module Darcs.Patch.Choices ( PatchChoices, patchChoices, patchChoicesLps,
patchSlot, patchSlot',
getChoices, refineChoices,
forceFirst, forceFirsts, forceLast, forceLasts,
forceMatchingFirst, forceMatchingLast,
makeUncertain, makeEverythingLater, makeEverythingSooner,
LabelledPatch, Label, label, lpPatch, getLabelInt,
) where
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import Control.Monad.Identity ( Identity )
import Control.Monad.State ( StateT(..) )
import Prelude hiding ( pred )
import Darcs.Patch
( Patchy, commuteRL, commute, merge, listTouchedFiles, hunkMatches
, invert )
import Darcs.Patch.Merge ( Merge )
import Darcs.Patch.Permutations ( commuteWhatWeCanRL, commuteWhatWeCanFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Patchy ( Invert, Commute, PatchInspect )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Eq ( MyEq(..), EqCheck(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Unsafe ( unsafeCoerceP )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered
( FL(..), RL(..),
(:>)(..), (:\/:)(..), (:/\:)(..), (:||:)(..),
zipWithFL, mapFL_FL, concatFL,
(+>+), reverseRL, anyFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed ( Sealed2(..) )
#include "impossible.h"
data Label = Label (Maybe Label) Integer deriving ( Eq, Ord )
data LabelledPatch p wX wY = LP Label (p wX wY)
data PatchChoice p wX wY = PC { pcPatch :: (LabelledPatch p wX wY)
, _pcChoice :: Bool}
data PatchChoices p wX wY where
PCs :: { pcsFirsts :: FL (LabelledPatch p) wX wM
, pcsLasts :: FL (PatchChoice p) wM wY}
-> PatchChoices p wX wY
data Slot = InFirst | InMiddle | InLast
label :: LabelledPatch p wX wY -> Label
label (LP tg _) = tg
getLabelInt :: Label -> Integer
getLabelInt (Label _ i) = i
lpPatch :: LabelledPatch p wX wY -> p wX wY
lpPatch (LP _ p) = p
liftLP :: (p wX wY -> p wA wB) -> (LabelledPatch p wX wY -> LabelledPatch p wA wB)
liftLP f (LP t p) = LP t (f p)
compareLabels :: LabelledPatch p wA wB -> LabelledPatch p wC wD -> EqCheck (wA, wB) (wC, wD)
compareLabels (LP l1 _) (LP l2 _) = if l1 == l2 then unsafeCoerceP IsEq else NotEq
instance MyEq p => MyEq (LabelledPatch p) where
unsafeCompare (LP l1 p1) (LP l2 p2) = l1 == l2 && unsafeCompare p1 p2
instance Invert p => Invert (LabelledPatch p) where
invert = liftLP invert
instance Commute p => Commute (LabelledPatch p) where
commute (LP l1 p1 :> LP l2 p2) = do p2' :> p1' <- commute (p1 :> p2)
return (LP l2 p2' :> LP l1 p1')
instance PatchInspect p => PatchInspect (LabelledPatch p) where
listTouchedFiles (LP _ p) = listTouchedFiles p
hunkMatches f (LP _ p) = hunkMatches f p
instance Merge p => Merge (LabelledPatch p) where
merge (LP l1 p1 :\/: LP l2 p2) = case merge (p1 :\/: p2) of
p2' :/\: p1' -> LP l2 p2' :/\: LP l1 p1'
