module Debian.Apt.Dependencies
import Control.Arrow (second)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.List as List (find, union)
import Data.Tree (Tree(rootLabel, Node))
import Debian.Apt.Package (PackageNameMap, packageNameMap, lookupPackageByRel)
import Debian.Control.ByteString (ControlFunctions(stripWS, lookupP, parseControlFromFile),
Field'(Field, Comment), Control'(Control), Paragraph, Control)
import Debian.Relation (BinPkgName(..))
import Debian.Relation.ByteString (ParseRelations(..), Relation(..), OrRelation, AndRelation, Relations, checkVersionReq)
import Debian.Version (DebianVersion, parseDebianVersion, prettyDebianVersion)
import Debian.Version.ByteString ()
import Text.PrettyPrint (render)
data Status
= Remaining AndRelation
| MissingDep Relation
| Complete
deriving (Eq)
type State a = (Status, [a])
complete :: State a -> Bool
complete (Complete, _) = True
complete _ = False
data CSP a
= CSP { pnm :: PackageNameMap a
, relations :: Relations
, depFunction :: (a -> Relations)
, conflicts :: a -> Relations
, packageVersion :: a -> (BinPkgName, DebianVersion)
controlCSP :: Control -> Relations -> (Paragraph -> Relations) -> CSP Paragraph
controlCSP (Control paragraphs) rels depF' =
CSP { pnm = packageNameMap getName paragraphs
, relations = rels
, depFunction = depF'
, conflicts = conflicts'
, packageVersion = packageVersionParagraph
getName :: Paragraph -> BinPkgName
getName p = case lookupP "Package" p of
Nothing -> error "Missing Package field"
Just (Field (_,n)) -> BinPkgName (C.unpack (stripWS n))
Just (Comment _) -> error "controlCSP"
conflicts' :: Paragraph -> Relations
conflicts' p =
case lookupP "Conflicts" p of
Nothing -> []
Just (Field (_, c)) -> either (error . show) id (parseRelations c)
Just (Comment _) -> error "controlCSP"
testCSP :: FilePath -> (Paragraph -> Relations) -> String -> (CSP Paragraph -> IO a) -> IO a
testCSP controlFile depf relationStr cspf =
do c' <- parseControlFromFile controlFile
case c' of
Left e -> error (show e)
Right control@(Control _) ->
case parseRelations relationStr of
Left e -> error (show e)
Right r ->
cspf (controlCSP control r depf)
depF :: Paragraph -> Relations
depF p =
let preDepends =
case lookupP "Pre-Depends" p of
Nothing -> []
Just (Field (_,pd)) ->
either (error . show) id (parseRelations pd)
Just (Comment _) -> error "depF"
depends =
case lookupP "Depends" p of
Nothing -> []
Just (Field (_,pd)) ->
either (error . show) id (parseRelations pd)
Just (Comment _) -> error "depF"
preDepends ++ depends
sidPackages = "/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.debian.org_debian_dists_unstable_main_binary-i386_Packages"
gutsyPackages = "/var/lib/apt/lists/mirror.anl.gov_pub_ubuntu_dists_gutsy_main_binary-i386_Packages"
test controlFP rel labeler =
testCSP controlFP depF rel (mapM_ (\ (_,p) -> mapM_ (print . second (render . prettyDebianVersion) . packageVersionParagraph) p ) . take 1 . search labeler)
packageVersionParagraph :: Paragraph -> (BinPkgName, DebianVersion)
packageVersionParagraph p =
case lookupP "Package" p of
Nothing -> error $ "Paragraph missing Package field"
(Just (Field (_, name))) ->
case lookupP "Version" p of
Nothing -> error $ "Paragraph missing Version field"
(Just (Field (_, str))) ->
case parseDebianVersion str of
Right ver -> (BinPkgName (C.unpack (stripWS name)), ver)
Left e -> error $ "packageVersionParagraph: " ++ show e
(Just (Comment _)) -> error "packageVersionParagraph"
(Just (Comment _)) -> error "packageVersionParagraph"
conflict :: CSP p -> p -> p -> Bool
conflict csp p1 p2 =
let (name1, version1) = (packageVersion csp) p1
(name2, version2) = (packageVersion csp) p2
if name1 == name2
then version1 /= version2
any (conflict' (name1, version1)) (concat $ (conflicts csp) p2) ||
any (conflict' (name2, version2)) (concat $ (conflicts csp) p1)
conflict' :: (BinPkgName, DebianVersion) -> Relation -> Bool
conflict' (pName, pVersion) (Rel pkgName mVersionReq _) =
(pName == pkgName) && (checkVersionReq mVersionReq (Just pVersion))
