-- Copyright (C) 2002-2014 David Roundy, Petr Rockai, Owen Stephens -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) -- any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to -- the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, -- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Darcs.UI.Commands.Convert.Import ( convertImport ) where import Darcs.Prelude hiding ( readFile, lex ) import Control.Applicative ((<|>),many) import Control.Arrow ((&&&), second) import Control.Monad (unless, void, when) import Control.Monad.State.Strict (gets, modify) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (()) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC import Data.IORef (modifyIORef, newIORef) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Word (Word8) import Safe (headErr, tailErr) import System.Directory (doesFileExist) import System.FilePath.Posix (()) import System.IO (stdin) import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( getUncovered ) import Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd ( n2pia ) import Darcs.Patch ( PrimOf, RepoPatch, move ) import Darcs.Patch.Apply ( ApplyState ) import Darcs.Patch.Named ( Named(..), infopatch ) import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered ( FL(..) , RL(..) , (+<<+) , reverseRL ) import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed ( Sealed(..), unFreeLeft ) import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo, patchinfo ) import Darcs.Patch.Prim ( canonizeFL ) import Darcs.Repository ( EmptyRepository(..) , AccessType(RW) , Repository , cleanRepository , createPristineDirectoryTree , createRepository , finalizeRepositoryChanges , readPatches , repoCache , revertRepositoryChanges , withUMaskFlag ) import Darcs.Repository.Diff (treeDiff) import Darcs.Repository.Hashed (addToTentativeInventory) import Darcs.Repository.Paths (tentativePristinePath) import Darcs.Repository.Prefs (FileType(..)) import Darcs.Repository.State (readPristine) import Darcs.UI.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..) , nodefaults , withStdOpts ) import Darcs.UI.Commands.Convert.Util ( Marks , addMark , emptyMarks , getMark , patchHash ) import Darcs.UI.Commands.Util ( commonHelpWithPrefsTemplates ) import Darcs.UI.Completion (noArgs) import Darcs.UI.Flags ( DarcsFlag , patchFormat , patchIndexNo , umask , useCache , withWorkingDir ) import Darcs.UI.Options ( (?), (^) ) import qualified Darcs.UI.Options.All as O import Darcs.Util.ByteString (decodeLocale, unpackPSFromUTF8) import Darcs.Util.DateTime ( formatDateTime , parseDateTime , startOfTime ) import Darcs.Util.Global (darcsdir) import Darcs.Util.Hash (encodeBase16, sha256) import Darcs.Util.Lock (withNewDirectory) import Darcs.Util.Path ( AbsolutePath , AnchoredPath(..) , appendPath , unsafeFloatPath , makeName , parent , darcsdirName ) import Darcs.Util.Printer ( Doc, text, ($+$) ) import qualified Darcs.Util.Tree as T import Darcs.Util.Tree ( Tree , TreeItem(..) , findTree , listImmediate , readBlob , treeHasDir , treeHasFile , treeHash ) import Darcs.Util.Tree.Hashed (darcsAddMissingHashes, hashedTreeIO) import qualified Darcs.Util.Tree.Monad as TM import Darcs.Util.Tree.Monad hiding (createDirectory, exists, rename) convertImportHelp :: Doc convertImportHelp = text (unlines [ "This command imports git repositories into new darcs repositories." , "Further options are accepted (see `darcs help init`)." , "" , "To convert a git repo to a new darcs one you may run:" , "" , " $ (cd gitrepo && git fast-export --all -M) | darcs convert import darcsmirror" , "" , "WARNING: git repositories with branches will produce weird results," , " use at your own risks." , "" , "Incremental import with marksfiles is currently