module Data.Conduit.Algorithms.Async
( conduitPossiblyCompressedFile
, conduitPossiblyCompressedToFile
, asyncMapC
, asyncMapEitherC
, asyncGzipTo
, asyncGzipToFile
, asyncGzipFrom
, asyncGzipFromFile
, asyncBzip2To
, asyncBzip2ToFile
, asyncBzip2From
, asyncBzip2FromFile
, asyncXzTo
, asyncXzToFile
, asyncXzFrom
, asyncXzFromFile
, unorderedAsyncMapC
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM.TBQueue as TQ
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically)
import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.Async as CA
import qualified Data.Conduit.TQueue as CA
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.Conduit.Zlib as CZ
#ifndef WINDOWS
import qualified Data.Conduit.Lzma as CX
import qualified Data.Streaming.Zlib as SZ
import qualified Data.Conduit.BZlib as CZ
import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import Data.Conduit ((.|))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Sequence ((|>), ViewL(..))
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadUnliftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow)
import Control.Exception (evaluate, displayException)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, force)
import System.IO.Error (mkIOError, userErrorType)
import System.IO
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import Data.Conduit.Algorithms.Utils (awaitJust)
asyncMapC :: forall a m b . (MonadIO m, NFData b) =>
-> (a -> b)
-> C.Conduit a m b
asyncMapC = asyncMapCHelper True
unorderedAsyncMapC :: forall a m b . (MonadIO m, NFData b) =>
-> (a -> b)
-> C.Conduit a m b
unorderedAsyncMapC = asyncMapCHelper False
asyncMapCHelper :: forall a m b . (MonadIO m, NFData b) =>
-> Int
-> (a -> b)
-> C.Conduit a m b
asyncMapCHelper isSynchronous maxThreads f = initLoop (0 :: Int) (Seq.empty :: Seq.Seq (A.Async b))
initLoop :: Int -> Seq.Seq (A.Async b) -> C.Conduit a m b
initLoop size q
| size == maxThreads = loop q
| otherwise = C.await >>= \case
Nothing -> yAll q
Just v -> do
v' <- sched v
initLoop (size + 1) (q |> v')
sched :: a -> C.ConduitM a b m (A.Async b)
sched v = liftIO . A.async . evaluate . force $ f v
yAll :: Seq.Seq (A.Async b) -> C.Conduit a m b
yAll q = case Seq.viewl q of
EmptyL -> return ()
v :< rest -> (liftIO (A.wait v) >>= C.yield) >> yAll rest
loop :: Seq.Seq (A.Async b) -> C.Conduit a m b
loop q = C.await >>= \case
Nothing -> yAll q
Just v -> do
v' <- sched v
(r, q') <- liftIO $ retrieveResult q
C.yield r
loop (q' |> v')
retrieveResult :: Seq.Seq (A.Async b) -> IO (b, Seq.Seq (A.Async b))
retrieveResult q
| isSynchronous = case Seq.viewl q of
(r :< rest) -> (, rest) <$> A.wait r
_ -> error "Impossible situation"
| otherwise = do
(k, r) <- liftIO (A.waitAny (toList q))
return (r, Seq.filter (/= k) q)
asyncMapEitherC :: forall a m b e . (MonadIO m, NFData b, NFData e, MonadError e m) => Int -> (a -> Either e b) -> C.Conduit a m b
asyncMapEitherC maxThreads f = asyncMapC maxThreads f .| (C.awaitForever $ \case
Right v -> C.yield v
Left err -> throwError err)
bsConcatTo :: MonadIO m => Int
-> C.Conduit B.ByteString m [B.ByteString]
bsConcatTo chunkSize = awaitJust start
start v
| B.length v >= chunkSize = C.yield [v] >> bsConcatTo chunkSize
| otherwise = continue [v] (B.length v)
continue chunks s = C.await >>= \case
Nothing -> C.yield chunks
Just v
| B.length v + s > chunkSize -> C.yield chunks >> start v
| otherwise -> continue (v:chunks) (s + B.length v)
untilNothing :: forall m i. (Monad m) => C.Conduit (Maybe i) m i
untilNothing = C.await >>= \case
Just (Just val) -> do
C.yield val
_ -> return ()
asyncGzipTo :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadUnliftIO m) => Handle -> C.Sink B.ByteString m ()
asyncGzipTo h = do
let drain q = liftIO . C.runConduit $
CA.sourceTBQueue q
.| untilNothing
.| (B.concat . reverse)
.| CZ.gzip
.| C.sinkHandle h
bsConcatTo ((2 :: Int) ^ (15 :: Int))
