module Configuration.Utils.Validation
, validateHttpUrl
, validateHttpsUrl
, validateUri
, validateAbsoluteUri
, validateAbsoluteUriFragment
, validateIPv4
, validateIPv6
, validatePort
, validateNonEmpty
, validateLength
, validateMinLength
, validateMaxLength
, validateMinMaxLength
, validateFilePath
, validateFile
, validateFileReadable
, validateFileWritable
, validateExecutable
, validateDirectory
, validateFalse
, validateTrue
, validateBool
, validateNonNegative
, validatePositive
, validateNonPositive
, validateNegative
, validateNonNull
, validateLess
, validateLessEq
, validateGreater
, validateGreaterEq
, validateRange
) where
import Configuration.Utils
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Monoid.Unicode
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Network.URI
import Prelude.Unicode
import System.Directory
∷ (Show α, IsString τ)
⇒ α
→ τ
sshow = fromString ∘ show
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation String λ
validateHttpOrHttpsUrl configName uri =
case parseURI uri of
Nothing → throwError $
"the value " ⊕ T.pack uri ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not a valid URI"
Just u → unless (uriScheme u ≡ "http:" || uriScheme u ≡ "https:") ∘ throwError $
"the value " ⊕ T.pack uri ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not an HTTP or HTTPS URL"
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation String λ
validateHttpUrl configName uri =
case parseURI uri of
Nothing → throwError $
"the value " ⊕ T.pack uri ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not a valid URI"
Just u → unless (uriScheme u ≡ "http:") ∘ throwError $
"the value " ⊕ T.pack uri ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not an HTTP URL"
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation String λ
validateHttpsUrl configName uri =
case parseURI uri of
Nothing → throwError $
"the value " ⊕ T.pack uri ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not a valid URI"
Just u → unless (uriScheme u ≡ "https:") ∘ throwError $
"the value " ⊕ T.pack uri ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not an HTTPS URL"
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation String λ
validateUri configName uri =
unless (isURIReference uri) ∘ throwError $
"The value " ⊕ T.pack uri ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not a valid URI"
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation String λ
validateAbsoluteUri configName uri =
unless (isAbsoluteURI uri) ∘ throwError $
"The value " ⊕ T.pack uri ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not a valid URI"
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation String λ
validateAbsoluteUriFragment configName uri =
unless (isURI uri) ∘ throwError $
"The value " ⊕ T.pack uri ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not a valid URI"
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation String λ
validateIPv4 configName ipv4 =
unless (isIPv4address ipv4) ∘ throwError $
"The value " ⊕ T.pack ipv4 ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not a valid IPv4 address"
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation String λ
validateIPv6 configName ipv6 =
unless (isIPv6address ipv6) ∘ throwError $
"The value " ⊕ T.pack ipv6 ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not a valid IPv6 address"
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation Int λ
validatePort configName p =
unless (p > 1 && p < 65535) ∘ throwError $
"port value " ⊕ T.pack (show p) ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not valid port number"
∷ (Eq α, Monoid α)
⇒ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation α λ
validateNonEmpty configName x =
when (x ≡ mempty) ∘ throwError $
"value for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must not be empty"
∷ (F.Foldable φ)
⇒ T.Text
→ Int
→ ConfigValidation (φ α) λ
validateLength configName len x =
unless (length (F.toList x) ≡ len) ∘ throwError $
"value for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must be of length exactly " ⊕ sshow len
∷ (F.Foldable φ)
⇒ T.Text
→ Int
→ ConfigValidation (φ α) λ
validateMaxLength configName u x =
unless (length (F.toList x) ≤ u) ∘ throwError $
"value for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must be of length at most " ⊕ sshow u
∷ (F.Foldable φ)
⇒ T.Text
→ Int
→ ConfigValidation (φ α) λ
validateMinLength configName l x =
unless (length (F.toList x) ≥ l) ∘ throwError $
"value for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must be of length at least " ⊕ sshow l
∷ (F.Foldable φ)
⇒ T.Text
→ Int
→ Int
→ ConfigValidation (φ α) λ
validateMinMaxLength configName l u x =
unless (len ≥ l && len ≤ u) ∘ throwError $
"the length of the value for " ⊕ configName ⊕
" must be at least " ⊕ sshow l ⊕ " and at most " ⊕ sshow u
len = length $ F.toList x
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation FilePath λ
validateFilePath configName file =