not supported." ]) $+$ commonHelpWithPrefsTemplates convertImport :: DarcsCommand convertImport = DarcsCommand { commandProgramName = "darcs" , commandName = "import" , commandHelp = convertImportHelp , commandDescription = "Import from a git-fast-export stream into darcs" , commandExtraArgs = -1 , commandExtraArgHelp = ["[]"] , commandCommand = fastImport , commandPrereq = \_ -> return $ Right () , commandCompleteArgs = noArgs , commandArgdefaults = nodefaults , commandOptions = opts } where basicOpts = O.newRepo ^ O.setScriptsExecutable ^ O.patchFormat ^ O.withWorkingDir advancedOpts = O.diffAlgorithm ^ O.patchIndexNo ^ O.umask ^ O.withPrefsTemplates opts = basicOpts `withStdOpts` advancedOpts type Marked = Maybe Int type Branch = B.ByteString type AuthorInfo = B.ByteString type Message = B.ByteString type Content = B.ByteString type Tag = B.ByteString data RefId = MarkId Int | HashId B.ByteString | Inline deriving Show -- Newish (> Git either quotes filenames or has two -- non-special-char-containing paths. Older git doesn't do any quoting, so -- we'll have to manually try and find the correct paths, when we use the -- paths. data CopyRenameNames = Quoted B.ByteString B.ByteString | Unquoted B.ByteString deriving Show data Object = Blob (Maybe Int) Content | Reset Branch (Maybe RefId) | Commit Branch Marked AuthorInfo Message | Tag Tag Int AuthorInfo Message | Modify (Either Int Content) B.ByteString -- (mark or content), filename | Gitlink B.ByteString | Copy CopyRenameNames | Rename CopyRenameNames | Delete B.ByteString -- filename | From Int | Merge Int | Progress B.ByteString | End deriving Show type Ancestors = (Marked, [Int]) data State p where Toplevel :: Marked -> Branch -> State p InCommit :: Marked -> Ancestors -> Branch -> Tree IO -> RL (PrimOf p) cX cY -> PatchInfo -> State p Done :: State p instance Show (State p) where show Toplevel {} = "Toplevel" show InCommit {} = "InCommit" show Done = "Done" fastImport :: (AbsolutePath, AbsolutePath) -> [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO () fastImport _ opts [outrepo] = withUMaskFlag (umask ? opts) $ withNewDirectory outrepo $ do EmptyRepository _repo <- createRepository (patchFormat ? opts) (withWorkingDir ? opts) (patchIndexNo ? opts) (useCache ? opts) (O.withPrefsTemplates ? opts) -- TODO implement --dry-run, which would be read-only? _repo <- revertRepositoryChanges _repo marks <- fastImport' _repo (O.diffAlgorithm ? opts) emptyMarks cleanRepository _repo _repo <- finalizeRepositoryChanges _repo (O.dryRun ? opts) createPristineDirectoryTree _repo "." (withWorkingDir ? opts) return marks fastImport _ _ _ = fail "I need exactly one output repository." fastImport' :: forall p wU wR . (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository 'RW p wU wR -> O.DiffAlgorithm -> Marks -> IO () fastImport' repo diffalg marks = do pristine <- readPristine repo marksref <- newIORef marks let initial = Toplevel Nothing $ BC.pack "refs/branches/master" go :: State p -> B.ByteString -> TreeIO () go state rest = do (rest', item) <- parseObject rest state' <- process state item case state' of Done -> return () _ -> go state' rest' -- sort marks into buckets, since there can be a *lot* of them markpath :: Int -> AnchoredPath markpath n = unsafeFloatPath (darcsdir "marks") `appendPath` (either error id $ makeName $ show (n `div` 1000)) `appendPath` (either error id $ makeName $ show (n `mod` 1000)) makeinfo author message tag = do let (name, log) = case unpackPSFromUTF8 message of "" -> ("Unnamed patch", []) msg -> (headErr &&& tailErr) . lines $ msg (author'', date'') = span (/='>') $ unpackPSFromUTF8 author date' = dropWhile (`notElem` ("0123456789" :: String)) date'' author' = author'' ++ ">" date = formatDateTime "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" $ fromMaybe startOfTime (parseDateTime "%s %z" date') liftIO $ patchinfo date (if tag then "TAG " ++ name else name) author' log addtag author msg = do info_ <- makeinfo author msg True gotany <- liftIO $ doesFileExist tentativePristinePath deps <- if gotany then liftIO $ getUncovered `fmap` readPatches repo else return [] let patch :: Named p wA wA patch = NamedP info_ deps NilFL liftIO $ addToTentativeInventory (repoCache repo) (n2pia patch) -- processing items -- ugly procedure that does too many things at once: -- * it modifies the tree in the state by adding missing hashes -- but only for blobs and excluding anything under _darcs -- * it also returns the resulting tree with _darcs filtered out updateHashes = do let nodarcs = \(AnchoredPath xs) _ -> headErr xs /= darcsdirName hashblobs (File blob@(T.Blob con Nothing)) = do hash <- sha256 `fmap` readBlob blob return $ File (T.Blob con (Just hash)) hashblobs x = return x tree' <- liftIO . T.partiallyUpdateTree hashblobs nodarcs =<< gets tree modify $ \s -> s { tree = tree' } return $ T.filter nodarcs tree' -- Since git doesn't track directores it implicitly deletes -- them when they become empty. We should therefore remove any -- directories that become empty (except the repo-root -- directory!) deleteEmptyParents fp = case parent fp of Nothing -> return () Just directParent -> do parentTree <- flip findTree directParent <$> gets tree case (null . listImmediate) <$> parentTree of Just True -> do TM.unlink directParent deleteEmptyParents directParent -- Either missing (not possible) or non-empty. _ -> return () -- generate Hunk primitive patches from diffing diffCurrent :: State p -> TreeIO (State p) diffCurrent (InCommit mark ancestors branch start ps info_) = do current <- updateHashes Sealed diff <- unFreeLeft `fmap` liftIO (treeDiff diffalg (const TextFile) start current) let newps = ps +<<+ diff return $ InCommit mark ancestors branch current newps info_ diffCurrent _ = error "This is never valid outside of a commit." process :: State p -> Object -> TreeIO (State p) process s (Progress p) = do liftIO $ putStrLn ("progress " ++ decodeLocale p) return s process (Toplevel _ _) End = do tree' <- (liftIO . darcsAddMissingHashes) =<< updateHashes modify $ \s -> s { tree = tree' } -- lets dump the right tree, without _darcs let root = case treeHash tree' of Nothing -> error "tree has no hash!" Just hash -> encodeBase16 hash liftIO $ do putStrLn "\\o/ It seems we survived. Enjoy your new repo." B.writeFile tentativePristinePath $ BC.concat [BC.pack "pristine:", root] return Done process (Toplevel n b) (Tag tag what author msg) = do if Just what == n then addtag author msg else liftIO $ putStrLn $ "WARNING: Ignoring out-of-order tag " ++ decodeLocale tag return (Toplevel n b) process (Toplevel n _) (Reset branch from) = do case from of (Just (MarkId k)) | Just k == n -> addtag (BC.pack "Anonymous Tagger <> 0 +0000") branch _ -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "WARNING: Ignoring out-of-order tag " ++ decodeLocale branch return $ Toplevel n branch process (Toplevel n b) (Blob (Just m) bits) = do TM.writeFile (markpath m) (BLC.fromChunks [bits]) return $ Toplevel n b process x (Gitlink link) = do liftIO $ putStrLn $ "WARNING: Ignoring gitlink " ++ decodeLocale link return x process (Toplevel previous pbranch) (Commit branch mark author message) = do when (pbranch /= branch) $ do liftIO $ putStrLn ("Tagging branch: " ++ decodeLocale pbranch) addtag author pbranch info_ <- makeinfo author message False startstate <- updateHashes return $ InCommit mark (previous, []) branch startstate NilRL info_ process s@InCommit {} (Modify (Left m) path) = do TM.copy (markpath