Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Dhall is a programming language specialized for configuration files. This module contains a tutorial explaning how to author configuration files using this language
The simplest way to use Dhall is to ignore the programming language features and use it as a strongly typed configuration format. For example, suppose that you create the following configuration file:
$ cat ./config { foo = 1 , bar = [3.0, 4.0, 5.0] }
You can read the above configuration file into Haskell using the following code:
-- example.hs {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall data Example = Example { foo :: Natural, bar :: Vector Double } deriving (Generic, Show) instance Interpret Example main :: IO () main = do x <- input auto "./config" print (x :: Example)
If you compile and run the above example, the program prints the corresponding Haskell record:
$ ./example Example {foo = 1, bar = [3.0,4.0,5.0]}
You can also load some types directly into Haskell without having to define a record, like this:
:set -XOverloadedStrings
input auto "True" :: IO Bool
The input
function can decode any value if we specify the value's expected
input :: Type a -- Expected type -> Text -- Dhall program -> IO a -- Decoded expression
... and we can either specify an explicit type like bool
bool :: Type Bool input bool :: Text -> IO Bool input bool "True" :: IO Bool
input bool "True"
... or we can use auto
to let the compiler infer what type to decode from
the expected return type:
auto :: Interpret a => Type a input auto :: Interpret a => Text -> IO a
input auto "True" :: IO Bool
You can see what types auto
supports "out-of-the-box" by browsing the
instances for the Interpret
class. For example, the following instance
says that we can directly decode any Dhall expression that evaluates to a
into a Haskell Bool
instance Interpret Bool
... which is why we could directly decode the string "True"
into the
value True
There is also another instance that says that if we can decode a value of
type a
, then we can also decode a List
of values as a Vector
of a
instance Interpret a => Interpret (Vector a)
Therefore, since we can decode a Bool
, we must also be able to decode a
of Bool
s, like this:
input auto "[True, False]" :: IO (Vector Bool)
We could also specify what type to decode by providing an explicit Type
instead of using auto
with a type annotation:
input (vector bool) "[True, False]"
Exercise: Create a ./config
file that the following program can decode:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall data Person = Person { age :: Natural, name :: Text } deriving (Generic, Show) instance Interpret Person main :: IO () main = do x <- input auto "./config" print (x :: Person)
Exercise: Create a ./config
file that the following program can decode:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Data.Functor.Identity import Dhall instance Interpret a => Interpret (Identity a) main :: IO () main = do x <- input auto "./config" print (x :: Identity Double)
Suppose that we try to decode a value of the wrong type, like this:
input auto "1" :: IO Bool
*** Exception: ...Error...: Expression doesn't match annotation ... - Bool + Natural ... 1: 1 : Bool ... (input):1:1 ...
The interpreter complains because the string "1"
cannot be decoded into a
Haskell value of type Bool
. This part of the type error:
- Bool + Natural
... means that the expected type was Bool
but the inferred type of the
expression 1
was Natural
The code excerpt from the above error message has two components:
- the expression being type checked (i.e.
) - the expression's expected type (i.e.
Expression ⇩ 1 : Bool ⇧ Expected type
The (:)
symbol is how Dhall annotates values with their expected types.
This notation is equivalent to type annotations in Haskell using the (::)
symbol. Whenever you see:
x : t
... you should read that as "we expect the expression x
to have type
". However, we might be wrong and if our expected type does not match the
expression's actual type then the type checker will complain.
In this case, the expression 1
does not have type Bool
so type checking
fails with an exception.
Exercise: Load the Dhall library into ghci
and run these commands to get
get a more detailed error message:
>>> import Dhall >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings >>> detailed (input auto "1") :: IO Bool ...
... then read the entire error message
Exercise: Fix the type error, either by changing the value to decode or changing the expected type
You might wonder why in some cases we can decode a configuration file:
writeFile "bool" "True"
input auto "./bool" :: IO Bool
... and in other cases we can decode a value directly:
input auto "True" :: IO Bool
This is because importing a configuration from a file is a special case of a more general language feature: Dhall expressions can reference other expressions by their file path.
To illustrate this, let's create three files:
$ echo "True" > bool1 $ echo "False" > bool2 $ echo "./bool1 && ./bool2" > both
... and read in all three files in a single expression:
input auto "[ ./bool1 , ./bool2 , ./both ]" :: IO (Vector Bool)
Each file path is replaced with the Dhall expression contained within that file. If that file contains references to other files then those references are transitively resolved.
In other words: configuration files can reference other configuration files, either by their relative or absolute paths. This means that we can split a configuration file into multiple files, like this:
$ cat > ./config <<EOF { foo = 1 , bar = ./bar } EOF
$ echo "[3.0, 4.0, 5.0]" > ./bar
$ ./example Example {foo = 1, bar = [3.0,4.0,5.0]}
However, the Dhall language will forbid cycles in these file references. For example, if we create the following cycle:
$ echo './file1' > file2 $ echo './file2' > file1
... then the interpreter will reject the import:
input auto "./file1" :: IO Natural
*** Exception: ↳ ./file1 ↳ ./file2 ... Cyclic import: ./file1 ...
You can also import expressions by URL. For example, you can find a Dhall expression hosted at this GitHub URL:
$ curl True
... and you can reference that expression either directly:
input auto "" :: IO Bool
... or inside of a larger expression:
input auto "False ==" :: IO Bool
You're not limited to hosting Dhall expressions on GitHub. You can host a Dhall expression anywhere that you can host UTF8-encoded text on the web, as a pastebin, or your own web server.
You can also import Dhall expressions from environment variables, too:
System.Environment.setEnv "FOO" "1"
input auto "env:FOO" :: IO Natural
You can import types, too. For example, we can change our ./bar
file to:
$ echo "[3.0, 4.0, 5.0] : List ./type" > ./bar
... then specify the ./type
in a separate file:
$ echo "Double" > ./type
... and everything still type checks:
$ ./example Example {foo = 1, bar = [3.0,4.0,5.0]}
Note that all imports must be terminated by whitespace or you will get either an import error or a parse error, like this:
writeFile "baz" "2.0"
input auto "./baz: Double" :: IO Double
*** Exception: ↳ ./baz: ... ...Error...: Missing file ...baz: ...
This is because the parser thinks that ./baz:
is a single token due to
the missing whitespace before the colon and tries to import a file named
, which does not exist. To fix the problem we have to add a space
after ./baz
input auto "./baz : Double" :: IO Double
Exercise: There is a not
function hosted online here:
Visit that link and read the documentation. Then try to guess what this code returns:
>>> input auto "" :: IO Bool ???
