Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
- n :: a -> Tree a
- makeScene :: ID -> [SceneNode] -> Tree SceneNode
- animatedCube :: (Scene, [Animation])
- aScene :: Scene
- lightedGeometry :: [Geometry] -> Scene
- lightedSceneNode :: SceneNode -> Scene
- lightedScene :: Scene -> Scene
- cameraAndLight :: [SceneNode]
- rot :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Transform
- tranrot :: [([Char], Transform)]
- aCamera :: SceneNode
- pointLight :: ID -> Float -> Float -> Float -> SceneNode
- ambientLight :: SceneNode
- aCube :: SceneNode
- obj :: String -> [Geometry] -> V3 -> SceneNode
- animation :: [Animation]
- anim_channel :: AnimChannel
- fl :: [a] -> Vector a
- cube :: Geometry
- blue :: ([Char], Profile)
- diffuse :: V4 -> [Char] -> (a, Profile) -> ([Char], Profile)
- replaceDiff :: V4 -> Fx_common_color_type -> Fx_common_color_type
- ambient :: V4 -> [Char] -> (a, Profile) -> ([Char], Profile)
- replaceAmb :: V4 -> Fx_common_color_type -> Fx_common_color_type
- getDiffuseColor :: Fx_common_color_type -> Maybe V4
- getAmbientColor :: Fx_common_color_type -> Maybe V4
- logo :: ([Char], Profile)
- tex :: Texture
- polys :: Vector V3 -> Vector V3 -> Vector (Vector Int) -> Vector (Vector Int) -> [Geometry]
- lines :: Vector V3 -> Vector V3 -> Vector (Vector Int) -> Vector (Vector Int) -> [Geometry]
- trifans :: Vector V3 -> Vector V3 -> Vector (Vector Int) -> Vector (Vector Int) -> [Geometry]
- tristrips :: Vector V3 -> Vector V3 -> Vector (Vector Int) -> Vector (Vector Int) -> [Geometry]
- ge :: Geometry -> SceneNode
- animatedCubes :: (Scene, [Animation])
- animatedCubes2 :: [(Scene, [Animation])]
- scene2 :: Scene
- animation2 :: [Animation]
- emptyAnimation :: [[Animation]]
- emptyAnim :: [Animation]
- new_channels :: AnimChannel -> [SceneNode] -> AnimChannel
- obj_name :: SceneNode -> ID
- tran :: SceneNode -> V3 -> String -> SceneNode
- test_objs :: [SceneNode]
- xyz_grid :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Float -> SceneNode -> [SceneNode]
- enum_obj :: Show a => SceneNode -> [a] -> [[Char]]
- x_line :: (Eq t1, Num t1) => t1 -> (t2 -> t2) -> t2 -> [t2]
- positions :: [(Float, Float, Float)]
- en :: [(Float, Float, Float)]
- base_objects :: [SceneNode]
- rename :: SceneNode -> String -> SceneNode
- getName :: SceneNode -> ID
- get_name :: Geometry -> ID
- animatedStream :: (Scene, [Animation])
- streamScene :: [SceneNode] -> Scene
- streamAnimation :: [(Float, Float, Float)] -> [SceneNode] -> [Animation]
- tr_channel :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> [Float] -> AccessorType -> ([Char], AnimChannel)
animatedCube :: (Scene, [Animation]) Source #
An animated cube
lightedGeometry :: [Geometry] -> Scene Source #
lightedSceneNode :: SceneNode -> Scene Source #
lightedScene :: Scene -> Scene Source #
cameraAndLight :: [SceneNode] Source #
Every scene needs a camera and light
polys :: Vector V3 -> Vector V3 -> Vector (Vector Int) -> Vector (Vector Int) -> [Geometry] Source #
lines :: Vector V3 -> Vector V3 -> Vector (Vector Int) -> Vector (Vector Int) -> [Geometry] Source #
trifans :: Vector V3 -> Vector V3 -> Vector (Vector Int) -> Vector (Vector Int) -> [Geometry] Source #
tristrips :: Vector V3 -> Vector V3 -> Vector (Vector Int) -> Vector (Vector Int) -> [Geometry] Source #
animatedCubes :: (Scene, [Animation]) Source #
animatedCubes2 :: [(Scene, [Animation])] Source #
animation2 :: [Animation] Source #
Animation of several cubes
emptyAnimation :: [[Animation]] Source #
new_channels :: AnimChannel -> [SceneNode] -> AnimChannel Source #
generate an animation that points to the cubes
xyz_grid :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Float -> SceneNode -> [SceneNode] Source #
Generate a 3 dimensional grid where an object (stored in a SceneNode) is repeated in along the grid
base_objects :: [SceneNode] Source #
animatedStream :: (Scene, [Animation]) Source #
streamScene :: [SceneNode] -> Scene Source #
tr_channel :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> [Float] -> AccessorType -> ([Char], AnimChannel) Source #