module Crypto.ECC
( Curve_P256R1(..)
, Curve_P384R1(..)
, Curve_P521R1(..)
, Curve_X25519(..)
, Curve_X448(..)
, EllipticCurve(..)
, EllipticCurveDH(..)
, EllipticCurveArith(..)
, KeyPair(..)
, SharedSecret(..)
) where
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.P256 as P256
import qualified Crypto.ECC.Simple.Types as Simple
import qualified Crypto.ECC.Simple.Prim as Simple
import Crypto.Random
import Crypto.Error
import Crypto.Internal.Proxy
import Crypto.Internal.Imports
import Crypto.Internal.ByteArray (ByteArray, ByteArrayAccess, ScrubbedBytes)
import qualified Crypto.Internal.ByteArray as B
import Crypto.Number.Serialize (i2ospOf_, os2ip)
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519 as X25519
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Curve448 as X448
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.ByteArray (convert)
data KeyPair curve = KeyPair
{ keypairGetPublic :: !(Point curve)
, keypairGetPrivate :: !(Scalar curve)
newtype SharedSecret = SharedSecret ScrubbedBytes
deriving (Eq, ByteArrayAccess)
class EllipticCurve curve where
type Point curve :: *
type Scalar curve :: *
curveGenerateScalar :: MonadRandom randomly => proxy curve -> randomly (Scalar curve)
curveGenerateKeyPair :: MonadRandom randomly => proxy curve -> randomly (KeyPair curve)
curveSizeBits :: proxy curve -> Int
encodePoint :: ByteArray bs => proxy curve -> Point curve -> bs
decodePoint :: ByteArray bs => proxy curve -> bs -> CryptoFailable (Point curve)
class EllipticCurve curve => EllipticCurveDH curve where
ecdh :: proxy curve -> Scalar curve -> Point curve -> SharedSecret
class EllipticCurve curve => EllipticCurveArith curve where
pointAdd :: proxy curve -> Point curve -> Point curve -> Point curve
pointSmul :: proxy curve -> Scalar curve -> Point curve -> Point curve
data Curve_P256R1 = Curve_P256R1
instance EllipticCurve Curve_P256R1 where
type Point Curve_P256R1 = P256.Point
type Scalar Curve_P256R1 = P256.Scalar
curveSizeBits _ = 256
curveGenerateScalar _ = P256.scalarGenerate
curveGenerateKeyPair _ = toKeyPair <$> P256.scalarGenerate
where toKeyPair scalar = KeyPair (P256.toPoint scalar) scalar
encodePoint _ p = mxy
mxy :: forall bs. ByteArray bs => bs
mxy = B.concat [uncompressed, xy]
uncompressed, xy :: bs
uncompressed = B.singleton 4
xy = P256.pointToBinary p
decodePoint _ mxy = case B.uncons mxy of
Nothing -> CryptoFailed $ CryptoError_PointSizeInvalid
Just (m,xy)
| m == 4 -> P256.pointFromBinary xy
| otherwise -> CryptoFailed $ CryptoError_PointFormatInvalid
instance EllipticCurveArith Curve_P256R1 where
pointAdd _ a b = P256.pointAdd a b
pointSmul _ s p = P256.pointMul s p
instance EllipticCurveDH Curve_P256R1 where
ecdh _ s p = SharedSecret $ P256.pointDh s p
data Curve_P384R1 = Curve_P384R1
instance EllipticCurve Curve_P384R1 where
type Point Curve_P384R1 = Simple.Point Simple.SEC_p384r1
type Scalar Curve_P384R1 = Simple.Scalar Simple.SEC_p384r1
curveSizeBits _ = 384
curveGenerateScalar _ = Simple.scalarGenerate
curveGenerateKeyPair _ = toKeyPair <$> Simple.scalarGenerate
