx -+- zero)] == True , isRedundantModuloRewriting (// [(zero -+- zero, zero)]) [(zero -?- xx, zero),(xx -?- yy, xx -+- one)] == False , isRedundantModuloRewriting (// [(zero -+- zero, zero)]) [(zero -?- xx, zero),(xx -?- yy, xx -+- yy)] == False , isRedundantModuloRewriting (// [(xx -+- zero, xx)]) [ (zero -?- xx, xx) , (xx -?- zero, xx) , (xx -?- yy, xx -+- xx) ] == False , subsumedWith (// [(xx -+- zero, xx)]) (xx -?- zero, xx) (xx -?- yy, xx -+- yy) == True , isRedundantModuloRewriting (// [(xx -+- zero, xx)]) [ (zero -?- xx, xx) , (xx -?- zero, xx) , (xx -?- yy, xx -+- yy) ] == True , showDefn factDefn == "fact 0 = 1\n" ++ "fact x = x * fact (x - 1)\n" , showDefn fact1Defn == "fact x = if x == 0\n" ++ " then 1\n" ++ " else x * fact (x - 1)\n" , showDefn factCDefn == "fact x = case x == 0 of\n" ++ " False -> x * fact (x - 1)\n" ++ " True -> 1\n" , showDefn sumDefn == "sum [] = 0\n" ++ "sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs\n" , showDefn appendDefn == "[] ++ xs = xs\n" ++ "(x:xs) ++ ys = x:(xs ++ ys)\n" , showDefn isZeroCDefn == "isZero x = case compare x 0 of\n" ++ " LT -> False\n" ++ " EQ -> True\n" ++ " GT -> False\n" ] dvl :: Typeable a => Defn -> Expr -> a dvl = devl exprExpr 11 factV, sumV, andV, orV, isZeroV, isOneV, nullV, appendV :: Expr factV = var "fact" (undefined :: Int -> Int) sumV = var "sum" (undefined :: [Int] -> Int) andV = var "and" (undefined :: [Bool] -> Bool) orV = var "or" (undefined :: [Bool] -> Bool) isZeroV = var "isZero" (undefined :: Int -> Bool) isOneV = var "isOne" (undefined :: Int -> Bool) nullV = var "null" (undefined :: [Int] -> Bool) appendV = var "++" (undefined :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]) -- NOTE: a hack for testing needs all types that are Express as arguments of -- undefined. exprExpr :: Expr -> Expr exprExpr = conjureExpress (undefined :: Bool -> [Bool] -> Int -> [Int] -> ()) sumDefn :: Defn sumDefn = [ sum' nil =- zero , sum' (xx -:- xxs) =- xx -+- (sumV :$ xxs) ] where sum' e = sumV :$ e factDefn :: Defn factDefn = [ fact' zero =- one , fact' xx =- xx -*- (factV :$ (minus :$ xx :$ one)) ] where fact' e = factV :$ e fact1Defn :: Defn fact1Defn = [ fact' xx =- if' (xx -==- zero) one (xx -*- (factV :$ (minus :$ xx :$ one))) ] where fact' e = factV :$ e factCDefn :: Defn factCDefn = [ fact' xx =- caseBool (xx -==- zero) (xx -*- (factV :$ (minus :$ xx :$ one))) one ] where fact' e = factV :$ e nullDefn :: Defn nullDefn = [ null' nil =- true , null' (xx -:- xxs) =- false ] where null' e = nullV :$ e isZeroDefn :: Defn isZeroDefn = [ isZero' zero =- true , isZero' xx =- false ] where isZero' e = isZeroV :$ e isZeroCDefn :: Defn isZeroCDefn = [ isZero' xx =- caseOrdering (xx `compare'` zero) false true false ] where isZero' e = isZeroV :$ e isOneDefn :: Defn isOneDefn = [ isOne' xx =- xx -==- one ] where isOne' e = isOneV :$ e andDefn :: Defn andDefn = [ and' nilBool =- true , and' (pp -:- pps) =- pp -&&- (andV :$ pps) ] where and' e = andV :$ e orDefn :: Defn orDefn = [ or' nilBool =- false , or' (pp -:- pps) =- pp -||- (orV :$ pps) ] where or' e = orV :$ e and1Defn :: Defn and1Defn = [ and' pps =- null' pps -||- head' pps -&&- and' (tail' pps) ] where and' e = andV :$ e or1Defn :: Defn or1Defn = [ or' pps =- not' (null' pps) -&&- (head' pps -||- or' (tail' pps)) ] where or' e = orV :$ e appendDefn :: Defn appendDefn = [ nil -++- xxs =- xxs , (xx -:- xxs) -++- yys =- xx -:- (xxs -++- yys) ] where exs -++- eys = appendV :$ exs :$ eys const0Defn :: Defn const0Defn = [ xx =- zero ] const0RedundantDefn :: Defn const0RedundantDefn = [ zero =- zero , xx =- zero ] idDefn :: Defn idDefn = [ id' xx =- xx ] constDefn :: Defn constDefn = [ const' xx yy =- xx ] appDefn :: Defn appDefn = [ ffE -$- xx =- ff xx ] composeDefn :: Defn composeDefn = [ (ffE -.- ggE) :$ xx =- ff (gg xx) ] constRedundantDefn :: Defn constRedundantDefn = [ const' zero xx =- zero , const' xx yy =- xx ] constRedundantRedundantDefn :: Defn constRedundantRedundantDefn = [ const' zero zero =- zero , const' zero xx =- zero , const' xx zero =- xx , const' xx yy =- xx ] constBoolRedundantDefn :: Defn constBoolRedundantDefn = [ const' false false =- false , const' false true =- false , const' true false =- true , const' true true =- true ] idListRedundantDefn :: Defn idListRedundantDefn = [ id' nil =- nil , id' (xx -:- xxs) =- xx -:- xxs ] constNilRedundantDefn :: Defn constNilRedundantDefn = [ id' nil =- nil , id' (xx -:- xxs) =- nil ] constFalseRedundantDefn :: Defn constFalseRedundantDefn = [ id' nil =- false , id' (xx -:- xxs) =- false ] -- Here is an example of a redundant 'Defn': -- -- > 0 ? 0 = 1 -- > 0 ? x = 1 -- > x ? 0 = x -- > x ? y = x redundantDefn1 :: Defn redundantDefn1 = [ zero -?- zero =- one , zero -?- xx =- one , xx -?- zero =- xx , xx -?- yy =- xx ] -- The above is redundant because it is equivalent to: -- -- > 0 ? _ = 1 -- > x ? _ = x canonicalDefn1 :: Defn canonicalDefn1 = [ zero -?- xx =- one , xx -?- yy =- xx ] -- same as redundantDefn1 but with arguments swapped -- (mind the alpha-renaming) redundantDefn2 :: Defn redundantDefn2 = [ zero -?- zero =- one , zero -?- xx =- xx , xx -?- zero =- one , xx -?- yy =- yy ] (=-) :: a -> b -> (a, b) (=-) = (,) infixr 0 =-