{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}

-- | Most users of this library do not need this module. The functions
--   here are used to build functions that apply a 'Colonnade'
--   to a collection of values, building a table from them. Ultimately, 
--   a function that applies a @Colonnade Headed MyCell a@ 
--   to data will have roughly the following type:
-- > myTableRenderer :: Foldable g => Colonnade Headed MyCell a -> g a -> MyContent
--   In the companion packages @yesod-colonnade@ and
--   @reflex-dom-colonnade@, functions with
--   similar type signatures are readily available.
--   These packages use the functions provided here
--   in the implementations of their rendering functions.
--   It is recommended that users who believe they may need
--   this module look at the source of the companion packages 
--   to see an example of how this module\'s functions are used.
--   Other backends are encouraged to use these functions
--   to build monadic or monoidal content from a 'Colonnade'.
--   The functions exported here take a 'Colonnade' and 
--   convert it to a fragment of content. The functions whose
--   names start with @row@ take at least a @Colonnade f c a@ and an @a@
--   value to generate a row of content. The functions whose names
--   start with @header@ need the @Colonnade f c a@ but not
--   an @a@ value since a value is not needed to build a header.
module Colonnade.Encode
  ( -- * Colonnade
    -- ** Types
  , OneColonnade(..)
  , Headed(..)
  , Headless(..)
  , Sized(..)
  , ExtractForall(..)
    -- ** Typeclasses
  , Headedness(..)
    -- ** Row
  , row
  , rowMonadic
  , rowMonadic_
  , rowMonadicWith
  , rowMonoidal
  , rowMonoidalHeader
    -- ** Header
  , header
  , headerMonadic
  , headerMonadic_
  , headerMonadicGeneral
  , headerMonadicGeneral_
  , headerMonoidalGeneral
  , headerMonoidalFull
    -- ** Other
  , bothMonadic_
  , sizeColumns
    -- * Cornice
    -- ** Types
  , Cornice(..)
  , AnnotatedCornice(..)
  , OneCornice(..)
  , Pillar(..)
  , ToEmptyCornice(..)
  , Fascia(..)
    -- ** Encoding
  , annotate
  , annotateFinely
  , size
  , endow
  , discard
  , headersMonoidal
  , uncapAnnotated
  ) where

import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Monad.ST (ST,runST)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Functor.Contravariant (Contravariant(..))
import Data.Profunctor (Profunctor(..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MVU
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as GV

-- | Consider providing a variant the produces a list
-- instead. It may allow more things to get inlined
-- in to a loop.
row :: (c1 -> c2) -> Colonnade f a c1 -> a -> Vector c2
row g (Colonnade v) a = flip Vector.map v $
  \(OneColonnade _ encode) -> g (encode a)

bothMonadic_ :: Monad m
  => Colonnade Headed a c
  -> (c -> c -> m b)
  -> a
  -> m ()
bothMonadic_ (Colonnade v) g a =
  forM_ v $ \(OneColonnade (Headed h) encode) -> g h (encode a)

rowMonadic :: 
  (Monad m, Monoid b)
  => Colonnade f a c
  -> (c -> m b)
  -> a
  -> m b
rowMonadic (Colonnade v) g a =
  flip foldlMapM v
  $ \e -> g (oneColonnadeEncode e a)

rowMonadic_ :: 
     Monad m
  => Colonnade f a c
  -> (c -> m b)
  -> a
  -> m ()
rowMonadic_ (Colonnade v) g a =
  forM_ v $ \e -> g (oneColonnadeEncode e a)

rowMonoidal ::
     Monoid m
  => Colonnade h a c
  -> (c -> m)
  -> a
  -> m
rowMonoidal (Colonnade v) g a =
  foldMap (\(OneColonnade _ encode) -> g (encode a)) v

rowMonoidalHeader ::
     Monoid m
  => Colonnade h a c
  -> (h c -> c -> m)
  -> a
  -> m
rowMonoidalHeader (Colonnade v) g a =
  foldMap (\(OneColonnade h encode) -> g h (encode a)) v

