#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
module Data.Constraint
, Dict(Dict)
, (:-)(Sub)
, (\\)
, weaken1, weaken2, contract
, (&&&), (***)
, trans, refl
, top, bottom
, mapDict
, unmapDict
, Class(..)
, (:=>)(..)
) where
import Control.Monad
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
import Control.Category
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Complex
import Data.Ratio
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
import Data.Data
import GHC.Prim (Constraint)
data Dict :: Constraint -> * where
Dict :: a => Dict a
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
deriving Typeable
instance (Typeable p, p) => Data (Dict p) where
gfoldl _ z Dict = z Dict
toConstr _ = dictConstr
gunfold _ z c = case constrIndex c of
1 -> z Dict
_ -> error "gunfold"
dataTypeOf _ = dictDataType
dictConstr :: Constr
dictConstr = mkConstr dictDataType "Dict" [] Prefix
dictDataType :: DataType
dictDataType = mkDataType "Data.Constraint.Dict" [dictConstr]
deriving instance Eq (Dict a)
deriving instance Ord (Dict a)
deriving instance Show (Dict a)
infixr 9 :-
newtype a :- b = Sub (a => Dict b)
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
deriving Typeable
type role (:-) nominal nominal
instance (Typeable p, Typeable q, p, q) => Data (p :- q) where
gfoldl _ z (Sub Dict) = z (Sub Dict)
toConstr _ = subConstr
gunfold _ z c = case constrIndex c of
1 -> z (Sub Dict)
_ -> error "gunfold"
dataTypeOf _ = subDataType
subConstr :: Constr
subConstr = mkConstr dictDataType "Sub" [] Prefix
subDataType :: DataType
subDataType = mkDataType "Data.Constraint.:-" [subConstr]
instance Category (:-) where
id = refl
(.) = trans
instance Eq (a :- b) where
_ == _ = True
instance Ord (a :- b) where
compare _ _ = EQ
instance Show (a :- b) where
showsPrec d _ = showParen (d > 10) $ showString "Sub Dict"
infixl 1 \\
(\\) :: a => (b => r) -> (a :- b) -> r
r \\ Sub Dict = r
trans :: (b :- c) -> (a :- b) -> a :- c
trans f g = Sub $ Dict \\ f \\ g
refl :: a :- a
refl = Sub Dict
(***) :: (a :- b) -> (c :- d) -> (a, c) :- (b, d)
f *** g = Sub $ Dict \\ f \\ g
weaken1 :: (a, b) :- a
weaken1 = Sub Dict
weaken2 :: (a, b) :- b
weaken2 = Sub Dict
contract :: a :- (a, a)
contract = Sub Dict
(&&&) :: (a :- b) -> (a :- c) -> a :- (b, c)
f &&& g = Sub $ Dict \\ f \\ g
top :: a :- ()
top = Sub Dict
type family Ex (a :: *) (c :: Constraint) :: Constraint
type instance Ex () c = ()
type instance Ex Bool c = c
falso :: (() ~ a) :- Ex a c
falso = Sub Dict
bottom :: (() ~ Bool) :- c
bottom = falso
mapDict :: (a :- b) -> Dict a -> Dict b
mapDict p Dict = case p of Sub q -> q
unmapDict :: (Dict a -> Dict b) -> a :- b
unmapDict f = Sub (f Dict)
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
type role Dict nominal
class Class b h | h -> b where
cls :: h :- b
infixr 9 :=>
class b :=> h | h -> b where
ins :: b :- h
instance Class () (Class b a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance Class () (b :=> a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance Class b a => () :=> Class b a where ins = Sub Dict
instance (b :=> a) => () :=> b :=> a where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class () () where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> () where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class () (Eq a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Eq () where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Eq Int where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Eq Bool where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Eq Integer where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Eq Float where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Eq Double where ins = Sub Dict
instance Eq a :=> Eq [a] where ins = Sub Dict
instance Eq a :=> Eq (Maybe a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Eq a :=> Eq (Complex a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Eq a :=> Eq (Ratio a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance (Eq a, Eq b) :=> Eq (a, b) where ins = Sub Dict
instance (Eq a, Eq b) :=> Eq (Either a b) where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Eq (Dict a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Eq (a :- b) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class (Eq a) (Ord a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Ord () where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Ord Bool where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Ord Int where ins = Sub Dict
instance ():=> Ord Integer where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Ord Float where ins = Sub Dict
instance ():=> Ord Double where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Ord Char where ins = Sub Dict
instance Ord a :=> Ord (Maybe a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Ord a :=> Ord [a] where ins = Sub Dict
instance (Ord a, Ord b) :=> Ord (a, b) where ins = Sub Dict
instance (Ord a, Ord b) :=> Ord (Either a b) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Integral a :=> Ord (Ratio a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Ord (Dict a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Ord (a :- b) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class () (Show a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Show () where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Show Bool where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Show Ordering where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Show Char where ins = Sub Dict
instance Show a :=> Show (Complex a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Show a :=> Show [a] where ins = Sub Dict
instance Show a :=> Show (Maybe a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance (Show a, Show b) :=> Show (a, b) where ins = Sub Dict
instance (Show a, Show b) :=> Show (Either a b) where ins = Sub Dict
instance (Integral a, Show a) :=> Show (Ratio a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Show (Dict a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Show (a :- b) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class () (Read a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Read () where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Read Bool where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Read Ordering where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Read Char where ins = Sub Dict
instance Read a :=> Read (Complex a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Read a :=> Read [a] where ins = Sub Dict