Run the code to test your guess
You can store 0 or more values of the same type in a list, like this:
[1, 2, 3]
Every list can be followed by the type of the list. The type annotation is required for empty lists but optional for non-empty lists. You will get a type error if you provide an empty list without a type annotation:
input auto "[]" :: IO (Vector Natural)
*** Exception: ...Error...: An empty list requires a type annotation ... 1: [] ... (input):1:1
Also, list elements must all have the same type. You will get an error if you try to store elements of different types in a list:
input auto "[1, True, 3]" :: IO (Vector Natural)
*** Exception: ...Error...: List elements should all have the same type ... - Natural + Bool ... 1: True ... (input):1:5 ...
Exercise: What is the shortest ./config
file that you can decode using
this command:
>>> input auto "./config" :: IO (Vector (Vector Natural))
Optional values
values are either of the form Some aValue
or None aType
For example, these are valid Optional
Some 1 None Natural
... which both have type Optional Natural
An Optional
corresponds to Haskell's Maybe
type for decoding purposes:
input auto "Some 1" :: IO (Maybe Natural)
Just 1>>>
input auto "None Natural" :: IO (Maybe Natural)
Exercise: Author a ./config
file that you can decode like this:
>>> input auto "./config" :: IO (Maybe (Maybe (Maybe Natural))) ???
Record literals are delimited by curly braces and their fields are separated by commas. For example, this is a valid record literal:
{ foo = True , bar = 2 , baz = 4.2 }
A record type is like a record literal except instead of specifying each field's value we specify each field's type. For example, the preceding record literal has the following record type:
{ foo : Bool , bar : Natural , baz : Double }
If you want to specify an empty record literal, you must use {=}
, which is
special syntax reserved for empty records. If you want to specify the empty
record type, then you use {}
. If you forget which is which you can always
ask the dhall
compiler to remind you of the type for each one:
$ dhall {=} <Ctrl-D> {} {=}
$ dhall {} <Ctrl-D> Type {}
You can access a field of a record using the following syntax:
... which means to access the value of the field named fieldName
from the
. For example:
input auto "{ foo = True, bar = 2, baz = 4.2 }.baz" :: IO Double
... and you can project out multiple fields into a new record using this syntax:
someRecord.{ field₀, field₁, … }
For example:
$ dhall { x = 1, y = True, z = "ABC" }.{ x, y } <Ctrl-D> { x : Natural, y : Bool } { x = 1, y = True }
Exercise: What is the type of this record:
{ foo = 1 , bar = { baz = 2.0 , qux = True } }
Exercise: Save the above code to a file named ./record
and then try to
access the value of the baz
The Dhall programming language also supports user-defined anonymous functions. For example, we can save the following anonymous function to a file:
$ cat > makeBools \(n : Bool) -> [ n && True, n && False, n || True, n || False ] <Ctrl-D>
... or we can use Dhall's support for Unicode characters to use λ
instead of \
and →
(U+2192) instead of ->
(for people who are into that
sort of thing):
$ cat > makeBools λ(n : Bool) → [ n && True, n && False, n || True, n || False ] <Ctrl-D>
You can read this as a function of one argument named n
that has type
. This function returns a List
of Bool
s. Each element of the
depends on the input argument named n
The (ASCII) syntax for anonymous functions resembles the syntax for anonymous functions in Haskell. The only difference is that Dhall requires you to annotate the type of the function's input.
You can import this function into Haskell, too:
makeBools <- input auto "./makeBools" :: IO (Bool -> Vector Bool)
makeBools True
The reason this works is that there is an Interpret
instance for simple
instance (Inject a, Interpret b) => Interpret (a -> b)
Thanks to currying, this instance works for functions of multiple simple arguments:
dhallAnd <- input auto "λ(x : Bool) → λ(y : Bool) → x && y" :: IO (Bool -> Bool -> Bool)
dhallAnd True False
However, you can't convert anything more complex than that (like a polymorphic or higher-order function). You will need to apply those functions to their arguments within Dhall before converting their result to a Haskell value.
Just like Interpret
, you can derive Inject
for user-defined data types:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Dhall data Example0 = Example0 { foo :: Bool, bar :: Bool } deriving (Generic, Inject) main = do f <- input auto "λ(r : { foo : Bool, bar : Bool }) → &&" print (f (Example0 { foo = True, bar = False }) :: Bool) print (f (Example0 { foo = True, bar = True }) :: Bool)
The above program prints:
False True
We can also test our makeBools
function directly from the command line.
This library comes with a command-line executable program named dhall
you can use to both type-check files and convert them to a normal form. Our
compiler takes a program on standard input and then prints the program's type
to standard error followed by the program's normal form to standard output:
$ dhall ./makeBools <Ctrl-D> ∀(n : Bool) → List Bool λ(n : Bool) → [ n, False, True, n ]
The first line says that makeBools
is a function of one argument named n
that has type Bool
and the function returns a List
of Bool
s. The ∀
(U+2200) symbol is shorthand for the ASCII forall
∀(x : a) → b -- This type ... forall (x : a) → b -- ... is the same as this type
... and Dhall's forall
keyword behaves the same way as Haskell's forall
keyword for input values that are Type
forall (x : Type) → b -- This Dhall type ...
forall x . b -- ... is the same as this Haskell type
The part where Dhall differs from Haskell is that you can also use
to give names to non-Type
arguments (such as the first
argument to makeBools
The second line of Dhall's output is our program's normal form:
λ(n : Bool) → [ n, False, True, n ]
... and the interpreter was able to simplify our expression by noting that:
n && True = n
n && False = False
n || True = True
n || False = n
To apply a function to an argument you separate the function and argument by whitespace (just like Haskell):
f x
You can read the above as "apply the function f
to the argument x
". This
means that we can "apply" our ./makeBools
function to a Bool
like this:
$ dhall ./makeBools True <Ctrl-D> List Bool [True, False, True, True]
Remember that file paths are synonymous with their contents, so the above code is exactly equivalent to:
$ dhall (λ(n : Bool) → [n && True, n && False, n || True, n || False]) True <Ctrl-D> List Bool [True, False, True, True]
When you apply an anonymous function to an argument, you substitute the "bound variable" with the function's argument:
Bound variable ⇩ (λ(n : Bool) → ...) True ⇧ Function argument
So in our above example, we would replace all occurrences of n
with True
like this:
-- If we replace all of these `n`s with `True` ... [n && True, n && False, n || True, n || False] -- ... then we get this: [True && True, True && False, True || True, True || False] -- ... which reduces to the following normal form: [True, False, True, True]
Now that we've verified that our function type checks and works, we can use the same function within Haskell:
input auto "./makeBools True" :: IO (Vector Bool)
Exercise: Create a file named getFoo
that is a function of the following
∀(r : { foo : Bool, bar : Text }) → Bool
This function should take a single input argument named r
that is a record
with two fields. The function should return the value of the foo
Exercise: Use the dhall
compiler to infer the type of the function you
just created and verify that your function has the correct type
Exercise: Use the dhall
compiler to apply your function to a sample
Dhall supports ordinary string literals with Haskell-style escaping rules:
dhall "Hello, \"world\"!" <Ctrl-D> Text "Hello, \"world\"!"
