--------------------------------- poly_r.c implements polygons and simplices see qh-poly_r.htm, poly_r.h and libqhull_r.h infrequent code is in poly2_r.c (all but top 50 and their callers 12/3/95) Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center. $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/poly_r.c#3 $$Change: 2064 $ $DateTime: 2016/01/18 12:36:08 $$Author: bbarber $ */ #include "qhull_ra.h" /*======== functions in alphabetical order ==========*/ /*--------------------------------- qh_appendfacet(qh, facet ) appends facet to end of qh.facet_list, returns: updates qh.newfacet_list, facet_next, facet_list increments qh.numfacets notes: assumes qh.facet_list/facet_tail is defined (createsimplex) see: qh_removefacet() */ void qh_appendfacet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet) { facetT *tail= qh->facet_tail; if (tail == qh->newfacet_list) qh->newfacet_list= facet; if (tail == qh->facet_next) qh->facet_next= facet; facet->previous= tail->previous; facet->next= tail; if (tail->previous) tail->previous->next= facet; else qh->facet_list= facet; tail->previous= facet; qh->num_facets++; trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4044, "qh_appendfacet: append f%d to facet_list\n", facet->id)); } /* appendfacet */ /*--------------------------------- qh_appendvertex(qh, vertex ) appends vertex to end of qh.vertex_list, returns: sets vertex->newlist updates qh.vertex_list, newvertex_list increments qh.num_vertices notes: assumes qh.vertex_list/vertex_tail is defined (createsimplex) */ void qh_appendvertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex) { vertexT *tail= qh->vertex_tail; if (tail == qh->newvertex_list) qh->newvertex_list= vertex; vertex->newlist= True; vertex->previous= tail->previous; vertex->next= tail; if (tail->previous) tail->previous->next= vertex; else qh->vertex_list= vertex; tail->previous= vertex; qh->num_vertices++; trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4045, "qh_appendvertex: append v%d to vertex_list\n", vertex->id)); } /* appendvertex */ /*--------------------------------- qh_attachnewfacets(qh, ) attach horizon facets to new facets in qh.newfacet_list newfacets have neighbor and ridge links to horizon but not vice versa only needed for qh.ONLYgood returns: set qh.NEWfacets horizon facets linked to new facets ridges changed from visible facets to new facets simplicial ridges deleted qh.visible_list, no ridges valid facet->f.replace is a newfacet (if any) design: delete interior ridges and neighbor sets by for each visible, non-simplicial facet for each ridge if last visit or if neighbor is simplicial if horizon neighbor delete ridge for horizon's ridge set delete ridge erase neighbor set attach horizon facets and new facets by for all new facets if corresponding horizon facet is simplicial locate corresponding visible facet {may be more than one} link visible facet to new facet replace visible facet with new facet in horizon else it's non-simplicial for all visible neighbors of the horizon facet link visible neighbor to new facet delete visible neighbor from horizon facet append new facet to horizon's neighbors the first ridge of the new facet is the horizon ridge link the new facet into the horizon ridge */ void qh_attachnewfacets(qhT *qh /* qh.visible_list, newfacet_list */) { facetT *newfacet= NULL, *neighbor, **neighborp, *horizon, *visible; ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep; qh->NEWfacets= True; trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3012, "qh_attachnewfacets: delete interior ridges\n")); qh->visit_id++; FORALLvisible_facets { visible->visitid= qh->visit_id; if (visible->ridges) { FOREACHridge_(visible->ridges) { neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, visible); if (neighbor->visitid == qh->visit_id || (!neighbor->visible && neighbor->simplicial)) { if (!neighbor->visible) /* delete ridge for simplicial horizon */ qh_setdel(neighbor->ridges, ridge); qh_setfree(qh, &(ridge->vertices)); /* delete on 2nd visit */ qh_memfree(qh, ridge, (int)sizeof(ridgeT)); } } SETfirst_(visible->ridges)= NULL; } SETfirst_(visible->neighbors)= NULL; } trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1017, "qh_attachnewfacets: attach horizon facets to new facets\n")); FORALLnew_facets { horizon= SETfirstt_(newfacet->neighbors, facetT); if (horizon->simplicial) { visible= NULL; FOREACHneighbor_(horizon) { /* may have more than one horizon ridge */ if (neighbor->visible) { if (visible) { if (qh_setequal_skip(newfacet->vertices, 