Changelog for cql-3.1.1

3.1.1 ----- - Fix compatibility with template-haskell 3.1.0 ----- - Bugfix: Previous versions used an encoding for `CqlVarInt` and `CqlDecimal` which is *incompatible* with the actual CQL binary protocol specification. If you want to continue using the previous encoding use `-f incompatible-varint` when building this release. - The `Keyspace` parameter was removed from `UdtColumn` (for details see 3.0.7 ----- - Bugfix release. Fixes UDT and tuple serialisation. 3.0.6 ----- - Update `cereal` upper bound. 3.0.5 ----- - Add `Row` type to represent dynamic query parameters and results (e.g. to run "lightweight transactions" which may yield different results) 3.0.4 ----- - Update `iproute` upper bound - Handle `SockAddrCan` from network >= 2.6.1 3.0.3 ----- - Update `iproute` upper bound 3.0.2 ----- - Add support for GHC 7.10.1