... and Dhall also supports Nix-style multi-line string literals:
dhall '' #!/bin/bash echo "Hi!" '' <Ctrl-D> Text "\n#!/bin/bash\n\necho \"Hi!\"\n"
These "double single quote strings" ignore all special characters, with one
exception: if you want to include a ''
in the string, you will need to
escape it with a preceding '
(i.e. use '''
to insert ''
into the final
These strings also strip leading whitespace using the same rules as Nix. Specifically: "it strips from each line a number of spaces equal to the minimal indentation of the string as a whole (disregarding the indentation of empty lines)."
You can also interpolate expressions into strings using ${...}
syntax. For
$ dhall let name = "John Doe" in let age = 21 in "My name is ${name} and my age is ${Natural/show age}" <Ctrl-D> Text "My name is John Doe and my age is 21"
Note that you can only interpolate expressions of type Text
If you need to insert a "${"
into a string without interpolation then use
(same as Nix)
'' for file in *; do echo "Found ''${file}" done ''
You can combine two records, using either the (//)
operator or the
The (//)
operator (or (⫽)
U+2AFD) combines the fields of both records,
preferring fields from the right record if they share fields in common:
$ dhall { foo = 1, bar = "ABC" } // { baz = True } <Ctrl-D> { bar : Text, baz : Bool, foo : Natural } { bar = "ABC", baz = True, foo = 1 } $ dhall { foo = 1, bar = "ABC" } ⫽ { bar = True } -- Fancy unicode <Ctrl-D> { bar : Bool, foo : Natural } { bar = True, foo = 1 }
Note that the order of record fields does not matter. The compiler automatically sorts the fields.
The (/\)
operator (or (∧)
U+2227) also lets you combine records, but
behaves differently if the records share fields in common. The operator
combines shared fields recursively if they are both records:
$ dhall { foo = { bar = True }, baz = "ABC" } /\ { foo = { qux = 1.0 } } <Ctrl-D> { baz : Text, foo : { bar : Bool, qux : Double } } { baz = "ABC", foo = { bar = True, qux = 1.0 } }
... but fails with a type error if either shared field is not a record:
$ dhall { foo = 1, bar = "ABC" } ∧ { foo = True } <Ctrl-D> Use "dhall --explain" for detailed errors Error: Field collision { foo = 1, bar = "ABC" } ∧ { foo = True } (stdin):1:1
Exercise: Combine any record with the empty record. What do you expect to happen?
You can analogously combine record types using the //\\
operator (or (⩓)
$ dhall { foo : Natural } ⩓ { bar : Text } <Ctrl-D> { foo : Natural, bar : Text }
... which behaves the exact same, except at the type level, meaning that the operator descends recursively into record types:
$ dhall { foo : { bar : Text } } ⩓ { foo : { baz : Bool }, qux : Natural } <Ctrl-D> { foo : { bar : Text, baz : Bool }, qux : Natural }
Let expressions
Dhall also supports let
expressions, which you can use to define
intermediate values in the course of a computation, like this:
$ dhall let x = "ha" in x ++ x <Ctrl-D> Text "haha"
You can also annotate the types of values defined within a let
like this:
$ dhall let x : Text = "ha" in x ++ x <Ctrl-D> Text "haha"
You need to nest let
expressions if you want to define more than one value
in this way:
$ dhall let x = "Hello, " in let y = "world!" in x ++ y <Ctrl-D> Text "Hello, world!"
Dhall is whitespace-insensitive, so feel free to format things over multiple lines or indent in any way that you please.
If you want to define a named function, just give a name to an anonymous function:
$ dhall let twice = λ(x : Text) → x ++ x in twice "ha" <Ctrl-D> Text "haha"
Unlike Haskell, Dhall does not support function arguments on the left-hand side of the equals sign, so this will not work:
$ dhall let twice (x : Text) = x ++ x in twice "ha" <Ctrl-D> Error: Invalid input (stdin):1:11: | 1 | let twice (x : Text) = x ++ x in twice "ha" | ^ unexpected '(' expecting ':', '=', or the rest of label
The error message says that Dhall expected either a (:)
(i.e. the beginning
of a type annotation) or a (=)
(the beginning of the assignment) and not a
function argument.
You can also use let
expressions to rename imports, like this:
$ dhall let not = in not True <Ctrl-D> Bool False
... or to define synonyms for types:
$ dhall <<< 'let Name : Type = Text in [ "John", "Mary" ] : List Name' List Text [ "John", "Mary" ]
Exercise: What do you think the following code will normalize to?
let x = 1 in let x = 2 in x
Test your guess using the dhall
Exercise: Now try to guess what this code will normalize to:
let x = "ha" in let x = x ++ "ha" in x
Exercise: What about this code?
let x = x ++ "ha" in x
A union is a value that can be one of many alternative types of values. For example, the following union type:
< Left : Natural | Right : Bool >
... represents a value that can be either a Natural
or a Bool
value. If
you are familiar with Haskell these are exactly analogous to Haskell's
"sum types".
Each alternative is associated with a tag that distinguishes that alternative
from other alternatives. In the above example, the Left
tag is used for
the Natural
alternative and the Right
tag is used for the Bool
You can specify the value of a union constructor like this:
let Union = < Left : Natural | Right : Bool> [ Union.Left 0, Union.Right True ] : List Union
In other words, you can access a union constructor as a field of a union
type and use that constructor to wrap a value of a type appropriate for
that alternative. In the above example, the Left
constructor can wrap
a Natural
value and the Right
constructor can wrap a Bool
value. We
can also confirm that by inspecting their type:
$ echo '< Left : Natural | Right : Bool>' > ./Union
$ dhall --annotate <<< '(./Union).Left' < Left : Natural | Right : Bool >.Left : ∀(Left : Natural) → < Left : Natural | Right : Bool >
$ dhall --annotate <<< '(./Union).Right' < Left : Natural | Right : Bool >.Right : ∀(Right : Bool) → < Left : Natural | Right : Bool >
In other words, the Left
constructor is a function from a Natural
to a
value of our Union
type and the Right
constructor is a separate function
from a Bool
to that same Union
You can consume a union using the built-in merge
function. For example,
suppose we want to convert our union to a Bool
but we want to behave
differently depending on whether or not the union is a Natural
wrapped in
the Left
constructor or a Bool
wrapped in the Right
constructor . We
would write:
$ cat > process <<EOF λ(union : < Left : Natural | Right : Bool >) → let handlers = { Left = Natural/even -- Natural/even is a built-in function , Right = λ(b : Bool) → b } in merge handlers union : Bool EOF
Now our ./process
function can handle both alternatives:
$ dhall <<< './process ((./Union).Left 3)' False
$ dhall <<< './process ((./Union).Right True)' True
Every merge
has the following form:
merge handlers union : type
... where:
is the union you want to consumehandlers
is a record with one function per alternative of the uniontype
is the declared result type of themerge
The merge
function selects which function to apply from the record based on
which alternative the union selects:
merge { Foo = f, ... } (< … >.Foo x) = f x
So, for example:
merge { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(b : Bool) → b } (< Left : Natural | Right : Bool >.Left 3) = Natural/even 3 = False
... and similarly:
merge { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(b : Bool) → b } (< Left : Natural | Right : Bool >.Right True) = (λ(b : Bool) → b) True = True
Notice that each handler has to return the same type of result (Bool
this case).