0, horizon->vertices, SETindex_(horizon->neighbors, neighbor))) { visible= neighbor; break; } }else visible= neighbor; } } if (visible) { visible->f.replace= newfacet; qh_setreplace(qh, horizon->neighbors, visible, newfacet); }else { qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6102, "qhull internal error (qh_attachnewfacets): couldn't find visible facet for horizon f%d of newfacet f%d\n", horizon->id, newfacet->id); qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, horizon, newfacet); } }else { /* non-simplicial, with a ridge for newfacet */ FOREACHneighbor_(horizon) { /* may hold for many new facets */ if (neighbor->visible) { neighbor->f.replace= newfacet; qh_setdelnth(qh, horizon->neighbors, SETindex_(horizon->neighbors, neighbor)); neighborp--; /* repeat */ } } qh_setappend(qh, &horizon->neighbors, newfacet); ridge= SETfirstt_(newfacet->ridges, ridgeT); if (ridge->top == horizon) ridge->bottom= newfacet; else ridge->top= newfacet; } } /* newfacets */ if (qh->PRINTstatistics) { FORALLvisible_facets { if (!visible->f.replace) zinc_(Zinsidevisible); } } } /* attachnewfacets */ /*--------------------------------- qh_checkflipped(qh, facet, dist, allerror ) checks facet orientation to interior point if allerror set, tests against qh.DISTround else tests against 0 since tested against DISTround before returns: False if it flipped orientation (sets facet->flipped) distance if non-NULL */ boolT qh_checkflipped(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, realT *distp, boolT allerror) { realT dist; if (facet->flipped && !distp) return False; zzinc_(Zdistcheck); qh_distplane(qh, qh->interior_point, facet, &dist); if (distp) *distp= dist; if ((allerror && dist > -qh->DISTround)|| (!allerror && dist >= 0.0)) { facet->flipped= True; zzinc_(Zflippedfacets); trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 19, "qh_checkflipped: facet f%d is flipped, distance= %6.12g during p%d\n", facet->id, dist, qh->furthest_id)); qh_precision(qh, "flipped facet"); return False; } return True; } /* checkflipped */ /*--------------------------------- qh_delfacet(qh, facet ) removes facet from facet_list and frees up its memory notes: assumes vertices and ridges already freed */ void qh_delfacet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet) { void **freelistp; /* used if !qh_NOmem by qh_memfree_() */ trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4046, "qh_delfacet: delete f%d\n", facet->id)); if (facet == qh->tracefacet) qh->tracefacet= NULL; if (facet == qh->GOODclosest) qh->GOODclosest= NULL; qh_removefacet(qh, facet); if (!facet->tricoplanar || facet->keepcentrum) { qh_memfree_(qh, facet->normal, qh->normal_size, freelistp); if (qh->CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi) { /* braces for macro calls */ qh_memfree_(qh, facet->center, qh->center_size, freelistp); }else /* AScentrum */ { qh_memfree_(qh, facet->center, qh->normal_size, freelistp); } } qh_setfree(qh, &(facet->neighbors)); if (facet->ridges) qh_setfree(qh, &(facet->ridges)); qh_setfree(qh, &(facet->vertices)); if (facet->outsideset) qh_setfree(qh, &(facet->outsideset)); if (facet->coplanarset) qh_setfree(qh, &(facet->coplanarset)); qh_memfree_(qh, facet, (int)sizeof(facetT), freelistp); } /* delfacet */ /*--------------------------------- qh_deletevisible() delete visible facets and vertices returns: deletes each facet and removes from facetlist at exit, qh.visible_list empty (== qh.newfacet_list) notes: ridges already deleted horizon facets do not reference facets on qh.visible_list new facets in qh.newfacet_list uses qh.visit_id; */ void qh_deletevisible(qhT *qh /*qh.visible_list*/) { facetT *visible, *nextfacet; vertexT *vertex, **vertexp; int numvisible= 0, numdel= qh_setsize(qh, qh->del_vertices); trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1018, "qh_deletevisible: delete %d visible facets and %d vertices\n", qh->num_visible, numdel)); for (visible= qh->visible_list; visible && visible->visible; visible= nextfacet) { /* deleting current */ nextfacet= visible->next; numvisible++; qh_delfacet(qh, visible); } if (numvisible != qh->num_visible) { qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6103, "qhull internal error (qh_deletevisible): qh->num_visible %d is not number of visible facets %d\n", qh->num_visible, numvisible); qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL); } qh->num_visible= 0; zadd_(Zvisfacettot, numvisible); zmax_(Zvisfacetmax, numvisible); zzadd_(Zdelvertextot, numdel); zmax_(Zdelvertexmax, numdel); FOREACHvertex_(qh->del_vertices) qh_delvertex(qh, vertex); qh_settruncate(qh, qh->del_vertices, 