instance Read a :=> Read (Maybe a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance (Read a, Read b) :=> Read (a, b) where ins = Sub Dict
instance (Read a, Read b) :=> Read (Either a b) where ins = Sub Dict
instance (Integral a, Read a) :=> Read (Ratio a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class () (Enum a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Enum () where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Enum Bool where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Enum Ordering where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Enum Char where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Enum Int where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Enum Integer where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Enum Float where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Enum Double where ins = Sub Dict
instance Integral a :=> Enum (Ratio a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class () (Bounded a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Bounded () where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Bounded Ordering where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Bounded Bool where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Bounded Int where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Bounded Char where ins = Sub Dict
instance (Bounded a, Bounded b) :=> Bounded (a,b) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class () (Num a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Num Int where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Num Integer where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Num Float where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Num Double where ins = Sub Dict
instance RealFloat a :=> Num (Complex a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Integral a :=> Num (Ratio a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class (Num a, Ord a) (Real a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Real Int where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Real Integer where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Real Float where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Real Double where ins = Sub Dict
instance Integral a :=> Real (Ratio a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class (Real a, Enum a) (Integral a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Integral Int where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Integral Integer where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class (Num a) (Fractional a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Fractional Float where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Fractional Double where ins = Sub Dict
instance RealFloat a :=> Fractional (Complex a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Integral a :=> Fractional (Ratio a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class (Fractional a) (Floating a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Floating Float where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Floating Double where ins = Sub Dict
instance RealFloat a :=> Floating (Complex a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class (Real a, Fractional a) (RealFrac a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> RealFrac Float where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> RealFrac Double where ins = Sub Dict
instance Integral a :=> RealFrac (Ratio a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class (RealFrac a, Floating a) (RealFloat a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> RealFloat Float where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> RealFloat Double where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class () (Monoid a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Monoid () where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Monoid Ordering where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Monoid [a] where ins = Sub Dict
instance Monoid a :=> Monoid (Maybe a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b) :=> Monoid (a, b) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class () (Functor f) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Functor [] where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Functor Maybe where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Functor (Either a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Functor ((->) a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Functor ((,) a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Functor IO where ins = Sub Dict
instance Monad m :=> Functor (WrappedMonad m) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class (Functor f) (Applicative f) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Applicative [] where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Applicative Maybe where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Applicative (Either a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Applicative ((->)a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Applicative IO where ins = Sub Dict
instance Monoid a :=> Applicative ((,)a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Monad m :=> Applicative (WrappedMonad m) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class (Applicative f) (Alternative f) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Alternative [] where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Alternative Maybe where ins = Sub Dict
instance MonadPlus m :=> Alternative (WrappedMonad m) where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class () (Monad f) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Monad [] where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Monad ((->) a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Monad (Either a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> Monad IO where ins = Sub Dict
instance Class (Monad f) (MonadPlus f) where cls = Sub Dict
instance () :=> MonadPlus [] where ins = Sub Dict
instance () :=> MonadPlus Maybe where ins = Sub Dict
instance a :=> Enum (Dict a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance a => Enum (Dict a) where
toEnum _ = Dict
fromEnum Dict = 0
instance a :=> Bounded (Dict a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance a => Bounded (Dict a) where
minBound = Dict
maxBound = Dict
instance a :=> Read (Dict a) where ins = Sub Dict
deriving instance a => Read (Dict a)
instance a :=> Monoid (Dict a) where ins = Sub Dict
instance a => Monoid (Dict a) where
mappend Dict Dict = Dict
mempty = Dict