Name: cpsa Version: 3.4.1 Maintainer: Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 License: BSD3 License-File: license.txt Synopsis: Symbolic cryptographic protocol analyzer Description: The Cryptographic Protocol Shapes Analyzer (CPSA) attempts to enumerate all essentially different executions possibe for a cryptographic protocol. We call them the shapes of the protocol. Naturally occurring protocols have only finitely many, indeed very few shapes. Authentication and secrecy properties are easy to determine from them, as are attacks and anomalies. . For each input problem, the CPSA program is given some initial behavior, and it discovers what shapes are compatible with it. Normally, the initial behavior is from the point of view of one participant. The analysis reveals what the other participants must have done, given the participant's view. The search is based on a high-level algorithm that was claimed to be complete, i.e. every shape can in fact be found in a finite number of steps. Further theoretical work showed classes of executions that are not found by the algorithm, however it also showed that every omitted execution requires an unnatural interpretation of a protocol's roles. Hence the algorithm is complete relative to natural role semantics. . The package contains a set of programs used to perform and display the analysis. A standards complient browser, such as Firefox, Safari, or Chrome, is required to display the results. Program documentation is in the doc directory in the source distribution, and installed in the package's data directory. You can locate the package's data directory by typing "cpsa --help" to a command prompt. New users should start learning to use the tool from the manual, found at "cpsamanual.pdf" in the data directory. Examples referenced in the manual can be found in the data directory as well. It is suggested that users make an examples directory and copy "*.scm *.xhtml" to their local examples directory, both so that they may be modified and for ease of access. . Serious Windows users should install MSYS so as to allow the use of make and script execution. . The theory and algorithm used by CPSA was developed with the help of Joshua D. Guttman, John D. Ramsdell, Jon C. Herzog, Shaddin F. Doghmi, F. Javier Thayer, Paul D. Rowe, and Moses D. Liskov. John D. Ramsdell and Moses D. Liskov implemented the algorithm in Haskell. CPSA was designed and implemented at The MITRE Corporation. Category: Cryptography Build-Type: Simple Data-Files: Make.hs cpsamanual.pdf examples/blanchet.scm examples/blanchet.xhtml examples/bltk_or.scm examples/bltk_or.xhtml examples/envelope.scm examples/envelope.xhtml examples/ffgg.scm examples/ffgg.xhtml examples/fnof_test.scm examples/fnof_test.xhtml examples/fnof_yahalom.scm examples/fnof_yahalom.xhtml examples/goals.scm examples/goals.xhtml examples/kerb.scm examples/kerb.xhtml examples/lt_test.scm examples/lt_test.xhtml examples/neq_test.scm examples/neq_test.xhtml examples/ns.scm examples/ns.xhtml examples/or.scm examples/or.xhtml examples/pkinit.scm examples/pkinit.xhtml examples/plaindh.scm examples/plaindh.xhtml examples/priority_test.scm examples/priority_test.xhtml examples/station.scm examples/station.xhtml examples/subsort_test.scm examples/woolam.scm examples/yahalom.scm examples/yahalom.xhtml examples/IKE_variants.tar.gz examples/iadh_um.scm examples/iadh_um.xhtml examples/subsort_test.xhtml examples/woolam.xhtml examples/dh_mim.scm examples/dh_mim.xhtml examples/fluffy_draft03_fixing_gske.scm examples/fluffy_draft03_gske.scm examples/fluffy_draft03_improving_pske.scm examples/fluffy_draft03_pske.scm Data-Dir: doc Extra-Source-Files: Makefile ChangeLog README.txt NEWS ghci cpsatst setup.bat src/cpsa.el src/cpsaops.scm src/ src/ src/ src/ghcmemlimit src/ src/ tst/checktst tst/updatetst tst/graphtst tst/Makefile tst/Make.hs tst/README tst/axiom2.scm tst/axiom2.tst tst/blanchet.scm tst/blanchet.tst tst/bltk_example.lisp tst/bltk_example.tst tst/bltk_test.scm tst/bltk_test.tst tst/dh-ca.scm tst/dh-ca.tst tst/dh_mim2.scm tst/dh_mim2.tst tst/dh_mim.scm tst/dh_mim.tst tst/dhnsl_basic.scm tst/dhnsl_basic.tst tst/dhnsl.lisp tst/dhnsl.tst tst/dhnsl_use.scm tst/dhnsl_use.tst tst/dh_sig.scm tst/dh_sig.tst tst/dh_test.scm tst/dh_test.tst tst/enrich.scm tst/enrich.tst tst/envelope.scm tst/envelope.tst tst/ffgg.scm tst/ffgg.tst tst/fnof_or.scm tst/fnof_or.tst tst/fnof_test.scm tst/fnof_test.tst tst/fnof_woolam.scm tst/fnof_woolam.tst tst/fnof_yahalom.scm tst/fnof_yahalom.tst tst/goals.scm tst/goals.tst tst/iadh_um.scm tst/iadh_um.tst tst/injection.scm tst/injection.tst tst/kerberos++.scm tst/kerberos++.tst tst/lt_test.scm tst/lt_test.tst tst/neq_test.scm tst/neq_test.tst tst/ns.scm tst/ns.tst tst/or.scm tst/or.tst tst/owang.scm tst/owang.tst tst/owat.scm tst/owat.tst tst/pkinit.scm tst/pkinit.tst tst/plaindh.scm tst/plaindh.tst tst/priority_test.scm tst/priority_test.tst tst/staticdh.scm tst/staticdh.tst tst/station2.scm tst/station2.tst tst/subsort_test.scm tst/subsort_test.tst tst/test_small.scm tst/test_small.tst tst/unilateral.scm tst/unilateral.tst tst/uniq-gen-test.scm tst/uniq-gen-test.tst tst/wang.tst tst/woolam.scm tst/woolam.tst tst/wrap_decrypt.lsp tst/wrap_decrypt.tst tst/yahalom.scm tst/yahalom.tst tst/aik.scm tst/aik.tst tst/reflect.scm tst/reflect.tst tst/station.scm tst/station.tst tst/kerb.scm tst/kerb.tst Source-Repository head Type: git Location: git:// Executable cpsamatch Main-Is: CPSA/Match/Main.