where toKeyPair scalar = KeyPair (Simple.pointBaseMul scalar) scalar
encodePoint _ point = encodeECPoint point
decodePoint _ bs = decodeECPoint bs
instance EllipticCurveArith Curve_P384R1 where
pointAdd _ a b = Simple.pointAdd a b
pointSmul _ s p = Simple.pointMul s p
instance EllipticCurveDH Curve_P384R1 where
ecdh _ s p = SharedSecret $ i2ospOf_ (curveSizeBytes prx) x
prx = Proxy :: Proxy Curve_P384R1
Simple.Point x _ = pointSmul prx s p
data Curve_P521R1 = Curve_P521R1
instance EllipticCurve Curve_P521R1 where
type Point Curve_P521R1 = Simple.Point Simple.SEC_p521r1
type Scalar Curve_P521R1 = Simple.Scalar Simple.SEC_p521r1
curveSizeBits _ = 521
curveGenerateScalar _ = Simple.scalarGenerate
curveGenerateKeyPair _ = toKeyPair <$> Simple.scalarGenerate
where toKeyPair scalar = KeyPair (Simple.pointBaseMul scalar) scalar
encodePoint _ point = encodeECPoint point
decodePoint _ bs = decodeECPoint bs
instance EllipticCurveArith Curve_P521R1 where
pointAdd _ a b = Simple.pointAdd a b
pointSmul _ s p = Simple.pointMul s p
instance EllipticCurveDH Curve_P521R1 where
ecdh _ s p = SharedSecret $ i2ospOf_ (curveSizeBytes prx) x
prx = Proxy :: Proxy Curve_P521R1
Simple.Point x _ = pointSmul prx s p
data Curve_X25519 = Curve_X25519
instance EllipticCurve Curve_X25519 where
type Point Curve_X25519 = X25519.PublicKey
type Scalar Curve_X25519 = X25519.SecretKey
curveSizeBits _ = 255
curveGenerateScalar _ = X25519.generateSecretKey
curveGenerateKeyPair _ = do
s <- X25519.generateSecretKey
return $ KeyPair (X25519.toPublic s) s
encodePoint _ p = B.convert p
decodePoint _ bs = X25519.publicKey bs
instance EllipticCurveDH Curve_X25519 where
ecdh _ s p = SharedSecret $ convert secret
where secret = X25519.dh p s
data Curve_X448 = Curve_X448
instance EllipticCurve Curve_X448 where
type Point Curve_X448 = X448.PublicKey
type Scalar Curve_X448 = X448.SecretKey
curveSizeBits _ = 448
curveGenerateScalar _ = X448.generateSecretKey
curveGenerateKeyPair _ = do
s <- X448.generateSecretKey
return $ KeyPair (X448.toPublic s) s
encodePoint _ p = B.convert p
decodePoint _ bs = X448.publicKey bs
instance EllipticCurveDH Curve_X448 where
ecdh _ s p = SharedSecret $ convert secret
where secret = X448.dh p s
encodeECPoint :: forall curve bs . (Simple.Curve curve, ByteArray bs) => Simple.Point curve -> bs
encodeECPoint Simple.PointO = error "encodeECPoint: cannot serialize point at infinity"
encodeECPoint (Simple.Point x y) = B.concat [uncompressed,xb,yb]
size = Simple.curveSizeBytes (Proxy :: Proxy curve)
uncompressed, xb, yb :: bs
uncompressed = B.singleton 4
xb = i2ospOf_ size x
yb = i2ospOf_ size y
decodeECPoint :: (Simple.Curve curve, ByteArray bs) => bs -> CryptoFailable (Simple.Point curve)
decodeECPoint mxy = case B.uncons mxy of
Nothing -> CryptoFailed $ CryptoError_PointSizeInvalid
Just (m,xy)
| m == 4 ->
let siz = B.length xy `div` 2
(xb,yb) = B.splitAt siz xy
x = os2ip xb
y = os2ip yb
in Simple.pointFromIntegers (x,y)
| otherwise -> CryptoFailed $ CryptoError_PointFormatInvalid
curveSizeBytes :: EllipticCurve c => Proxy c -> Int
curveSizeBytes proxy = (curveSizeBits proxy + 7) `div` 8