module Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Coalesce
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import Prelude hiding ( pi )
import Control.Arrow ( second )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Data.Map ( elems, fromListWith, mapWithKey )
import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString, empty)
import System.FilePath ( (</>) )
import Darcs.Patch.Prim.Class ( PrimCanonize(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Commute ()
import Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Core
( Prim(..), FilePatchType(..), DirPatchType(..)
, comparePrim, isIdentity
import Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Show ()
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Eq ( Eq2(..), EqCheck(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered
( FL(..), RL(..), (:>)(..)
, reverseRL, mapFL, mapFL_FL
, concatFL, lengthFL, (+>+) )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed
( unseal, Sealed2(..), unsafeUnseal2
, Gap(..), unFreeLeft
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Unsafe ( unsafeCoerceP, unsafeCoercePEnd )
import Darcs.Patch.Invert ( Invert(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Commute ( Commute(..) )
import Darcs.Util.Diff ( getChanges )
import qualified Darcs.Util.Diff as D ( DiffAlgorithm )
import Darcs.Util.Global ( darcsdir )
import Darcs.Util.Path ( FileName, fp2fn )
coalesceFwd :: (Prim :> Prim) wX wY -> Maybe (FL Prim wX wY)
coalesceFwd (FP f1 _ :> FP f2 _) | f1 /= f2 = Nothing
coalesceFwd (p1 :> p2) | IsEq <- invert p1 =\/= p2 = Just NilFL
coalesceFwd (FP f1 p1 :> FP _ p2) = fmap (:>: NilFL) $ coalesceFilePrim f1 (p1 :> p2)
coalesceFwd (Move a b :> Move b' a') | b == b' = Just $ Move a a' :>: NilFL
coalesceFwd (FP f AddFile :> Move a b) | f == a = Just $ FP b AddFile :>: NilFL
coalesceFwd (DP f AddDir :> Move a b) | f == a = Just $ DP b AddDir :>: NilFL
coalesceFwd (Move a b :> FP f RmFile) | b == f = Just $ FP a RmFile :>: NilFL
coalesceFwd (Move a b :> DP f RmDir) | b == f = Just $ DP a RmDir :>: NilFL
coalesceFwd (ChangePref p1 f1 t1 :> ChangePref p2 f2 t2) | p1 == p2 && t1 == f2 = Just $ ChangePref p1 f1 t2 :>: NilFL
coalesceFwd _ = Nothing
mapPrimFL :: (forall wX wY . FL Prim wX wY -> FL Prim wX wY)
-> FL Prim wW wZ -> FL Prim wW wZ
mapPrimFL f x =
case mapM toSimpleSealed $ mapFL Sealed2 x of
Just sx -> concatFL $ unsealList $ elems $
mapWithKey (\ k p -> Sealed2 (f (fromSimples k (unsealList (p []))))) $
fromListWith (flip (.)) $
map (\ (a,b) -> (a,(b:))) sx
Nothing -> f x
unsealList :: [Sealed2 p] -> FL p wA wB
unsealList = foldr ((:>:) . unsafeUnseal2) (unsafeCoerceP NilFL)
toSimpleSealed :: Sealed2 Prim -> Maybe (FileName, Sealed2 Simple)
toSimpleSealed (Sealed2 p) = fmap (second Sealed2) (toSimple p)
data Simple wX wY
= SFP !(FilePatchType wX wY)
| SDP !(DirPatchType wX wY)
| SCP String String String
deriving ( Show )
toSimple :: Prim wX wY -> Maybe (FileName, Simple wX wY)
toSimple (FP a b) = Just (a, SFP b)
toSimple (DP a AddDir) = Just (a, SDP AddDir)
toSimple (DP _ RmDir) = Nothing
toSimple (Move _ _) = Nothing
toSimple (ChangePref a b c) = Just (fp2fn $ darcsdir </> "prefs" </> "prefs", SCP a b c)
fromSimple :: FileName -> Simple wX wY -> Prim wX wY
fromSimple a (SFP b) = FP a b
fromSimple a (SDP b) = DP a b
fromSimple _ (SCP a b c) = ChangePref a b c
fromSimples :: FileName -> FL Simple wX wY -> FL Prim wX wY
fromSimples a = mapFL_FL (fromSimple a)
tryHarderToShrink :: FL Prim wX wY -> FL Prim wX wY
tryHarderToShrink x = tryToShrink2 $ fromMaybe x (tryShrinkingInverse x)
tryToShrink2 :: FL Prim wX wY -> FL Prim wX wY
tryToShrink2 psold =
let ps = sortCoalesceFL psold
ps_shrunk = shrinkABit ps
if lengthFL ps_shrunk < lengthFL ps
then tryToShrink2 ps_shrunk
else ps_shrunk
shrinkABit :: FL Prim wX wY -> FL Prim wX wY
shrinkABit NilFL = NilFL
shrinkABit (p:>:ps) = fromMaybe (p :>: shrinkABit ps) $ tryOne NilRL p ps
tryOne :: RL Prim wW wX -> Prim wX wY -> FL Prim wY wZ
