#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
module Data.Compressed.RunLengthEncoding
( RLE(..)
, Run
, runLength
, decode
, encode
, encodeList
, recode
, toRuns
, fromRuns
) where
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Semigroup.Reducer
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor.Bind
import Data.Functor.Extend
import Control.Comonad
import Data.FingerTree (FingerTree,(|>),(<|),ViewL(..),ViewR(..),(><),viewl,viewr, Measured(..), split)
import qualified Data.FingerTree as F
import Data.Generator
import Data.Pointed
import Data.Key
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Zip
data Run a = Run !Int a deriving (Eq,Show)
runLength :: Run a -> Int
runLength (Run n _) = n
instance Ord a => Ord (Run a) where
compare (Run n a) (Run m b) = case compare a b of
LT -> LT
GT -> GT
EQ -> compare n m
instance Extend Run where
extended = extend
instance Comonad Run where
duplicate r@(Run i _) = Run i r
extend f r@(Run i _) = Run i (f r)
extract (Run _ a) = a
instance Functor Run where
fmap f (Run n a) = Run n (f a)
a <$ Run n _ = Run n a
instance Pointed Run where
point = Run 1
instance Apply Run where
Run n f <.> Run m a = Run (n * m) (f a)
Run n _ .> Run m a = Run (n * m) a
Run n a <. Run m _ = Run (n * m) a
instance ComonadApply Run where
Run n f <@> Run m a = Run (n * m) (f a)
Run n _ @> Run m a = Run (n * m) a
Run n a <@ Run m _ = Run (n * m) a
instance Applicative Run where
pure = Run 1
Run n f <*> Run m a = Run (n * m) (f a)
Run n _ *> Run m a = Run (n * m) a
Run n a <* Run m _ = Run (n * m) a
instance Bind Run where
Run n a >>- f = case f a of
Run m b -> Run (n * m) b
instance Monad Run where
return = Run 1
Run n _ >> Run m b = Run (n * m) b
Run n a >>= f = case f a of
Run m b -> Run (n * m) b
instance Foldable Run where
foldMap k (Run y0 x0) = f (k x0) y0 where
f x y
| even y = f (x `mappend` x) (y `quot` 2)
| y == 1 = x
| otherwise = g (x `mappend` x) ((y 1) `quot` 2) x
g x y z
| even y = g (x `mappend` x) (y `quot` 2) z
| y == 1 = x `mappend` z
| otherwise = g (x `mappend` x) ((y 1) `quot` 2) (x `mappend` z)
instance Foldable1 Run where
foldMap1 k (Run y0 x0) = f (k x0) y0 where
f x y
| even y = f (x <> x) (y `quot` 2)
| y == 1 = x
| otherwise = g (x <> x) ((y 1) `quot` 2) x
g x y z
| even y = g (x <> x) (y `quot` 2) z
| y == 1 = x <> z
| otherwise = g (x <> x) ((y 1) `quot` 2) (x <> z)
instance Measured Count (Run a) where
measure (Run n _) = Count n
newtype RLE a = RLE { getRLE :: FingerTree Count (Run a) }
toRuns :: RLE a -> [Run a]
toRuns = toList . getRLE
fromRuns :: [Run a] -> RLE a
fromRuns = RLE . F.fromList
instance Eq a => Semigroup (RLE a) where
RLE l <> RLE r = go (viewr l) (viewl r) where
go EmptyR _ = RLE r
go _ EmptyL = RLE l
go (l' :> Run m a) (Run n b :< r')
| a == b = RLE ((l' |> Run (m+n) a) >< r')
| otherwise = RLE (l >< r)
instance Functor RLE where
fmap f = RLE . F.fmap' (fmap f) . getRLE
instance Pointed RLE where
point = RLE . F.singleton . pure
instance Apply RLE where
(<.>) = (<*>)
(<. ) = (<* )
( .>) = ( *>)
instance Applicative RLE where
pure = RLE . F.singleton . pure
RLE fs <*> RLE as = RLE $ F.fromList $ do
