A Dash.app docset is a file-layout for allowing easy lookup and
indexing of programming docs, e.g. API functions and modules. A
number of plugins offer docset lookup in editors such as Emacs and
Vim. By using this tool, one can convert haskell package haddock(s)
to docsets.
The major benefit of dash-haskell, is that once these docsets are
built, dash tools provide one of the few, if only solutions for
offline, contextual, and project dependency approximate IDE
documentation for Haskell.
Usage Examples:
$ dash-haskell parsec-3.1.5
$ dash-haskell -c foo.cabal -s
builds all packages listed as dependencies in the cabal file, using the
default db ordering (global, sandbox, user).
Note: haddock documentation for the package must first be built prior to calling dash-haskell on it, e.g.
$ cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-documentation
The version numbering scheme for this package is defined as follows, given:
a, b index interface or feature changes to the CLI
c, d index bug-fix and documentation updates
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Never Google for Hackage Results Again - ian, barnacles.blackfriday
direct to browser lookup:

keyword, module, and package searching:

dash-haskell facilitates Haskell documentation in IDE(s) with the following qualities:
Documentation is stored in dash docsets on the filesystem,
avoiding the need to query often inaccurate, version lagged information from a remote resource such as hackage,
hoogle, or hayoo.
Resolved from Project Dependencies
With dash-haskell, one can build dash docsets from:
- packages listed as dependencies of a *.cabal file
- packages in a cabal sandbox
- an arbitrary package db
Scope Narrowed
IDE plugins such as helm-dash
allow for only specific docsets to be active. This means that
when searching for an identifier, e.g. fromJust, only the
packages you've built in your configuration are searched. Searches
can then be further narrowed by module etc.
Prolifically Standardized
dash docsets are an open, easily assimilated standard, and
are used across many IDE(s).
Usage Examples
dash-haskell -c foo.cabal -s
builds all packages listed as dependencies in foo.cabal
, using atleast the cabal sandbox db
dash-haskell parsec-3.1.5
builds docsets/parsec-3.1.5.docset
using the default db ordering (global, user).
Note: haddock documentation for the package must first be built prior to calling dash-haskell on it, e.g.
$ cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-documentation
dash-haskell tries to be as self-documenting as possible. Please see:
dash-haskell --help
and dash-haskell help [option|topic]
dash-haskell v1.1.0.1, a dash docset construction tool for Haskell packages
Usage: dash-haskell [-o|--output <dir>] [-q|--quiet] [-c|--cabal <file.cabal>]
[-x|--cabal-excludes ghc,lens..] [-s|--sandbox]
[-n|--no-user] [--db <path-to-package-db>]
[-d|--ordering user,sandbox..] [packages]
additional help is available with "dash-haskell help <topic|option>"
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-o,--output <dir> the directory to write created docsets to
-q,--quiet set to quiet output
-c,--cabal <file.cabal> the cabal file to retrieve package dependencies from
-x,--cabal-excludes ghc,lens..
limit package results from a cabal file source
-s,--sandbox use cabal sandbox
-n,--no-user don't source packages from user db
--db <path-to-package-db>
package db directory
-d,--ordering user,sandbox..
ordering of user, dir, and sandbox db's
packages a list of packages to specifically build, e.g.
either-1.0.1 text
http://www.github.com/jfeltz/dash-haskell (C) John P. Feltz 2014, 2015
$ cabal install dash-haskell
$ git clone http://www.github.com/jfeltz/dash-haskell
$ cd dash-haskell
$ cabal install
Package Resolution
For best results, try to be version specific when providing
package arguments, unless you're judicious about which packages are
stored, for example, in your cabal sandbox db or ghc package db.
IDE Configuration
To use the generated docsets, you will need a plugin for your particular IDE which can access
dash-haskell is tested with the following for emacs:
- helm , a fuzzy finder plugin for emacs
- helm-dash , the essential extension to helm in order to lookup dash docsets
For limiting helm-dash to project specific docsets, the following also helps.
(defun activate-package-docsets (root)
(setq helm-dash-docsets-path root)
(setq helm-dash-common-docsets (helm-dash-installed-docsets))
(format "activated %d docsets from: %s"
(length helm-dash-common-docsets) root))
(activate-package-docsets "/path/to/project/docsets/")
Features slated for V2
handle docset pre-builts and project synchronization
set pre-built criteria, pre-built skipping, project package sync.
and provide a --rebuild
to force rebuild of a docset
version biasing
provide option to bias package version to highest when it is otherwise ambiguous
provide summary information to help users better understand which
packages failed and succeeded
argument support
build docset directly from a package db .conf
build docsets directly from a package doc directory
(containing the requisite *.haddock
interface and html files)
Hirotomo Moriwaki : philopon.dependence@gmail.com
The major instigator of this project was Hirotomo Moriwaki's haddocset, with much of the early implementation of dash-haskell influenced by that code-base.
Rudi Grinberg : github
For patches, testing, and helping maintain compatibility of dash-haskell-1.0.x.x
with ghc changes
Author & Maintainer
John P. Feltz jfeltz@gmail.com