Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
saturateT :: Name -> Q Type Source
saturates a type constructor with type variables. outputs a Type
of kind *
:set -XTemplateHaskell
import Language.Haskell.TH
$(printQ (saturateT ''Bool))
ConT GHC.Types.Bool>>>
$(printQ (saturateT ''[]))
AppT (ConT GHC.Types.[]) (VarT a)>>>
$(printQ (saturateT ''Either))
AppT (AppT (ConT Data.Either.Either) (VarT a)) (VarT b)
- - >>> $(printQ (saturateT_ 'False))
- - Exception when trying to run compile-time code:
- - the name {{GHC.Types.False}} has no arity (maybe it's been given to some macro that expects a Type?)
output is deterministic.
alphabeticalVariables :: [String] Source
take 3 alphabeticalVariables
getArityT :: Name -> Q (Maybe Int) Source
get the arity of a (type) name.
:set -XTemplateHaskell
import Language.Haskell.TH
$(printQ (getArityT ''Bool))
Just 0>>>
$(printQ (getArityT 'False))
$(printQ (getArityT ''Either))
Just 2
getArityI :: Info -> Maybe Int Source
get the arity of a type constructor or a primitive type constructor, by name.
getArityD :: Dec -> Maybe Int Source
get the arity of a data
or a newtype
TODO saturate type
printQ :: Show a => Q a -> Q Exp Source
show the result of a Template Haskell action, in IO.
:set -XTemplateHaskell
import Language.Haskell.TH
$(printQ $ reify ''Bool)
TyConI (DataD [] GHC.Types.Bool [] [NormalC GHC.Types.False [],NormalC GHC.Types.True []] [])
works around "Template Haskell error: Can't do
which prevents them from being printed directly. reify
in the IO monad"
see stackoverflow