rowUpdateSize ::
     (c -> Int) -- ^ Get size from content
  -> MutableSizedColonnade s h a c
  -> a
  -> ST s ()
rowUpdateSize toSize (MutableSizedColonnade v mv) a = if MVU.length mv /= V.length v
  then error "rowMonoidalSize: vector sizes mismatched"
  else V.imapM_ (\ix (OneColonnade _ encode) ->
      MVU.modify mv (\oldSize -> max oldSize (toSize (encode a))) ix
    ) v

headerUpdateSize :: Foldable h
  => (c -> Int) -- ^ Get size from content
  -> MutableSizedColonnade s h a c
  -> ST s ()
headerUpdateSize toSize (MutableSizedColonnade v mv) = if MVU.length mv /= V.length v
  then error "rowMonoidalSize: vector sizes mismatched"
  else V.imapM_ (\ix (OneColonnade h _) -> 
      MVU.modify mv (\oldSize -> max oldSize (foldl' (\sz c -> max sz (toSize c)) 0 h)) ix
    ) v

sizeColumns :: (Foldable f, Foldable h)
  => (c -> Int) -- ^ Get size from content
  -> f a
  -> Colonnade h a c
  -> Colonnade (Sized (Maybe Int) h) a c
sizeColumns toSize rows colonnade = runST $ do
  mcol <- newMutableSizedColonnade colonnade
  headerUpdateSize toSize mcol 
  mapM_ (rowUpdateSize toSize mcol) rows
  freezeMutableSizedColonnade mcol

newMutableSizedColonnade :: Colonnade h a c -> ST s (MutableSizedColonnade s h a c)
newMutableSizedColonnade (Colonnade v) = do
  mv <- MVU.replicate (V.length v) 0
  return (MutableSizedColonnade v mv)

freezeMutableSizedColonnade :: MutableSizedColonnade s h a c -> ST s (Colonnade (Sized (Maybe Int) h) a c)
freezeMutableSizedColonnade (MutableSizedColonnade v mv) =
  if MVU.length mv /= V.length v
    then error "rowMonoidalSize: vector sizes mismatched"
    else do
      sizeVec <- VU.freeze mv
      return $ Colonnade
        $ V.map (\(OneColonnade h enc,sz) -> OneColonnade (Sized (Just sz) h) enc)
        $ V.zip v (GV.convert sizeVec)

rowMonadicWith :: 
  (Monad m)
  => b
  -> (b -> b -> b)
  -> Colonnade f a c
  -> (c -> m b)
  -> a
  -> m b
rowMonadicWith bempty bappend (Colonnade v) g a =
  foldlM (\bl e -> do
    br <- g (oneColonnadeEncode e a)
    return (bappend bl br)
  ) bempty v

header :: (c1 -> c2) -> Colonnade Headed a c1 -> Vector c2
header g (Colonnade v) =
  Vector.map (g . getHeaded . oneColonnadeHead) v

-- | This function is a helper for abusing 'Foldable' to optionally
--   render a header. Its future is uncertain.
headerMonadicGeneral :: (Monad m, Monoid b, Foldable h)
  => Colonnade h a c
  -> (c -> m b)
  -> m b
headerMonadicGeneral (Colonnade v) g = id
  $ fmap (mconcat . Vector.toList)
  $ Vector.mapM (foldlMapM g . oneColonnadeHead) v

headerMonadic :: 
     (Monad m, Monoid b)
  => Colonnade Headed a c
  -> (c -> m b)
  -> m b
headerMonadic (Colonnade v) g =
  fmap (mconcat . Vector.toList) $ Vector.mapM (g . getHeaded . oneColonnadeHead) v

headerMonadicGeneral_ :: 
     (Monad m, Headedness h)
  => Colonnade h a c
  -> (c -> m b)
  -> m ()
headerMonadicGeneral_ (Colonnade v) g = case headednessExtract of
  Nothing -> return ()
  Just f -> Vector.mapM_ (g . f . oneColonnadeHead) v

