-- |
-- Module      : Network.Connection.Types
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- connection types
module Network.Connection.Types

import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar)

import Data.Default.Class
import Data.X509.CertificateStore
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)

import Network.BSD (HostName)
import Network.Socket (PortNumber)
import qualified Network.TLS as TLS

import System.IO (Handle)

-- | Simple backend enumeration, either using a raw connection or a tls connection.
data ConnectionBackend = ConnectionStream Handle
                       | ConnectionTLS TLS.Context

-- | Connection Parameters to establish a Connection.
-- The strict minimum is an hostname and the port.
-- If you need to establish a TLS connection, you should make sure
-- connectionUseSecure is correctly set.
-- If you need to connect through a SOCKS, you should make sure
-- connectionUseSocks is correctly set.
data ConnectionParams = ConnectionParams
    { connectionHostname   :: HostName           -- ^ host name to connect to.
    , connectionPort       :: PortNumber         -- ^ port number to connect to.
    , connectionUseSecure  :: Maybe TLSSettings  -- ^ optional TLS parameters.
    , connectionUseSocks   :: Maybe SockSettings -- ^ optional Socks configuration.

-- | Socks settings for the connection.
-- The simple settings is just the hostname and portnumber of the proxy server.
-- That's for now the only settings in the SOCKS package,
-- socks password, or any sort of other authentications is not yet implemented.
data SockSettings = SockSettingsSimple HostName PortNumber

-- | TLS Settings that can be either expressed as simple settings,
-- or as full blown TLS.Params settings.
-- Unless you need access to parameters that are not accessible through the
-- simple settings, you should use TLSSettingsSimple.
data TLSSettings
    = TLSSettingsSimple
             { settingDisableCertificateValidation :: Bool -- ^ Disable certificate verification completely,
                                                           --   this make TLS/SSL vulnerable to a MITM attack.
                                                           --   not recommended to use, but for testing.
             , settingDisableSession               :: Bool -- ^ Disable session management. TLS/SSL connections
                                                           --   will always re-established their context.
                                                           --   Not Implemented Yet.
             , settingUseServerName                :: Bool -- ^ Use server name extension. Not Implemented Yet.
             } -- ^ Simple TLS settings. recommended to use.
    | TLSSettings TLS.ClientParams -- ^ full blown TLS Settings directly using TLS.Params. for power users.
    deriving (Show)

instance Default TLSSettings where
    def = TLSSettingsSimple False False False

type ConnectionID = (HostName, PortNumber)

-- | This opaque type represent a connection to a destination.
data Connection = Connection
    { connectionBackend :: MVar ConnectionBackend
    , connectionBuffer  :: MVar (Maybe ByteString) -- ^ this is set to 'Nothing' on EOF
    , connectionID      :: ConnectionID  -- ^ return a simple tuple of the port and hostname that we're connected to.

-- | Shared values (certificate store, sessions, ..) between connections
-- At the moment, this is only strictly needed to shared sessions and certificates
-- when using a TLS enabled connection.
data ConnectionContext = ConnectionContext
    { globalCertificateStore :: !CertificateStore