m) (decodePath path) diffCurrent s process s@InCommit {} (Modify (Right bits) path) = do TM.writeFile (decodePath path) (BLC.fromChunks [bits]) diffCurrent s process s@InCommit {} (Delete path) = do let floatedPath = decodePath path TM.unlink floatedPath deleteEmptyParents floatedPath diffCurrent s process (InCommit mark (prev, current) branch start ps info_) (From from) = return $ InCommit mark (prev, from:current) branch start ps info_ process (InCommit mark (prev, current) branch start ps info_) (Merge from) = return $ InCommit mark (prev, from:current) branch start ps info_ process s@InCommit {} (Copy names) = do (from, to) <- extractNames names TM.copy (decodePath from) (decodePath to) -- We can't tell Darcs that a file has been copied, so it'll -- show as an addfile. diffCurrent s process s@(InCommit mark ancestors branch start _ info_) (Rename names) = do (from, to) <- extractNames names let uFrom = decodePath from uTo = decodePath to case parent uTo of Nothing -> -- no parents i.e. target is root => nothing to do return () Just parentDir -> do targetDirExists <- liftIO $ treeHasDir start uTo targetFileExists <- liftIO $ treeHasFile start uTo parentDirExists <- liftIO $ treeHasDir start parentDir -- If the target exists, remove it; if it doesn't, add all -- its parent directories. if targetDirExists || targetFileExists then TM.unlink uTo else unless parentDirExists $ TM.createDirectory parentDir (InCommit _ _ _ _ newPs _) <- diffCurrent s TM.rename uFrom uTo let ps' = newPs :<: move uFrom uTo current <- updateHashes -- ensure empty dirs get deleted deleteEmptyParents uFrom -- run diffCurrent to add the dir deletions prims diffCurrent (InCommit mark ancestors branch current ps' info_) -- When we leave the commit, create a patch for the cumulated -- prims. process (InCommit mark ancestors branch _ ps info_) x = do case ancestors of (_, []) -> return () -- OK, previous commit is the ancestor (Just n, list) | n `elem` list -> return () -- OK, we base off one of the ancestors | otherwise -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "WARNING: Linearising non-linear ancestry:" ++ " currently at " ++ show n ++ ", ancestors " ++ show list (Nothing, list) -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "WARNING: Linearising non-linear ancestry " ++ show list {- current <- updateHashes -} -- why not? (prims :: FL (PrimOf p) cX cY) <- return $ canonizeFL diffalg $ reverseRL ps let patch :: Named p cX cY patch = infopatch info_ prims liftIO $ addToTentativeInventory (repoCache repo) (n2pia patch) case mark of Nothing -> return () Just n -> case getMark marks n of Nothing -> liftIO $ modifyIORef marksref $ \m -> addMark m n (patchHash $ n2pia patch) Just n' -> fail $ "FATAL: Mark already exists: " ++ decodeLocale n' process (Toplevel mark branch) x process state obj = do liftIO $ print obj fail $ "Unexpected object in state " ++ show state extractNames :: CopyRenameNames -> TreeIO (BC.ByteString, BC.ByteString) extractNames names = case names of Quoted f t -> return (f, t) Unquoted uqNames -> do let spaceIndices = BC.elemIndices ' ' uqNames splitStr = second (BC.drop 1) . flip BC.splitAt uqNames -- Reverse the components, so we find the longest -- prefix existing name. case reverse $ map splitStr spaceIndices of [component] -> return component spaceComponents -> do let dieMessage = unwords [ "Couldn't determine move/rename" , "source/destination filenames, with the" , "data produced by this (old) version of" , "git, since it uses unquoted, but" , "special-character-containing paths." ] lPathExists (l,_) = TM.fileExists $ decodePath l finder [] = error dieMessage finder (x : rest) = do xExists <- lPathExists x if xExists then return x else finder rest finder spaceComponents