# configuration-tools ## 0.6.1 (2021-10-12) * Support GHC-9.2 * Support aeson >=2.0 ## 0.6.0 (2021-02-16) #### New * The command line option `--print-config-as` was added, that takes the values `full`, `minimal`, and `diff` and print either the full configuration, a minimal configuration that contains only changes that are different from the default configuration, or it print a YAML document that shows the difference between the actual configuration and the default configuration. * The helper functions `jsonOption` and `jsonReader` for building command line parsers have been added. #### Removed * The function `fmapL` is removed from `Configuration.Utils.Internal`. Instead the function `first` from `Data.Bifunctor` from the `base` package can be used. ## 0.5.0 (2020-04-06) #### Changed - Support for GHC < 8.4 has been dropped. - Support for Cabal < 2.2 has been dropped. - Support for "Remote Configuration" has been turned off by default. It can be manually activated via the `remote-configs` flag. #### Removed - The previously deprecated `<.>` and `⊙` operators have been removed. Use `<.<` instead for either. #### Deprecated - The unicode `×` operator will be removed with the next major release. Use `%` instead. ## 0.4.2 (2020-01-25) * GHC 8.8 support. ## 0.4.1 (2019-05-10) * Added `pLeftSemigroupalUpdate` and `pRightSemigroupalUpdate`. ## 0.4.0 (2018-08-21) * Drop support for GHC < 7.10 and base < 4.8 * Drop support for Cabal < 1.24 * Drop support for transformers < 0.4 * Don't run CI tests for Cabal < 2 * With Cabal 2.0 or later package info modules are placed in per component `autogen` directories. All package info modules are named just `PkgInfo`. For backward compatibility modules with the old legacy names (`PkgInfo_*`) are still generated but marked deprecated. With Cabal 1.24 only the legacy behavior is available and a deprecation warning is raised. ## 0.3.1 (2018-03-16) * Support GHC-8.4.1 and Cabal-2.2 * Replaced the use of non-ascii identifiers in the public API ## 0.3.0 * Remove built in short options `-p`, `-c`, and `-i` * Support GHC-8.2 and Cabal-2.0 ## 0.2.15 * Support for http-client >= 0.5 ## 0.2.14 * Support for GHC-8 and Cabal-1.24 ## 0.2.13 * Eliminate most compiler warnings when compiling with GHC-7.10. * Bump lower bound on the version of `optparse-applicative` to ``. This avoids issues when building with `transformers-compat`. * Reduce compilation time with `text<` by avoiding usage of `toCaseFold` from the `case-insensitive` package. * Dropped dependency on the error package. * [Issue 43](https://github.com/alephcloud/hs-configuration-tools/issues/43): Support detection of the version control system when the package directory and thus the cabal file is in sub-directory of the repository. ## 0.2.12 * Added support for transformers- This changes allows usage of configuration-tools along with packages that depend on ghc, which in turn depends on transformers- ## 0.2.11 * Added support for Cabal-1.18. This is supposed to make the build more robust and simplify integration with existing build infrastructure and other packages. ## 0.2.10 * Moved all internal APIs to the `Internal` name space. Exposing them in 0.2.9 was considered a bug. * Configuration files can be formatted either as JSON or as YAML. For remote configuration files the HTTP `Content-Type` header is used to determine the format, for local files the file suffix is used. The default format is YAML. * Set the HTTP `accept` header for JSON and YAML when requesting remote configuration files. ## 0.2.9 * Use tight constraint for all validation functions. Previously the constraint where unnecessarily restrictive. * Added `updateProperty` function that generalized `%.:` in the same way as `setProperty` generalizes `..:`. * Added a validation function for configuration file arguments. * Allow usage of more than a single `--config-file` option on the command line. * Support for static configuration file locations. Configuration files can be marked as `required` or `optional`. * Support for loading of configuration files form HTTP and HTTPS URLs. There are new flags for disabling validation of SSL certificates and white listing SSL certificates based on their fingerprint. * Added tools for updating configurations with a monoid instance. * Added two new option parsers for boolean flags. * The `boolOption_` parser uses the syntax `--feature` and `--no-feature` to enable and respectively disable a feature. * The `enableDisableFlag` parser uses the syntax `--enable-feature` and `--disable-feature` to enable and respectively disable a feature. * Refactored the module layout. The API of the existing modules is is backward compatible, but a lot of code got moved into submodules. * Improved documentation. * Improved test suite. ## 0.2.8 * Added validation functions for Boolean values, numeric values and orders. * Added operator `!..:` for parsing of configuration values that are required to be present in a configuration file, thus preventing the default value from being used. * More consistent usage of case in metavar values. * Drop support for optparse-applicative < 0.10. ## 0.2.7 * Added `view` function for lenses to `Configuration.Utils.Internal`. * Added support for validation of configuration values. * Added module `Configuration.Utils.Validation` that provides primitives for validating different basic configuration values. ## 0.2.6 * For git repositories include also light-weight (non-annotated) tags in the version description. * Added new function `boolReader`, `boolOption`, `fileOption`, and `eitherReadP` to `Utils`. * Added new function `maybeOption` and improved documentation about `Maybe` config values. * Included optimisation level into long info. ## 0.2.5 * `Configuration.Utils.Setup`: export `mkPkgInfoModules` function that modifies a given `UserHooks` record to generate an `PkgInfo` module during configuration. ## * Support for optparse-applicative >= 0.10. ## 0.2.4 * Configuration.Utils.Setup: fixed generation of `PkgInfo` module for package configurations with explicit flags. * Improved documentation for `Maybe` values. ## 0.2.3 * Show the help options in the options summary message. * Add `-?` as short version of for `--help` in addition to `-h`. * Remove `showHelpOnError` and `disambiguate` from option parser preferences. * Added file `INSTALL_ON_WINDOWS.md` with installation instructions for windows to the package. ## 0.2.2 * Add Lens `piOptionParserAndDefaultConfiguration` that gives simultaneous accesses to `piOptionParser` and `piDefaultConfiguration` which allows changing the type parameter of `ProgramInfo a`. * Introduce function `setProperty`. It is used as the `..:` operator but allows to specify a custom parser for the property value instead of the default `parseJSON` from the `FromJSON` instance. * Introduce operators `(<*<)`, `(>*>)`, `(<$<)`, `(>$>)` and deprecate `(⊙)` and `(<.>)`. ## 0.2.1 * Fix build with GHC-7.6 by relaxing lower bounds on some dependencies. ## 0.2 First release.