Memo ==== > A simple in-memory key-value store Welcome to the first `daemons` tutorial, in which we walk through writing an in-memory key-value store with an RPC-like interface. The code for this tutorial is [Memo.hs]( Concretely, we want a program such that: - `memo put x 42` associates the value `42` with the key `x`, and - `memo get x` returns the value `42`. First of all, the extensions and imports: {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, OverloadedStrings #-} We need `DeriveGenerics` for [cereal]( to generate serializers and deserializers automatically, and we enable `OverloadedStrings` because it makes working with `ByteString`s much nicer. module Main where import Control.Concurrent.MVar ( MVar, newMVar, modifyMVar ) import Data.ByteString.Char8 ( ByteString ) import Data.Default ( def ) import Data.Serialize ( Serialize ) import Data.String ( fromString ) import qualified Data.Map as M import GHC.Generics import System.Environment ( getArgs ) import System.Daemon Our key-value store will be a `Map ByteString ByteString` and we'll store it in an `MVar` to synchronize concurrent accesses. Instead of handcrafting a binary protocol for our daemon, we take the easy road and generate it automatically with `Data.Serialize` and [GHC.Generics]( We import `System.Daemon` which is the high-level interface to the `daemons` library. The daemons' configuration is an instance of [Data.Default](, so we'll be able to use the defaults. data Command = Put ByteString ByteString | Get ByteString deriving ( Generic, Show ) instance Serialize Command We define a datatype for the `put ` and `get ` commands. We let GHC derive the `Generics` instance, which gives us a pure Haskell representation of the type; this is used by the `Serialize` instance to generate all the necessary binary serialization and deserialization code. data Response = Failed String | Value ByteString deriving ( Generic, Show ) instance Serialize Response Similarly, we define a datatype for the possible responses. These can either be values requested by `get `, or failure messages. type Book = M.Map ByteString ByteString handleCommand :: MVar Book -> Command -> IO Response handleCommand bookVar comm = modifyMVar bookVar $ \book -> return $ Our "book" is just a map of `ByteString`s; our command handler takes this map and a command, and returns a response. Whenever the daemon receives a command, it spawns a new thread and runs the command handler. We want to share the book between these concurrent calls to the handler, so we stick it in an [MVar]( An `MVar` is basically a thread-safe box which holds at most *one* item. We use `modifyMVar` which takes the book out of the `MVar`, runs our function with it, and puts the returned book back in the `MVar`. case comm of Get key -> ( book , maybe (Failed "not found") Value (M.lookup key book) ) A `get ` command does not change the book, so we just return it. We look up the key and return its value or a failure message. Put key value -> ( M.insert key value book , Value "ok" ) A `put ` command inserts the key-value pair into the book, and returns a confirmation message. main :: IO () main = do bookVar <- newMVar M.empty let options = def { daemonPort = 7856 } ensureDaemonRunning "memo" options (handleCommand bookVar) Before doing anything else, we need to ensure that the daemon is running: we create an empty book, customize the daemon's default options, and finally start it. Note that `ensureDaemonRunning` checks if the daemon is running and starts it otherwise; so, the daemon will be started the first time the program is run, and all later runs will use the initial daemon. args <- getArgs let args' = map fromString args Now it's time to handle the user input. First, we convert all the arguments to `ByteString`s for ease of use. res <- case args' of ["get", key] -> runClient "localhost" 7856 (Get key) ["put", key, value] -> runClient "localhost" 7856 (Put key value) _ -> error "invalid command" Next, we parse the arguments into a command and send it to the daemon. We call `runClient` with the port we gave earlier to `ensureDaemonRunning` and with the parsed command. print (res :: Maybe Response) Finally, we print the returned response. Note that `runClient` is polymorphic in its return so we *need* to specify the type of the response. Now let's see it in action: {- % dist/build/memo/memo get apples Daemon started on port 7856 Just (Failed "not found") % dist/build/memo/memo put apples 23 Just (Value "ok") % dist/build/memo/memo get apples Just (Value "23") -} To recap, we: - wrote data-types for commands and responses and gave them `Serialize` instances, - wrote a handler that takes a command and returns a response, - ensured that our daemon is running with `ensureDaemonRunning`, and - sent commands and received responses with `runClient`. This tutorial illustrates the basic concepts behind `daemons`, but hides a powerful feature: the interface is *streaming*. See the [Queue]( (Poor Man's Task Queue) tutorial for an example use of the streaming interface.