{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} module Df1.Render ( log , logColorANSI , key , message , iso8601 , segment , value ) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim as BBP import Data.Function (fix) import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL import qualified Data.Time as Time import qualified Data.Time.Clock.System as Time import Data.Word (Word8, Word32) import Prelude hiding (log, filter, error) import Df1.Types (Log(log_time, log_level, log_path, log_message), Level(Debug, Info, Notice, Warning, Error, Critical, Alert, Emergency), Path(Attr, Push), Segment, unSegment, Key, unKey, Value, unValue, ToValue, Message, unMessage) import qualified Df1.Types (value) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Like 'log', but with ANSI colors. logColorANSI :: Log -> BB.Builder {-# INLINABLE logColorANSI #-} logColorANSI = \log_ -> let t = iso8601 (log_time log_) <> space pDef = \fg -> renderPathColor fg fgBlue fgCyan (log_path log_) pRed = renderPathColor fgBlack fgWhite fgCyan (log_path log_) m = space <> message (log_message log_) <> reset in case log_level log_ of Debug -> reset <> t <> pDef fgDefault <> fgDefault <> debug <> m Info -> reset <> t <> pDef fgDefault <> fgDefault <> info <> m Notice -> reset <> t <> pDef fgDefault <> fgGreen <> notice <> fgDefault <> m Warning -> reset <> t <> pDef fgDefault <> fgYellow <> warning <> fgDefault <> m Error -> bgWhite <> fgBlack <> t <> pDef fgBlack <> fgRed <> error <> fgBlack <> m Critical -> bgRed <> fgBlack <> t <> pRed <> fgWhite <> critical <> fgBlack <> m Alert -> bgRed <> fgBlack <> t <> pRed <> fgWhite <> alert <> fgBlack <> m Emergency -> bgRed <> fgBlack <> t <> pRed <> fgWhite <> emergency <> fgBlack <> m -- | Renders a 'Log' on its own line. Doesn't include a trailing newline character. -- -- For example: -- -- @ -- 2019-11-15T18:05:54.949470902Z NOTICE Welcome to my program! -- 2019-11-15T18:05:54.949623731Z \/initialization NOTICE Starting web server -- 2019-11-15T18:05:54.949630205Z \/initialization ALERT Disk is almost full!!! -- 2019-11-15T18:05:54.949640299Z \/server port=80 INFO Listening for new clients -- 2019-11-15T18:05:54.949652133Z \/server port=80 \/handler client-address= INFO Connection established -- 2019-11-15T18:05:54.949664482Z \/server port=80 \/handler client-address= WARNING user error (Oops!) -- @ log :: Log -> BB.Builder {-# INLINABLE log #-} log = \x -> iso8601 (log_time x) <> space <> renderPath (log_path x) <> level (log_level x) <> space <> message (log_message x) -- | @'renderPathColor' a b c p@ renders @p@ using @a@ as the default color (for -- things like whitespace or attribute values), @b@ as the color for path names, -- and @c@ as the color for attribute keys. This adds a trailing whitespace if -- necessary. renderPathColor :: BB.Builder -> BB.Builder -> BB.Builder -> Seq.Seq Path -> BB.Builder {-# INLINE renderPathColor #-} renderPathColor defc pathc keyc = fix $ \f -> \case ps Seq.:|> Attr k v -> f ps <> defc <> keyc <> key k <> defc <> equals <> value v <> space ps Seq.:|> Push s -> f ps <> defc <> pathc <> slash <> segment s <> space Seq.Empty -> mempty -- | Like 'renderPathColor', but without color. renderPath :: Seq.Seq Path -> BB.Builder {-# INLINE renderPath #-} renderPath = fix $ \f -> \case ps Seq.:|> Attr k v -> f ps <> key k <> equals <> value v <> space ps Seq.:|> Push s -> f ps <> slash <> segment s <> space Seq.Empty -> mempty -- | Escaping rules for 'Segment': -- -- * A \'%\' anywhere is always percent-escaped (\"%25\") -- -- * An ASCII-7 control character anywhere is always percent-escaped. -- -- The output is encoded as UTF-8. message :: Message -> BB.Builder {-# INLINE message #-} message x = eall (unMessage x) where {-# INLINE eall #-} eall = TL.encodeUtf8BuilderEscaped $ BBP.condB (== 37) word8HexPercent -- '%' $ BBP.condB isControl7 word8HexPercent $ BBP.liftFixedToBounded BBP.word8 -- | Escaping rules for 'Segment': -- -- * An ASCII-7 punctuation character as first character is always percent-escaped. -- -- * An ASCII-7 punctuation character anywhere