.| CA.drainTo 8 drain
asyncGzipToFile :: forall m. (MonadResource m, MonadUnliftIO m) => FilePath -> C.Sink B.ByteString m ()
asyncGzipToFile fname = C.bracketP
(openFile fname WriteMode)
asyncGzipFrom :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadResource m, MonadUnliftIO m) => Handle -> C.Source m B.ByteString
asyncGzipFrom h = do
let prod q = liftIO $ do
C.runConduit $
C.sourceHandle h
.| CZ.multiple CZ.ungzip
.| Just
.| CA.sinkTBQueue q
atomically (TQ.writeTBQueue q Nothing)
(CA.gatherFrom 8 prod .| untilNothing)
(\(e :: SZ.ZlibException) -> liftIO . ioError $ mkIOError userErrorType ("Error reading gzip file: "++displayException e) (Just h) Nothing)
asyncGzipFromFile :: forall m. (MonadResource m, MonadUnliftIO m) => FilePath -> C.Source m B.ByteString
asyncGzipFromFile fname = C.bracketP
(openFile fname ReadMode)
asyncBzip2To :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadResource m, MonadUnliftIO m) => Handle -> C.Sink B.ByteString m ()
asyncBzip2To h = do
let drain q = C.runConduit $
CA.sourceTBQueue q
.| untilNothing
.| (B.concat . reverse)
.| CZ.bzip2
.| C.sinkHandle h
bsConcatTo ((2 :: Int) ^ (15 :: Int))
.| CA.drainTo 8 drain
asyncBzip2ToFile :: forall m. (MonadResource m, MonadUnliftIO m) => FilePath -> C.Sink B.ByteString m ()
asyncBzip2ToFile fname = C.bracketP
(openFile fname WriteMode)
asyncBzip2From :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadResource m, MonadUnliftIO m) => Handle -> C.Source m B.ByteString
asyncBzip2From h = do
let prod q = do
C.runConduit $
C.sourceHandle h
.| CZ.multiple CZ.bunzip2
.| Just
.| CA.sinkTBQueue q
liftIO $ atomically (TQ.writeTBQueue q Nothing)
CA.gatherFrom 8 prod .| untilNothing
asyncBzip2FromFile :: forall m. (MonadResource m, MonadUnliftIO m) => FilePath -> C.Source m B.ByteString
asyncBzip2FromFile fname = C.bracketP
(openFile fname ReadMode)
asyncXzTo :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadResource m, MonadUnliftIO m) => Handle -> C.Sink B.ByteString m ()
asyncXzTo h = do
let drain q = C.runConduit $
CA.sourceTBQueue q
.| untilNothing
.| (B.concat . reverse)
#ifndef WINDOWS
.| CX.compress Nothing
.| error "lzma/xz compression is not available on Windows"
.| C.sinkHandle h
bsConcatTo ((2 :: Int) ^ (15 :: Int))
.| CA.drainTo 8 drain
asyncXzToFile :: forall m. (MonadResource m, MonadUnliftIO m) => FilePath -> C.Sink B.ByteString m ()
asyncXzToFile fname = C.bracketP
(openFile fname WriteMode)
asyncXzFrom :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadResource m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) => Handle -> C.Source m B.ByteString
asyncXzFrom h = do
let oneGBmembuffer = Just $ 1024 ^ (3 :: Integer)
prod q = do
C.runConduit $
C.sourceHandle h
#ifndef WINDOWS
.| CZ.multiple (CX.decompress oneGBmembuffer)
.| error "lzma/xz decompression is not available on Windows"
.| Just
.| CA.sinkTBQueue q
liftIO $ atomically (TQ.writeTBQueue q Nothing)
CA.gatherFrom 8 prod .| untilNothing
asyncXzFromFile :: forall m. (MonadResource m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) => FilePath -> C.Source m B.ByteString
asyncXzFromFile fname = C.bracketP
(openFile fname ReadMode)
conduitPossiblyCompressedFile :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadResource m, MonadThrow m) => FilePath -> C.Source m B.ByteString
conduitPossiblyCompressedFile fname
| ".gz" `isSuffixOf` fname = asyncGzipFromFile fname
| ".xz" `isSuffixOf` fname = asyncXzFromFile fname
| ".bz2" `isSuffixOf` fname = asyncBzip2FromFile fname
| otherwise = C.sourceFile fname
conduitPossiblyCompressedToFile :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> C.Sink B.ByteString m ()
conduitPossiblyCompressedToFile fname
| ".gz" `isSuffixOf` fname = asyncGzipToFile fname
| ".xz" `isSuffixOf` fname = asyncXzToFile fname
| ".bz2" `isSuffixOf` fname = asyncBzip2ToFile fname
| otherwise = C.sinkFile fname