{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} #endif #include "containers.h" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.IntMap.Merge.Lazy -- Copyright : (c) wren romano 2016 -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org -- Portability : portable -- -- This module defines an API for writing functions that merge two -- maps. The key functions are 'merge' and 'mergeA'. -- Each of these can be used with several different \"merge tactics\". -- -- The 'merge' and 'mergeA' functions are shared by -- the lazy and strict modules. Only the choice of merge tactics -- determines strictness. If you use 'Data.Map.Merge.Strict.mapMissing' -- from "Data.Map.Merge.Strict" then the results will be forced before -- they are inserted. If you use 'Data.Map.Merge.Lazy.mapMissing' from -- this module then they will not. -- -- == Efficiency note -- -- The 'Control.Category.Category', 'Applicative', and 'Monad' instances for -- 'WhenMissing' tactics are included because they are valid. However, they are -- inefficient in many cases and should usually be avoided. The instances -- for 'WhenMatched' tactics should not pose any major efficiency problems. -- -- @since 0.5.9 module Data.IntMap.Merge.Lazy ( -- ** Simple merge tactic types SimpleWhenMissing , SimpleWhenMatched -- ** General combining function , merge -- *** @WhenMatched@ tactics , zipWithMaybeMatched , zipWithMatched -- *** @WhenMissing@ tactics , mapMaybeMissing , dropMissing , preserveMissing , mapMissing , filterMissing -- ** Applicative merge tactic types , WhenMissing , WhenMatched -- ** Applicative general combining function , mergeA -- *** @WhenMatched@ tactics -- | The tactics described for 'merge' work for -- 'mergeA' as well. Furthermore, the following -- are available. , zipWithMaybeAMatched , zipWithAMatched -- *** @WhenMissing@ tactics -- | The tactics described for 'merge' work for -- 'mergeA' as well. Furthermore, the following -- are available. , traverseMaybeMissing , traverseMissing , filterAMissing -- *** Covariant maps for tactics , mapWhenMissing , mapWhenMatched -- *** Contravariant maps for tactics , lmapWhenMissing , contramapFirstWhenMatched , contramapSecondWhenMatched -- *** Miscellaneous tactic functions , runWhenMatched , runWhenMissing ) where import Data.IntMap.Internal