else is always percent-escaped, unless it is -- \'-\' or \'_\'. -- -- * An ASCII-7 control character anywhere is always percent-escaped. -- -- The output is encoded as UTF-8. segment :: Segment -> BB.Builder {-# INLINE segment #-} segment x = case TL.uncons (unSegment x) of Nothing -> mempty Just (hd,tl) -> ehead (T.singleton hd) <> etail tl where {-# INLINE ehead #-} ehead = T.encodeUtf8BuilderEscaped $ BBP.condB isPunctuation7 word8HexPercent $ BBP.condB isControl7 word8HexPercent $ BBP.liftFixedToBounded BBP.word8 {-# INLINE etail #-} etail = TL.encodeUtf8BuilderEscaped $ BBP.condB (\w -> w == 0x2d -- '-' || w == 0x5f) -- '_' (BBP.liftFixedToBounded BBP.word8) $ BBP.condB isPunctuation7 word8HexPercent $ BBP.condB isControl7 word8HexPercent $ BBP.liftFixedToBounded BBP.word8 -- | Escaping rules for 'Key': -- -- * An ASCII-7 control character is always percent-escaped. -- -- * An ASCII-7 punctuation character is always percent-escaped. -- -- * An ASCII-7 punctuation character anywhere else is always percent-escaped, unless it is -- \'-\' or \'_\'. -- -- The output is encoded as UTF-8. key :: Key -> BB.Builder {-# INLINE key #-} key x = case TL.uncons (unKey x) of Nothing -> mempty Just (hd,tl) -> ehead (T.singleton hd) <> etail tl where {-# INLINE ehead #-} ehead = T.encodeUtf8BuilderEscaped $ BBP.condB isPunctuation7 word8HexPercent $ BBP.condB isControl7 word8HexPercent $ BBP.liftFixedToBounded BBP.word8 {-# INLINE etail #-} etail = TL.encodeUtf8BuilderEscaped $ BBP.condB (\w -> w == 0x2d -- '-' || w == 0x5f) -- '_' (BBP.liftFixedToBounded BBP.word8) $ BBP.condB isPunctuation7 word8HexPercent $ BBP.condB isControl7 word8HexPercent $ BBP.liftFixedToBounded BBP.word8 -- | Escaping rules for 'Value': -- -- * A \' \' anywhere is always percent-escaped (\"%20\"). -- -- * A \'%\' anywhere is always percent-escaped (\"%25\")" -- -- * A \'=\' anywhere is always percent-escaped (\"%3d\"). -- -- * An ASCII-7 control character anywhere is always percent-escaped. -- -- The output is encoded as UTF-8. value :: Value -> BB.Builder {-# INLINE value #-} value x = eall (unValue x) where {-# INLINE eall #-} eall = TL.encodeUtf8BuilderEscaped $ BBP.condB (== 0x20) word8HexPercent $ BBP.condB (== 0x25) word8HexPercent $ BBP.condB (== 0x3d) word8HexPercent $ BBP.condB isControl7 word8HexPercent $ BBP.liftFixedToBounded BBP.word8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Some hardcoded stuff we use time and time again debug :: BB.Builder debug = BB.string7 "DEBUG" {-# INLINE debug #-} info :: BB.Builder info = BB.string7 "INFO" {-# INLINE info #-} notice :: BB.Builder notice = BB.string7 "NOTICE" {-# INLINE notice #-} warning :: BB.Builder warning = BB.string7 "WARNING" {-# INLINE warning #-} error :: BB.Builder error = BB.string7 "ERROR" {-# INLINE error #-} critical :: BB.Builder critical = BB.string7 "CRITICAL" {-# INLINE critical #-} alert :: BB.Builder alert = BB.string7 "ALERT" {-# INLINE alert #-} emergency :: BB.Builder emergency = BB.string7 "EMERGENCY" {-# INLINE emergency #-} level :: Level -> BB.Builder {-# INLINE level #-} level = \case { Debug -> debug; Info -> info; Notice -> notice; Warning -> warning; Error -> error; Critical -> critical; Alert -> alert; Emergency -> emergency } space :: BB.Builder space = BB.char7 ' ' {-# INLINE space #-} slash :: BB.Builder slash = BB.char7 '/' {-# INLINE slash #-} equals :: BB.Builder equals = BB.char7 '=' {-# INLINE equals #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ANSI escape codes -- | Reset all reset :: BB.Builder reset = BB.string7 "\x1b[0m" {-# INLINE reset #-} -- | Default foreground fgDefault :: BB.Builder fgDefault = BB.string7 "\x1b[39m" {-# INLINE fgDefault #-} -- -- | Reset background -- bgDefault :: BB.Builder -- bgDefault = BB.string7 "\x1b[49m" -- {-# INLINE bgDefault #-} -- | green foreground fgGreen :: BB.Builder fgGreen = BB.string7 "\x1b[32m" {-# INLINE fgGreen #-} -- | green foreground fgRed :: BB.Builder fgRed = BB.string7 "\x1b[31m" {-# INLINE fgRed #-} -- | Yellow foreground fgYellow :: BB.Builder fgYellow = BB.string7 "\x1b[33m" {-# INLINE