You can also store more than one value within alternatives using Dhall's support for anonymous records. You can nest an anonymous record within a union such as in this type:
< Empty : {} | Person : { name : Text, age : Natural } >
You can even go a step further and omit the type of an alternative if it stores no data, like this:
< Empty | Person : { name : Text, age : Natural } >
This union of records resembles following equivalent Haskell data type:
data Example = Empty | Person { name :: Text, age :: Text }
Empty alternatives like Empty
require no argument:
let MyType = < Empty | Person : { name : Text, age : Natural } > in [ MyType.Empty -- Note the absence of any argument to `Empty` , MyType.Person { name = "John", age = 23 } , MyType.Person { name = "Amy" , age = 25 } ]
... and when you merge
an empty alternative the correspond handler takes no
λ(x : < Empty | Person : { name : Text, age : Natural } >) → merge { Empty = "Unknown" -- Note the absence of a `λ` , Person = λ(person : { name : Text, age : Natural }) → "Name: ${}, Age: ${Natural/show person.age}" } x
Exercise: Create a list of the following type with at least one element per alternative:
List < Left : Natural | Right : Double >
Polymorphic functions
The Dhall language supports defining polymorphic functions (a.k.a. "generic" functions) that work on more than one type of value. However, Dhall differs from Haskell by not inferring the types of these polymorphic functions. Instead, you must be explicit about what type of value the function is specialized to.
Take, for example, Haskell's identity function named id
id :: a -> a id = \x -> x
The identity function is polymorphic, meaning that id
works on values of
different types:
id 4
id True
The equivalent function in Dhall is:
λ(a : Type) → λ(x : a) → x
Notice how this function takes two arguments instead of one. The first argument is the type of the second argument.
Let's illustrate how this works by actually using the above function:
$ echo "λ(a : Type) → λ(x : a) → x" > id
If we supply the function alone to the compiler we get the inferred type as the first line:
$ dhall ./id <Ctrl-D> ∀(a : Type) → ∀(x : a) → a λ(a : Type) → λ(x : a) → x
You can read the type (∀(a : Type) → ∀(x : a) → a)
as saying: "This is the
type of a function whose first argument is named a
and is a Type
. The
second argument is named x
and has type a
(i.e. the value of the first
argument). The result also has type a
This means that the type of the second argument changes depending on what
type we provide for the first argument. When we apply ./id
to Natural
we create a function that expects an Natural
$ dhall ./id Natural <Ctrl-D> ∀(x : Natural) → Natural λ(x : Natural) → x
Similarly, when we apply ./id
to Bool
, we create a function that expects a
$ dhall ./id Bool <Ctrl-D> ∀(x : Bool) → Bool λ(x : Bool) → x
We can then supply the final argument to each of those functions to show that they both work on their respective types:
$ dhall ./id Natural 4 <Ctrl-D> Natural 4
$ dhall ./id Bool True <Ctrl-D> Bool True
Built-in functions can also be polymorphic, too. For example, we can ask
the compiler for the type of List/reverse
, the function that reverses a
$ dhall List/reverse <Ctrl-D> ∀(a : Type) → List a → List a List/reverse
The first argument to List/reverse
is the type of the list to reverse:
$ dhall List/reverse Bool <Ctrl-D> List Bool → List Bool List/reverse Bool
... and the second argument is the list to reverse:
$ dhall List/reverse Bool [True, False] <Ctrl-D> List Bool [False, True] : List Bool
Note that the second argument has no name. This type:
∀(a : Type) → List a → List a
... is equivalent to this type:
∀(a : Type) → ∀(_ : List a) → List a
In other words, if you don't see the ∀
symbol surrounding a function
argument type then that means that the name of the argument is "_"
. This
is true even for user-defined functions:
$ dhall λ(_ : Text) → 1 <Ctrl-D> Text → Natural λ(_ : Text) → 1
The type (Text → Natural)
is the same as (∀(_ : Text) → Natural)
Exercise : Translate Haskell's flip
function to Dhall
Dhall is a total programming language, which means that Dhall is not Turing-complete and evaluation of every Dhall program is guaranteed to eventually halt. There is no upper bound on how long the program might take to evaluate, but the program is guaranteed to terminate in a finite amount of time and not hang forever.
This guarantees that all Dhall programs can be safely reduced to a normal form where as many functions have been evaluated as possible. In fact, Dhall expressions can be evaluated even if all function arguments haven't been fully applied. For example, the following program is an anonymous function:
$ dhall \(n : Bool) -> 10 * 10 <Ctrl-D> ∀(n : Bool) → Natural λ(n : Bool) → 100
... and even though the function is still missing the first argument named
the compiler is smart enough to evaluate the body of the anonymous
function ahead of time before the function has even been invoked.
We can use the map
function from the Prelude to illustrate an even more
complex example:
$ dhall let Prelude/List/map = in λ(f : Natural → Natural) → Prelude/List/map Natural Natural f [1, 2, 3] <Ctrl-D> ∀(f : Natural → Natural) → List Natural λ(f : Natural → Natural) → [f 1, f 2, f 3] : List Natural
Dhall can apply our function to each element of the list even before we specify which function to apply.
The language will also never crash or throw any exceptions. Every
computation will succeed and produce something, even if the result might be
an Optional
$ dhall List/head Natural ([] : List Natural) <Ctrl-D> Optional Natural None Natural
Exercise: The Dhall Prelude provides a replicate
function which you can
find here:
Test what the following Dhall expression normalizes to:
let replicate = in replicate 10
Exercise: If you have a lot of spare time, try to "break the compiler" by finding an input expression that crashes or loops forever (and file a bug report if you succeed)
Sometimes you would like to provide additional request headers when importing Dhall expressions from URLs. For example, you might want to provide an authorization header or specify the expected content type.
Dhall URL imports let you add or modify request headers with the using
keyword: using ./headers
... where you can replace ./headers
with any import that points to a Dhall
expression of the following type:
List { header : Text, value : Text }
For example, if you needed to specify the content type correctly in order to
download the file, then your ./headers
file might look like this:
$ cat headers [ { header = "Accept", value = "application/dhall" } ]
... or if you needed to provide an authorization token to access a private GitHub repository, then your headers could look like this:
[ { header = "Authorization", value = "token ${env:GITHUB_TOKEN as Text}" } ]
This would read your GitHub API token from the GITHUB_TOKEN
variable and supply that token in the authorization header.
