name: containers-verified version: synopsis: Formally verified drop-in replacement of containers description: In the context of the , parts of the library were formally verified using and the interactive theorem prover Coq. . This package depends on precisely the verified version of containers and re-exports the verified parts of the API, with module name and function name unchanged. . If you happen to use only the verified subset of the API, then you can simply change @containers@ to @containers-verified@ in your @.cabal@ file and earn bragging rights about using verified data structures in your project. Because the types from @containers@ are re-exported, you can still interface with other libraries that depend on @containers@ directly. . If you happen to need additional modules or functions, you will have to depend on both @containers@ and @containers-verified@, and use to disambiguate. . This package does not re-export any of the @….Internals@ modules. . We cannot control which type class instances are re-exported; these therefore may give you access to unverified code. Also, the @conatiners@ code contains some CPP directives; these can enable different code on your machine than the code that we verified (e.g. different bit-widths). . To learn more about what exactly has been verified, and how wide the formalization gap is, see the paper “Ready, Set, Verify! Applying hs-to-coq to non-trivial Haskell code” by Joachim Breitner, Antal Spector-Zabusky, Yao Li, Christine Rizkallah, John Wiegley and Stephanie Weirich. . The long-term maintenance plan for this package is not fleshed out yet, and certainly depends on user-demand. Let us know your needs! (And your technical or financial abilities to contribute...) homepage: license: MIT license-file: LICENSE author: Joachim Breitner maintainer: copyright: 2018 Joachim Breitner category: Data build-type: Simple extra-source-files: cabal-version: >=1.10 library build-depends: containers == default-language: Haskell2010 exposed-modules: Data.Set Data.IntSet Data.Map source-repository head type: git location: