connection-pool: Connection pool built on top of resource-pool and streaming-commons.

[ bsd3, data, library, network ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

Connection poll is a family of specialised resource pools. Currently package provides two variants:

  1. pool for TCP client connections,

  2. and pool for UNIX Sockets client connections.

In addition it can be used to build your own connection pool using provided primitives.

This package is built on top of resource-pool and streaming-commons. The later allows us to use conduit-extra package for implementation of TCP or UNIX Sockets clients.

For examples and other details see documentation in Data.ConnectionPool module.

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Maintainer's Corner

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Versions [RSS],,,, 0.1.3, 0.2, 0.2.1, 0.2.2
Change log
Dependencies base (>=4.6 && <5), between (>=, data-default-class (>=0.0 && <0.2), monad-control (>=0.3), network (>=2.2.3), resource-pool (>= && <1), streaming-commons (>=0.1.3 && <0.3), time (>=1.0), transformers-base (>=0.4.2 && <0.5) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Peter Trško
Author Peter Trško
Category Data, Network
Home page
Bug tracker
Source repo head: git clone git://
Uploaded by PeterTrsko at 2018-03-03T00:29:44Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2018-03-03 [all 1 reports]

Readme for connection-pool-0.2.2

[back to package description]

Connection Pool

Hackage Hackage Dependencies Haskell Programming Language BSD3 License



Connection pool is a family of specialised resource pools. Currently package provides two

  1. pool for TCP client connections,
  2. and pool for UNIX Sockets client connections.

In addition it can be used to build your own connection pool using provided primitives.

This package is built on top of resource-pool and streaming-commons. The later allows us to use conduit-extra package for implementation of TCP or UNIX Sockets clients.


Stable releases with API documentation are available on Hackage


Simple code examples, including example from the following section, are available in example/ directory.

TCP Client Example

Here is a simple example that demonstrates how TCP client can be created and how connection pool behaves.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main (main)

import Control.Concurrent
    ( forkIO
    , newEmptyMVar
    , putMVar
    , readMVar
    , threadDelay
import Control.Monad (void, mapM_)
import System.Environment (getArgs)

import Control.Lens ((.~), (&))
import Data.ConnectionPool
    ( createTcpClientPool
    , numberOfResourcesPerStripe
    , numberOfStripes
    , withTcpClientConnection
import Data.Default.Class (Default(def))
import Data.Streaming.Network (appWrite, clientSettingsTCP)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    [port, numStripes, numPerStripe] <- getArgs
    pool <- createTcpClientPool
        (poolParams numStripes numPerStripe)
        (clientSettingsTCP (read port) "")
    thread1 <- newEmptyMVar
    thread2 <- newEmptyMVar
    void . forkIO . withTcpClientConnection pool $ \appData -> do
        threadDelay 1000
        appWrite appData "1: I'm alive!\n"
        putMVar thread1 ()
    void . forkIO . withTcpClientConnection pool $ \appData -> do
        appWrite appData "2: I'm alive!\n"
        putMVar thread2 ()
    mapM_ readMVar [thread1, thread2]
    poolParams m n =
        def & numberOfStripes .~ read m
            & numberOfResourcesPerStripe .~ read n

To test it we can use socat or some netcat like application. Our test will require two terminals, in one we will execute socat as a server listenting on UNIX socket and in the other one we execute above example.

Simple TCP server listening on port 8001 that prints what it receives to stdout:

$ socat TCP4-LISTEN:8001,bind=,fork -

The fork parameter in the above example is important, otherwise socat would terminate when client closes its connection.

If we run above example as:

$ runghc tcp-example.hs 8001 1 1

We can see that socat received following text:

1: I'm alive!
2: I'm alive!

But if we increment number of stripes or number of connections (resources) per stripe, then we will get:

2: I'm alive!
1: I'm alive!

The reason for this is that we use threadDelay 1000 in the first executed thread. So when we have only one stripe and one connection per stripe, then we have only one connection in the pool. Therefore when the first thread executes and acquires a connection, then all the other threads (the other one in above example) will block. If we have more then one connection available in our pool, then the first thread acquires connection, blocks on threadDelay call, but the other thread also acquires connection and prints its output while the first thread is still blocked on threadDelay. This example demonstrates how connection pool behaves if it reached its capacity and when it has enough free resources.


The BSD 3-Clause License, see LICENSE file for details.


Contributions, pull requests and bug reports are welcome! Please don't be afraid to contact author using GitHub or by e-mail (see .cabal file for that).