{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | -- Module: $HEADER$ -- Description: ConnectionPool data type which is a specialized Pool wrapper. -- Copyright: (c) 2014-2015, Peter Trško -- License: BSD3 -- -- Maintainer: peter.trsko@gmail.com -- Stability: unstable (internal module) -- Portability: DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric, FunctionalDependencies, -- FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, NamedFieldPuns, -- NoImplicitPrelude, RecordWildCards -- -- Internal packages are here to provide access to internal definitions for -- library writers, but they should not be used in application code. -- -- Preferably use qualified import, e.g.: -- -- > import qualified Data.ConnectionPool.Internal.ConnectionPool as Internal -- -- This module doesn't depend on -- and -- other non-HaskellPlatform packages with exception of two packages -- and -- . Another notable thing -- is that this package is not OS specific. Please, bear this in mind when -- doing modifications. module Data.ConnectionPool.Internal.ConnectionPool ( -- * Data Type For Building Connection Pools ConnectionPool(ConnectionPool, _handlerParams, _resourcePool) -- ** Lenses , resourcePool , handlerParams , HasConnectionPool(connectionPool) -- * Lifted Resource Pool Operations -- -- | Operations on 'Pool' lifted to work on 'ConnectionPool' data type. , createConnectionPool , destroyAllConnections , withConnection , tryWithConnection ) where import Data.Function ((.)) import Data.Functor (Functor, (<$>)) import Data.Maybe (Maybe) import Data.Tuple (fst, uncurry) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import System.IO (IO) import Text.Show (Show(showsPrec), showChar, shows, showString) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Data.Function.Between.Strict ((~@@^>)) import Data.Pool (Pool) import qualified Data.Pool as Pool ( createPool , destroyAllResources , tryWithResource , withResource ) import Data.ConnectionPool.Internal.ResourcePoolParams (ResourcePoolParams) import qualified Data.ConnectionPool.Internal.ResourcePoolParams as ResourcePoolParams (ResourcePoolParams(..)) -- | Simple specialized wrapper for 'Pool'. -- -- /Definition changed in version 0.1.3 and 0.2./ -- /Instance for 'Generic' introduced in version 0.2./ data ConnectionPool handlerParams connection connectionInfo = ConnectionPool { _resourcePool :: !(Pool (connection, connectionInfo)) -- ^ See 'resourcePool' for details. -- -- /Since version 0.1.3; changed in 0.2./ , _handlerParams :: !handlerParams -- ^ See 'handlerParams' for details. -- -- /Since version 0.1.3./ } deriving (Generic, Typeable) -- | /Since version 0.1.3./ instance Show handlerParams => Show (ConnectionPool handlerParams c i) where showsPrec _ ConnectionPool{..} = showString "ConnectionPool {resourcePool = " . shows _resourcePool . showString ", handlerParams = " . shows _handlerParams . showChar '}' -- | Lens for accessing underlying resource pool @'Pool' (connection, -- connectionInfo)@. Where @connection@ represents network connection and -- @connectionInfo@ is a protocol specific information associated with the same -- network connection as the @connection@ is. -- -- /Since version 0.1.3; changed in 0.2./ resourcePool :: Functor f => (Pool (c, i) -> f (Pool (c', i'))) -> ConnectionPool p c i -> f (ConnectionPool p c' i') resourcePool = _resourcePool ~@@^> \s b -> s{_resourcePool = b} {-# INLINE resourcePool #-} -- | Lens for accessing parameters passed down to connection handler. These -- information will usually be implementation specific. E.g. for -- >= -- 1.13 we use this to pass around read buffer size, for more details see -- module "Data.ConnectionPool.Internal.HandlerParams". -- -- /Since version 0.1.3./ handlerParams :: Functor f => (handlerParams -> f handlerParams') -> ConnectionPool handlerParams c i -> f (ConnectionPool handlerParams' c i) handlerParams = _handlerParams ~@@^> \s b -> s{_handlerParams = b} {-# INLINE handlerParams #-} -- | Specialized wrapper for 'Pool.createPool', see its documentation for -- details. -- -- Definition changed in /version 0.1.3 and version 0.2/. createConnectionPool :: handlerParams -- ^ Data type passed down to individual connection handlers. -- -- /Since version 0.1.3./ -> IO (connection, connectionInfo) -- ^ Acquire a connection which is represented by a @connection@. There -- might be additional information associated with specific connection that -- we pass as a sencond value in a tuple. Such information are considered -- read only and aren't passed to release function (see next argument). -- -- /Changed in version 0.2./ -> (connection -> IO ()) -- ^ Release a connection which is represented by a @connection@. -- -- /Changed in version 0.2./ -> ResourcePoolParams -- ^ Data type representing all 'Pool.createPool' parameters that describe -- internal 'Pool' parameters. -> IO (ConnectionPool handlerParams connection connectionInfo) -- ^ Created connection pool that is parametrised by additional connection -- details. createConnectionPool hParams acquire release params = mkConnectionPool <$> Pool.createPool acquire (release . fst) (ResourcePoolParams._numberOfStripes params) (ResourcePoolParams._resourceIdleTimeout params) (ResourcePoolParams._numberOfResourcesPerStripe params) where mkConnectionPool pool = ConnectionPool { _resourcePool = pool , _handlerParams = hParams } {-# INLINE createConnectionPool #-} -- | Specialized wrapper for 'Pool.withResource'. -- -- /Changed in version 0.2./ withConnection :: MonadBaseControl IO m => ConnectionPool handlerParams connection connectionInfo -> (handlerParams -> connection -> connectionInfo -> m r) -> m r withConnection ConnectionPool{..} f = Pool.withResource _resourcePool (uncurry (f _handlerParams)) {-# INLINE withConnection #-} -- | Specialized wrapper for 'Pool.tryWithResource'. -- -- /Since version 0.2./ tryWithConnection :: MonadBaseControl IO m => ConnectionPool handlerParams connection connectionInfo -> (handlerParams -> connection -> connectionInfo -> m r) -> m (Maybe r) tryWithConnection ConnectionPool{..} f = Pool.tryWithResource _resourcePool (uncurry (f _handlerParams)) {-# INLINE tryWithConnection #-} -- | Destroy all connections that might be still open in a connection pool. -- This is useful when one needs to release all resources at once and not to -- wait for idle timeout to be reached. -- -- For more details see 'Pool.destroyAllResources'. -- -- /Since version destroyAllConnections :: ConnectionPool p c i -> IO () destroyAllConnections ConnectionPool{_resourcePool} = Pool.destroyAllResources _resourcePool {-# INLINE destroyAllConnections #-} -- | /Since version 0.2./ class HasConnectionPool p c i s | s -> p, s -> c, s -> i where -- | Lens for accessing 'ConnectionPool' wrapped in a data type. connectionPool :: Functor f => (ConnectionPool p c i -> f (ConnectionPool p c i)) -> s -> f s