module Data.Transform.Internal (
) where
import Data.List
import Data.Data
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import GHC.Exts hiding (Any)
import Unsafe.Coerce
data EndoItem where
EndoItem :: Data a => (a -> a) -> EndoItem
data EndoList where
Nil :: EndoList
Cons :: Data a => (a -> a) -> EndoList -> EndoList
data EndoMItem m where
EndoMItem :: (Monad m, Data a) => (a -> m a) -> EndoMItem m
data EndoListM m where
NilM :: EndoListM m
ConsM :: (Monad m, Data a) => (a -> m a) -> EndoListM m -> EndoListM m
mkItem :: Data a => (a -> a) -> EndoItem
mkItem = EndoItem
mkItemM :: (Monad m, Data a) => (a -> m a) -> EndoMItem m
mkItemM = EndoMItem
instance Monoid EndoList where
mempty = Nil
mappend Nil b = b
mappend (Cons x l) b = Cons x (mappend l b)
instance IsList EndoList where
type Item EndoList = EndoItem
fromList = toEndoList
toList = unfoldr $ \case
Nil -> Nothing
Cons f l -> Just (EndoItem f, l)
instance Monoid (EndoListM m) where
mempty = NilM
mappend NilM b = b
mappend (ConsM x l) b = ConsM x (mappend l b)
instance Monad m => IsList (EndoListM m) where
type Item (EndoListM m) = EndoMItem m
fromList = toEndoListM
toList = unfoldr $ \case
NilM -> Nothing
ConsM f l -> Just (EndoMItem f, l)
appEndoList :: Data a => EndoList -> a -> a
appEndoList Nil a = a
appEndoList (Cons f l) a = appEndoList l $ maybe a (unsafeCoerce . f) $ cast a
appEndoListM :: (Monad m, Data a) => EndoListM m -> a -> m a
appEndoListM NilM a = return a
appEndoListM (ConsM f l) a = maybe (return a) (liftM unsafeCoerce . f) (cast a) >>= appEndoListM l
class Transformation d where
mkEndoList :: d -> EndoList
toEndoList :: [d] -> EndoList
toEndoList = mconcat . map mkEndoList
class Monad m => MonadicTransformation d m | d -> m where
mkEndoListM :: d -> EndoListM m
toEndoListM :: [d] -> EndoListM m
toEndoListM = mconcat . map mkEndoListM
instance Transformation EndoList where
mkEndoList = id
toEndoList = mconcat
instance Transformation EndoItem where
mkEndoList (EndoItem f) = Cons f Nil
toEndoList = foldr (\ (EndoItem f) -> Cons f) Nil
instance Transformation a => Transformation [a] where
mkEndoList = toEndoList
instance Data a => Transformation (a -> a) where
mkEndoList f = Cons f Nil
toEndoList = foldr Cons Nil
instance Data a => Transformation (Endo a) where
mkEndoList f = Cons (appEndo f) Nil
toEndoList = foldr (Cons . appEndo) Nil
instance Monad m => MonadicTransformation (EndoListM m) m where
mkEndoListM = id
toEndoListM = mconcat
instance Monad m => MonadicTransformation (EndoMItem m) m where
mkEndoListM (EndoMItem f) = ConsM f NilM
toEndoListM = foldr (\ (EndoMItem f) -> ConsM f) NilM
instance (Monad m, Data a) => MonadicTransformation (a -> m a) m where
mkEndoListM f = ConsM f NilM
toEndoListM = foldr ConsM NilM
instance MonadicTransformation a m => MonadicTransformation [a] m where
mkEndoListM = toEndoListM
transform :: (Transformation d, Data a) => d -> a -> a
transform d a = case mkEndoList d of
f -> case getNeededTypeReps f `Set.difference` allContainedTypeReps a of
s | not (Set.null s) -> error $ "Data.DataTraverse.transform: Could not find all needed types when mapping over a value of type " ++ show (typeOf a) ++ ". Types of missing terms: " ++ show (Set.toList s)
