colour-accelerate: Working with colours in Accelerate

[ accelerate, bsd3, data, graphics, library ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

This package provides data types for colours and transparency for use with Accelerate. For further information refer to the main Accelerate package:

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Dependencies accelerate (>=1.3), base (>=4.8 && <5) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Trevor L. McDonell
Maintainer Trevor L. McDonell <>
Category Accelerate, Data, Graphics
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Source repo head: git clone
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Uploaded by TrevorMcDonell at 2020-08-28T14:24:31Z
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Readme for colour-accelerate-

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henlo, my name is Theia


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This package provides data types and operations for dealing with colours in Accelerate. For details on Accelerate, refer to the main repository.

Contributions and bug reports are welcome!
Please feel free to contact me through GitHub or

Example: Blur

Test image sRGB RGB
Test image sRGB linear RGB non-linear

The test image on the left is composed of blocks and bars of the primary and secondary colours, arranged so that each colour is juxtaposed next to all others, plus black and white.

The image in the centre is created by blurring the original with a 9x9 Gaussian filter in the linear gamma sRGB space.

The image on the right is created by blurring with the same 9x9 Gaussian filter in the standard non-linear RGB colour space. Note the dark regions separating red from green and cyan, and blue from red and green; purple lines separate cyan from red and magenta; green separates yellow from cyan. These regions are artefacts produced by mixing colours in the RGB colour space.

The files to generate the test image and run the demonstration are in the examples directory.