headerMonoidalGeneral ::
     (Monoid m, Foldable h)
  => Colonnade h a c
  -> (c -> m)
  -> m
headerMonoidalGeneral (Colonnade v) g =
  foldMap (foldMap g . oneColonnadeHead) v

headerMonoidalFull ::
     Monoid m
  => Colonnade h a c
  -> (h c -> m)
  -> m
headerMonoidalFull (Colonnade v) g = foldMap (g . oneColonnadeHead) v

headerMonadic_ ::
     (Monad m)
  => Colonnade Headed a c
  -> (c -> m b)
  -> m ()
headerMonadic_ (Colonnade v) g = Vector.mapM_ (g . getHeaded . oneColonnadeHead) v

foldlMapM :: (Foldable t, Monoid b, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m b
foldlMapM f = foldlM (\b a -> fmap (mappend b) (f a)) mempty

discard :: Cornice h p a c -> Colonnade h a c
discard = go where
  go :: forall h p a c. Cornice h p a c -> Colonnade h a c
  go (CorniceBase c) = c
  go (CorniceCap children) = Colonnade (getColonnade . go . oneCorniceBody =<< children)

endow :: forall p a c. (c -> c -> c) -> Cornice Headed p a c -> Colonnade Headed a c
endow f x = case x of
  CorniceBase colonnade -> colonnade
  CorniceCap v -> Colonnade (V.concatMap (\(OneCornice h b) -> go h b) v)
  go :: forall p'. c -> Cornice Headed p' a c -> Vector (OneColonnade Headed a c)
  go c (CorniceBase (Colonnade v)) = V.map (mapOneColonnadeHeader (f c)) v
  go c (CorniceCap v) = V.concatMap (\(OneCornice h b) -> go (f c h) b) v

uncapAnnotated :: forall sz p a c h.
     AnnotatedCornice sz h p a c
  -> Colonnade (Sized sz h) a c
uncapAnnotated x = case x of
  AnnotatedCorniceBase _ colonnade -> colonnade
  AnnotatedCorniceCap _ v -> Colonnade (V.concatMap (\(OneCornice _ b) -> go b) v)
  go :: forall p'. 
       AnnotatedCornice sz h p' a c
    -> Vector (OneColonnade (Sized sz h) a c)
  go (AnnotatedCorniceBase _ (Colonnade v)) = v
  go (AnnotatedCorniceCap _ v) = V.concatMap (\(OneCornice _ b) -> go b) v

annotate :: Cornice Headed p a c -> AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) Headed p a c
annotate = go where
  go :: forall p a c. Cornice Headed p a c -> AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) Headed p a c
  go (CorniceBase c) = let len = V.length (getColonnade c) in
      (if len > 0 then (Just len) else Nothing)
      (mapHeadedness (Sized (Just 1)) c)
  go (CorniceCap children) =
    let annChildren = fmap (mapOneCorniceBody go) children
     in AnnotatedCorniceCap 
          ( ( ( V.foldl' (combineJustInt (+))
              ) Nothing . V.map (size . oneCorniceBody)
            ) annChildren

combineJustInt :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
combineJustInt f acc el = case acc of
  Nothing -> case el of 
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just i -> Just i
  Just i -> case el of
    Nothing -> Just i
    Just j -> Just (f i j)

mapJustInt :: (Int -> Int) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
mapJustInt _ Nothing = Nothing
mapJustInt f (Just i) = Just (f i)

annotateFinely :: Foldable f
  => (Int -> Int -> Int) -- ^ fold function
  -> (Int -> Int) -- ^ finalize
  -> (c -> Int) -- ^ Get size from content
  -> f a
  -> Cornice Headed p a c 
  -> AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) Headed p a c
annotateFinely g finish toSize xs cornice = runST $ do
  m <- newMutableSizedCornice cornice
  sizeColonnades toSize xs m
  freezeMutableSizedCornice g finish m