fgYellow #-} -- | Cyan foreground fgCyan :: BB.Builder fgCyan = BB.string7 "\x1b[36m" {-# INLINE fgCyan #-} -- | Blue foreground fgBlue :: BB.Builder fgBlue = BB.string7 "\x1b[34m" {-# INLINE fgBlue #-} -- | Black foreground fgBlack :: BB.Builder fgBlack = BB.string7 "\x1b[30m" {-# INLINE fgBlack #-} -- | White foreground fgWhite :: BB.Builder fgWhite = BB.string7 "\x1b[37m" {-# INLINE fgWhite #-} -- | Red background bgRed :: BB.Builder bgRed = BB.string7 "\x1b[41m" {-# INLINE bgRed #-} -- | Red background bgWhite :: BB.Builder bgWhite = BB.string7 "\x1b[47m" {-# INLINE bgWhite #-} -- | Render @'%'@ followed by the given 'Word8' rendered as two hexadecimal -- nibbles. word8HexPercent :: BBP.BoundedPrim Word8 word8HexPercent = BBP.liftFixedToBounded ((\x -> (37, x)) BBP.>$< BBP.word8 BBP.>*< BBP.word8HexFixed) {-# INLINE word8HexPercent #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Renders /YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssssssssZ/ (nanosecond precision). -- -- The rendered string is 30 characters long, and it's encoded as ASCII/UTF-8. iso8601 :: Time.SystemTime -> BB.Builder {-# INLINE iso8601 #-} iso8601 syst = iso8601SystemTimeUTCTime syst (Time.systemToUTCTime syst) -- | Like 'iso8601', but takes a 'Time.UTCTime'. iso8601UTCTime :: Time.UTCTime -> BB.Builder {-# INLINE iso8601UTCTime #-} iso8601UTCTime utct = iso8601SystemTimeUTCTime (Time.utcToSystemTime utct) utct -- | INTERNAL. Used by 'iso8601' and 'iso8601UTCTime'. iso8601SystemTimeUTCTime :: Time.SystemTime -> Time.UTCTime -> BB.Builder {-# INLINE iso8601SystemTimeUTCTime #-} iso8601SystemTimeUTCTime syst (Time.UTCTime tday tdaytime) = let (year, month, day) = Time.toGregorian tday Time.TimeOfDay hour min' sec = Time.timeToTimeOfDay tdaytime in -- Notice that 'TB.decimal' RULES dispatch to faster code for smaller -- types (e.g., 'Word8' is faster to render than 'Int'), so we make -- seemingly redundant 'fromIntegral' conversions here to that effect. BB.int16Dec (fromIntegral year) <> BB.char7 '-' <> word8Dec_pad10 (fromIntegral month) <> BB.char7 '-' <> word8Dec_pad10 (fromIntegral day) <> BB.char7 'T' <> word8Dec_pad10 (fromIntegral hour) <> BB.char7 ':' <> word8Dec_pad10 (fromIntegral min') <> BB.char7 ':' <> word8Dec_pad10 (truncate sec) <> BB.char7 '.' <> word32Dec_pad100000000 (Time.systemNanoseconds syst) <> BB.char7 'Z' word8Dec_pad10 :: Word8 -> BB.Builder {-# INLINE word8Dec_pad10 #-} word8Dec_pad10 x = let !y = BB.word8Dec x in if x < 10 then (_zero1 <> y) else y word32Dec_pad100000000 :: Word32 -> BB.Builder {-# INLINE word32Dec_pad100000000 #-} word32Dec_pad100000000 x = let !y = BB.word32Dec x in if | x < 10 -> _zero8 <> y | x < 100 -> _zero7 <> y | x < 1000 -> _zero6 <> y | x < 10000 -> _zero5 <> y | x < 100000 -> _zero4 <> y | x < 1000000 -> _zero3 <> y | x < 10000000 -> _zero2 <> y | x < 100000000 -> _zero1 <> y | otherwise -> y _zero1, _zero2, _zero3, _zero4, _zero5, _zero6, _zero7, _zero8 :: BB.Builder _zero1 = BB.string7 "0" _zero2 = BB.string7 "00" _zero3 = BB.string7 "000" _zero4 = BB.string7 "0000" _zero5 = BB.string7 "00000" _zero6 = BB.string7 "000000" _zero7 = BB.string7 "0000000" _zero8 = BB.string7 "00000000" {-# INLINE _zero1 #-} {-# INLINE _zero2 #-} {-# INLINE _zero3 #-} {-# INLINE _zero4 #-} {-# INLINE _zero5 #-} {-# INLINE _zero6 #-} {-# INLINE _zero7 #-} {-# INLINE _zero8 #-} -- | 'True' for all ASCII-7 punctuation characters. isPunctuation7 :: Word8 -> Bool {-# INLINE isPunctuation7 #-} isPunctuation7 w = (w >= 32 && w <= 47) || (w >= 58 && w <= 64) || (w >= 91 && w <= 96) || (w >= 123 && w <= 126) -- | 'True' for ASCII-7 control characters. isControl7 :: Word8 -> Bool {-# INLINE isControl7 #-} isControl7 w = (w <= 31) || (w == 127) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | See 'iso8601'. instance ToValue Time.SystemTime where value = Df1.Types.value . TL.decodeUtf8 . BB.toLazyByteString . iso8601 {-# NOINLINE value #-} -- | See 'iso8601'. instance ToValue Time.UTCTime where value = Df1.Types.value . TL.decodeUtf8 . BB.toLazyByteString . iso8601UTCTime {-# NOINLINE value #-}