collada-types-0.4: Data exchange between graphics applications

Safe HaskellNone




n :: a -> Tree a Source #

animatedCube :: (Scene, [Animation]) Source #

An animated cube

aScene :: Scene Source #

Example scene with a cube

cameraAndLight :: [SceneNode] Source #

Every scene needs a camera and light

animation :: [Animation] Source #

Example animation of the cube

fl :: [a] -> Vector a Source #

cube :: Geometry Source #

A blue/textured cube

diffuse :: V4 -> [Char] -> (a, Profile) -> ([Char], Profile) Source #

ambient :: V4 -> [Char] -> (a, Profile) -> ([Char], Profile) Source #

animation2 :: [Animation] Source #

Animation of several cubes

new_channels :: AnimChannel -> [SceneNode] -> AnimChannel Source #

generate an animation that points to the cubes

tran :: SceneNode -> V3 -> String -> SceneNode Source #

a helper function for xyz_grid

xyz_grid :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Float -> SceneNode -> [SceneNode] Source #

Generate a 3 dimensional grid where an object (stored in a SceneNode) is repeated in along the grid

enum_obj :: Show a => SceneNode -> [a] -> [[Char]] Source #

x_line :: (Eq t1, Num t1) => t1 -> (t2 -> t2) -> t2 -> [t2] Source #

tr_channel :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> [Float] -> AccessorType -> ([Char], AnimChannel) Source #