You cannot inline the headers within the same file as the URL. You must provide them as a separate import. That means that this is not legal code: using [ { header = "Accept", value = "application/dhall" } ] -- NOT legal
Dhall will forward imports if you import an expression from a URL that contains a relative import. For example, if you import an expression like this: using ./headers
... and
contains a relative import of ./foo
then Dhall will import
using the same ./headers
Import integrity
Sometimes you want to use share code while still ensuring that the imported value never changes and can't be corrupted by a malicious attacker. Dhall provides built-in support for hashing imported values to verify that their value never changes
For example, suppose you save the following two files:
$ cat ./foo ./bar sha256:6b86b273ff34fce19d6b804eff5a3f5747ada4eaa22f1d49c01e52ddb7875b4b
$ cat ./bar ./baz
$ cat ./baz 1
The first file named ./foo
contains an example of an integrity check. You
can add sha256:XXX
after any import (such as after ./bar
), where XXX
an expected 64-character sha256
hash of the Dhall value. To be precise,
the hash represents a sha256
hash of the UTF-8 encoding of a canonical text
representation of the fully resolved and normalized abstract syntax tree of
the imported expression.
Dhall will verify that the expected hash matches the actual hash of the imported Dhall value and reject the import if there is a hash mismatch:
$ dhall <<< './foo' Natural 1
This implies that the hash only changes if the Dhall value changes. For
example, if you add a comment to the ./bar
$ cat ./bar -- This comment does not change the hash ./baz
... then ./foo
will still successfully import ./bar
because the hash
only depends on the normalized value and does not depend on meaningless
changes to whitespace or comments:
$ dhall <<< './foo' # This still succeeds Natural 1
You can compute the Hash for any import by using the hash subcommand of this package. For example:
dhall hash <<< './bar' sha256:6b86b273ff34fce19d6b804eff5a3f5747ada4eaa22f1d49c01e52ddb7875b4b
Then you can paste that output into your code after the import
Now suppose that you you change the value of the ./baz
$ cat ./baz 2
... then the ./foo
file will fail to import ./bar
, even though the
text of the ./bar
file technically never changed:
dhall <<< './foo' Error: Import integrity check failed Expected hash: ↳ 6b86b273ff34fce19d6b804eff5a3f5747ada4eaa22f1d49c01e52ddb7875b4b Actual hash: ↳ d4735e3a265e16eee03f59718b9b5d03019c07d8b6c51f90da3a666eec13ab35
This is because the ./bar
file now represents a new value (2
instead of
), even though the text of the ./bar
is still the same. Since the value
changed the hash must change as well. However, we could change ./baz
$ cat baz if True then 1 else 2
... and the import would succeed again because the final result is still 1
The integrity hash ensures that your import's final meaning can never change, so an attacker can never compromise an imported value protected by a hash unless they can break SHA-256 encryption. The hash not only protects the file that you immediately import, but also protects every transitive import as well.
You can also safely refactor your imported dependencies knowing that the refactor will not change your hash so long as your refactor is behavior-preserving. This provides an easy way to detect refactoring errors that you might accidentally introduce. The hash not only protects you from attackers, but also protects against human error, too!
If you have a file which either doesn't already use hashed imports, or you changed some of the imports and want to update the hashes you can use the freeze command to either add or update hashes:
$ cat foo.dhall let replicate = in replicate 5 $ $ dhall freeze --inplace ./foo.dhall $ cat ./foo.dhall let replicate = sha256:b0e3ec1797b32c80c0bcb7e8254b08c7e9e35e75e6b410c7ac21477ab90167ad in replicate 5
Raw text
Sometimes you want to import the contents of a raw text file as a Dhall
value of type Text
. For example, one of the fields of a record might be
the contents of a software license:
{ package = "dhall" , author = "Gabriel Gonzalez" , license = ./LICENSE }
Normally if you wanted to import a text file you would need to wrap the contents of the file in double single-quotes, like this:
... which does not work well if you need to reuse the same text file for other programs
However, Dhall supports importing a raw text file by adding as Text
to the
end of the import, like this:
{ package = "dhall" , author = "Gabriel Gonzalez" , license = ./LICENSE as Text }
... and then you can use the original text file unmodified:
Formatting code
A format subcommand is also available that you can use to automatically format Dhall expressions. For example, we can take the following unformatted Dhall expression:
$ cat ./unformatted λ(a : Type) → λ(kvss : List (List { index : Natural, value : a })) → List/build { index : Natural, value : a } (λ(list : Type) → λ(cons : { index : Natural, value : a } → list → list) → λ(nil : list) → (List/fold (List { index : Natural, value : a }) kvss { count : Natural, diff : Natural → list } (λ(kvs : List { index : Natural, value : a }) → λ(y : { count : Natural, diff : Natural → list }) → { count = y.count + List/length { index : Natural, value : a } kvs, diff = λ(n : Natural) → List/fold { index : Natural, value : a } kvs list (λ(kvOld : { index : Natural, value : a }) → λ(z : list) → cons { index = kvOld.index + n, value = kvOld.value } z) (y.diff (n + List/length { index : Natural, value : a } kvs)) }) { count = 0, diff = λ(_ : Natural) → nil }).diff 0)
... and run the expression through the formatter:
$ dhall format < ./unformatted λ(a : Type) → λ(kvss : List (List { index : Natural, value : a })) → List/build { index : Natural, value : a } ( λ(list : Type) → λ(cons : { index : Natural, value : a } → list → list) → λ(nil : list) → ( List/fold (List { index : Natural, value : a }) kvss { count : Natural, diff : Natural → list } ( λ(kvs : List { index : Natural, value : a }) → λ(y : { count : Natural, diff : Natural → list }) → { count = y.count + List/length { index : Natural, value : a } kvs , diff = λ(n : Natural) → List/fold { index : Natural, value : a } kvs list ( λ(kvOld : { index : Natural, value : a }) → λ(z : list) → cons { index = kvOld.index + n, value = kvOld.value } z ) (y.diff (n + List/length { index : Natural, value : a } kvs)) } ) { count = 0, diff = λ(_ : Natural) → nil } ).diff 0 )
The executable formats expressions without resolving, type-checking, or normalizing them:
$ dhall format let replicate = in replicate 5 (List (List Natural)) (replicate 5 (List Natural) (replicate 5 Natural 1)) <Ctrl-D> let replicate = in replicate 5 (List (List Natural)) (replicate 5 (List Natural) (replicate 5 Natural 1))
You can also use the formatter to modify files in place using the
flag (i.e. for formatting source code):
$ dhall format --inplace ./unformatted $ cat ./unformatted λ(a : Type) → λ(kvss : List (List { index : Natural, value : a })) → List/build { index : Natural, value : a } ( λ(list : Type) → λ(cons : { index : Natural, value : a } → list → list) → λ(nil : list) → ( List/fold (List { index : Natural, value : a }) kvss { count : Natural, diff : Natural → list } ( λ(kvs : List { index : Natural, value : a }) → λ(y : { count : Natural, diff : Natural → list }) → { count = y.count + List/length { index : Natural, value : a } kvs , diff = λ(n : Natural) → List/fold { index : Natural, value : a } kvs list ( λ(kvOld : { index : Natural, value : a }) → λ(z : list) → cons { index = kvOld.index + n, value = kvOld.value } z ) (y.diff (n + List/length { index : Natural, value : a } kvs)) } ) { count = 0, diff = λ(_ : Natural) → nil } ).diff 0 )
Carefully note that the code formatter does not preserve all comments. Currently, the formatter only preserves leading comments and whitespace up until the last newline preceding the code. In other words:
$ dhall format {- This comment will be preserved by the formatter -} -- ... and this comment will be preserved, too {- This comment will *NOT* be preserved -} 1 -- ... and this comment will also *NOT* be preserved <Ctrl-D> {- This comment will be preserved by the formatter -} -- ... and this comment will be preserved, too 1
Note that you do not need to format the output of the
interpreter. The interpreter already automatically formats
multi-line expressions, too:
$ dhall let replicate = in replicate 5 (List (List Natural)) (replicate 5 (List Natural) (replicate 5 Natural 1)) <Ctrl-D> List (List (List Natural)) [ [ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural ] : List (List Natural) , [ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural ] : List (List Natural) , [ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural ] : List (List Natural) , [ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural ] : List (List Natural) , [ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural , [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] : List Natural ] : List (List Natural) ] : List (List (List Natural))
Built-in functions
Dhall is a restricted programming language that only supports simple built-in functions and operators. If you want to do anything fancier you will need to load your data into Haskell for further processing
This section covers types, functions, and operators that are built into the language, meaning that you do not need to import any code to use them. Additionally, Dhall also comes with a Prelude (covered in the next section) hosted online that contains functions derived from these base utilities. The Prelude also re-exports all built-in functions for people who prefer consistency.
The following documentation on built-ins is provided primarily as a reference. You don't need to read about every single built-in and you may want to skip to the following Prelude section.
Dhall differs in a few important ways from other programming languages, so you should keep the following caveats in mind:
First, Dhall only supports addition and multiplication on Natural
(i.e. non-negative integers), which are not the same type of number as
s (which can be negative). An Integer
number is a number prefixed
with either a +
or -
symbol whereas a Natural
number has no leading
sign. If you try to add or multiply two Integer
s you will get a type
$ dhall +2 + +2 <Ctrl-D> Use "dhall --explain" for detailed errors Error: ❰+❱ only works on ❰Natural❱s +2 + +2 (stdin):1:1
In fact, there are no built-in functions for Integer
s (or Double
s). As
far as the language is concerned they are opaque values that can only be
shuffled around but not used in any meaningful way until they have been
loaded into Haskell.
Second, the equality (==)
and inequality (!=)
operators only work on
s. You cannot test any other types of values for equality.
However, you can extend the language with your own built-ins using the Haskell API, as described in the next section.
Extending the language
You can use the Haskell API to extend the Dhall configuration language with
new built-in functions. This section contains a simple Haskell recipe to add
a new Natural/equal
built-in function of type:
Natural/equal : Natural → Natural → Bool
To do so, we:
- extend the type-checking context to include the type of
- extend the normalizer to evaluate all occurrences of
... like this:
-- example.hs {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Dhall.Core (Expr(..), ReifiedNormalizer(..)) import qualified Data.Text.IO import qualified Dhall import qualified Dhall.Context import qualified Lens.Family as Lens main :: IO () main = do text <- Data.Text.IO.getContents let startingContext = transform Dhall.Context.empty where transform = Dhall.Context.insert "Natural/equal" naturalEqualType naturalEqualType = Pi "_" Natural (Pi "_" Natural Bool) let normalizer (App (App (Var "Natural/equal") (NaturalLit x)) (NaturalLit y)) = Just (BoolLit (x == y)) normalizer _ = Nothing let inputSettings = transform Dhall.defaultInputSettings where transform = Lens.set Dhall.normalizer (ReifiedNormalizer (pure . normalizer)) . Lens.set Dhall.startingContext startingContext x <- Dhall.inputWithSettings inputSettings text Data.Text.IO.putStrLn x
Here is an example use of the above program:
$ ./example <<< 'if Natural/equal 2 (1 + 1) then "Equal" else "Not equal"' Equal
Note that existing Dhall tools that type-check expressions will reject
expressions containing unexpected free variable such as Natural/equal
$ dhall <<< 'Natural/equal 2 (1 + 1)' Use "dhall --explain" for detailed errors Error: Unbound variable Natural/equal (stdin):1:1
You will need to either:
- create your own parallel versions of these tools, or:
- try to upstream your built-ins into the language
The general guidelines for adding new built-ins to the language are:
- Keep built-ins easy to implement across language bindings
- Prefer general purpose built-ins or built-ins appropriate for the task of program configuration
- Design built-ins to catch errors as early as possible (i.e. when type-checking the configuration)
Each of the following sections provides an overview of builtin functions and operators for each type. For each function you get:
- An example use of that function
- A "type judgement" explaining when that function or operator is well typed
For example, for the following judgement:
Γ ⊢ x : Bool Γ ⊢ y : Bool ─────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ x && y : Bool
... you can read that as saying: "if x
has type Bool
and y
has type
, then x && y
has type Bool
Similarly, for the following judgement:
───────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ Natural/even : Natural → Bool
... you can read that as saying: "Natural/even
always has type
Natural → Bool
- Rules for how that function or operator behaves
These rules are just equalities that come in handy when reasoning about code.
For example, the section on (&&)
has the following rules:
(x && y) && z = x && (y && z) x && True = x True && x = x
These rules are also a contract for how the compiler should behave. If you ever observe code that does not obey these rules you should file a bug report.