when (null file) ∘ throwError $
"file path for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must not be empty"
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation FilePath λ
validateFile configName file = do
exists ← liftIO $ doesFileExist file
unless exists ∘ throwError $
"the file " ⊕ T.pack file ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " does not exist"
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation FilePath λ
validateFileReadable configName file = do
validateFile configName file
liftIO (getPermissions file) >>= \x → unless (readable x) ∘ throwError $
"the file " ⊕ T.pack file ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not readable"
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation FilePath λ
validateFileWritable configName file = do
validateFile configName file
liftIO (getPermissions file) >>= \x → unless (writable x) ∘ throwError $
"the file " ⊕ T.pack file ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not writable"
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation FilePath λ
validateFileExecutable configName file = do
validateFile configName file
liftIO (getPermissions file) >>= \x → unless (executable x) ∘ throwError $
"the file " ⊕ T.pack file ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " is not excutable"
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation FilePath λ
validateDirectory configName dir = do
exists ← liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist dir
unless exists ∘ throwError $
"the directory " ⊕ T.pack dir ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " does not exist"
∷ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation FilePath λ
validateExecutable configName file = do
execFile ← (file <$ validateFile configName file) `catchError` \_ ->
liftIO (findExecutable file) >>= \case
Nothing → throwError $
"the executable " ⊕ T.pack file ⊕ " for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " could not be found in the system;"
⊕ " you may check your SearchPath and PATH variable settings"
Just f → return f
validateFileExecutable configName execFile
∷ (MonadError T.Text m)
⇒ T.Text
→ Bool
→ m ()
validateFalse configName = validateBool configName False
∷ (MonadError T.Text m)
⇒ T.Text
→ Bool
→ m ()
validateTrue configName = validateBool configName True
∷ (MonadError T.Text m)
⇒ T.Text
→ Bool
→ Bool
→ m ()
validateBool configName expected x = unless (x ≡ expected) ∘ throwError $
"expected " ⊕ configName ⊕ " to be " ⊕ sshow expected ⊕ ", but was " ⊕ sshow x
∷ (Ord α, Num α)
⇒ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation α λ
validateNonNegative configName x =
when (x < 0) ∘ throwError $
"value for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must not be negative"
∷ (Ord α, Num α)
⇒ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation α λ
validatePositive configName x =
when (x ≤ 0) ∘ throwError $
"value for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must be positive"
∷ (Ord α, Num α)
⇒ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation α λ
validateNonPositive configName x =
when (x > 0) ∘ throwError $
"value for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must not be positive"
∷ (Ord α, Num α)
⇒ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation α λ
validateNegative configName x =
when (x ≥ 0) ∘ throwError $
"value for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must be negative"
∷ (Eq α, Num α)
⇒ T.Text
→ ConfigValidation α λ
validateNonNull configName x = when (x ≡ 0) ∘ throwError $
"value for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must not be zero"
∷ (Ord α, Show α)
⇒ T.Text
→ α
→ ConfigValidation α λ
validateLess configName upper x = unless (x < upper) ∘ throwError $
"value for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must be strictly less than " ⊕ sshow upper ⊕ ", but was " ⊕ sshow x
∷ (Ord α, Show α)
⇒ T.Text
→ α
→ ConfigValidation α λ
validateLessEq configName upper x = unless (x ≤ upper) ∘ throwError $
"value for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must be less or equal than " ⊕ sshow upper ⊕ ", but was " ⊕ sshow x
∷ (Ord α, Show α)
⇒ T.Text
→ α
→ ConfigValidation α λ
validateGreater configName lower x = unless (x > lower) ∘ throwError $
"value for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must be strictly greater than " ⊕ sshow lower ⊕ ", but was " ⊕ sshow x
∷ (Ord α, Show α)
⇒ T.Text
→ α
→ ConfigValidation α λ
validateGreaterEq configName lower x = unless (x ≥ lower) ∘ throwError $
"value for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must be greater or equal than " ⊕ sshow lower ⊕ ", but was " ⊕ sshow x
∷ (Ord α, Show α)
⇒ T.Text
→ (α, α)
→ ConfigValidation α λ
validateRange configName (lower,upper) x = unless (x ≥ lower ∧ x ≤ upper) ∘ throwError $
"value for " ⊕ configName ⊕ " must be within the range of (" ⊕ sshow lower ⊕ ", " ⊕ sshow upper ⊕ "), but was " ⊕ sshow x