- V Switch to PVP versioning (https://pvp.haskell.org/) - V 0.24.4: Removed big dependencies bytestring and statistics - V 0.24.3: Multiple changes in .cabal to make cabal check happy - V 0.24.2: Found and fixed another severe bug in renderCalCurve - V 0.24.1: Fixed a serious bug in renderCalCurveMatrix - V 0.24.0: Introduced more precise data types to distinguish years BP and years BC/AD - V 0.23.1: Small changes to the instances of some general types - V 0.23.0: Renamed multiple functions to make the naming of operations for parsing, reading, from-file reading, rendering and writing consistent across data types - V 0.22.0: Changed the interface of the important calibrateDates function with a new config data type CalibrateDatesConf - V 0.21.3: Refactored the calibration curve interpolation - V 0.21.2: Introduced doctest and added some tiny examples/tests to try it out - V 0.21.1: Split up the calibration module for better readability - V 0.21.0: Added a neat CLI density plot for calibrated dates - V 0.20.2: Some performance improvements for the calibration of large numbers of dates - V 0.20.1: Better (parsing) error handling - V 0.20.0: Added an option --allowOutside to allow for calibrations to run outside the range of the calibration curve - V 0.19.0: Added functionality to filter out dates outside of the range of the calibration curve and report an error in this case - V 0.18.0: Implemented calibration with a StudentT distribution to mimic Bchron and established that as the new default. Reimplemented the --method option of the CLI tool to reflect that change - V 0.17.0: Changed argument order in CalCurve data type to adjust to the order in .14C files - V 0.16.0: Refactoring in the library to simplify and clarify the interface - V 0.15.0: Added another calibration algorithm (following the implementation by Andrew Parnell in Bchron) and a method switch for the CLI - V 0.14.0: Introduced strictness, which brought a significant increase in performance. See the discussion here: https://old.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/picjy6/how_could_i_improve_the_performance_of_my/ - V 0.13.0: Major rewrite with the vector library - includes multiple bugfixes, but is surprisingly slow - V 0.12.0: Renamed some core functions - V 0.11.0: Made calibration curve interpolation optional and turned it off by default - V 0.10.0: Simplified CLI interface by dropping the "calibrate" subcommand (currycarbon is sufficient now) and by repurposing -q from --quickOut to --quiet - V 0.9.0: Made --hdrFile output a lot more machine-readable - V 0.8.0: Added option --calibrationCurveFile to calibrate with different calibration curves - V 0.7.2: More documentation, small changes in code layout and renamed CLI module that provides runCalibrate - V 0.7.1: Added type documentation with haddock and replaced the existing types with record types - V 0.7.0: Changed the date input interface once more - V 0.6.0: Changed the date input interface, because parenthesis can be part of valid lab numbers - V 0.5.2: Fixed parallel evalutation (deepseq forced memory-intensive, non-lazy behaviour) - V 0.5.1: Added github release action (copied from poseidon-hs) - V 0.5.0: Added file input for dates to calibrate - V 0.4.0: Made output calibrated dates negative numbers for BC and positive for AD - and adjusted HDR printing accordingly - V 0.3.2: Some optimisation - V 0.3.1: Added automatic filling of unknown sample names - V 0.3.0: Simplified interface - V 0.2.1: Removed ascii plot functionality - V 0.2.0: Added parallel processing for the main calibration operation - V 0.1.0: First basically working version