sizeColonnades :: forall f s p a c.
     Foldable f
  => (c -> Int) -- ^ Get size from content
  -> f a
  -> MutableSizedCornice s p a c 
  -> ST s ()
sizeColonnades toSize xs cornice = do
  goHeader cornice
  mapM_ (goRow cornice) xs 
  goRow :: forall p'. MutableSizedCornice s p' a c -> a -> ST s ()
  goRow (MutableSizedCorniceBase c) a = rowUpdateSize toSize c a
  goRow (MutableSizedCorniceCap children) a = mapM_ (flip goRow a . oneCorniceBody) children
  goHeader :: forall p'. MutableSizedCornice s p' a c -> ST s ()
  goHeader (MutableSizedCorniceBase c) = headerUpdateSize toSize c
  goHeader (MutableSizedCorniceCap children) = mapM_ (goHeader . oneCorniceBody) children
freezeMutableSizedCornice :: forall s p a c.
     (Int -> Int -> Int) -- ^ fold function
  -> (Int -> Int) -- ^ finalize
  -> MutableSizedCornice s p a c 
  -> ST s (AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) Headed p a c)
freezeMutableSizedCornice step finish = go
  go :: forall p' a' c'.
       MutableSizedCornice s p' a' c' 
    -> ST s (AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) Headed p' a' c')
  go (MutableSizedCorniceBase msc) = do
    szCol <- freezeMutableSizedColonnade msc
    let sz = 
          ( mapJustInt finish 
          . V.foldl' (combineJustInt step) Nothing 
          . V.map (sizedSize . oneColonnadeHead)
          ) (getColonnade szCol)
    return (AnnotatedCorniceBase sz szCol)
  go (MutableSizedCorniceCap v1) = do
    v2 <- V.mapM (traverseOneCorniceBody go) v1
    let sz = 
          ( mapJustInt finish 
          . V.foldl' (combineJustInt step) Nothing 
          . V.map (size . oneCorniceBody)
          ) v2
    return $ AnnotatedCorniceCap sz v2

newMutableSizedCornice :: forall s p a c.
     Cornice Headed p a c 
  -> ST s (MutableSizedCornice s p a c)
newMutableSizedCornice = go where
  go :: forall p'. Cornice Headed p' a c -> ST s (MutableSizedCornice s p' a c)
  go (CorniceBase c) = fmap MutableSizedCorniceBase (newMutableSizedColonnade c)
  go (CorniceCap v) = fmap MutableSizedCorniceCap (V.mapM (traverseOneCorniceBody go) v)
traverseOneCorniceBody :: Monad m => (k p a c -> m (j p a c)) -> OneCornice k p a c -> m (OneCornice j p a c)
traverseOneCorniceBody f (OneCornice h b) = fmap (OneCornice h) (f b)

mapHeadedness :: (forall x. h x -> h' x) -> Colonnade h a c -> Colonnade h' a c
mapHeadedness f (Colonnade v) = 
  Colonnade (V.map (\(OneColonnade h c) -> OneColonnade (f h) c) v)

-- | This is an O(1) operation, sort of
size :: AnnotatedCornice sz h p a c -> sz
size x = case x of
  AnnotatedCorniceBase m _ -> m
  AnnotatedCorniceCap sz _ -> sz

mapOneCorniceBody :: (forall p' a' c'. k p' a' c' -> j p' a' c') -> OneCornice k p a c -> OneCornice j p a c
mapOneCorniceBody f (OneCornice h b) = OneCornice h (f b)

mapOneColonnadeHeader :: Functor h => (c -> c) -> OneColonnade h a c -> OneColonnade h a c
mapOneColonnadeHeader f (OneColonnade h b) = OneColonnade (fmap f h) b