instance Commute p => Commute (PatchChoice p) where
commute (PC p1 c1 :> PC p2 c2) = do p2' :> p1' <- commute (p1 :> p2)
return (PC p2' c2 :> PC p1' c1)
instance PatchInspect p => PatchInspect (PatchChoice p) where
listTouchedFiles (PC p _) = listTouchedFiles p
hunkMatches f (PC p _) = hunkMatches f p
instance Merge p => Merge (PatchChoice p) where
merge (PC lp1 c1 :\/: PC lp2 c2) = case merge (lp1 :\/: lp2) of
lp2' :/\: lp1' -> PC lp2' c2 :/\: PC lp1' c1
patchChoices :: Patchy p => FL p wX wY -> PatchChoices p wX wY
patchChoices = fst . patchChoicesLps
patchChoicesLpsSub :: Patchy p
=> Maybe Label -> FL p wX wY
-> (PatchChoices p wX wY, FL (LabelledPatch p) wX wY)
patchChoicesLpsSub tg ps = let lps = zipWithFL LP (map (Label tg) [1..]) ps
in (PCs NilFL (mapFL_FL (\lp -> PC lp False) lps), lps)
patchChoicesLps :: Patchy p => FL p wX wY -> (PatchChoices p wX wY, FL (LabelledPatch p) wX wY)
patchChoicesLps = patchChoicesLpsSub Nothing
instance MyEq p => MyEq (PatchChoice p) where
unsafeCompare (PC lp1 _) (PC lp2 _) = unsafeCompare lp1 lp2
separateFirstFromMiddleLast :: Patchy p => PatchChoices p wX wZ
-> (FL (LabelledPatch p) :> FL (LabelledPatch p)) wX wZ
separateFirstFromMiddleLast (PCs f l) = f :> mapFL_FL (\ (PC lp _) -> lp) l
separateFirstMiddleFromLast :: Patchy p => PatchChoices p wX wZ
-> (FL (LabelledPatch p) :> FL (LabelledPatch p)) wX wZ
separateFirstMiddleFromLast (PCs f l) =
case pushLasts l of
(m :> l') -> f +>+ m :> l'
getChoices :: Patchy p => PatchChoices p wX wY
-> (FL (LabelledPatch p) :> FL (LabelledPatch p) :> FL (LabelledPatch p)) wX wY
getChoices (PCs f l) =
case pushLasts l of
(m :> l') -> f :> m :> l'
pushLasts :: Patchy p => FL (PatchChoice p) wX wY
-> (FL (LabelledPatch p) :> FL (LabelledPatch p)) wX wY
pushLasts NilFL = NilFL :> NilFL
pushLasts (PC lp False :>: pcs) =
case pushLasts pcs of
(m :> l) -> (lp :>: m) :> l
pushLasts (PC lp True :>: pcs) =
case pushLasts pcs of
(m :> l) ->
case commuteWhatWeCanFL (lp :> m) of
(m' :> lp' :> deps) -> m' :> (lp' :>: deps +>+ l)
refineChoices :: (Patchy p, Monad m, Functor m) =>
(forall wU wV . FL (LabelledPatch p) wU wV ->
PatchChoices p wU wV ->
m (PatchChoices p wU wV))
-> PatchChoices p wX wY -> m (PatchChoices p wX wY)
refineChoices act ps =
case getChoices ps of
(f :> m :> l) -> do
let mchoices = PCs NilFL . mapFL_FL (flip PC False) $ m
(PCs f' l') <- act m mchoices
return . PCs (f +>+ f') $ l' +>+ mapFL_FL (flip PC True) l
patchSlot :: forall p wA wB wX wY. Patchy p => LabelledPatch p wA wB
-> PatchChoices p wX wY -> (Slot, PatchChoices p wX wY)
patchSlot (LP t _) pc@(PCs f l) =
if foundIn f
then (InFirst, pc)
else psLast f NilRL NilRL l
foundIn = anyFL ((== t) . label)
psLast :: forall wM wC wL .