void $ hashedTreeIO (go initial B.empty) pristine (repoCache repo) parseObject :: BC.ByteString -> TreeIO ( BC.ByteString, Object ) parseObject = next' mbObject where mbObject = A.parse p_maybeObject p_maybeObject = Just `fmap` p_object <|> (A.endOfInput >> return Nothing) lex p = p >>= \x -> A.skipSpace >> return x lexString s = A.string (BC.pack s) >> A.skipSpace line = lex $ A.takeWhile (/='\n') optional p = Just `fmap` p <|> return Nothing p_object = p_blob <|> p_reset <|> p_commit <|> p_tag <|> p_modify <|> p_rename <|> p_copy <|> p_from <|> p_merge <|> p_delete <|> (lexString "progress" >> Progress `fmap` line) p_author name = lexString name >> line p_reset = do lexString "reset" branch <- line refid <- optional $ lexString "from" >> p_refid return $ Reset branch refid p_commit = do lexString "commit" branch <- line mark <- optional p_mark _ <- optional $ p_author "author" committer <- p_author "committer" message <- p_data return $ Commit branch mark committer message p_tag = do _ <- lexString "tag" tag <- line lexString "from" mark <- p_marked author <- p_author "tagger" message <- p_data return $ Tag tag mark author message p_blob = do lexString "blob" mark <- optional p_mark Blob mark `fmap` p_data "p_blob" p_mark = do lexString "mark" p_marked "p_mark" p_refid = MarkId `fmap` p_marked <|> (lexString "inline" >> return Inline) <|> HashId `fmap` p_hash p_data = do lexString "data" len <- A.decimal _ <- A.char '\n' lex $ A.take len "p_data" p_marked = lex $ A.char ':' >> A.decimal p_hash = lex $ A.takeWhile1 (A.inClass "0123456789abcdefABCDEF") p_from = lexString "from" >> From `fmap` p_marked p_merge = lexString "merge" >> Merge `fmap` p_marked p_delete = lexString "D" >> Delete `fmap` p_maybeQuotedName p_rename = do lexString "R" names <- p_maybeQuotedCopyRenameNames return $ Rename names p_copy = do lexString "C" names <- p_maybeQuotedCopyRenameNames return $ Copy names p_modify = do lexString "M" mode <- lex $ A.takeWhile (A.inClass "01234567890") mark <- p_refid path <- p_maybeQuotedName case mark of HashId hash | mode == BC.pack "160000" -> return $ Gitlink hash | otherwise -> fail ":((" MarkId n -> return $ Modify (Left n) path Inline -> do bits <- p_data return $ Modify (Right bits) path p_maybeQuotedCopyRenameNames = p_lexTwoQuotedNames <|> Unquoted `fmap` line p_lexTwoQuotedNames = do n1 <- lex p_quotedName n2 <- lex p_quotedName return $ Quoted n1 n2 p_maybeQuotedName = lex (p_quotedName <|> line) p_quotedName = do _ <- A.char '"' bytes <- many (p_escaped <|> p_unescaped) _ <- A.char '"' return $ B.concat bytes p_unescaped = A.takeWhile1 (\c->c/='"' && c/='\\') p_escaped = do _ <- A.char '\\' p_escaped_octal <|> p_escaped_char p_escaped_octal = do let octals :: [Char] octals = "01234567" s <- A.takeWhile1 (`elem` octals) let x :: Word8 x = read ("0o" ++ BC.unpack s) return $ B.singleton $ fromIntegral x p_escaped_char = fmap BC.singleton $ '\r' <$ A.char 'r' <|> '\n' <$ A.char 'n' <|> A.char '"' <|> A.char '\\' next' :: (B.ByteString -> A.Result (Maybe Object)) -> B.ByteString -> TreeIO (B.ByteString, Object) next' parser rest = do chunk <- if B.null rest then liftIO $ B.hGet stdin (64 * 1024) else return rest next_chunk parser chunk next_chunk :: (B.ByteString -> A.Result (Maybe Object)) -> B.ByteString -> TreeIO (B.ByteString, Object) next_chunk parser chunk = case parser chunk of A.Done rest result -> return (rest, maybe End id result) -- not sure about the maybe A.Partial cont -> next' cont B.empty A.Fail _ ctx err -> do liftIO $ putStrLn $ "=== chunk ===\n" ++ decodeLocale chunk ++ "\n=== end chunk ====" fail $ "Error parsing stream. " ++ err ++ "\nContext: " ++ show ctx decodePath :: BC.ByteString -> AnchoredPath decodePath = unsafeFloatPath . decodeLocale