{- |
Number of possible games as described in
module Combinatorics.PaperStripGame where

import qualified Combinatorics as Combi
import qualified PowerSeries as PS
import qualified Data.List.HT as ListHT
import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
import Data.Tree (Tree, )
import Data.List (inits, tails, )
import Control.Monad (guard, )

store the original position of every box
cutEverywhere0 :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
cutEverywhere0 xs = do
   (ys, z0:z1:zs) <- zip (inits xs) (tails xs)
   guard $ succ z0 == z1
   return $ ys++zs

list the sizes of the parts

cutEverywhere1 [10] ~ cutEverywhere [0..9]
cutEverywhere1 [2,5] ~ cutEverywhere [0,1,3,4,5,6,7]
                  or   cutEverywhere [0,1,4,5,6,7,8]
cutEverywhere1 :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
cutEverywhere1 zs = do
   (xs,n,ys) <- ListHT.splitEverywhere zs
   (a,b) <- cutPart n
   return $ xs ++ filter (0/=) [a,b] ++ ys

cutPart :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
cutPart n =
   zip [0..] $ takeWhile (>=0) $ iterate pred (n-2)

treeOfGames :: Int -> Tree [Int]
treeOfGames n =
   Tree.unfoldTree (\ns -> (ns, if null ns then [] else cutEverywhere1 ns)) [n]

lengthOfGames :: Int -> [Int]
lengthOfGames =
   let go n ls =
          if all (<=1) ls
            then [n]
            else concatMap (go (succ n)) $ cutEverywhere1 ls
   in  go 0 . (:[])

numbersOfGames :: [Int]
numbersOfGames =
   map (length . lengthOfGames) [0..]

  number of boxes ->
  length of game v

That is, the k-th column contains the histogram of (lengthOfGames n).

  |  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10
0 |  1   1
1 |          1   2   1
2 |                  2   6   6   2
3 |                          6  24  36  24   6
4 |                                 24 120 240
5 |                                        120

a_n_k = binomial (n+1) (k-2*n) * factorial k

numbersOfGamesSeries :: [Integer]
numbersOfGamesSeries =
   foldr (\(x0:x1:xs) ys -> x0 : x1 : PS.add xs ys) [] $
   zipWith PS.scale Combi.factorials $ tail Combi.binomials