module Configuration.Utils.Internal.ConfigFileReader
, readConfigFile
, ConfigFileFormat(..)
, loadLocal
, isRemote
, loadRemote
, yamlMimeType
, jsonMimeType
, contentType
, requestHeaders
) where
import Configuration.Utils.ConfigFile
import Configuration.Utils.Internal
import Configuration.Utils.Validation
import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Monoid.Unicode
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude hiding (concatMap, mapM_, any)
import Prelude.Unicode
import Configuration.Utils.Internal.HttpsCertPolicy
import Control.Exception.Enclosed
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Header as HTTP
import System.IO
type ConfigFileParser μ =
( Functor μ
, Applicative μ
, MonadIO μ
, MonadBaseControl IO μ
, MonadError T.Text μ
type ConfigFileParser μ =
( Functor μ
, Applicative μ
, MonadIO μ
, MonadError T.Text μ
∷ (ConfigFileParser μ, FromJSON (α → α))
⇒ ConfigFilesConfig
→ α
→ [ConfigFile]
→ μ α
parseConfigFiles conf = foldM $ \val file →
readConfigFile conf file <*> pure val
∷ (ConfigFileParser μ, FromJSON (α → α))
⇒ ConfigFilesConfig
→ ConfigFile
→ μ (α → α)
readConfigFile _conf file =
if isRemote file then loadRemote _conf file else loadLocal file
loadLocal file
fileType ∷ T.Text → ConfigFileFormat
fileType f
| CI.foldCase ".yaml" `T.isSuffixOf` CI.foldCase f = Yaml
| CI.foldCase ".yml" `T.isSuffixOf` CI.foldCase f = Yaml
| CI.foldCase ".json" `T.isSuffixOf` CI.foldCase f = Json
| CI.foldCase ".js" `T.isSuffixOf` CI.foldCase f = Json
| otherwise = Other
∷ (Functor μ, MonadIO μ, MonadError T.Text μ, FromJSON (α → α))
⇒ ConfigFile
→ μ (α → α)
loadLocal path = do
validateFilePath "config-file" (T.unpack file)
exists ← (True <$ validateFile "config-file" (T.unpack file)) `catchError` \e → case path of
ConfigFileOptional _ → return False
ConfigFileRequired _ → throwError $ "failed to read config file: " ⊕ e
if exists
liftIO (parser (fileType file) file) >>= \case
Left e → throwError $ "failed to parse configuration file " ⊕ file ⊕ ": " ⊕ sshow e
Right r → return r
return id
file = getConfigFile path
parser Json f = fmapL T.pack ∘ eitherDecodeStrict' <$> B8.readFile (T.unpack f)
parser _ f = fmapL sshow <$> Yaml.decodeFileEither (T.unpack f)
data ConfigFileFormat
= Yaml
| Json
| Other
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Typeable, Generic)
instance NFData ConfigFileFormat
∷ ConfigFile
→ Bool
isRemote path = L.any (`T.isPrefixOf` getConfigFile path) ["http://", "https://"]
yamlMimeType ∷ IsString s ⇒ [s]
yamlMimeType = map fromString ["application/x-yaml", "text/yaml"]
jsonMimeType ∷ IsString s ⇒ [s]
jsonMimeType = map fromString ["application/json"]
∷ B8.ByteString
→ ConfigFileFormat
contentType headerValue
| CI.foldCase "yaml" `B8.isInfixOf` CI.foldCase headerValue = Yaml
| CI.foldCase "json" `B8.isInfixOf` CI.foldCase headerValue = Json
| otherwise = Other
∷ (ConfigFileParser μ, FromJSON (α → α))
⇒ ConfigFilesConfig
→ ConfigFile
→ μ (α → α)
loadRemote conf path = do
validateHttpOrHttpsUrl "config-file" (T.unpack url)
result ← (Just <$> doHttp) `catchAnyDeep` \e →
case path of
ConfigFileOptional _ → do
liftIO ∘ T.hPutStrLn stderr $ "WARNING: failed to download remote configuration file " ⊕ url ⊕ ": " ⊕ sshow e
return Nothing
ConfigFileRequired _ → throwError $ "failed to download remote configuration file " ⊕ url ⊕ ": " ⊕ sshow e
case result of
Nothing → return id
Just (format, d) → case (parser format) d of
Left e → throwError $ "failed to parse remote configuration " ⊕ url ⊕ ": " ⊕ e
Right r → return r
parser Json = fmapL T.pack ∘ eitherDecodeStrict'
parser _ = fmapL sshow ∘ Yaml.decodeEither'
url = getConfigFile path
policy = _cfcHttpsPolicy conf
doHttp = liftIO $ do
request ← (HTTP.parseUrl $ T.unpack url)
<&> over requestHeaders ((:) acceptHeader)
resp ← httpWithValidationPolicy request policy
let format = maybe Other contentType ∘ L.lookup HTTP.hContentType $ HTTP.responseHeaders resp
return (format, LB.toStrict (HTTP.responseBody resp))
acceptHeader = (HTTP.hAccept, B8.intercalate "," (yamlMimeType ⊕ jsonMimeType))
requestHeaders ∷ Lens' HTTP.Request HTTP.RequestHeaders
requestHeaders = lens HTTP.requestHeaders $ \s a → s { HTTP.requestHeaders = a }