headersMonoidal :: forall sz r m c p a h.
     (Monoid m, Headedness h)
  => Maybe (Fascia p r, r -> m -> m) -- ^ Apply the Fascia header row content
  -> [(sz -> c -> m, m -> m)] -- ^ Build content from cell content and size
  -> AnnotatedCornice sz h p a c
  -> m
headersMonoidal wrapRow fromContentList = go wrapRow
  go :: forall p'. Maybe (Fascia p' r, r -> m -> m) -> AnnotatedCornice sz h p' a c -> m
  go ef (AnnotatedCorniceBase _ (Colonnade v)) = 
    let g :: m -> m
        g m = case ef of
          Nothing -> m
          Just (FasciaBase r, f) -> f r m
     in case headednessExtract of
          Just unhead -> g $ foldMap (\(fromContent,wrap) -> wrap 
            (foldMap (\(OneColonnade (Sized sz h) _) -> 
              (fromContent sz (unhead h))) v)) fromContentList
          Nothing -> mempty
  go ef (AnnotatedCorniceCap _ v) = 
    let g :: m -> m
        g m = case ef of
          Nothing -> m
          Just (FasciaCap r _, f) -> f r m
     in g (foldMap (\(fromContent,wrap) -> wrap (foldMap (\(OneCornice h b) -> 
          (fromContent (size b) h)) v)) fromContentList)
          <> case ef of
               Nothing -> case flattenAnnotated v of
                 Nothing -> mempty
                 Just annCoreNext -> go Nothing annCoreNext
               Just (FasciaCap _ fn, f) -> case flattenAnnotated v of
                 Nothing -> mempty
                 Just annCoreNext -> go (Just (fn,f)) annCoreNext

flattenAnnotated ::
     Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz h) p a c)
  -> Maybe (AnnotatedCornice sz h p a c)
flattenAnnotated v = case v V.!? 0 of 
  Nothing -> Nothing
  Just (OneCornice _ x) -> Just $ case x of
    AnnotatedCorniceBase m _ -> flattenAnnotatedBase m v
    AnnotatedCorniceCap m _ -> flattenAnnotatedCap m v

flattenAnnotatedBase ::
  -> Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz h) Base a c)
  -> AnnotatedCornice sz h Base a c
flattenAnnotatedBase msz = AnnotatedCorniceBase msz
  . Colonnade 
  . V.concatMap 
    (\(OneCornice _ (AnnotatedCorniceBase _ (Colonnade v))) -> v)

flattenAnnotatedCap ::
  -> Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz h) (Cap p) a c)
  -> AnnotatedCornice sz h (Cap p) a c
flattenAnnotatedCap m = AnnotatedCorniceCap m . V.concatMap getTheVector

getTheVector :: 
     OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz h) (Cap p) a c 
  -> Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz h) p a c)
getTheVector (OneCornice _ (AnnotatedCorniceCap _ v)) = v

data MutableSizedCornice s (p :: Pillar) a c where
  MutableSizedCorniceBase :: 
       {-# UNPACK #-} !(MutableSizedColonnade s Headed a c) 
    -> MutableSizedCornice s Base a c
  MutableSizedCorniceCap :: 
       {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector (OneCornice (MutableSizedCornice s) p a c))
    -> MutableSizedCornice s (Cap p) a c

data MutableSizedColonnade s h a c = MutableSizedColonnade
  { _mutableSizedColonnadeColumns :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector (OneColonnade h a c))
  , _mutableSizedColonnadeSizes :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(MVU.STVector s Int)

-- | As the first argument to the 'Colonnade' type 
--   constructor, this indictates that the columnar encoding has 
--   a header. This type is isomorphic to 'Identity' but is 
--   given a new name to clarify its intent:
-- > example :: Colonnade Headed Foo Text
--   The term @example@ represents a columnar encoding of @Foo@
--   in which the columns have headings.
newtype Headed a = Headed { getHeaded :: a }
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Functor,Show,Read,Foldable)

instance Applicative Headed where
  pure = Headed
  Headed f <*> Headed a = Headed (f a)

