{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
module Debian.Control.String
    ( -- * Types
    , Paragraph'(..)
    , Field'(..)
    , Control
    , Paragraph
    , Field
    , ControlParser
    , ControlFunctions(..)
    -- * Control File Parser
    , pControl
    -- * Helper Functions
    , mergeControls
    , fieldValue
    , removeField
    , prependFields
    , appendFields
    , renameField
    , modifyField
    , raiseFields
    ) where

import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.List (find)
import Debian.Control.Common (ControlFunctions(parseControlFromFile, parseControlFromHandle, parseControl, lookupP, stripWS, protectFieldText, asString),
                              Control'(Control), Paragraph'(Paragraph), Field'(Field, Comment),
                              mergeControls, fieldValue, removeField, prependFields, appendFields,
                              renameField, modifyField, raiseFields, protectFieldText')
import System.IO (hGetContents)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (CharParser, parse, parseFromFile, sepEndBy, satisfy, oneOf, string, lookAhead, try, many, many1, (<|>), noneOf, char, eof)

type Field = Field' String
type Control = Control' String
type Paragraph = Paragraph' String

-- * ControlFunctions

instance ControlFunctions String where
    parseControlFromFile filepath =
        parseFromFile pControl filepath
    parseControlFromHandle sourceName handle =
        E.try (hGetContents handle) >>=
        either (\ (e :: E.SomeException) -> error ("parseControlFromHandle String: Failure parsing " ++ sourceName ++ ": " ++ show e)) (return . parseControl sourceName)
    parseControl sourceName c =
        parse pControl sourceName c
    lookupP fieldName (Paragraph paragraph) =
        find (hasFieldName (map toLower fieldName)) paragraph
        where hasFieldName name (Field (fieldName',_)) = name == map toLower fieldName'
              hasFieldName _ _ = False
    stripWS = reverse . strip . reverse . strip
        where strip = dropWhile (flip elem " \t")
    protectFieldText = protectFieldText'
    asString = id

-- * Control File Parser

type ControlParser a = CharParser () a

-- |A parser for debian control file. This parser handles control files
-- that end without a newline as well as ones that have several blank
-- lines at the end. It is very liberal and does not attempt validate
-- the fields in any way. All trailing, leading, and folded whitespace
-- is preserved in the field values. See 'stripWS'.
pControl :: ControlParser Control
pControl =
    do many $ char '\n'
       sepEndBy pParagraph pBlanks >>= return . Control

pParagraph :: ControlParser Paragraph
pParagraph = many1 (pComment <|> pField) >>= return . Paragraph

-- |We are liberal in that we allow *any* field to have folded white
-- space, even though the specific restricts that to a few fields.
pField :: ControlParser Field
pField =
    do c1 <- noneOf "#\n"
       fieldName <-  many1 $ noneOf ":\n"
       char ':'
       fieldValue <- many fcharfws
       (char '\n' >> return ()) <|> eof
       return $ Field (c1 : fieldName, fieldValue)

pComment :: ControlParser Field
pComment =
    do char '#'
       text <- many (satisfy (not . ((==) '\n')))
       char '\n'
       return $ Comment ("#" ++ text ++ "\n")

fcharfws :: ControlParser Char
fcharfws = fchar <|> (try $ lookAhead (string "\n ") >> char '\n') <|> (try $ lookAhead (string "\n\t") >> char '\n') <|> (try $ lookAhead (string "\n#") >> char '\n')

fchar :: ControlParser Char
fchar = satisfy (/='\n')

_fws :: ControlParser String
_fws =
    try $ do char '\n'
             ws <- many1 (char ' ')
             c <- many1 (satisfy (not . ((==) '\n')))
             return $ '\n' : (ws ++ c)

-- |We go with the assumption that 'blank lines' mean lines that
-- consist of entirely of zero or more whitespace characters.
pBlanks :: ControlParser String
pBlanks = many1 (oneOf " \n")