{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Web.Cookie
    ( -- * Server to client
      -- ** Data type
    , setCookieName
    , setCookieValue
    , setCookiePath
    , setCookieExpires
    , setCookieMaxAge
    , setCookieDomain
    , setCookieHttpOnly
    , setCookieSecure
      -- ** Functions
    , parseSetCookie
    , renderSetCookie
    , def
      -- * Client to server
    , Cookies
    , parseCookies
    , renderCookies
      -- ** UTF8 Version
    , CookiesText
    , parseCookiesText
    , renderCookiesText
      -- * Expires field
    , expiresFormat
    , formatCookieExpires
    , parseCookieExpires
    ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder, fromByteString, copyByteString)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char8 (fromChar)
import Data.Monoid (mempty, mappend, mconcat)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Ratio (numerator, denominator)
import Data.Time (UTCTime (UTCTime), toGregorian, fromGregorian, formatTime, parseTime)
import Data.Time.Clock (DiffTime, secondsToDiffTime)
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1, 5, 0)
import Data.Time (defaultTimeLocale)
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8With)
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Default (Default (def))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (rnf))

-- | Textual cookies. Functions assume UTF8 encoding.
type CookiesText = [(Text, Text)]

parseCookiesText :: S.ByteString -> CookiesText
parseCookiesText =
    map (go *** go) . parseCookies
    go = decodeUtf8With lenientDecode

-- FIXME to speed things up, skip encodeUtf8 and use fromText instead
renderCookiesText :: CookiesText -> Builder
renderCookiesText = renderCookies . map (encodeUtf8 *** encodeUtf8)

type Cookies = [(S.ByteString, S.ByteString)]

-- | Decode the value of a \"Cookie\" request header into key/value pairs.
parseCookies :: S.ByteString -> Cookies
parseCookies s
  | S.null s = []
  | otherwise =
    let (x, y) = breakDiscard 59 s -- semicolon
     in parseCookie x : parseCookies y

parseCookie :: S.ByteString -> (S.ByteString, S.ByteString)
parseCookie s =
    let (key, value) = breakDiscard 61 s -- equals sign
        key' = S.dropWhile (== 32) key -- space
     in (key', value)

breakDiscard :: Word8 -> S.ByteString -> (S.ByteString, S.ByteString)
breakDiscard w s =
    let (x, y) = S.breakByte w s
     in (x, S.drop 1 y)

renderCookies :: Cookies -> Builder
renderCookies [] = mempty
renderCookies cs =
    foldr1 go $ map renderCookie cs
    go x y = x `mappend` fromChar ';' `mappend` y

renderCookie :: (S.ByteString, S.ByteString) -> Builder
renderCookie (k, v) = fromByteString k `mappend` fromChar '='
                                       `mappend` fromByteString v

data SetCookie = SetCookie
    { setCookieName :: S.ByteString
    , setCookieValue :: S.ByteString
    , setCookiePath :: Maybe S.ByteString
    , setCookieExpires :: Maybe UTCTime
    , setCookieMaxAge :: Maybe DiffTime
    , setCookieDomain :: Maybe S.ByteString
    , setCookieHttpOnly :: Bool
    , setCookieSecure :: Bool
    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance NFData SetCookie where
    rnf (SetCookie a b c d e f g h) =
        a `seq`
        b `seq`
        rnfMBS c `seq`
        rnf d `seq`
        rnf e `seq`
        rnfMBS f `seq`
        rnf g `seq`
        rnf h
        -- For backwards compatibility
        rnfMBS Nothing = ()
        rnfMBS (Just bs) = bs `seq` ()

instance Default SetCookie where
    def = SetCookie
        { setCookieName     = "name"
        , setCookieValue    = "value"
        , setCookiePath     = Nothing
        , setCookieExpires  = Nothing
        , setCookieMaxAge   = Nothing
        , setCookieDomain   = Nothing
        , setCookieHttpOnly = False
        , setCookieSecure   = False

renderSetCookie :: SetCookie -> Builder
renderSetCookie sc = mconcat
    [ fromByteString (setCookieName sc)
    , fromChar '='
    , fromByteString (setCookieValue sc)
    , case setCookiePath sc of
        Nothing -> mempty
        Just path -> copyByteString "; Path="
                     `mappend` fromByteString path
    , case setCookieExpires sc of
        Nothing -> mempty
        Just e -> copyByteString "; Expires=" `mappend`
                  fromByteString (formatCookieExpires e)
    , case setCookieMaxAge sc of
        Nothing -> mempty
        Just ma -> copyByteString"; Max-Age=" `mappend`
                   fromByteString (formatCookieMaxAge ma)
    , case setCookieDomain sc of
        Nothing -> mempty
        Just d -> copyByteString "; Domain=" `mappend`
                  fromByteString d
    , if setCookieHttpOnly sc
        then copyByteString "; HttpOnly"
        else mempty
    , if setCookieSecure sc
        then copyByteString "; Secure"
        else mempty

parseSetCookie :: S.ByteString -> SetCookie
parseSetCookie a = SetCookie
    { setCookieName = name
    , setCookieValue = value
    , setCookiePath = lookup "path" flags
    , setCookieExpires =
        lookup "expires" flags >>= parseCookieExpires
    , setCookieMaxAge =
        lookup "max-age" flags >>= parseCookieMaxAge
    , setCookieDomain = lookup "domain" flags
    , setCookieHttpOnly = isJust $ lookup "httponly" flags
    , setCookieSecure = isJust $ lookup "secure" flags
    pairs = map (parsePair . dropSpace) $ S.split 59 a ++ [S8.empty] -- 59 = semicolon
    (name, value) = head pairs
    flags = map (first (S8.map toLower)) $ tail pairs
    parsePair = breakDiscard 61 -- equals sign
    dropSpace = S.dropWhile (== 32) -- space

expiresFormat :: String
expiresFormat = "%a, %d-%b-%Y %X GMT"

-- | Format a 'UTCTime' for a cookie.
formatCookieExpires :: UTCTime -> S.ByteString
formatCookieExpires =
    S8.pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale expiresFormat

parseCookieExpires :: S.ByteString -> Maybe UTCTime
parseCookieExpires =
    fmap fuzzYear . parseTime defaultTimeLocale expiresFormat . S8.unpack
    -- See: https://github.com/snoyberg/cookie/issues/5
    fuzzYear orig@(UTCTime day diff)
        | x >= 70 && x <= 99 = addYear 1900
        | x >= 0 && x <= 69 = addYear 2000
        | otherwise = orig
        (x, y, z) = toGregorian day
        addYear x' = UTCTime (fromGregorian (x + x') y z) diff

-- | Format a 'DiffTime' for a cookie.
formatCookieMaxAge :: DiffTime -> S.ByteString
formatCookieMaxAge difftime = S8.pack $ show (num `div` denom)
  where rational = toRational difftime
        num = numerator rational
        denom = denominator rational

parseCookieMaxAge :: S.ByteString -> Maybe DiffTime
parseCookieMaxAge bs
  | all (\ c -> c >= '0' && c <= '9') $ unpacked = Just $ secondsToDiffTime $ read unpacked
  | otherwise = Nothing
  where unpacked = S8.unpack bs