mkTree :: a -> [Tree a] -> Tree a
mkTree = Node
label :: Tree a -> a
label = rootLabel
initTree :: (a -> [a]) -> a -> Tree a
initTree f a = Node a (map (initTree f) (f a))
mapTree :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
mapTree = fmap
foldTree :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> Tree a -> b
foldTree f (Node a ts) = f a (map (foldTree f) ts)
zipTreesWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree c
zipTreesWith f (Node a ts) (Node b us) =
Node (f a b) (zipWith (zipTreesWith f) ts us)
prune :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Tree a
prune p = foldTree f
where f a ts = Node a (filter (not . p . label) ts)
leaves :: Tree a -> [a]
leaves = foldTree f
where f leaf [] = [leaf]
f _ ts = concat ts
inhTree :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> Tree b
inhTree f b (Node a ts) = Node b' (map (inhTree f b') ts)
where b' = f b a
distrTree :: (a -> [b]) -> b -> Tree a -> Tree b
distrTree f b (Node a ts) = Node b (zipWith (distrTree f) (f a) ts)
mkSearchTree :: forall a. CSP a -> Tree (State a)
mkSearchTree csp =
Node (Remaining (relations csp),[]) (andRelation ([],[]) (relations csp))
andRelation :: ([a],AndRelation) -> AndRelation -> [Tree (State a)]
andRelation (candidates,[]) [] = [Node (Complete, candidates) []]
andRelation (candidates,remaining) [] = andRelation (candidates, []) remaining
andRelation (candidates, remaining) (x:xs) =
orRelation (candidates, xs ++ remaining) x
orRelation :: ([a],AndRelation) -> OrRelation -> [Tree (State a)]
orRelation acc x =
concat (fmap (relation acc) x)
relation :: ([a],AndRelation) -> Relation -> [Tree (State a)]
relation acc@(candidates,_) rel =
let packages = lookupPackageByRel (pnm csp) (packageVersion csp) rel in
case packages of
[] -> [Node (MissingDep rel, candidates) []]
_ -> map (package acc) packages
package :: ([a],AndRelation) -> a -> Tree (State a)
package (candidates, remaining) p =
if ((packageVersion csp) p) `elem` (map (packageVersion csp) candidates)
then if null remaining
then Node (Complete, candidates) []
else Node (Remaining remaining, candidates) (andRelation (candidates, []) remaining)
else Node (Remaining remaining, (p : candidates)) (andRelation ((p : candidates), remaining) ((depFunction csp) p))
earliestInconsistency :: CSP a -> State a -> Maybe ((BinPkgName, DebianVersion), (BinPkgName, DebianVersion))
earliestInconsistency _ (_,[]) = Nothing
earliestInconsistency _ (_,[_p]) = Nothing
earliestInconsistency csp (_,(p:ps)) =
case find ((conflict csp) p) (reverse ps) of
Nothing -> Nothing
(Just conflictingPackage) -> Just ((packageVersion csp) p, (packageVersion csp) conflictingPackage)
type ConflictSet = ([(BinPkgName, DebianVersion)],[Relation])
isConflict :: ConflictSet -> Bool
isConflict ([],[]) = False
isConflict _ = True
solutions :: Tree (State a, ConflictSet) -> [State a]
solutions = filter complete . map fst . leaves . prune (isConflict . snd)
type Labeler a = CSP a -> Tree (State a) -> Tree (State a, ConflictSet)
search :: Labeler a -> CSP a -> [State a]
search labeler csp = (solutions . (labeler csp) . mkSearchTree) csp
bt :: Labeler a
bt csp = mapTree f
f s@(status,_) =
case status of
(MissingDep rel) -> (s, ([], [rel]))
_ ->
case (earliestInconsistency csp) s of
Nothing -> ([],[])
Just (a,b) -> ([a,b], []))
bj :: CSP p -> Tree (State p, ConflictSet) -> Tree (State p, ConflictSet)
bj csp = foldTree f
where f (s, cs) ts
| isConflict cs = mkTree (s, cs) ts
| otherwise = mkTree (s, cs') ts
where cs' =
let set = combine csp (map label ts) [] in
set `seq` set
unionCS :: [ConflictSet] -> ConflictSet
unionCS css = foldr (\(c1, m1) (c2, m2) -> ((c1 `union` c2), (m1 `union` m2))) ([],[]) css
combine :: CSP p -> [(State p, ConflictSet)] -> [ConflictSet] -> ConflictSet
combine _ [] acc = unionCS acc
combine csp ((s,cs@(c,m)):ns) acc
| (not (lastvar `elem` c)) && null m = cs
| null c && null m = ([],[])
| otherwise = combine csp ns ((c, m):acc)
where lastvar =
let (_,(p:_)) = s in (packageVersion csp) p