--------------------------------- usermem_r.c qh_exit(), qh_free(), and qh_malloc() See README.txt. If you redefine one of these functions you must redefine all of them. If you recompile and load this file, then usermem.o will not be loaded from qhull.a or qhull.lib See libqhull_r.h for data structures, macros, and user-callable functions. See user_r.c for qhull-related, redefinable functions see user_r.h for user-definable constants See userprintf_r.c for qh_fprintf and userprintf_rbox_r.c for qh_fprintf_rbox Please report any errors that you fix to qhull@qhull.org */ #include "libqhull_r.h" #include#include /*--------------------------------- qh_exit( exitcode ) exit program notes: qh_exit() is called when qh_errexit() and longjmp() are not available. This is the only use of exit() in Qhull To replace qh_exit with 'throw', see libqhullcpp/usermem_r-cpp.cpp */ void qh_exit(int exitcode) { exit(exitcode); } /* exit */ /*--------------------------------- qh_fprintf_stderr( msgcode, format, list of args ) fprintf to stderr with msgcode (non-zero) notes: qh_fprintf_stderr() is called when qh->ferr is not defined, usually due to an initialization error It is typically followed by qh_errexit(). Redefine this function to avoid using stderr Use qh_fprintf [userprintf_r.c] for normal printing */ void qh_fprintf_stderr(int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); if(msgcode) fprintf(stderr, "QH%.4d ", msgcode); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); va_end(args); } /* fprintf_stderr */ /*--------------------------------- qh_free(qhT *qh, mem ) free memory notes: same as free() No calls to qh_errexit() */ void qh_free(void *mem) { free(mem); } /* free */ /*--------------------------------- qh_malloc( mem ) allocate memory notes: same as malloc() */ void *qh_malloc(size_t size) { return malloc(size); } /* malloc */