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, containers GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-unused-imports Hs-Source-Dirs: src Other-Modules: Paths_cpsa CPSA.Lib.Utilities CPSA.Lib.Pretty CPSA.Lib.SExpr CPSA.Lib.Printer CPSA.Lib.Entry CPSA.Lib.Algebra CPSA.Match.Match CPSA.Basic.Algebra CPSA.DiffieHellman.Algebra Executable cpsa Main-Is: CPSA/Lib/Main.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, containers, parallel GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-unused-imports -threaded -rtsopts Hs-Source-Dirs: src Other-Modules: Paths_cpsa CPSA.Lib.Utilities CPSA.Lib.Pretty CPSA.Lib.SExpr CPSA.Lib.Printer CPSA.Lib.Entry CPSA.Lib.Algebra CPSA.Lib.AlgebraLibrary CPSA.Lib.State CPSA.Lib.Protocol CPSA.Lib.Goal CPSA.Lib.Strand CPSA.Lib.Characteristic CPSA.Lib.Loader CPSA.Lib.Displayer CPSA.Lib.Cohort CPSA.Lib.Expand CPSA.Lib.Reduction CPSA.Basic.Algebra CPSA.DiffieHellman.Algebra CPSA.Lib.Declaration Executable cpsagraph Main-Is: CPSA/Graph/Main.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, containers GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-unused-imports Hs-Source-Dirs: src Other-Modules: Paths_cpsa CPSA.Lib.Utilities CPSA.Lib.Pretty CPSA.Lib.SExpr CPSA.Lib.Printer CPSA.Lib.Notation CPSA.Lib.Entry CPSA.Lib.Algebra CPSA.Graph.XMLOutput CPSA.Graph.Config CPSA.Graph.SVG CPSA.Graph.Loader CPSA.Graph.Preskeleton CPSA.Graph.Layout CPSA.Graph.Tree CPSA.Graph.CompactView CPSA.Graph.ExpandedView CPSA.Graph.LaTeXView CPSA.Basic.Algebra Executable cpsashapes Main-Is: CPSA/Shapes/Main.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, containers GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-unused-imports Hs-Source-Dirs: src Other-Modules: Paths_cpsa CPSA.Lib.Utilities CPSA.Lib.Pretty CPSA.Lib.SExpr CPSA.Lib.Printer CPSA.Lib.Entry CPSA.Lib.Algebra CPSA.Shapes.Shapes CPSA.Basic.Algebra Executable cpsaannotations Main-Is: CPSA/Annotations/Main.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, containers GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-unused-imports Hs-Source-Dirs: src Other-Modules: Paths_cpsa CPSA.Lib.Utilities CPSA.Lib.Pretty CPSA.Lib.SExpr CPSA.Lib.Printer CPSA.Lib.Entry CPSA.Lib.Algebra CPSA.Annotations.Formulas CPSA.Annotations.Annotations CPSA.Basic.Algebra CPSA.DiffieHellman.Algebra Executable cpsapp Main-Is: CPSA/Pretty/Main.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, containers GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-unused-imports Hs-Source-Dirs: src Other-Modules: Paths_cpsa CPSA.Lib.Utilities CPSA.Lib.Pretty CPSA.Lib.SExpr CPSA.Lib.Printer CPSA.Lib.Entry CPSA.Lib.Algebra CPSA.Basic.Algebra Executable cpsajson Main-Is: CPSA/JSON/Main.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, containers GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-unused-imports Hs-Source-Dirs: src Other-Modules: Paths_cpsa CPSA.Lib.Utilities CPSA.Lib.Pretty CPSA.Lib.SExpr CPSA.Lib.Printer CPSA.Lib.Entry CPSA.Lib.Algebra CPSA.Basic.Algebra Executable cpsadiff Main-Is: CPSA/Diff/Main.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, containers GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-unused-imports Hs-Source-Dirs: src Other-Modules: Paths_cpsa CPSA.Lib.Utilities CPSA.Lib.Pretty CPSA.Lib.SExpr CPSA.Lib.Printer CPSA.Lib.Entry CPSA.Lib.Algebra CPSA.Basic.Algebra Executable cpsasas Main-Is: CPSA/SAS/Main.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, containers GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-unused-imports Hs-Source-Dirs: src Other-Modules: Paths_cpsa CPSA.Lib.Utilities CPSA.Lib.Pretty CPSA.Lib.SExpr CPSA.Lib.Printer CPSA.Lib.Entry CPSA.Lib.Algebra CPSA.SAS.SAS CPSA.Basic.Algebra CPSA.DiffieHellman.Algebra Executable cpsadebase Main-Is: CPSA/Debase/Main.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, containers GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-unused-imports Hs-Source-Dirs: src Other-Modules: Paths_cpsa CPSA.Lib.Utilities CPSA.Lib.Pretty CPSA.Lib.SExpr CPSA.Lib.Printer CPSA.Lib.Entry CPSA.Lib.Algebra CPSA.Basic.Algebra