| otherwise -> unsafeTransform' f a
transformM :: (MonadicTransformation d m, Data a) => d -> a -> m a
transformM d a = case mkEndoListM d of
f -> case getNeededTypeRepsM f `Set.difference` allContainedTypeReps a of
s | not (Set.null s) -> fail $ "Data.DataTraverse.transformM: Could not find all needed types when mapping over a value of type " ++ show (typeOf a) ++ ". Types of missing terms: " ++ show (Set.toList s)
| otherwise -> unsafeTransformM' f a
unsafeTransform :: (Transformation d, Data a) => d -> a -> a
unsafeTransform = unsafeTransform' . mkEndoList
unsafeTransformM :: (MonadicTransformation d m, Data a) => d -> a -> m a
unsafeTransformM = unsafeTransformM' . mkEndoListM
unsafeTransform' :: Data a => EndoList -> a -> a
unsafeTransform' f = appEndoList f . gmapT (unsafeTransform' f)
unsafeTransformM' :: (Monad m, Data a) => EndoListM m -> a -> m a
unsafeTransformM' f = appEndoListM f <=< gmapM (unsafeTransformM' f)
getSubterms :: (Data a, Data b, Monoid m) => (b -> m) -> a -> m
getSubterms p = getSubtermsWith (Just . p)
getSubterms' :: (Data a, Data b) => a -> [b]
getSubterms' = getSubtermsBy (const True)
getSubtermsBy :: (Data a, Data b) => (b -> Bool) -> a -> [b]
getSubtermsBy p = getSubtermsWith (\ x -> guard (p x) >> return [x])
getSubtermsWith :: (Data a, Data b, Monoid m) => (b -> Maybe m) -> a -> m
getSubtermsWith p = execWriter . transformM (\ x -> maybe (return ()) tell (p x) >> return x)
data WrappedData where
WrappedData :: Data a => a -> WrappedData
allContainedTypeReps :: Data a => a -> Set TypeRep
allContainedTypeReps a = execState (allContainedTypeReps' a) Set.empty
allContainedTypeReps' :: Data a => a -> State (Set TypeRep) ()
allContainedTypeReps' a = do
s <- get
unless (Set.member (typeOf a) s) $ do
modify (Set.insert (typeOf a))
mapM_ helper (constructEmpties `asTypeOf` [a])
helper :: Data a => a -> State (Set TypeRep) ()
helper x = do
let subterms = execWriter $ gmapM (\ y -> tell [WrappedData y] >> return y) x
mapM_ (\ (WrappedData y) -> allContainedTypeReps' y) subterms
constructEmpties :: Data a => [a]
constructEmpties = helper undefined
helper :: Data a => a -> [a]
helper a = case dataTypeOf a of
dt -> case dataTypeRep dt of
IntRep -> [fromConstr $ mkIntegralConstr dt (0 :: Integer)]
FloatRep -> [fromConstr $ mkRealConstr dt (0 :: Rational)]
CharRep -> [fromConstr $ mkCharConstr dt '\0']
AlgRep xs -> map (fromConstrB (xhead constructEmpties)) xs
NoRep -> []
xhead :: Data a => [a] -> a
xhead (x:_) = x
xhead l@[] = error $ "Data.DataTraverse.constructEmpties.xhead: Can not construct data type " ++ show (dataTypeOf $ head l)
getNeededTypeReps :: EndoList -> Set TypeRep
getNeededTypeReps Nil = Set.empty
getNeededTypeReps (Cons a l) = Set.insert (getTypeRep a Proxy) $ getNeededTypeReps l
getTypeRep :: Data a => (a -> a) -> Proxy a -> TypeRep
getTypeRep _ = typeRep
getNeededTypeRepsM :: EndoListM m -> Set TypeRep
getNeededTypeRepsM NilM = Set.empty
getNeededTypeRepsM (ConsM a l) = Set.insert (getTypeRep a Proxy) $ getNeededTypeRepsM l
getTypeRep :: Data a => (a -> m a) -> Proxy a -> TypeRep
getTypeRep _ = typeRep