-> Maybe (FL Prim wW wZ)
tryOne _ _ NilFL = Nothing
tryOne sofar p (p1:>:ps) =
case coalesceFwd (p :> p1) of
Just p' -> Just (reverseRL sofar +>+ p' +>+ ps)
Nothing -> case commute (p :> p1) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (p1' :> p') -> tryOne (sofar:<:p1') p' ps
sortCoalesceFL2 :: FL Prim wX wY -> FL Prim wX wY
sortCoalesceFL2 NilFL = NilFL
sortCoalesceFL2 (x:>:xs) | IsEq <- isIdentity x = sortCoalesceFL2 xs
sortCoalesceFL2 (x:>:xs) = either id id $ pushCoalescePatch x $ sortCoalesceFL2 xs
pushCoalescePatch :: Prim wX wY -> FL Prim wY wZ
-> Either (FL Prim wX wZ) (FL Prim wX wZ)
pushCoalescePatch new NilFL = Left (new:>:NilFL)
pushCoalescePatch new ps@(p:>:ps')
= case coalesceFwd (new :> p) of
Just (new' :>: NilFL) -> Right $ either id id $ pushCoalescePatch new' ps'
Just NilFL -> Right ps'
Just _ -> impossible
Nothing -> if comparePrim new p == LT then Left (new:>:ps)
else case commute (new :> p) of
Just (p' :> new') ->
case pushCoalescePatch new' ps' of
Right r -> Right $ either id id $
pushCoalescePatch p' r
Left r -> Left (p' :>: r)
Nothing -> Left (new:>:ps)
coalesceFilePrim :: FileName -> (FilePatchType :> FilePatchType) wX wY
-> Maybe (Prim wX wY)
coalesceFilePrim f (Hunk line1 old1 new1 :> Hunk line2 old2 new2)
= coalesceHunk f line2 old2 new2 line1 old1 new1
coalesceFilePrim f (AddFile :> TokReplace{}) = Just $ FP f AddFile
coalesceFilePrim f (TokReplace{} :> RmFile) = Just $ FP f RmFile
coalesceFilePrim f (TokReplace t1 o1 n1 :> TokReplace t2 o2 n2)
| t1 == t2 && n1 == o2 = Just $ FP f $ TokReplace t1 o1 n2
coalesceFilePrim f (Binary o m' :> Binary m n)
| m == m' = Just $ FP f $ Binary o n
coalesceFilePrim _ _ = Nothing
coalesceHunk :: FileName
-> Int -> [B.ByteString] -> [B.ByteString]
-> Int -> [B.ByteString] -> [B.ByteString]
-> Maybe (Prim wX wY)
coalesceHunk f line1 old1 new1 line2 old2 new2
| line1 == line2 && lengthold1 < lengthnew2 =
if take lengthold1 new2 /= old1
then Nothing
else case drop lengthold1 new2 of
extranew -> Just (FP f (Hunk line1 old2 (new1 ++ extranew)))
| line1 == line2 && lengthold1 > lengthnew2 =
if take lengthnew2 old1 /= new2
then Nothing
else case drop lengthnew2 old1 of
extraold -> Just (FP f (Hunk line1 (old2 ++ extraold) new1))
| line1 == line2 = if new2 == old1 then Just (FP f (Hunk line1 old2 new1))
else Nothing
| line1 < line2 && lengthold1 >= line2 line1 =
case take (line2 line1) old1 of
extra-> coalesceHunk f line1 old1 new1 line1 (extra ++ old2) (extra ++ new2)
| line1 > line2 && lengthnew2 >= line1 line2 =
case take (line1 line2) new2 of
extra-> coalesceHunk f line2 (extra ++ old1) (extra ++ new1) line2 old2 new2
| otherwise = Nothing
where lengthold1 = length old1
lengthnew2 = length new2
canonizeHunk :: Gap w
=> D.DiffAlgorithm -> FileName -> Int -> [B.ByteString] -> [B.ByteString]
-> w (FL Prim)
canonizeHunk _ f line old new
| null old || null new || old == [B.empty] || new == [B.empty]
= freeGap (FP f (Hunk line old new) :>: NilFL)
canonizeHunk da f line old new = makeHoley f line $ getChanges da old new
makeHoley :: Gap w
=> FileName -> Int -> [(Int,[B.ByteString], [B.ByteString])]
-> w (FL Prim)
makeHoley f line =
foldr (joinGap (:>:) . (\(l,o,n) -> freeGap (FP f (Hunk (l+line) o n)))) (emptyGap NilFL)
instance PrimCanonize Prim where
tryToShrink = mapPrimFL tryHarderToShrink
tryShrinkingInverse (x:>:y:>:z)
| IsEq <- invert x =\/= y = Just z
| otherwise = case tryShrinkingInverse (y:>:z) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just yz' -> Just $ fromMaybe (x :>: yz') $ tryShrinkingInverse (x:>:yz')
tryShrinkingInverse _ = Nothing
sortCoalesceFL = mapPrimFL sortCoalesceFL2
canonize _ p | IsEq <- isIdentity p = NilFL
canonize da (FP f (Hunk line old new)) = unseal unsafeCoercePEnd $ unFreeLeft $ canonizeHunk da f line old new
canonize _ p = p :>: NilFL
canonizeFL da = concatFL . mapFL_FL (canonize da) . sortCoalesceFL .
concatFL . mapFL_FL (canonize da)
coalesce = coalesceFwd