# derive-topdown [![Hackage version](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/derive-topdown.svg?label=Hackage)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/derive-topdown) [![Stackage version](https://www.stackage.org/package/derive-topdown/badge/lts?label=Stackage)](https://www.stackage.org/package/derive-topdown) This is a Haskell project which will derive type class instances from top for a composite data type. ## 1. Standalone deriving There are functions named `deriving_`, `derivings`, `derivingss`. Please see the API for their types. ``` haskell {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, ConstraintKinds, UndecidableInstances, GADTs, TemplateHaskell, DeriveGeneric #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-splices #-} import Data.Derive.TopDown import GHC.Generics import Data.Binary import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.TH data Gender = Male | Female type Age = Int data Person a = P {name :: String , age :: Int, gender :: Gender} data Department a = D {dname :: String , head :: Person a, staff :: [Person a]} data Company a = C {cname :: String, departments :: [Department a]} derivings [''Eq, ''Ord, ''Generic] ''Company ``` You will get: ```haskell derivings [''Eq, ''Ord, ''Generic] ''Company ======> deriving instance Eq Gender deriving instance Eq (Person a_acKV) deriving instance Eq a_acKU => Eq (Department a_acKU) deriving instance Eq a_acKT => Eq (Company a_acKT) deriving instance Ord Gender deriving instance Ord (Person a_acKV) deriving instance Ord a_acKU => Ord (Department a_acKU) deriving instance Ord a_acKT => Ord (Company a_acKT) deriving instance Generic Gender deriving instance Generic (Person a_acKV) deriving instance Generic (Department a_acKU) deriving instance Generic (Company a_acKT) ``` ## 2. Empty Instances generation For empty class instances deriving, `instance_`, `instances`, `instancess` are provided. We can use it in this way. ```haskell instances [''Binary] ''Company ======> instance Binary Gender instance Binary (Person a_af50) instance Binary a_af4Z => Binary (Department a_af4Z) instance Binary a_af4Y => Binary (Company a_af4Y) ``` ## 3. Usage with Template Haskell For generating instances with a template Haskell function, `derivingTH`, `derivingTHs` and `derivingTHss` can be used: ```haskell derivingTHs [(''ToJSON, deriveToJSON defaultOptions), (''FromJSON, deriveFromJSON defaultOptions)] ''Company ======> instance ToJSON Gender where toJSON = \ value_amQG -> case value_amQG of { Male -> String (text- "Male") Female -> String (text- "Female") } toEncoding = \ value_amQH -> case value_amQH of { Male -> Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal.text (text- "Male") Female -> Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal.text (text- "Female") } instance ToJSON a_amqg => ToJSON (Person a_amqg) where toJSON = \ value_amQy ... ... ``` You can use this this function with [`derive`](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/derive) package. However, it seems that this package is broken with GHC >= 802. ## 4. Deriving the superclasses `Data.Derive.Superclass` provides `deriving_superclasses`, `strategy_deriving_superclasses` and newtype_deriving_superclasses, gnds can be used to derive class instance and its superclass instances. For example: ```haskell data A = A deriving_superclasses ''Ord ''A ``` You wil get: ```haskell deriving_superclasses ''Ord ''A ======> deriving instance Ord A deriving instance Eq A ``` Mutual recursive type decalrations need to derive superclass together as the following: ```haskell fmap concat (sequence [(deriving_superclasses ''Ord ''T2), (deriving_superclasses ''Ord ''T3)]) ``` In the code above, T2 and T3 are mutual recursive data types. ## 5. Deriving with strategies in GHC 8.2 If you want to specify the strategy for deriving mechanism then `strategy_deriving`, `strategy_derivings` and `strategy_derivingss` can be used. The 3 strategies for deriving `StockStrategy`,`AnyclassStrategy`,`NewtypeStrategy` are exposed when you import `TopDown`. They can be written as `stock`, `anyclass` as the default grammar. For `newtype`, you can write it as `newtype_` since there is a clison with `newtype` for data declaration. Please see [DerivingStrategies](https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/Compiler/DerivingStrategies) ## Note ### Derive with breaks The deriving process might be interrupted by a given list of type names. The generation process will stop on those give names. Please see the test case. ### **NOTE**: About deriving instances of Typeable There is a bug with `isInstance` function when working with Typeable class. See [`ticket #11251`](https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/11251). So there might be problems if you really want to derive `Typeable` class. However, this bug should not affect you too much here since GHC now has `AutoDeriveTypeable` extension, which means you should never derive `Typeable` manually. ### **NOTE**: You cannot derive a type synonym. `derive-topdown` will not work with `-XTypeSynonymInstances` language extension. The top node in the data declaration tree has to be a data or newtype. More discussion about `derive-topdown`, please see [`ticket #10607`](https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/10607)