0); } /* deletevisible */ /*--------------------------------- qh_facetintersect(qh, facetA, facetB, skipa, skipB, prepend ) return vertices for intersection of two simplicial facets may include 1 prepended entry (if more, need to settemppush) returns: returns set of qh.hull_dim-1 + prepend vertices returns skipped index for each test and checks for exactly one notes: does not need settemp since set in quick memory see also: qh_vertexintersect and qh_vertexintersect_new use qh_setnew_delnthsorted to get nth ridge (no skip information) design: locate skipped vertex by scanning facet A's neighbors locate skipped vertex by scanning facet B's neighbors intersect the vertex sets */ setT *qh_facetintersect(qhT *qh, facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB, int *skipA,int *skipB, int prepend) { setT *intersect; int dim= qh->hull_dim, i, j; facetT **neighborsA, **neighborsB; neighborsA= SETaddr_(facetA->neighbors, facetT); neighborsB= SETaddr_(facetB->neighbors, facetT); i= j= 0; if (facetB == *neighborsA++) *skipA= 0; else if (facetB == *neighborsA++) *skipA= 1; else if (facetB == *neighborsA++) *skipA= 2; else { for (i=3; i < dim; i++) { if (facetB == *neighborsA++) { *skipA= i; break; } } } if (facetA == *neighborsB++) *skipB= 0; else if (facetA == *neighborsB++) *skipB= 1; else if (facetA == *neighborsB++) *skipB= 2; else { for (j=3; j < dim; j++) { if (facetA == *neighborsB++) { *skipB= j; break; } } } if (i >= dim || j >= dim) { qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6104, "qhull internal error (qh_facetintersect): f%d or f%d not in others neighbors\n", facetA->id, facetB->id); qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facetA, facetB); } intersect= qh_setnew_delnthsorted(qh, facetA->vertices, qh->hull_dim, *skipA, prepend); trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4047, "qh_facetintersect: f%d skip %d matches f%d skip %d\n", facetA->id, *skipA, facetB->id, *skipB)); return(intersect); } /* facetintersect */ /*--------------------------------- qh_gethash(qh, hashsize, set, size, firstindex, skipelem ) return hashvalue for a set with firstindex and skipelem notes: returned hash is in [0,hashsize) assumes at least firstindex+1 elements assumes skipelem is NULL, in set, or part of hash hashes memory addresses which may change over different runs of the same data using sum for hash does badly in high d */ int qh_gethash(qhT *qh, int hashsize, setT *set, int size, int firstindex, void *skipelem) { void **elemp= SETelemaddr_(set, firstindex, void); ptr_intT hash = 0, elem; unsigned result; int i; #ifdef _MSC_VER /* Microsoft Visual C++ -- warn about 64-bit issues */ #pragma warning( push) /* WARN64 -- ptr_intT holds a 64-bit pointer */ #pragma warning( disable : 4311) /* 'type cast': pointer truncation from 'void*' to 'ptr_intT' */ #endif switch (size-firstindex) { case 1: hash= (ptr_intT)(*elemp) - (ptr_intT) skipelem; break; case 2: hash= (ptr_intT)(*elemp) + (ptr_intT)elemp[1] - (ptr_intT) skipelem; break; case 3: hash= (ptr_intT)(*elemp) + (ptr_intT)elemp[1] + (ptr_intT)elemp[2] - (ptr_intT) skipelem; break; case 4: hash= (ptr_intT)(*elemp) + (ptr_intT)elemp[1] + (ptr_intT)elemp[2] + (ptr_intT)elemp[3] - (ptr_intT) skipelem; break; case 5: hash= (ptr_intT)(*elemp) + (ptr_intT)elemp[1] + (ptr_intT)elemp[2] + (ptr_intT)elemp[3] + (ptr_intT)elemp[4] - (ptr_intT) skipelem; break; case 6: hash= (ptr_intT)(*elemp) + (ptr_intT)elemp[1] + (ptr_intT)elemp[2] + (ptr_intT)elemp[3] + (ptr_intT)elemp[4]+ (ptr_intT)elemp[5] - (ptr_intT) skipelem; break; default: hash= 0; i= 3; do { /* this is about 10% in 10-d */ if ((elem= (ptr_intT)*elemp++) != (ptr_intT)skipelem) { hash ^= (elem << i) + (elem >> (32-i)); i += 3; if (i >= 32) i -= 32; } }while (*elemp); break; } if (hashsize<0) { qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6202, "qhull internal error: negative hashsize %d passed to qh_gethash [poly.c]\n", hashsize); qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL); } result= (unsigned)hash; result %= (unsigned)hashsize; /* result= 0; for debugging */ return result; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( pop) #endif } /* gethash */ /*--------------------------------- qh_makenewfacet(qh, vertices, toporient, horizon ) creates a toporient? facet from vertices returns: returns newfacet adds newfacet to qh.facet_list newfacet->vertices= vertices if horizon newfacet->neighbor= horizon, but not vice versa newvertex_list updated with vertices */ facetT *qh_makenewfacet(qhT *qh, setT *vertices, boolT toporient,facetT *horizon) { facetT *newfacet; vertexT *vertex, **vertexp; FOREACHvertex_(vertices) { if (!vertex->newlist) { qh_removevertex(qh, vertex); qh_appendvertex(qh, vertex); } } newfacet= qh_newfacet(qh); newfacet->vertices= vertices; newfacet->toporient= (unsigned char)toporient; if (horizon) qh_setappend(qh, &(newfacet->neighbors), horizon); qh_appendfacet(qh, newfacet); return(newfacet); } /* makenewfacet */ /*--------------------------------- qh_makenewplanes() make new hyperplanes for facets on qh.newfacet_list returns: all facets have hyperplanes or are marked for merging doesn't create hyperplane if horizon is coplanar (will merge) updates qh.min_vertex if qh.JOGGLEmax notes: facet->f.samecycle is defined for facet->mergehorizon facets */ void qh_makenewplanes(qhT *qh /* qh.newfacet_list */) { facetT *newfacet; FORALLnew_facets { if (!newfacet->mergehorizon) qh_setfacetplane(qh, newfacet); } if (qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2) minimize_(qh->min_vertex, -wwval_(Wnewvertexmax)); } /* makenewplanes */ /*--------------------------------- qh_makenew_nonsimplicial(qh, visible, apex, numnew ) make new facets for ridges of a visible facet returns: first newfacet, bumps numnew as needed attaches new facets if !qh.ONLYgood marks ridge neighbors for simplicial visible if (qh.ONLYgood) ridges on newfacet, horizon, and visible else ridge and neighbors between newfacet and horizon visible facet's ridges are deleted notes: qh.visit_id if visible has already been processed sets neighbor->seen for building f.samecycle assumes all 'seen' flags initially false design: for each ridge of visible facet get neighbor of visible facet if neighbor was already processed delete the ridge (will delete all visible facets later) if neighbor is a horizon facet create a new facet if neighbor coplanar adds newfacet to f.samecycle for later merging else updates neighbor's neighbor set (checks for non-simplicial facet with multiple ridges to visible facet) updates neighbor's ridge set (checks for simplicial neighbor to non-simplicial visible facet) (deletes ridge if neighbor is simplicial) */ #ifndef qh_NOmerge facetT *qh_makenew_nonsimplicial(qhT *qh, facetT *visible, vertexT *apex, int *numnew) { void **freelistp; /* used if !qh_NOmem by qh_memfree_() */ ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep; facetT *neighbor, *newfacet= NULL, *samecycle; setT *vertices; boolT toporient; int ridgeid; FOREACHridge_(visible->ridges) { ridgeid= ridge->id; neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, visible); if (neighbor->visible) { if (!qh->ONLYgood) { if (neighbor->visitid == qh->visit_id) { qh_setfree(qh, &(ridge->vertices)); /* delete on 2nd visit */ qh_memfree_(qh, ridge, (int)sizeof(ridgeT), freelistp); } } }else { /* neighbor is an horizon facet */ toporient= (ridge->top == visible); vertices= qh_setnew(qh, qh->hull_dim); /* makes sure this is quick */ qh_setappend(qh, &vertices, apex); qh_setappend_set(qh, &vertices, ridge->vertices); newfacet= qh_makenewfacet(qh, vertices, toporient, neighbor); (*numnew)++; if (neighbor->coplanar) { newfacet->mergehorizon= True; if (!neighbor->seen) { newfacet->f.samecycle= newfacet; neighbor->f.newcycle= newfacet; }else { samecycle= neighbor->f.newcycle; newfacet->f.samecycle= samecycle->f.samecycle; samecycle->f.samecycle= newfacet; } } if (qh->ONLYgood) { if (!neighbor->simplicial) qh_setappend(qh, &(newfacet->ridges), ridge); }else { /* qh_attachnewfacets */ if (neighbor->seen) { if (neighbor->simplicial) { qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6105, "qhull internal error (qh_makenew_nonsimplicial): simplicial f%d sharing two ridges with f%d\n", neighbor->id, visible->id); qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, neighbor, visible); } qh_setappend(qh, &(neighbor->neighbors), newfacet); }else qh_setreplace(qh, neighbor->neighbors, visible, newfacet); if (neighbor->simplicial) { qh_setdel(neighbor->ridges, ridge); qh_setfree(qh, &(ridge->vertices)); qh_memfree(qh, ridge, (int)sizeof(ridgeT)); }else { qh_setappend(qh, &(newfacet->ridges), ridge); if (toporient) ridge->top= newfacet; else ridge->bottom= newfacet; } trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4048, "qh_makenew_nonsimplicial: created facet f%d from v%d and r%d of horizon f%d\n", newfacet->id, apex->id, ridgeid, neighbor->id)); } } neighbor->seen= True; } /* for each ridge */ if (!qh->ONLYgood) SETfirst_(visible->ridges)= NULL; return newfacet; } /* makenew_nonsimplicial */ #else /* qh_NOmerge */ facetT *qh_makenew_nonsimplicial(qhT *qh, facetT *visible, vertexT *apex, int *numnew) { return NULL; } #endif /* qh_NOmerge */ /*--------------------------------- qh_makenew_simplicial(qh, visible, apex, numnew ) make new facets for simplicial visible facet and apex returns: attaches new facets if (!qh.ONLYgood) neighbors between newfacet and horizon notes: nop if neighbor->seen or neighbor->visible(see qh_makenew_nonsimplicial) design: locate neighboring horizon facet for visible facet determine vertices and orientation create new facet if coplanar, add new facet to f.samecycle update horizon facet's neighbor list */ facetT *qh_makenew_simplicial(qhT *qh, facetT *visible, vertexT *apex, int *numnew) { facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *newfacet= NULL; setT *vertices; boolT flip, toporient; int horizonskip= 0, visibleskip= 0; FOREACHneighbor_(visible) { if (!neighbor->seen && !neighbor->visible) { vertices= qh_facetintersect(qh, neighbor,visible, &horizonskip, &visibleskip, 1); SETfirst_(vertices)= apex; flip= ((horizonskip & 0x1) ^ (visibleskip & 0x1)); if (neighbor->toporient) toporient= horizonskip & 0x1; else toporient= (horizonskip & 0x1) ^ 0x1; newfacet= qh_makenewfacet(qh, vertices, toporient, neighbor); (*numnew)++; if (neighbor->coplanar && (qh->PREmerge || qh->MERGEexact)) { #ifndef qh_NOmerge newfacet->f.samecycle= newfacet; newfacet->mergehorizon= True; #endif } if (!qh->ONLYgood) SETelem_(neighbor->neighbors, horizonskip)= newfacet; trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4049, "qh_makenew_simplicial: create facet f%d top %d from v%d and horizon f%d skip %d top %d and visible f%d skip %d, flip? %d\n", newfacet->id, toporient, apex->id, neighbor->id, horizonskip, neighbor->toporient, visible->id, visibleskip, flip)); } } return newfacet; } /* makenew_simplicial */ /*--------------------------------- qh_matchneighbor(qh, newfacet, newskip, hashsize, hashcount ) either match subridge of newfacet with neighbor or add to hash_table returns: duplicate ridges are unmatched and marked by qh_DUPLICATEridge notes: ridge is newfacet->vertices w/o newskip vertex do not allocate memory (need to free hash_table cleanly) uses linear hash chains see also: qh_matchduplicates design: for each possible matching facet in qh.hash_table if vertices match set ismatch, if facets have opposite orientation if ismatch and matching facet doesn't have a match match the facets by updating their neighbor sets else indicate a duplicate ridge set facet hyperplane for later testing add facet to hashtable unless the other facet was already a duplicate ridge mark both facets with a duplicate ridge add other facet (if defined) to hash table */ void qh_matchneighbor(qhT *qh, facetT *newfacet, int newskip, int hashsize, int *hashcount) { boolT newfound= False; /* True, if new facet is already in hash chain */ boolT same, ismatch; int hash, scan; facetT *facet, *matchfacet; int skip, matchskip; hash= qh_gethash(qh, hashsize, newfacet->vertices, qh->hull_dim, 1, SETelem_(newfacet->vertices, newskip)); trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4050, "qh_matchneighbor: newfacet f%d skip %d hash %d hashcount %d\n", newfacet->id, newskip, hash, *hashcount)); zinc_(Zhashlookup); for (scan= hash; (facet= SETelemt_(qh->hash_table, scan, facetT)); scan= (++scan >= hashsize ? 0 : scan)) { if (facet == newfacet) { newfound= True; continue; } zinc_(Zhashtests); if (qh_matchvertices(qh, 1, newfacet->vertices, newskip, facet->vertices, &skip, &same)) { if (SETelem_(newfacet->vertices, newskip) == SETelem_(facet->vertices, skip)) { qh_precision(qh, "two facets with the same vertices"); qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6106, "qhull precision error: Vertex sets are the same for f%d and f%d. Can not force output.\n", facet->id, newfacet->id); qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRprec, facet, newfacet); } ismatch= (same == (boolT)((newfacet->toporient ^ facet->toporient))); matchfacet= SETelemt_(facet->neighbors, skip, facetT); if (ismatch && !matchfacet) { SETelem_(facet->neighbors, skip)= newfacet; SETelem_(newfacet->neighbors, newskip)= facet; (*hashcount)--; trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4051, "qh_matchneighbor: f%d skip %d matched with new f%d skip %d\n", facet->id, skip, newfacet->id, newskip)); return; } if (!qh->PREmerge && !qh->MERGEexact) { qh_precision(qh, "a ridge with more than two neighbors"); qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6107, "qhull precision error: facets f%d, f%d and f%d meet at a ridge with more than 2 neighbors. Can not continue.