There are two values that have type Bool
named True
and False
─────────────── Γ ⊢ True : Bool
──────────────── Γ ⊢ False : Bool
The built-in operations for values of type Bool
$ dhall True || False <Ctrl-D> Bool True
Γ ⊢ x : Bool Γ ⊢ y : Bool ─────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ x || y : Bool
(x || y) || z = x || (y || z) x || False = x False || x = x x || (y && z) = (x || y) && (x || z) x || True = True True || x = True
$ dhall True && False <Ctrl-D> Bool False
Γ ⊢ x : Bool Γ ⊢ y : Bool ─────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ x && y : Bool
(x && y) && z = x && (y && z) x && True = x True && x = x x && (y || z) = (x && y) || (x && z) x && False = False False && x = False
$ dhall True == False <Ctrl-D> Bool False
Γ ⊢ x : Bool Γ ⊢ y : Bool ─────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ x == y : Bool
(x == y) == z = x == (y == z) x == True = x True == x = x x == x = True
$ dhall True != False <Ctrl-D> Bool True
Γ ⊢ x : Bool Γ ⊢ y : Bool ─────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ x != y : Bool
(x != y) != z = x != (y != z) x != False = x False != x = x x != x = False
$ dhall if True then 3 else 5 <Ctrl-D> Natural 3
Γ ⊢ t : Type ───────────────────── Γ ⊢ b : Bool Γ ⊢ l : t Γ ⊢ r : t ──────────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ if b then l else r : t
if b then True else False = b if True then l else r = l if False then l else r = r
literals are non-negative numbers without any leading sign, like
4 : Natural
If you add a +
or -
sign then you get an Integer
literal, which is a
different type of value
$ dhall 2 + 3 <Ctrl-D> Natural 5
Γ ⊢ x : Natural Γ ⊢ y : Natural ───────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ x + y : Natural
(x + y) + z = x + (y + z) x + 0 = x 0 + x = x
$ dhall 2 * 3 <Ctrl-D> Natural 6
Γ ⊢ x : Natural Γ ⊢ y : Natural ───────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ x * y : Natural
(x * y) * z = x * (y * z) x * 1 = x 1 * x = x (x + y) * z = (x * z) + (y * z) x * (y + z) = (x * y) + (x * z) x * 0 = 0 0 * x = 0
$ dhall Natural/even 6 <Ctrl-D> Bool True
───────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ Natural/even : Natural → Bool
Natural/even (x + y) = Natural/even x == Natural/even y Natural/even 0 = True Natural/even (x * y) = Natural/even x || Natural/even y Natural/even 1 = False
$ dhall Natural/odd 6 <Ctrl-D> Bool False
──────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ Natural/odd : Natural → Bool
Natural/odd (x + y) = Natural/odd x != Natural/odd y Natural/odd 0 = False Natural/odd (x * y) = Natural/odd x && Natural/odd y Natural/odd 1 = True
$ dhall Natural/isZero 6 <Ctrl-D> Bool False
─────────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ Natural/isZero : Natural → Bool
Natural/isZero (x + y) = Natural/isZero x && Natural/isZero y Natural/isZero 0 = True Natural/isZero (x * y) = Natural/isZero x || Natural/isZero y Natural/isZero 1 = False
$ dhall Natural/fold 40 Text (λ(t : Text) → t ++ "!") "You're welcome" <Ctrl-D> Text "You're welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ Natural/fold : Natural → ∀(natural : Type) → ∀(succ : natural → natural) → ∀(zero : natural) → natural
Natural/fold (x + y) n s z = Natural/fold x n s (Natural/fold y n s z) Natural/fold 0 n s z = z Natural/fold (x * y) n s = Natural/fold x n (Natural/fold y n s) Natural/fold 1 n s = s
$ dhall Natural/build (λ(natural : Type) → λ(succ : natural → natural) → λ(zero : natural) → succ (succ zero)) <Ctrl-D> Natural 2
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ Natural/build : (∀(natural : Type) → ∀(succ : natural → natural) → ∀(zero : natural) → natural) → Natural
Natural/fold (Natural/build x) = x Natural/build (Natural/fold x) = x
literals are prefixed with a +
(if they are non-negative) or a
sign (if they are negative), like this:
+3 : Integer -2 : Integer
If you omit the sign then they are Natural
literals and not Integer
There are no built-in operations on Integer
s. For all practical purposes
they are opaque values within the Dhall language
A Double
literal is a floating point value with at least one decimal
place, such as:
-2.0 : Double 3.14159 : Double
There are no built-in operations on Double
s. For all practical purposes
they are opaque values within the Dhall language
A Text
literal is just a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes,
"ABC" : Text
The only thing you can do with Text
values is concatenate them
$ dhall "Hello, " ++ "world!" <Ctrl-D> Text "Hello, world!"
Γ ⊢ x : Text Γ ⊢ y : Text ─────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ x && y : Text
(x ++ y) ++ z = x ++ (y ++ z) x ++ "" = x "" ++ x = x
Dhall List
literals are a sequence of values inside of brackets separated by
Γ ⊢ t : Type Γ ⊢ x : t Γ ⊢ y : t ... ────────────────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ [x, y, ... ] : List t
Also, every empty List
must end with a mandatory type annotation, for example:
[] : List Natural
The built-in operations on List
s are:
$ dhall [1, 2, 3] # [4, 5, 6] <Ctrl-D> List Natural [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Γ ⊢ x : List a Γ ⊢ y : List a ───────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ x # y : List a
([] : List a) # xs = xs xs # ([] : List a) = xs (xs # ys) # zs = xs # (ys # zs)
$ dhall List/fold Bool [True, False, True] Bool (λ(x : Bool) → λ(y : Bool) → x && y) True <Ctrl-D> Bool False
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ List/fold : ∀(a : Type) → List a → ∀(list : Type) → ∀(cons : a → list → list) → ∀(nil : list) → list
let Prelude/List/concat = List/fold a (Prelude/List/concat a xss) b c = List/fold (List a) xss b (λ(x : List a) → List/fold a x b c) List/fold a ([] : List a) b c n = n List/fold a ([x] : List a) b c = c x
$ dhall List/build Natural (λ(list : Type) → λ(cons : Natural → list → list) → λ(nil : list) → cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))) <Ctrl-D> List Natural [1, 2, 3] : List Natural
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ List/build : ∀(a : Type) → (∀(list : Type) → ∀(cons : a → list → list) → ∀(nil : list) → list) → List a
List/build t (List/fold t x) = x List/fold t (List/build t x) = x
$ dhall List/length Natural [1, 2, 3] <Ctrl-D> Natural 3
──────────────────────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ List/length : ∀(a : Type) → List a → Natural
List/length t xs = List/fold t xs Natural (λ(_ : t) → λ(n : Natural) → n + 1) 0
$ dhall List/head Natural [1, 2, 3] <Ctrl-D> Optional Natural Some 1
─────────────────────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ List/head ∀(a : Type) → List a → Optional a
let Prelude/Optional/head = let Prelude/List/concat = let Prelude/List/concatMap = let Prelude/List/map = List/head a (Prelude/List/concat a xss) = Prelude/Optional/head a (Prelude/List/map (List a) (Optional a) (List/head a) xss) List/head a ([x] : List a) = Some x List/head b (Prelude/List/concatMap a b f m) = Prelude/Optional/concatMap a b (λ(x : a) → List/head b (f x)) (List/head a m)