FL (LabelledPatch p) wX wM ->
RL (LabelledPatch p) wM wC ->
RL (LabelledPatch p) wC wL ->
FL (PatchChoice p) wL wY ->
(Slot, PatchChoices p wX wY)
psLast firsts middles bubble (PC lp True :>: ls)
| label lp == t = (InLast
, PCs { pcsFirsts = firsts
, pcsLasts = settleM middles
+>+ settleB bubble
+>+ PC lp True :>: ls})
psLast firsts middles bubble (PC lp False :>: ls)
| label lp == t =
case commuteRL (bubble :> lp) of
Just (lp' :> bubble') -> (InMiddle,
PCs { pcsFirsts = firsts
, pcsLasts = settleM middles
+>+ PC lp' False
:>: settleB bubble'
+>+ ls})
Nothing -> (InLast,
PCs { pcsFirsts = firsts
, pcsLasts = settleM middles
+>+ settleB bubble
+>+ PC lp True
:>: ls})
psLast firsts middles bubble (PC lp True :>: ls) =
psLast firsts middles (bubble :<: lp) ls
psLast firsts middles bubble (PC lp False :>: ls) =
case commuteRL (bubble :> lp) of
Just (lp' :> bubble') -> psLast firsts (middles :<: lp') bubble' ls
Nothing -> psLast firsts middles (bubble :<: lp) ls
psLast _ _ _ NilFL = impossible
settleM middles = mapFL_FL (\lp -> PC lp False) $ reverseRL middles
settleB bubble = mapFL_FL (\lp -> PC lp True) $ reverseRL bubble
patchSlot' :: Patchy p =>
LabelledPatch p wA wB -> StateT (PatchChoices p wX wY) Identity Slot
patchSlot' lp = StateT (return . patchSlot lp)
forceMatchingFirst :: forall p wA wB. Patchy p =>
( forall wX wY . LabelledPatch p wX wY -> Bool)
-> PatchChoices p wA wB
-> PatchChoices p wA wB
forceMatchingFirst pred (PCs fn l) =
fmfLasts fn NilRL l
fmfLasts :: FL (LabelledPatch p) wA wM
-> RL (PatchChoice p) wM wN
-> FL (PatchChoice p) wN wB
-> PatchChoices p wA wB
fmfLasts f l1 (a :>: l2)
| pred_pc a =
case commuteWhatWeCanRL (l1 :> a) of
(deps :> a' :> l1') ->
f' = f +>+ mapFL_FL pcPatch (reverseRL deps) +>+ (pcPatch a' :>: NilFL)
in fmfLasts f' l1' l2
fmfLasts f l1 (a :>: l2) = fmfLasts f (l1 :<: a) l2
fmfLasts f l1 NilFL = PCs { pcsFirsts = f
, pcsLasts = reverseRL l1 }
pred_pc :: forall wX wY . PatchChoice p wX wY -> Bool
pred_pc (PC lp _) = pred lp
forceFirsts :: Patchy p => [Label] -> PatchChoices p wA wB
-> PatchChoices p wA wB
forceFirsts ps = forceMatchingFirst ((`elem` ps) . label)
forceFirst :: Patchy p => Label -> PatchChoices p wA wB
-> PatchChoices p wA wB
forceFirst p = forceMatchingFirst ((== p) . label)
selectAllMiddles :: forall p wX wY. Patchy p => Bool
-> PatchChoices p wX wY -> PatchChoices p wX wY
selectAllMiddles True (PCs f l) = PCs f (mapFL_FL g l)
where g (PC lp _) = PC lp True
selectAllMiddles False (PCs f l) = samf f NilRL NilRL l
samf :: forall wM1 wM2 wM3 .