\n", facet->id, newfacet->id, getid_(matchfacet)); qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRprec, facet, newfacet); } SETelem_(newfacet->neighbors, newskip)= qh_DUPLICATEridge; newfacet->dupridge= True; if (!newfacet->normal) qh_setfacetplane(qh, newfacet); qh_addhash(newfacet, qh->hash_table, hashsize, hash); (*hashcount)++; if (!facet->normal) qh_setfacetplane(qh, facet); if (matchfacet != qh_DUPLICATEridge) { SETelem_(facet->neighbors, skip)= qh_DUPLICATEridge; facet->dupridge= True; if (!facet->normal) qh_setfacetplane(qh, facet); if (matchfacet) { matchskip= qh_setindex(matchfacet->neighbors, facet); if (matchskip<0) { qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6260, "qhull internal error (qh_matchneighbor): matchfacet f%d is in f%d neighbors but not vice versa. Can not continue.\n", matchfacet->id, facet->id); qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, matchfacet, facet); } SETelem_(matchfacet->neighbors, matchskip)= qh_DUPLICATEridge; /* matchskip>=0 by QH6260 */ matchfacet->dupridge= True; if (!matchfacet->normal) qh_setfacetplane(qh, matchfacet); qh_addhash(matchfacet, qh->hash_table, hashsize, hash); *hashcount += 2; } } trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4052, "qh_matchneighbor: new f%d skip %d duplicates ridge for f%d skip %d matching f%d ismatch %d at hash %d\n", newfacet->id, newskip, facet->id, skip, (matchfacet == qh_DUPLICATEridge ? -2 : getid_(matchfacet)), ismatch, hash)); return; /* end of duplicate ridge */ } } if (!newfound) SETelem_(qh->hash_table, scan)= newfacet; /* same as qh_addhash */ (*hashcount)++; trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4053, "qh_matchneighbor: no match for f%d skip %d at hash %d\n", newfacet->id, newskip, hash)); } /* matchneighbor */ /*--------------------------------- qh_matchnewfacets() match newfacets in qh.newfacet_list to their newfacet neighbors returns: qh.newfacet_list with full neighbor sets get vertices with nth neighbor by deleting nth vertex if qh.PREmerge/MERGEexact or qh.FORCEoutput sets facet->flippped if flipped normal (also prevents point partitioning) if duplicate ridges and qh.PREmerge/MERGEexact sets facet->dupridge missing neighbor links identifies extra ridges to be merging (qh_MERGEridge) notes: newfacets already have neighbor[0] (horizon facet) assumes qh.hash_table is NULL vertex->neighbors has not been updated yet do not allocate memory after qh.hash_table (need to free it cleanly) design: delete neighbor sets for all new facets initialize a hash table for all new facets match facet with neighbors if unmatched facets (due to duplicate ridges) for each new facet with a duplicate ridge match it with a facet check for flipped facets */ void qh_matchnewfacets(qhT *qh /* qh.newfacet_list */) { int numnew=0, hashcount=0, newskip; facetT *newfacet, *neighbor; int dim= qh->hull_dim, hashsize, neighbor_i, neighbor_n; setT *neighbors; #ifndef qh_NOtrace int facet_i, facet_n, numfree= 0; facetT *facet; #endif trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1019, "qh_matchnewfacets: match neighbors for new facets.\n")); FORALLnew_facets { numnew++; { /* inline qh_setzero(qh, newfacet->neighbors, 1, qh->hull_dim); */ neighbors= newfacet->neighbors; neighbors->e[neighbors->maxsize].i= dim+1; /*may be overwritten*/ memset((char *)SETelemaddr_(neighbors, 1, void), 0, dim * SETelemsize); } } qh_newhashtable(qh, numnew*(qh->hull_dim-1)); /* twice what is normally needed, but every ridge could be DUPLICATEridge */ hashsize= qh_setsize(qh, qh->hash_table); FORALLnew_facets { for (newskip=1; newskiphull_dim; newskip++) /* furthest/horizon already matched */ /* hashsize>0 because hull_dim>1 and numnew>0 */ qh_matchneighbor(qh, newfacet, newskip, hashsize, &hashcount); #if 0 /* use the following to trap hashcount errors */ { int count= 0, k; facetT *facet, *neighbor; count= 0; FORALLfacet_(qh->newfacet_list) { /* newfacet already in use */ for (k=1; k < qh->hull_dim; k++) { neighbor= SETelemt_(facet->neighbors, k, facetT); if (!neighbor || neighbor == qh_DUPLICATEridge) count++; } if (facet == newfacet) break; } if (count != hashcount) { qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8088, "qh_matchnewfacets: after adding facet %d, hashcount %d != count %d\n", newfacet->id, hashcount, count); qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, newfacet, NULL); } } #endif /* end of trap code */ } if (hashcount) { FORALLnew_facets { if (newfacet->dupridge) { FOREACHneighbor_i_(qh, newfacet) { if (neighbor == qh_DUPLICATEridge) { qh_matchduplicates(qh, newfacet, neighbor_i, hashsize, &hashcount); /* this may report MERGEfacet */ } } } } } if (hashcount) { qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6108, "qhull internal error (qh_matchnewfacets): %d neighbors did not match up\n", hashcount); qh_printhashtable(qh, qh->ferr); qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL); } #ifndef qh_NOtrace if (qh->IStracing >= 2) { FOREACHfacet_i_(qh, qh->hash_table) { if (!facet) numfree++; } qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8089, "qh_matchnewfacets: %d new facets, %d unused hash entries . hashsize %d\n", numnew, numfree, qh_setsize(qh, qh->hash_table)); } #endif /* !qh_NOtrace */ qh_setfree(qh, &qh->hash_table); if (qh->PREmerge || qh->MERGEexact) { if (qh->IStracing >= 4) qh_printfacetlist(qh, qh->newfacet_list, NULL, qh_ALL); FORALLnew_facets { if (newfacet->normal) qh_checkflipped(qh, newfacet, NULL, qh_ALL); } }else if (qh->FORCEoutput) qh_checkflipped_all(qh, qh->newfacet_list); /* prints warnings for flipped */ } /* matchnewfacets */ /*--------------------------------- qh_matchvertices(qh, firstindex, verticesA, skipA, verticesB, skipB, same ) tests whether vertices match with a single skip starts match at firstindex since all new facets have a common vertex returns: true if matched vertices skip index for each set sets same iff vertices have the same orientation notes: assumes skipA is in A and both sets are the same size design: set up pointers scan both sets checking for a match test orientation */ boolT qh_matchvertices(qhT *qh, int firstindex, setT *verticesA, int skipA, setT *verticesB, int *skipB, boolT *same) { vertexT **elemAp, **elemBp, **skipBp=NULL, **skipAp; elemAp= SETelemaddr_(verticesA, firstindex, vertexT); elemBp= SETelemaddr_(verticesB, firstindex, vertexT); skipAp= SETelemaddr_(verticesA, skipA, vertexT); do if (elemAp != skipAp) { while (*elemAp != *elemBp++) { if (skipBp) return False; skipBp= elemBp; /* one extra like FOREACH */ } }while (*(++elemAp)); if (!skipBp) skipBp= ++elemBp; *skipB= SETindex_(verticesB, skipB); /* i.e., skipBp - verticesB */ *same= !((skipA & 0x1) ^ (*skipB & 0x1)); /* result is 0 or 1 */ trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4054, "qh_matchvertices: matched by skip %d(v%d) and skip %d(v%d) same? %d\n", skipA, (*skipAp)->id, *skipB, (*(skipBp-1))->id, *same)); return(True); } /* matchvertices */ /*--------------------------------- qh_newfacet(qh) return a new facet returns: all fields initialized or cleared (NULL) preallocates neighbors set */ facetT *qh_newfacet(qhT *qh) { facetT *facet; void **freelistp; /* used if !qh_NOmem by qh_memalloc_() */ qh_memalloc_(qh, (int)sizeof(facetT), freelistp, facet, facetT); memset((char *)facet, (size_t)0, sizeof(facetT)); if (qh->facet_id == qh->tracefacet_id) qh->tracefacet= facet; facet->id= qh->facet_id++; facet->neighbors= qh_setnew(qh, qh->hull_dim); #if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest facet->furthestdist= 0.0; #endif #if qh_MAXoutside if (qh->FORCEoutput && qh->APPROXhull) facet->maxoutside= qh->MINoutside; else facet->maxoutside= qh->DISTround; #endif facet->simplicial= True; facet->good= True; facet->newfacet= True; trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4055, "qh_newfacet: created facet f%d\n", facet->id)); return(facet); } /* newfacet */ /*--------------------------------- qh_newridge() return a new ridge */ ridgeT *qh_newridge(qhT *qh) { ridgeT *ridge; void **freelistp; /* used if !qh_NOmem by qh_memalloc_() */ qh_memalloc_(qh, (int)sizeof(ridgeT), freelistp, ridge, ridgeT); memset((char *)ridge, (size_t)0, sizeof(ridgeT)); zinc_(Ztotridges); if (qh->ridge_id == UINT_MAX) { qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7074, "\ qhull warning: more than 2^32 ridges. Qhull results are OK. Since the ridge ID wraps around to 0, two ridges may have the same identifier.