Run n f <- toList fs
Run m a <- toList as
return $ Run (n * m) (f a)
RLE as <* RLE bs = RLE $ F.fmap' (\(Run n a) -> Run (n * m) a) as where
m = reduceWith getCount bs
RLE as *> RLE bs = RLE $ mconcat $ replicate (reduceWith getCount as) bs
instance Bind RLE where
(>>-) = (>>=)
instance Monad RLE where
return = RLE . F.singleton . pure
(>>) = (*>)
RLE xs >>= f = RLE $ mconcat [ mconcat $ replicate n (getRLE (f a)) | Run n a <- toList xs ]
instance MonadZip RLE where
munzip as = (fmap fst as, fmap snd as)
mzipWith f (RLE as0) (RLE bs0) = RLE $ F.fromList $ go (toList as0) (toList bs0) where
go [] _ = []
go _ [] = []
go (Run n a : as) (Run m b : bs) = case compare n m of
LT -> Run n (f a b) : go as (Run (mn) b:bs)
EQ -> Run n (f a b) : go as bs
GT -> Run m (f a b) : go (Run (nm) a:as) bs
instance Eq a => Reducer a (RLE a) where
unit = pure
cons a (RLE r) = case viewl r of
EmptyL -> pure a
Run n b :< r'
| a == b -> RLE (Run (n+1) a <| r')
| otherwise -> RLE (Run 1 a <| r )
snoc (RLE l) a = case viewr l of
EmptyR -> pure a
l' :> Run n b
| a == b -> RLE (l' |> Run (n+1) b)
| otherwise -> RLE (l |> Run 1 a )
instance Eq a => Monoid (RLE a) where
mempty = RLE mempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Foldable RLE where
foldMap f = foldMap (foldMap f) . getRLE
instance Generator (RLE a) where
type Elem (RLE a) = a
mapReduce f = foldMap (unit . f)
instance Hashable a => Hashable (RLE a) where
hashWithSalt n = hashWithSalt n . toList
instance Eq a => Eq (RLE a) where
(==) = (==) `on` toList
instance Zip RLE where
zipWith f (RLE xs0) (RLE ys0) = RLE $ case toList xs0 of
[] -> mempty
(Run n0 a0:as0) -> case toList ys0 of
[] -> mempty
(Run m0 b0:bs0) -> go n0 a0 as0 m0 b0 bs0
go !n !a !as !m !b !bs = case compare n m of
LT -> Run n (f a b) <| case as of
[] -> mempty
(Run n' a':as') -> go n' a' as' (m n) b bs
EQ -> Run n (f a b) <| case as of
[] -> mempty
(Run n' a':as') -> case bs of
[] -> mempty
(Run m' b':bs') -> go n' a' as' m' b' bs'
GT -> Run m (f a b) <| case bs of
[] -> mempty
(Run m' b':bs') -> go (n m) a as m' b' bs'
type instance Key RLE = Int
instance Lookup RLE where
lookup i (RLE xs)
| i < 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = case viewl $ snd $ split (\n -> getCount n > i) xs of
Run _ a :< _ -> Just a
EmptyL -> Nothing
instance Adjustable RLE where
adjust f i (RLE xs) = RLE $ case viewl r of
EmptyL -> xs
Run n a :< r' ->
k = i getCount (measure l)
infixr 4 <?
Run 0 _ <? ys = ys
Run m b <? ys = Run m b <| ys
in l >< (Run k a <? Run 1 (f a) <? Run (n k 1) a <? r')
(l,r) = split (\n -> getCount n > i) xs
encode :: (Generator c, Eq (Elem c)) => c -> RLE (Elem c)
encode = reduce
decode :: RLE a -> [a]
decode = reduce
recode :: Eq a => RLE a -> RLE a
recode (RLE xs0) = case toList xs0 of
[] -> RLE mempty
(Run n0 a0:as0) -> RLE $ go n0 a0 as0
go n a [] = F.singleton (Run n a)
go n a (Run m b:bs)
| a == b = go (n + m) a bs
| otherwise = Run n a <| go m b bs
encodeList :: Eq a => [a] -> RLE a
encodeList [] = RLE mempty
encodeList (a0:as0) = RLE $ go 1 a0 as0
go n a [] = F.singleton (Run n a)
go n a (b:bs)
| a == b = go (n + 1) a bs
| otherwise = Run n a <| go 1 b bs