FL (LabelledPatch p) wX wM1 ->
RL (LabelledPatch p) wM1 wM2 ->
RL (PatchChoice p) wM2 wM3 ->
FL (PatchChoice p) wM3 wY ->
PatchChoices p wX wY
samf f1 f2 l1 (pc@(PC lp False) :>: l2) =
case commuteRL (l1 :> pc) of
Nothing -> samf f1 f2 (l1 :<: PC lp True) l2
Just ((PC lp' _) :> l1') -> samf f1 (f2 :<: lp') l1' l2
samf f1 f2 l1 (PC lp True :>: l2) = samf f1 f2 (l1 :<: PC lp True) l2
samf f1 f2 l1 NilFL = PCs (f1 +>+ reverseRL f2) (reverseRL l1)
forceMatchingLast :: Patchy p => (forall wX wY . LabelledPatch p wX wY -> Bool)
-> PatchChoices p wA wB
-> PatchChoices p wA wB
forceMatchingLast pred (PCs f l) = do
fmlFirst pred True NilRL f l
fmlFirst :: forall p wA wB wM1 wM2 . Patchy p =>
(forall wX wY . LabelledPatch p wX wY -> Bool) -> Bool
-> RL (LabelledPatch p) wA wM1
-> FL (LabelledPatch p) wM1 wM2
-> FL (PatchChoice p) wM2 wB
-> PatchChoices p wA wB
fmlFirst pred b f1 (a :>: f2) l
| pred a =
case commuteWhatWeCanFL (a :> f2) of
(f2' :> a' :> deps) ->
l' = mapFL_FL (\lp -> PC lp b) (a' :>: deps) +>+ l
fmlFirst pred b f1 f2' l'
fmlFirst pred b f1 (a :>: f2) l = fmlFirst pred b (f1 :<: a) f2 l
fmlFirst pred b f1 NilFL l = PCs { pcsFirsts = reverseRL f1
, pcsLasts = mapFL_FL ch l}
where ch (PC lp c) = (PC lp (if pred lp then b else c) )
forceLasts :: Patchy p => [Label]
-> PatchChoices p wA wB -> PatchChoices p wA wB
forceLasts ps = forceMatchingLast ((`elem` ps) . label)
forceLast :: Patchy p => Label
-> PatchChoices p wA wB -> PatchChoices p wA wB
forceLast p = forceMatchingLast ((== p) . label)
makeUncertain :: Patchy p => Label -> PatchChoices p wA wB -> PatchChoices p wA wB
makeUncertain t (PCs f l) = fmlFirst ((== t) . label) False NilRL f l
makeEverythingLater :: Patchy p => PatchChoices p wX wY -> PatchChoices p wX wY
makeEverythingLater (PCs f l) =
let m = mapFL_FL (\lp -> PC lp False) f
l' = mapFL_FL (\(PC lp _) -> PC lp True) l
PCs NilFL $ m +>+ l'
makeEverythingSooner :: forall p wX wY.
Patchy p => PatchChoices p wX wY -> PatchChoices p wX wY
makeEverythingSooner (PCs f l) =
case mes NilRL NilRL l
of (m :> l') ->
PCs (f +>+ m) l'
mes :: forall wM1 wM2 wM3 .
RL (LabelledPatch p) wM1 wM2 ->
RL (LabelledPatch p) wM2 wM3 ->
FL (PatchChoice p) wM3 wY ->
(FL (LabelledPatch p) :> FL (PatchChoice p)) wM1 wY
mes middle bubble (PC lp True :>: ls) = mes middle (bubble :<: lp) ls
mes middle bubble (PC lp False :>: ls) =
case commuteRL (bubble :> lp) of
Nothing -> mes middle (bubble :<: lp) ls
Just (lp' :> bubble') -> mes (middle :<: lp') bubble' ls
mes middle bubble NilFL = (reverseRL middle) :> mapFL_FL (\lp -> PC lp False) (reverseRL bubble)
substitute :: forall p wX wY
. Patchy p
=> Sealed2 (LabelledPatch p :||: FL (LabelledPatch p))
-> PatchChoices p wX wY
-> PatchChoices p wX wY
substitute (Sealed2 (lp :||: new_lps)) (PCs f l) =
PCs (concatFL $ mapFL_FL substLp f) (concatFL $ mapFL_FL substPc l)
substLp :: LabelledPatch p wA wB -> FL (LabelledPatch p) wA wB
substLp lp'
| IsEq <- compareLabels lp lp' = new_lps
| otherwise = lp' :>: NilFL
substPc :: PatchChoice p wA wB -> FL (PatchChoice p) wA wB
substPc (PC lp' c)
| IsEq <- compareLabels lp lp' = mapFL_FL (flip PC c) new_lps
| otherwise = PC lp' c :>: NilFL