-- | As the first argument to the 'Colonnade' type 
--   constructor, this indictates that the columnar encoding does not have 
--   a header. This type is isomorphic to 'Proxy' but is 
--   given a new name to clarify its intent:
-- > example :: Colonnade Headless Foo Text
--   The term @example@ represents a columnar encoding of @Foo@
--   in which the columns do not have headings.
data Headless a = Headless
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Functor,Show,Read,Foldable)

instance Applicative Headless where
  pure _ = Headless
  Headless <*> Headless = Headless

data Sized sz f a = Sized
  { sizedSize :: !sz
  , sizedContent :: !(f a)
  } deriving (Functor, Foldable)

instance Contravariant Headless where
  contramap _ Headless = Headless

-- | Encodes a header and a cell.
data OneColonnade h a c = OneColonnade
  { oneColonnadeHead   :: !(h c)
  , oneColonnadeEncode :: !(a -> c)
  } deriving (Functor)

instance Functor h => Profunctor (OneColonnade h) where
  rmap = fmap
  lmap f (OneColonnade h e) = OneColonnade h (e . f)

-- | An columnar encoding of @a@. The type variable @h@ determines what
--   is present in each column in the header row. It is typically instantiated
--   to 'Headed' and occasionally to 'Headless'. There is nothing that
--   restricts it to these two types, although they satisfy the majority
--   of use cases. The type variable @c@ is the content type. This can
--   be @Text@, @String@, or @ByteString@. In the companion libraries
--   @reflex-dom-colonnade@ and @yesod-colonnade@, additional types
--   that represent HTML with element attributes are provided that serve
--   as the content type. Presented more visually:
-- >             +---- Value consumed to build a row
-- >             |
-- >             v
-- > Colonnade h a c
-- >           ^   ^
-- >           |   |
-- >           |   +-- Content (Text, ByteString, Html, etc.)
-- >           |
-- >           +------ Headedness (Headed or Headless)
--   Internally, a 'Colonnade' is represented as a 'Vector' of individual
--   column encodings. It is possible to use any collection type with
--   'Alternative' and 'Foldable' instances. However, 'Vector' was chosen to
--   optimize the data structure for the use case of building the structure
--   once and then folding over it many times. It is recommended that
--   'Colonnade's are defined at the top-level so that GHC avoids reconstructing
--   them every time they are used.
newtype Colonnade h a c = Colonnade
  { getColonnade :: Vector (OneColonnade h a c)
  } deriving (Monoid,Functor)

instance Functor h => Profunctor (Colonnade h) where
  rmap = fmap
  lmap f (Colonnade v) = Colonnade (Vector.map (lmap f) v)

instance Semigroup (Colonnade h a c) where
  Colonnade a <> Colonnade b = Colonnade (a Vector.++ b)
  sconcat xs = Colonnade (vectorConcatNE (fmap getColonnade xs))

-- | Isomorphic to the natural numbers. Only the promoted version of
--   this type is used.
data Pillar = Cap !Pillar | Base

class ToEmptyCornice (p :: Pillar) where
  toEmptyCornice :: Cornice h p a c

instance ToEmptyCornice Base where
  toEmptyCornice = CorniceBase mempty

instance ToEmptyCornice (Cap p) where
  toEmptyCornice = CorniceCap Vector.empty

data Fascia (p :: Pillar) r where
  FasciaBase :: !r -> Fascia Base r
  FasciaCap :: !r -> Fascia p r -> Fascia (Cap p) r

data OneCornice k (p :: Pillar) a c = OneCornice
  { oneCorniceHead :: !c
  , oneCorniceBody :: !(k p a c)
  } deriving (Functor)

data Cornice h (p :: Pillar) a c where
  CorniceBase :: !(Colonnade h a c) -> Cornice h Base a c
  CorniceCap :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector (OneCornice (Cornice h) p a c)) -> Cornice h (Cap p) a c

