#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
module Data.Compressed.Internal.LZ78
, LZ78(..)
, encode
, encodeOrd
, encodeEq
, decode
, recode
, recodeOrd
, recodeEq
, Entry(..)
, entries
) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Traversable
import Control.Monad.Zip
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Sequence ((|>))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Functor.Extend
import Data.Generator
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Key as Key
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Pointed
import Text.Read
import Control.Comonad
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Semigroup.Reducer (Reducer(..), Count(..))
data Token a = Token !Int a deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Functor Token where
fmap f (Token i a) = Token i (f a)
instance Foldable Token where
foldMap f (Token _ a) = f a
instance Traversable Token where
traverse f (Token i a) = Token i <$> f a
instance Extend Token where
extended = extend
instance Comonad Token where
extend f t@(Token i _) = Token i (f t)
duplicate t@(Token i _) = Token i t
extract (Token _ a) = a
instance Hashable a => Hashable (Token a) where
hashWithSalt s (Token i a) = s `hashWithSalt` i `hashWithSalt` a
data LZ78 a
= Cons !(Token a) (LZ78 a)
| Nil
instance Show a => Show (LZ78 a) where
showsPrec d xs = showParen (d > 10) $
showString "encode " . showsPrec 11 (toList xs)
instance Eq a => Eq (LZ78 a) where
(==) = (==) `on` decode
instance Ord a => Ord (LZ78 a) where
compare = compare `on` decode
instance (Read a, Hashable a, Eq a) => Read (LZ78 a) where
readPrec = parens $ prec 10 $ do
Ident "encode" <- lexP
encode <$> step readPrec
instance Generator (LZ78 a) where
type Elem (LZ78 a) = a
mapTo = go (Seq.singleton mempty) where
go _ _ m Nil = m
go s f m (Cons (Token w c) ws) = m `mappend` go (s |> v) f v ws where
v = Seq.index s w `mappend` unit (f c)
instance Functor LZ78 where
fmap f (Cons (Token i a) as) = Cons (Token i (f a)) (fmap f as)
fmap _ Nil = Nil
a <$ xs = go 0 (getCount (reduce xs)) where
go !_ 0 = Nil
go k n | n > k = Cons (Token k a) (go (k + 1) (n k 1))
| otherwise = Cons (Token (n 1) a) Nil
instance Pointed LZ78 where
point a = Cons (Token 0 a) Nil
instance Foldable LZ78 where
foldMap f = unwrapMonoid . mapReduce f
fold = unwrapMonoid . reduce
encode :: (Hashable a, Eq a) => [a] -> LZ78 a
encode = go HashMap.empty 1 0 where
go _ _ _ [] = Nil
go _ _ p [c] = Cons (Token p c) Nil
go d f p (c:cs) = let t = Token p c in case HashMap.lookup t d of
Just p' -> go d f p' cs
Nothing -> Cons t (go (HashMap.insert t f d) (succ f) 0 cs)
encodeOrd :: Ord a => [a] -> LZ78 a
encodeOrd = go Map.empty 1 0 where
go _ _ _ [] = Nil
go _ _ p [c] = Cons (Token p c) Nil
go d f p (c:cs) = let t = Token p c in case Map.lookup t d of
Just p' -> go d f p' cs
Nothing -> Cons t (go (Map.insert t f d) (succ f) 0 cs)
encodeEq :: Eq a => [a] -> LZ78 a
encodeEq = go [] 1 0 where
go _ _ _ [] = Nil
go _ _ p [c] = Cons (Token p c) Nil
go d f p (c:cs) = let t = Token p c in case List.lookup t d of
Just p' -> go d f p' cs
Nothing -> Cons t (go ((t, f):d) (succ f) 0 cs)
decode :: LZ78 a -> [a]
decode = reduce
recode :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => LZ78 a -> LZ78 a
recode = encode . decode
recodeOrd :: Ord a => LZ78 a -> LZ78 a
recodeOrd = encodeOrd . decode
recodeEq :: Eq a => LZ78 a -> LZ78 a
recodeEq = encodeEq . decode
data Entry i a = Entry !i a deriving (Show,Read)
instance Functor (Entry i) where
fmap f (Entry i a) = Entry i (f a)
instance Extend (Entry i) where
extended = extend
instance Comonad (Entry i) where
extend f e@(Entry i _) = Entry i (f e)
duplicate e@(Entry i _) = Entry i e
extract (Entry _ a) = a
instance Eq i => Eq (Entry i a) where
Entry i _ == Entry j _ = i == j
instance Ord i => Ord (Entry i a) where
compare (Entry i _) (Entry j _) = compare i j
instance Hashable i => Hashable (Entry i a) where
hashWithSalt n (Entry i _) = hashWithSalt n i
entries :: LZ78 a -> LZ78 (Entry Int a)
entries = go 0 where
go k (Cons (Token i t) xs) = Cons (Token i (Entry k t)) $ (go $! k + 1) xs
go _ Nil = Nil
instance Applicative LZ78 where
pure a = Cons (Token 0 a) Nil
fs <*> as = fmap extract $ encode $ do
Entry i f <- decode (entries fs)
Entry j a <- decode (entries as)
return $ Entry (i,j) (f a)
as *> bs = fmap extract $ encode $ Prelude.concat $ replicate (reduceWith getCount as) $ decode (entries bs)
as <* bs = fmap extract $ encode $ Prelude.concat $ replicate (reduceWith getCount bs) <$> decode (entries as)
instance Monad LZ78 where
return a = Cons (Token 0 a) Nil
(>>) = (*>)
as >>= k = fmap extract $ encode $ do
Entry i a <- decode (entries as)
Entry j b <- decode (entries (k a))
return $ Entry (i,j) b
instance MonadZip LZ78 where
mzipWith = Key.zipWith
munzip as = (fmap fst as, fmap snd as)
instance Adjustable LZ78 where
adjust f i = fmap extract . encode . adjust (Entry (1) . f . extract) i . decode . entries
type instance Key LZ78 = Int
instance Lookup LZ78 where
lookup i xs = Key.lookup i (decode xs)
instance Indexable LZ78 where
index xs i = index (decode xs) i
instance FoldableWithKey LZ78 where
foldMapWithKey f xs = foldMapWithKey f (decode xs)
instance Zip LZ78 where
zipWith f as bs = extract <$> encode
[ Entry (i,j) (f a b)
| Entry i a <- decode (entries as)
| Entry j b <- decode (entries bs)