\n"); } ridge->id= qh->ridge_id++; trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4056, "qh_newridge: created ridge r%d\n", ridge->id)); return(ridge); } /* newridge */ /*--------------------------------- qh_pointid(qh, point ) return id for a point, returns qh_IDnone(-3) if null, qh_IDinterior(-2) if interior, or qh_IDunknown(-1) if not known alternative code if point is in qh.first_point... unsigned long id; id= ((unsigned long)point - (unsigned long)qh.first_point)/qh.normal_size; notes: Valid points are non-negative WARN64 -- id truncated to 32-bits, at most 2G points NOerrors returned (QhullPoint::id) if point not in point array the code does a comparison of unrelated pointers. */ int qh_pointid(qhT *qh, pointT *point) { ptr_intT offset, id; if (!point || !qh) return qh_IDnone; else if (point == qh->interior_point) return qh_IDinterior; else if (point >= qh->first_point && point < qh->first_point + qh->num_points * qh->hull_dim) { offset= (ptr_intT)(point - qh->first_point); id= offset / qh->hull_dim; }else if ((id= qh_setindex(qh->other_points, point)) != -1) id += qh->num_points; else return qh_IDunknown; return (int)id; } /* pointid */ /*--------------------------------- qh_removefacet(qh, facet ) unlinks facet from qh.facet_list, returns: updates qh.facet_list .newfacet_list .facet_next visible_list decrements qh.num_facets see: qh_appendfacet */ void qh_removefacet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet) { facetT *next= facet->next, *previous= facet->previous; if (facet == qh->newfacet_list) qh->newfacet_list= next; if (facet == qh->facet_next) qh->facet_next= next; if (facet == qh->visible_list) qh->visible_list= next; if (previous) { previous->next= next; next->previous= previous; }else { /* 1st facet in qh->facet_list */ qh->facet_list= next; qh->facet_list->previous= NULL; } qh->num_facets--; trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4057, "qh_removefacet: remove f%d from facet_list\n", facet->id)); } /* removefacet */ /*--------------------------------- qh_removevertex(qh, vertex ) unlinks vertex from qh.vertex_list, returns: updates qh.vertex_list .newvertex_list decrements qh.num_vertices */ void qh_removevertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex) { vertexT *next= vertex->next, *previous= vertex->previous; if (vertex == qh->newvertex_list) qh->newvertex_list= next; if (previous) { previous->next= next; next->previous= previous; }else { /* 1st vertex in qh->vertex_list */ qh->vertex_list= vertex->next; qh->vertex_list->previous= NULL; } qh->num_vertices--; trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4058, "qh_removevertex: remove v%d from vertex_list\n", vertex->id)); } /* removevertex */ /*--------------------------------- qh_updatevertices() update vertex neighbors and delete interior vertices returns: if qh.VERTEXneighbors, updates neighbors for each vertex if qh.newvertex_list, removes visible neighbors from vertex neighbors if qh.newfacet_list adds new facets to vertex neighbors if qh.visible_list interior vertices added to qh.del_vertices for later partitioning design: if qh.VERTEXneighbors deletes references to visible facets from vertex neighbors appends new facets to the neighbor list for each vertex checks all vertices of visible facets removes visible facets from neighbor lists marks unused vertices for deletion */ void qh_updatevertices(qhT *qh /*qh.newvertex_list, newfacet_list, visible_list*/) { facetT *newfacet= NULL, *neighbor, **neighborp, *visible; vertexT *vertex, **vertexp; trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3013, "qh_updatevertices: delete interior vertices and update vertex->neighbors\n")); if (qh->VERTEXneighbors) { FORALLvertex_(qh->newvertex_list) { FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) { if (neighbor->visible) SETref_(neighbor)= NULL; } qh_setcompact(qh, vertex->neighbors); } FORALLnew_facets { FOREACHvertex_(newfacet->vertices) qh_setappend(qh, &vertex->neighbors, newfacet); } FORALLvisible_facets { FOREACHvertex_(visible->vertices) { if (!vertex->newlist && !vertex->deleted) { FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) { /* this can happen under merging */ if (!neighbor->visible) break; } if (neighbor) qh_setdel(vertex->neighbors, visible); else { vertex->deleted= True; qh_setappend(qh, &qh->del_vertices, vertex); trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2041, "qh_updatevertices: delete vertex p%d(v%d) in f%d\n", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point), vertex->id, visible->id)); } } } } }else { /* !VERTEXneighbors */ FORALLvisible_facets { FOREACHvertex_(visible->vertices) { if (!vertex->newlist && !vertex->deleted) { vertex->deleted= True; qh_setappend(qh, &qh->del_vertices, vertex); trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2042, "qh_updatevertices: delete vertex p%d(v%d) in f%d\n", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point), vertex->id, visible->id)); } } } } } /* updatevertices */