instance Functor h => Functor (Cornice h p a) where
  fmap f x = case x of
    CorniceBase c -> CorniceBase (fmap f c)
    CorniceCap c -> CorniceCap (mapVectorCornice f c)

instance Functor h => Profunctor (Cornice h p) where
  rmap = fmap
  lmap f x = case x of
    CorniceBase c -> CorniceBase (lmap f c)
    CorniceCap c -> CorniceCap (contramapVectorCornice f c)

instance Semigroup (Cornice h p a c) where
  CorniceBase a <> CorniceBase b = CorniceBase (mappend a b)
  CorniceCap a <> CorniceCap b = CorniceCap (a Vector.++ b)
  sconcat xs@(x :| _) = case x of
    CorniceBase _ -> CorniceBase (Colonnade (vectorConcatNE (fmap (getColonnade . getCorniceBase) xs)))
    CorniceCap _ -> CorniceCap (vectorConcatNE (fmap getCorniceCap xs))

instance ToEmptyCornice p => Monoid (Cornice h p a c) where
  mempty = toEmptyCornice
  mappend = (Semigroup.<>)
  mconcat xs1 = case xs1 of
    [] -> toEmptyCornice
    x : xs2 -> Semigroup.sconcat (x :| xs2)

mapVectorCornice :: Functor h => (c -> d) -> Vector (OneCornice (Cornice h) p a c) -> Vector (OneCornice (Cornice h) p a d)
mapVectorCornice f = V.map (fmap f)

contramapVectorCornice :: Functor h => (b -> a) -> Vector (OneCornice (Cornice h) p a c) -> Vector (OneCornice (Cornice h) p b c)
contramapVectorCornice f = V.map (lmapOneCornice f)

lmapOneCornice :: Functor h => (b -> a) -> OneCornice (Cornice h) p a c -> OneCornice (Cornice h) p b c
lmapOneCornice f (OneCornice theHead theBody) = OneCornice theHead (lmap f theBody) 

getCorniceBase :: Cornice h Base a c -> Colonnade h a c
getCorniceBase (CorniceBase c) = c

getCorniceCap :: Cornice h (Cap p) a c -> Vector (OneCornice (Cornice h) p a c)
getCorniceCap (CorniceCap c) = c

data AnnotatedCornice sz h (p :: Pillar) a c where
  AnnotatedCorniceBase ::
    -> !(Colonnade (Sized sz h) a c)
    -> AnnotatedCornice sz h Base a c
  AnnotatedCorniceCap :: 
    -> {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz h) p a c))
    -> AnnotatedCornice sz h (Cap p) a c

-- data MaybeInt = JustInt {-# UNPACK #-} !Int | NothingInt

-- | This is provided with @vector-0.12@, but we include a copy here 
--   for compatibility.
vectorConcatNE :: NonEmpty (Vector a) -> Vector a
vectorConcatNE = Vector.concat . toList

-- | This class communicates that a container holds either zero
--   elements or one element. Furthermore, all inhabitants of
--   the type must hold the same number of elements. Both
--   'Headed' and 'Headless' have instances. The following
--   law accompanies any instances:
--   > maybe x (\f -> f (headednessPure x)) headednessContents == x
--   > todo: come up with another law that relates to Traversable
--   Consequently, there is no instance for 'Maybe', which cannot
--   satisfy the laws since it has inhabitants which hold different
--   numbers of elements. 'Nothing' holds 0 elements and 'Just' holds
--   1 element.
class Headedness h where
  headednessPure :: a -> h a
  headednessExtract :: Maybe (h a -> a)
  headednessExtractForall :: Maybe (ExtractForall h)

instance Headedness Headed where
  headednessPure = Headed
  headednessExtract = Just getHeaded 
  headednessExtractForall = Just (ExtractForall getHeaded)

instance Headedness Headless where
  headednessPure _ = Headless
  headednessExtract = Nothing
  headednessExtractForall = Nothing

newtype ExtractForall h = ExtractForall { runExtractForall :: forall a. h a -> a }