configurator-export: Pretty printer and exporter for configurations from the "configurator" library.

[ bsd3, configuration, data, library ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

Pretty printers and exporters for Configs from the configurator library, in Data.Configurator.

All results are intended to be valid parsing files in the configuration file syntax of the library.

For a full round trip:

main = do
  cfg <- load [Required "config.cfg"]
  writeConf "config.cfg" cfg

This should load the config file, parse it, and then re-export it, rewriting the original config file. The result should be an identical configuration file (with keys potentially re-arranged and re-sorted, comments removed, etc.)

See the Data.Configurator.Export module for more details and ways to modify the output style.

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Dependencies base (>=4.6 && <5), base-compat, bifunctors, configurator, pretty, semigroups (>=0.17), text, unordered-containers [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright (c) Justin Le 2016
Author Justin Le
Category Configuration, Data
Home page
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by jle at 2016-05-08T01:28:43Z
Distributions LTSHaskell:, NixOS:, Stackage:
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
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Status Docs available [build log]
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configurator-export on Stackage LTS 4 configurator-export on Stackage LTS configurator-export on Stackage Nightly

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Pretty printers and exporters for 'Config's from the great configurator library.

All results are intended to be valid parsing files in the configuration file syntax of the library.

For a full round trip:

main = do
  cfg <- load [Required "config.cfg"]
  writeConf "config.cfg" cfg

This should load the config file, parse it, and then re-export it, rewriting the original config file. The result should be an identical configuration file (with keys potentially re-arranged and re-sorted, comments removed, etc.)

Can also export/print any HashMap Name Value, in the form exported from a Config using getMap. Modify a map yourself to dynically generate/customize configuration files!

Sample output:

foo {
    bar {
        baz1  = true
        baz2  = [1, 0.6, "hello", true]
    aardvark  = "banana"
    monkey    = [true, false, 1.9e-3]
    zebra     = 24

foo2 {
    bar = 8.1e-8

apple   = ["cake", true]
orange  = 8943

Further configuration on sorting of keys, displaying of bools and floats, etc. is possible by passing in custom ConfStyle style option values.