$ dhall List/last Natural [1, 2, 3] <Ctrl-D> Optional Natural Some 1
───────────────────────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ List/last : ∀(a : Type) → List a → Optional a
let Prelude/Optional/last = let Prelude/List/concat = let Prelude/List/concatMap = let Prelude/List/map = List/last a (Prelude/List/concat a xss) = Prelude/Optional/last a (Prelude/List/map (List a) (Optional a) (List/last a) xss) List/last a ([x] : List a) = Some x List/last b (Prelude/List/concatMap a b f m) = Prelude/Optional/concatMap a b (λ(x : a) → List/last b (f x)) (List/last a m)
$ dhall List/indexed Text ["ABC", "DEF", "GHI"] <Ctrl-D> List { index : Natural, value : Text } [{ index = 0, value = "ABC" }, { index = 1, value = "DEF" }, { index = 2, value = "GHI" }] : List { index : Natural, value : Text }
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ List/indexed : ∀(a : Type) → List a → List { index : Natural, value : a }
let Prelude/List/shifted = let Prelude/List/concat = let Prelude/List/map = List/indexed a (Prelude/List/concat a xss) = Prelude/List/shifted a (Prelude/List/map (List a) (List { index : Natural, value : a }) (List/indexed a) xss)
$ dhall List/reverse Natural [1, 2, 3] <Ctrl-D> List Natural [3, 2, 1] : List Natural
───────────────────────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ List/reverse : ∀(a : Type) → List a → List a
let Prelude/List/map = let Prelude/List/concat = let Prelude/List/concatMap = List/reverse a (Prelude/List/concat a xss) = Prelude/List/concat a (List/reverse (List a) (Prelude/List/map (List a) (List a) (List/reverse a) xss)) List/reverse a ([x] : List a) = [x] : List a List/reverse b (Prelude/List/concatMap a b f xs) = Prelude/List/concatMap a b (λ(x : a) → List/reverse b (f x)) (List/reverse a xs) List/reverse a ([x, y] : List a) = [y, x] : List a
Dhall Optional
literals are either Some
followed by a value:
Γ ⊢ x : t Γ ⊢ t : Type ──────────────────────── Γ ⊢ Some x : Optional t
... or None
followed by a type:
─────────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ None : ∀(t : Type) → Optional t
Note that None
is a valid standalone function
The built-in operations on Optional
values are:
$ dhall Optional/fold Text (Some "ABC") Text (λ(t : Text) → t) "" <Ctrl-D> Text "ABC"
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Γ ⊢ Optional/fold : ∀(a : Type) → Optional a → ∀(optional : Type) → ∀(some : a → optional) → ∀(none : optional) → optional
Optional/fold a (None a) o j n = n Optional/fold a (Some x) o j n = j x
There is also a Prelude available at:
... which currenty redirects to:
There is nothing "official" or "standard" about this Prelude other than the fact that it is mentioned in this tutorial. The "Prelude" is just a set of convenient utilities which didn't quite make the cut to be built into the language. Feel free to host your own custom Prelude if you want!
If you visit the above link you can browse the Prelude, which has a few
subdirectories. For example, the Bool
subdirectory has a not
located here:
The not
function is just a UTF8-encoded text file hosted online with the
following contents
$ curl {- Flip the value of a `Bool` Examples: ``` ./not True = False ./not False = True ``` -} let not : Bool → Bool = λ(b : Bool) → b == False in not
The file could have been much shorter, like this:
λ(b : Bool) → b == False
... but all the functions exported from the Prelude try to be as self-documenting as possible by including:
- the name of the function
- the type of the function
- documentation (including a few examples)
The performance penalty for adding these helpful features is negligible.
You can use this not
function either directly:
$ dhall True <Ctrl-D> Bool False
... or assign the URL to a shorter name:
$ dhall let Bool/not = in Bool/not True <Ctrl-D> Bool False
Some functions in the Prelude just re-export built-in functions for
consistency and documentation, such as Prelude/Natural/even
, which
re-exports the built-in Natural/even
$ curl {- Returns `True` if a number if even and returns `False` otherwise Examples: ``` ./even 3 = False ./even 0 = True ``` -} let even : Natural → Bool = Natural/even in even
You can also clone the Prelude locally to your filesystem if you prefer using `git clone`, like this:
$ git clone $ tree Prelude Prelude ├── Bool │ ├── and │ ├── build │ ├── even │ ├── fold │ ├── not │ ├── odd │ ├── or │ ├── package.dhall │ └── show ├── Double │ ├── package.dhall │ └── show ├── Integer │ ├── package.dhall │ └── show ├── List │ ├── all │ ├── any │ ├── build │ ├── concat │ ├── concatMap │ ├── filter │ ├── fold │ ├── generate │ ├── head │ ├── indexed │ ├── iterate │ ├── last │ ├── length │ ├── map │ ├── null │ ├── package.dhall │ ├── replicate │ ├── reverse │ ├── shifted │ └── unzip ├── Monoid ├── Natural │ ├── build │ ├── enumerate │ ├── even │ ├── fold │ ├── isZero │ ├── odd │ ├── package.dhall │ ├── product │ ├── show │ ├── sum │ └── toInteger ├── Optional │ ├── None │ ├── Some │ ├── all │ ├── any │ ├── build │ ├── concat │ ├── filter │ ├── fold │ ├── head │ ├── last │ ├── length │ ├── map │ ├── null │ ├── package.dhall │ ├── toList │ └── unzip ├── Record │ ├── keyText │ ├── keyValue │ └── package.dhall ├── Text │ ├── concat │ ├── concatMap │ ├── concatMapSep │ ├── concatSep │ └── package.dhall └── package.dhall 8 directories, 70 files
Browse the Prelude online to learn more by seeing what functions are available and reading their inline documentation:
Exercise: Try to use a new Prelude function that has not been covered previously in this tutorial
You can also import the entire Prelude as a single large record for convenience:
$ dhall let Prelude = in λ(x : Text) → Prelude.`List`.length Text (Prelude.`List`.replicate 10 Text x) <Ctrl-D> ∀(x : Text) → Natural λ(x : Text) → 10
The organization of the package mirrors the layout of the Prelude, meaning that every directory is stored as a record whose children are the fields of that record.
Exercise: Browse the Prelude by running:
$ dhall <<< ''
By this point you should be able to use the Dhall configuration language to author, import, and program configuration files. If you run into any issues you can report them at:
You can also request features, support, or documentation improvements on the above issue tracker.
If you would like to contribute to the Dhall project you can try to port Dhall to other languages besides Haskell so that Dhall configuration files can be read into those languages, too.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Why do empty lists require a type annotation?
Unlike Haskell, Dhall cannot infer a polymorphic type for the empty list because Dhall represents polymorphic values as functions of types, like this:
λ(a : Type) → [] : List a
If the compiler treated an empty list literal as syntactic short-hand for the above polymorphic function then you'd get the unexpected behavior where a list literal is a function if the list has 0 elements but not a function otherwise.
- Does Dhall support user-defined recursive types?
No, but you can translate recursive code to non-recursive code by following this guide: