module Dhall.Core (
, HasHome(..)
, PathType(..)
, PathHashed(..)
, PathMode(..)
, Path(..)
, Var(..)
, Chunks(..)
, Expr(..)
, normalize
, normalizeWith
, Normalizer
, subst
, shift
, isNormalized
, isNormalizedWith
, denote
, pretty
, internalError
, reservedIdentifiers
, escapeText
) where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>))
import Control.Applicative (empty)
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor(..))
import Data.Foldable
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Text.Buildable (Buildable(..))
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Doc, Pretty)
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS (FilePath)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Prelude hiding (FilePath, succ)
import qualified Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16
import qualified Data.Char
import qualified Data.HashSet
import qualified Data.List
import qualified Data.Map
import qualified Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as Pretty
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text as Pretty
import qualified Data.Vector
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable
import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as Filesystem
data Const = Type | Kind deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum)
instance Buildable Const where
build = buildConst
data HasHome = Home | Homeless deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data PathType
= File HasHome FilePath
| URL Text (Maybe PathHashed)
| Env Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Buildable PathType where
build (File Home file)
= "~/" <> build txt
txt = Text.fromStrict (either id id (Filesystem.toText file))
build (File Homeless file)
| Text.isPrefixOf "./" txt
|| Text.isPrefixOf "/" txt
|| Text.isPrefixOf "../" txt
= build txt <> " "
| otherwise
= "./" <> build txt <> " "
txt = Text.fromStrict (either id id (Filesystem.toText file))
build (URL str Nothing ) = build str <> " "
build (URL str (Just headers)) = build str <> " using " <> build headers <> " "
build (Env env) = "env:" <> build env
data PathMode = Code | RawText deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data PathHashed = PathHashed
{ hash :: Maybe Data.ByteString.ByteString
, pathType :: PathType
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Buildable PathHashed where
build (PathHashed Nothing p) = build p
build (PathHashed (Just h) p) = build p <> "sha256:" <> build string <> " "
bytes = Data.ByteString.Base16.encode h
string = Data.ByteString.Char8.unpack bytes
data Path = Path
{ pathHashed :: PathHashed
, pathMode :: PathMode
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Buildable Path where
build (Path {..}) = build pathHashed <> suffix
suffix = case pathMode of
RawText -> "as Text"
Code -> ""
instance Pretty Path where
pretty path = Pretty.pretty (Builder.toLazyText (build path))
data Var = V Text !Integer
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance IsString Var where
fromString str = V (fromString str) 0
instance Buildable Var where
build = buildVar
data Expr s a
= Const Const
| Var Var
| Lam Text (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Pi Text (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| App (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Let Text (Maybe (Expr s a)) (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Annot (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Bool
| BoolLit Bool
| BoolAnd (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| BoolOr (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| BoolEQ (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| BoolNE (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| BoolIf (Expr s a) (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Natural
| NaturalLit Natural
| NaturalFold
| NaturalBuild
| NaturalIsZero
| NaturalEven
| NaturalOdd
| NaturalToInteger
| NaturalShow
| NaturalPlus (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| NaturalTimes (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Integer
| IntegerLit Integer
| IntegerShow
| Double
| DoubleLit Double
| DoubleShow
| Text
| TextLit (Chunks s a)
| TextAppend (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| List
| ListLit (Maybe (Expr s a)) (Vector (Expr s a))
| ListAppend (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| ListBuild
| ListFold
| ListLength
| ListHead
| ListLast
| ListIndexed
| ListReverse
| Optional
| OptionalLit (Expr s a) (Vector (Expr s a))
| OptionalFold
| OptionalBuild
| Record (Map Text (Expr s a))
| RecordLit (Map Text (Expr s a))
| Union (Map Text (Expr s a))
| UnionLit Text (Expr s a) (Map Text (Expr s a))
| Combine (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Prefer (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Merge (Expr s a) (Expr s a) (Maybe (Expr s a))
| Constructors (Expr s a)
| Field (Expr s a) Text
| Note s (Expr s a)
| Embed a
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show, Eq)
instance Applicative (Expr s) where
pure = Embed
(<*>) = Control.Monad.ap
instance Monad (Expr s) where
return = pure
Const a >>= _ = Const a
Var a >>= _ = Var a
Lam a b c >>= k = Lam a (b >>= k) (c >>= k)
Pi a b c >>= k = Pi a (b >>= k) (c >>= k)
App a b >>= k = App (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
Let a b c d >>= k = Let a (fmap (>>= k) b) (c >>= k) (d >>= k)
Annot a b >>= k = Annot (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
Bool >>= _ = Bool
BoolLit a >>= _ = BoolLit a
BoolAnd a b >>= k = BoolAnd (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
BoolOr a b >>= k = BoolOr (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
BoolEQ a b >>= k = BoolEQ (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
BoolNE a b >>= k = BoolNE (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
BoolIf a b c >>= k = BoolIf (a >>= k) (b >>= k) (c >>= k)
Natural >>= _ = Natural
NaturalLit a >>= _ = NaturalLit a
NaturalFold >>= _ = NaturalFold
NaturalBuild >>= _ = NaturalBuild
NaturalIsZero >>= _ = NaturalIsZero
NaturalEven >>= _ = NaturalEven
NaturalOdd >>= _ = NaturalOdd
NaturalToInteger >>= _ = NaturalToInteger
NaturalShow >>= _ = NaturalShow
NaturalPlus a b >>= k = NaturalPlus (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
NaturalTimes a b >>= k = NaturalTimes (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
Integer >>= _ = Integer
IntegerLit a >>= _ = IntegerLit a
IntegerShow >>= _ = IntegerShow
Double >>= _ = Double
DoubleLit a >>= _ = DoubleLit a
DoubleShow >>= _ = DoubleShow
Text >>= _ = Text
TextLit (Chunks a b) >>= k = TextLit (Chunks (fmap (fmap (>>= k)) a) b)
TextAppend a b >>= k = TextAppend (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
List >>= _ = List
ListLit a b >>= k = ListLit (fmap (>>= k) a) (fmap (>>= k) b)
ListAppend a b >>= k = ListAppend (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
ListBuild >>= _ = ListBuild
ListFold >>= _ = ListFold
ListLength >>= _ = ListLength
ListHead >>= _ = ListHead
ListLast >>= _ = ListLast
ListIndexed >>= _ = ListIndexed
ListReverse >>= _ = ListReverse
Optional >>= _ = Optional
OptionalLit a b >>= k = OptionalLit (a >>= k) (fmap (>>= k) b)
OptionalFold >>= _ = OptionalFold
OptionalBuild >>= _ = OptionalBuild
Record a >>= k = Record (fmap (>>= k) a)
RecordLit a >>= k = RecordLit (fmap (>>= k) a)
Union a >>= k = Union (fmap (>>= k) a)
UnionLit a b c >>= k = UnionLit a (b >>= k) (fmap (>>= k) c)
Combine a b >>= k = Combine (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
Prefer a b >>= k = Prefer (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
Merge a b c >>= k = Merge (a >>= k) (b >>= k) (fmap (>>= k) c)
Constructors a >>= k = Constructors (a >>= k)
Field a b >>= k = Field (a >>= k) b
Note a b >>= k = Note a (b >>= k)
Embed a >>= k = k a
instance Bifunctor Expr where
first _ (Const a ) = Const a
first _ (Var a ) = Var a
first k (Lam a b c ) = Lam a (first k b) (first k c)
first k (Pi a b c ) = Pi a (first k b) (first k c)
first k (App a b ) = App (first k a) (first k b)
first k (Let a b c d ) = Let a (fmap (first k) b) (first k c) (first k d)
first k (Annot a b ) = Annot (first k a) (first k b)
first _ Bool = Bool
first _ (BoolLit a ) = BoolLit a
first k (BoolAnd a b ) = BoolAnd (first k a) (first k b)
first k (BoolOr a b ) = BoolOr (first k a) (first k b)
first k (BoolEQ a b ) = BoolEQ (first k a) (first k b)
first k (BoolNE a b ) = BoolNE (first k a) (first k b)
first k (BoolIf a b c ) = BoolIf (first k a) (first k b) (first k c)
first _ Natural = Natural
first _ (NaturalLit a ) = NaturalLit a
first _ NaturalFold = NaturalFold
first _ NaturalBuild = NaturalBuild
first _ NaturalIsZero = NaturalIsZero
first _ NaturalEven = NaturalEven
first _ NaturalOdd = NaturalOdd
first _ NaturalToInteger = NaturalToInteger
first _ NaturalShow = NaturalShow
first k (NaturalPlus a b ) = NaturalPlus (first k a) (first k b)
first k (NaturalTimes a b ) = NaturalTimes (first k a) (first k b)
first _ Integer = Integer
first _ (IntegerLit a ) = IntegerLit a
first _ IntegerShow = IntegerShow
first _ Double = Double
first _ (DoubleLit a ) = DoubleLit a
first _ DoubleShow = DoubleShow
first _ Text = Text
first k (TextLit (Chunks a b)) = TextLit (Chunks (fmap (fmap (first k)) a) b)
first k (TextAppend a b ) = TextAppend (first k a) (first k b)
first _ List = List
first k (ListLit a b ) = ListLit (fmap (first k) a) (fmap (first k) b)
first k (ListAppend a b ) = ListAppend (first k a) (first k b)
first _ ListBuild = ListBuild
first _ ListFold = ListFold
first _ ListLength = ListLength
first _ ListHead = ListHead
first _ ListLast = ListLast
first _ ListIndexed = ListIndexed
first _ ListReverse = ListReverse
first _ Optional = Optional
first k (OptionalLit a b ) = OptionalLit (first k a) (fmap (first k) b)
first _ OptionalFold = OptionalFold
first _ OptionalBuild = OptionalBuild
first k (Record a ) = Record (fmap (first k) a)
first k (RecordLit a ) = RecordLit (fmap (first k) a)
first k (Union a ) = Union (fmap (first k) a)
first k (UnionLit a b c ) = UnionLit a (first k b) (fmap (first k) c)
first k (Combine a b ) = Combine (first k a) (first k b)
first k (Prefer a b ) = Prefer (first k a) (first k b)
first k (Merge a b c ) = Merge (first k a) (first k b) (fmap (first k) c)
first k (Constructors a ) = Constructors (first k a)
first k (Field a b ) = Field (first k a) b
first k (Note a b ) = Note (k a) (first k b)
first _ (Embed a ) = Embed a
second = fmap
instance IsString (Expr s a) where
fromString str = Var (fromString str)
data Chunks s a = Chunks [(Builder, Expr s a)] Builder
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show, Eq)
instance Monoid (Chunks s a) where
mempty = Chunks [] mempty
mappend (Chunks xysL zL) (Chunks [] zR) =
Chunks xysL (zL <> zR)
mappend (Chunks xysL zL) (Chunks ((x, y):xysR) zR) =
Chunks (xysL ++ (zL <> x, y):xysR) zR
instance IsString (Chunks s a) where
fromString str = Chunks [] (fromString str)
duplicate :: a -> (a, a)
duplicate x = (x, x)
list :: [Doc ann] -> Doc ann
list [] = "[]"
list docs = enclose "[ " "[ " ", " ", " " ]" "]" (fmap duplicate docs)
angles :: [(Doc ann, Doc ann)] -> Doc ann
angles [] = "<>"
angles docs = enclose "< " "< " " | " "| " " >" ">" docs
braces :: [(Doc ann, Doc ann)] -> Doc ann
braces [] = "{}"
braces docs = enclose "{ " "{ " ", " ", " " }" "}" docs
arrows :: [(Doc ann, Doc ann)] -> Doc ann
arrows = enclose' "" " " " → " "→ "
:: Doc ann
-> Doc ann
-> Doc ann
-> Doc ann
-> Doc ann
-> Doc ann
-> [(Doc ann, Doc ann)]
-> Doc ann
enclose beginShort _ _ _ endShort _ [] =
beginShort <> endShort
enclose beginShort beginLong sepShort sepLong endShort endLong docs =
(mconcat (zipWith combineLong (beginLong : repeat sepLong) docsLong) <> endLong)
(mconcat (zipWith combineShort (beginShort : repeat sepShort) docsShort) <> endShort)
docsShort = fmap fst docs
docsLong = fmap snd docs
combineLong x y = x <> y <> Pretty.hardline
combineShort x y = x <> y
:: Doc ann
-> Doc ann
-> Doc ann
-> Doc ann
-> [(Doc ann, Doc ann)]
-> Doc ann
enclose' beginShort beginLong sepShort sepLong docs = (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
longLines = zipWith (<>) (beginLong : repeat sepLong) docsLong
long =
Pretty.align (mconcat (Data.List.intersperse Pretty.hardline longLines))
short = mconcat (zipWith (<>) (beginShort : repeat sepShort) docsShort)
docsShort = fmap fst docs
docsLong = fmap snd docs
prettyLabel :: Text -> Doc ann
prettyLabel a =
if Data.HashSet.member a reservedIdentifiers || Text.any predicate a
then "`" <> Pretty.pretty a <> "`"
else Pretty.pretty a
predicate c = c == ':' || c == '.'
prettyNumber :: Integer -> Doc ann
prettyNumber = Pretty.pretty
prettyNatural :: Natural -> Doc ann
prettyNatural = Pretty.pretty
prettyDouble :: Double -> Doc ann
prettyDouble = Pretty.pretty
prettyChunks :: Pretty a => Chunks s a -> Doc ann
prettyChunks (Chunks a b) =
if any (\(builder, _) -> hasNewLine builder) a || hasNewLine b
( "''" <> Pretty.hardline
<> Pretty.align
(foldMap prettyMultilineChunk a <> prettyMultilineBuilder b)
<> "''"
else "\"" <> foldMap prettyChunk a <> prettyText b <> "\""
hasNewLine builder = Text.any (== '\n') lazyText
lazyText = Builder.toLazyText builder
prettyMultilineChunk (c, d) =
prettyMultilineBuilder c <> "${" <> prettyExprA d <> "}"
prettyMultilineBuilder builder = mconcat docs
lazyText = Builder.toLazyText (escapeSingleQuotedText builder)
lazyLines = Text.splitOn "\n" lazyText
docs =
Data.List.intersperse Pretty.hardline (fmap Pretty.pretty lazyLines)
prettyChunk (c, d) = prettyText c <> "${" <> prettyExprA d <> "}"
prettyText t = Pretty.pretty (Builder.toLazyText (escapeText t))
prettyConst :: Const -> Doc ann
prettyConst Type = "Type"
prettyConst Kind = "Kind"
prettyVar :: Var -> Doc ann
prettyVar (V x 0) = prettyLabel x
prettyVar (V x n) = prettyLabel x <> "@" <> prettyNumber n
prettyExprA :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprA a0@(Annot _ _) =
enclose' "" " " " : " ": " (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (Annot a b) = prettyExprB a : docs b
docs (Note _ b) = docs b
docs b = [ prettyExprB b ]
prettyExprA (Note _ a) =
prettyExprA a
prettyExprA a0 =
prettyExprB a0
prettyExprB :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprB a0@(Lam _ _ _) = arrows (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (Lam a b c) = (Pretty.flatAlt long short) : docs c
long = "λ "
<> Pretty.align
( "( "
<> prettyLabel a
<> Pretty.hardline
<> ": "
<> prettyExprA b
<> Pretty.hardline
<> ")"
short = "λ("
<> prettyLabel a
<> " : "
<> prettyExprA b
<> ")"
docs (Note _ c) = docs c
docs c = [ prettyExprB c ]
prettyExprB a0@(BoolIf _ _ _) =
enclose' "" " " " else " (Pretty.hardline <> "else ") (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (BoolIf a b c) = (Pretty.flatAlt long short) : docs c
long =
( "if "
<> prettyExprA a
<> Pretty.hardline
<> "then "
<> prettyExprA b
short = "if "
<> prettyExprA a
<> " then "
<> prettyExprA b
docs (Note _ c) = docs c
docs c = [ prettyExprB c ]
prettyExprB a0@(Pi _ _ _) =
arrows (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (Pi "_" b c) = prettyExprC b : docs c
docs (Pi a b c) = (Pretty.flatAlt long short) : docs c
long = "∀ "
<> Pretty.align
( "( "
<> prettyLabel a
<> Pretty.hardline
<> ": "
<> prettyExprA b
<> Pretty.hardline
<> ")"
short = "∀("
<> prettyLabel a
<> " : "
<> prettyExprA b
<> ")"
docs (Note _ c) = docs c
docs c = [ prettyExprB c ]
prettyExprB a0@(Let _ _ _ _) =
enclose' "" " " " in " (Pretty.hardline <> "in ")
(fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (Let a Nothing c d) = (Pretty.flatAlt long short) : docs d
long = "let "
<> Pretty.align
( prettyLabel a
<> " ="
<> Pretty.hardline
<> " "
<> prettyExprA c
short = "let "
<> prettyLabel a
<> " = "
<> prettyExprA c
docs (Let a (Just b) c d) = (Pretty.flatAlt long short) : docs d
long = "let "
<> Pretty.align
( prettyLabel a
<> Pretty.hardline
<> ": "
<> prettyExprA b
<> Pretty.hardline
<> "= "
<> prettyExprA c
short = "let "
<> prettyLabel a
<> " : "
<> prettyExprA b
<> " = "
<> prettyExprA c
docs (Note _ d) =
docs d
docs d =
[ prettyExprB d ]
prettyExprB (ListLit Nothing b) =
list (map prettyExprA (Data.Vector.toList b))
prettyExprB (ListLit (Just a) b) =
list (map prettyExprA (Data.Vector.toList b))
<> " : "
<> prettyExprD (App List a)
prettyExprB (OptionalLit a b) =
list (map prettyExprA (Data.Vector.toList b))
<> " : "
<> prettyExprD (App Optional a)
prettyExprB (Merge a b (Just c)) = (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
long =
( "merge"
<> Pretty.hardline
<> prettyExprE a
<> Pretty.hardline
<> prettyExprE b
<> Pretty.hardline
<> ": "
<> prettyExprD c
short = "merge "
<> prettyExprE a
<> " "
<> prettyExprE b
<> " : "
<> prettyExprD c
prettyExprB (Merge a b Nothing) = (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
long =
( "merge"
<> Pretty.hardline
<> prettyExprE a
<> Pretty.hardline
<> prettyExprE b
short = "merge "
<> prettyExprE a
<> " "
<> prettyExprE b
prettyExprB (Note _ b) =
prettyExprB b
prettyExprB a =
prettyExprC a
prettyExprC :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprC = prettyExprC0
prettyExprC0 :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprC0 a0@(BoolOr _ _) =
enclose' "" " " " || " "|| " (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (BoolOr a b) = prettyExprC1 a : docs b
docs (Note _ b) = docs b
docs b = [ prettyExprC1 b ]
prettyExprC0 (Note _ a) =
prettyExprC0 a
prettyExprC0 a0 =
prettyExprC1 a0
prettyExprC1 :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprC1 a0@(TextAppend _ _) =
enclose' "" " " " ++ " "++ " (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (TextAppend a b) = prettyExprC2 a : docs b
docs (Note _ b) = docs b
docs b = [ prettyExprC2 b ]
prettyExprC1 (Note _ a) =
prettyExprC1 a
prettyExprC1 a0 =
prettyExprC2 a0
prettyExprC2 :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprC2 a0@(NaturalPlus _ _) =
enclose' "" " " " + " "+ " (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (NaturalPlus a b) = prettyExprC3 a : docs b
docs (Note _ b) = docs b
docs b = [ prettyExprC3 b ]
prettyExprC2 (Note _ a) =
prettyExprC2 a
prettyExprC2 a0 =
prettyExprC3 a0
prettyExprC3 :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprC3 a0@(ListAppend _ _) =
enclose' "" " " " # " "# " (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (ListAppend a b) = prettyExprC4 a : docs b
docs (Note _ b) = docs b
docs b = [ prettyExprC4 b ]
prettyExprC3 (Note _ a) =
prettyExprC3 a
prettyExprC3 a0 =
prettyExprC4 a0
prettyExprC4 :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprC4 a0@(BoolAnd _ _) =
enclose' "" " " " && " "&& " (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (BoolAnd a b) = prettyExprC5 a : docs b
docs (Note _ b) = docs b
docs b = [ prettyExprC5 b ]
prettyExprC4 (Note _ a) =
prettyExprC4 a
prettyExprC4 a0 =
prettyExprC5 a0
prettyExprC5 :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprC5 a0@(Combine _ _) =
enclose' "" " " " ∧ " "∧ " (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (Combine a b) = prettyExprC6 a : docs b
docs (Note _ b) = docs b
docs b = [ prettyExprC6 b ]
prettyExprC5 (Note _ a) =
prettyExprC5 a
prettyExprC5 a0 =
prettyExprC6 a0
prettyExprC6 :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprC6 a0@(Prefer _ _) =
enclose' "" " " " ⫽ " "⫽ " (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (Prefer a b) = prettyExprC7 a : docs b
docs (Note _ b) = docs b
docs b = [ prettyExprC7 b ]
prettyExprC6 (Note _ a) =
prettyExprC6 a
prettyExprC6 a0 =
prettyExprC7 a0
prettyExprC7 :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprC7 a0@(NaturalTimes _ _) =
enclose' "" " " " * " "* " (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (NaturalTimes a b) = prettyExprC8 a : docs b
docs (Note _ b) = docs b
docs b = [ prettyExprC8 b ]
prettyExprC7 (Note _ a) =
prettyExprC7 a
prettyExprC7 a0 =
prettyExprC8 a0
prettyExprC8 :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprC8 a0@(BoolEQ _ _) =
enclose' "" " " " == " "== " (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (BoolEQ a b) = prettyExprC9 a : docs b
docs (Note _ b) = docs b
docs b = [ prettyExprC9 b ]
prettyExprC8 (Note _ a) =
prettyExprC8 a
prettyExprC8 a0 =
prettyExprC9 a0
prettyExprC9 :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprC9 a0@(BoolNE _ _) =
enclose' "" " " " != " "!= " (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
docs (BoolNE a b) = prettyExprD a : docs b
docs (Note _ b) = docs b
docs b = [ prettyExprD b ]
prettyExprC9 (Note _ a) =
prettyExprC9 a
prettyExprC9 a0 =
prettyExprD a0
prettyExprD :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprD a0 = case a0 of
App _ _ -> result
Constructors _ -> result
Note _ b -> prettyExprD b
_ -> prettyExprE a0
result = enclose' "" "" " " "" (fmap duplicate (reverse (docs a0)))
docs (App a b) = prettyExprE b : docs a
docs (Constructors b) = [ prettyExprE b , "constructors" ]
docs (Note _ b) = docs b
docs b = [ prettyExprE b ]
prettyExprE :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprE (Field a b) = prettyExprE a <> "." <> prettyLabel b
prettyExprE (Note _ b) = prettyExprE b
prettyExprE a = prettyExprF a
prettyExprF :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc ann
prettyExprF (Var a) =
prettyVar a
prettyExprF (Const k) =
prettyConst k
prettyExprF Bool =
prettyExprF Natural =
prettyExprF NaturalFold =
prettyExprF NaturalBuild =
prettyExprF NaturalIsZero =
prettyExprF NaturalEven =
prettyExprF NaturalOdd =
prettyExprF NaturalToInteger =
prettyExprF NaturalShow =
prettyExprF Integer =
prettyExprF IntegerShow =
prettyExprF Double =
prettyExprF DoubleShow =
prettyExprF Text =
prettyExprF List =
prettyExprF ListBuild =
prettyExprF ListFold =
prettyExprF ListLength =
prettyExprF ListHead =
prettyExprF ListLast =
prettyExprF ListIndexed =
prettyExprF ListReverse =
prettyExprF Optional =
prettyExprF OptionalFold =
prettyExprF OptionalBuild =
prettyExprF (BoolLit True) =
prettyExprF (BoolLit False) =
prettyExprF (IntegerLit a) =
prettyNumber a
prettyExprF (NaturalLit a) =
"+" <> prettyNatural a
prettyExprF (DoubleLit a) =
prettyDouble a
prettyExprF (TextLit a) =
prettyChunks a
prettyExprF (Record a) =
prettyRecord a
prettyExprF (RecordLit a) =
prettyRecordLit a
prettyExprF (Union a) =
prettyUnion a
prettyExprF (UnionLit a b c) =
prettyUnionLit a b c
prettyExprF (ListLit Nothing b) =
list (map prettyExprA (Data.Vector.toList b))
prettyExprF (Embed a) =
Pretty.pretty a
prettyExprF (Note _ b) =
prettyExprF b
prettyExprF a = (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
long = Pretty.align ("( " <> prettyExprA a <> Pretty.hardline <> ")")
short = "(" <> prettyExprA a <> ")"
:: Pretty a
=> Doc ann
-> Int
-> (Text, Expr s a)
-> (Doc ann, Doc ann)
prettyKeyValue separator keyLength (key, value) =
( prettyLabel key <> " " <> separator <> " " <> prettyExprA value
, Pretty.fill keyLength (prettyLabel key)
<> " "
<> separator
<> (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
long = Pretty.hardline <> " " <> prettyExprA value
short = " " <> prettyExprA value
prettyRecord :: Pretty a => Map Text (Expr s a) -> Doc ann
prettyRecord a = braces (map adapt (Data.Map.toList a))
keyLength = fromIntegral (maximum (map Text.length (Data.Map.keys a)))
adapt = prettyKeyValue ":" keyLength
prettyRecordLit :: Pretty a => Map Text (Expr s a) -> Doc ann
prettyRecordLit a
| Data.Map.null a = "{=}"
| otherwise = braces (map adapt (Data.Map.toList a))
keyLength = fromIntegral (maximum (map Text.length (Data.Map.keys a)))
adapt = prettyKeyValue "=" keyLength
prettyUnion :: Pretty a => Map Text (Expr s a) -> Doc ann
prettyUnion a = angles (map adapt (Data.Map.toList a))
keyLength = fromIntegral (maximum (map Text.length (Data.Map.keys a)))
adapt = prettyKeyValue ":" keyLength
prettyUnionLit :: Pretty a => Text -> Expr s a -> Map Text (Expr s a) -> Doc ann
prettyUnionLit a b c = angles (front : map adapt (Data.Map.toList c))
keyLength = fromIntegral (maximum (map Text.length (a : Data.Map.keys c)))
front = prettyKeyValue "=" keyLength (a, b)
adapt = prettyKeyValue ":" keyLength
pretty :: Pretty a => a -> Text
pretty = Pretty.renderLazy . Pretty.layoutPretty options . Pretty.pretty
options = Pretty.LayoutOptions { Pretty.layoutPageWidth = Pretty.Unbounded }
buildLabel :: Text -> Builder
buildLabel label =
if Data.HashSet.member label reservedIdentifiers || Text.any predicate label
then "`" <> build label <> "`"
else build label
predicate c = c == ':' || c == '.'
buildNumber :: Integer -> Builder
buildNumber a = build (show a)
buildNatural :: Natural -> Builder
buildNatural a = build (show a)
buildDouble :: Double -> Builder
buildDouble a = build (show a)
buildChunks :: Buildable a => Chunks s a -> Builder
buildChunks (Chunks a b) = "\"" <> foldMap buildChunk a <> escapeText b <> "\""
buildChunk (c, d) = escapeText c <> "${" <> buildExprA d <> "}"
escapeSingleQuotedText :: Builder -> Builder
escapeSingleQuotedText inputBuilder = outputBuilder
inputText = Builder.toLazyText inputBuilder
outputText = substitute "${" "''${" (substitute "''" "'''" inputText)
outputBuilder = Builder.fromLazyText outputText
substitute before after = Text.intercalate after . Text.splitOn before
escapeText :: Builder -> Builder
escapeText a = Builder.fromLazyText (Text.concatMap adapt text)
adapt c
| '\x20' <= c && c <= '\x21' = Text.singleton c
| '\x23' == c = Text.singleton c
| '\x25' <= c && c <= '\x5B' = Text.singleton c
| '\x5D' <= c && c <= '\x7F' = Text.singleton c
| c == '"' = "\\\""
| c == '$' = "\\$"
| c == '\\' = "\\\\"
| c == '\b' = "\\b"
| c == '\f' = "\\f"
| c == '\n' = "\\n"
| c == '\r' = "\\r"
| c == '\t' = "\\t"
| otherwise = "\\u" <> showDigits (Data.Char.ord c)
showDigits r0 = Text.pack (map showDigit [q1, q2, q3, r3])
(q1, r1) = r0 `quotRem` 4096
(q2, r2) = r1 `quotRem` 256
(q3, r3) = r2 `quotRem` 16
showDigit n
| n < 10 = Data.Char.chr (Data.Char.ord '0' + n)
| otherwise = Data.Char.chr (Data.Char.ord 'A' + n 10)
text = Builder.toLazyText a
buildExpr :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExpr = buildExprA
buildExprA :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprA (Annot a b) = buildExprB a <> " : " <> buildExprA b
buildExprA (Note _ b) = buildExprA b
buildExprA a = buildExprB a
buildExprB :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprB (Lam a b c) =
<> buildLabel a
<> " : "
<> buildExprA b
<> ") → "
<> buildExprB c
buildExprB (BoolIf a b c) =
"if "
<> buildExprA a
<> " then "
<> buildExprA b
<> " else "
<> buildExprA c
buildExprB (Pi "_" b c) =
buildExprC b
<> " → "
<> buildExprB c
buildExprB (Pi a b c) =
<> buildLabel a
<> " : "
<> buildExprA b
<> ") → "
<> buildExprB c
buildExprB (Let a Nothing c d) =
"let "
<> buildLabel a
<> " = "
<> buildExprA c
<> " in "
<> buildExprB d
buildExprB (Let a (Just b) c d) =
"let "
<> buildLabel a
<> " : "
<> buildExprA b
<> " = "
<> buildExprA c
<> " in "
<> buildExprB d
buildExprB (ListLit Nothing b) =
"[" <> buildElems (Data.Vector.toList b) <> "]"
buildExprB (ListLit (Just a) b) =
"[" <> buildElems (Data.Vector.toList b) <> "] : List " <> buildExprE a
buildExprB (OptionalLit a b) =
"[" <> buildElems (Data.Vector.toList b) <> "] : Optional " <> buildExprE a
buildExprB (Merge a b (Just c)) =
"merge " <> buildExprE a <> " " <> buildExprE b <> " : " <> buildExprD c
buildExprB (Merge a b Nothing) =
"merge " <> buildExprE a <> " " <> buildExprE b
buildExprB (Note _ b) =
buildExprB b
buildExprB a =
buildExprC a
buildExprC :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprC = buildExprC0
buildExprC0 :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprC0 (BoolOr a b) = buildExprC1 a <> " || " <> buildExprC0 b
buildExprC0 (Note _ b) = buildExprC0 b
buildExprC0 a = buildExprC1 a
buildExprC1 :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprC1 (TextAppend a b) = buildExprC2 a <> " ++ " <> buildExprC1 b
buildExprC1 (Note _ b) = buildExprC1 b
buildExprC1 a = buildExprC2 a
buildExprC2 :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprC2 (NaturalPlus a b) = buildExprC3 a <> " + " <> buildExprC2 b
buildExprC2 (Note _ b) = buildExprC2 b
buildExprC2 a = buildExprC3 a
buildExprC3 :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprC3 (ListAppend a b) = buildExprC4 a <> " # " <> buildExprC3 b
buildExprC3 (Note _ b) = buildExprC3 b
buildExprC3 a = buildExprC4 a
buildExprC4 :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprC4 (BoolAnd a b) = buildExprC5 a <> " && " <> buildExprC4 b
buildExprC4 (Note _ b) = buildExprC4 b
buildExprC4 a = buildExprC5 a
buildExprC5 :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprC5 (Combine a b) = buildExprC6 a <> " ∧ " <> buildExprC5 b
buildExprC5 (Note _ b) = buildExprC5 b
buildExprC5 a = buildExprC6 a
buildExprC6 :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprC6 (Prefer a b) = buildExprC7 a <> " ⫽ " <> buildExprC6 b
buildExprC6 (Note _ b) = buildExprC6 b
buildExprC6 a = buildExprC7 a
buildExprC7 :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprC7 (NaturalTimes a b) = buildExprC8 a <> " * " <> buildExprC7 b
buildExprC7 (Note _ b) = buildExprC7 b
buildExprC7 a = buildExprC8 a
buildExprC8 :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprC8 (BoolEQ a b) = buildExprC9 a <> " == " <> buildExprC8 b
buildExprC8 (Note _ b) = buildExprC8 b
buildExprC8 a = buildExprC9 a
buildExprC9 :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprC9 (BoolNE a b) = buildExprD a <> " != " <> buildExprC9 b
buildExprC9 (Note _ b) = buildExprC9 b
buildExprC9 a = buildExprD a
buildExprD :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprD (App a b) = buildExprD a <> " " <> buildExprE b
buildExprD (Constructors b) = "constructors " <> buildExprE b
buildExprD (Note _ b) = buildExprD b
buildExprD a = buildExprE a
buildExprE :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprE (Field a b) = buildExprE a <> "." <> buildLabel b
buildExprE (Note _ b) = buildExprE b
buildExprE a = buildExprF a
buildExprF :: Buildable a => Expr s a -> Builder
buildExprF (Var a) =
buildVar a
buildExprF (Const k) =
buildConst k
buildExprF Bool =
buildExprF Natural =
buildExprF NaturalFold =
buildExprF NaturalBuild =
buildExprF NaturalIsZero =
buildExprF NaturalEven =
buildExprF NaturalOdd =
buildExprF NaturalToInteger =
buildExprF NaturalShow =
buildExprF Integer =
buildExprF IntegerShow =
buildExprF Double =
buildExprF DoubleShow =
buildExprF Text =
buildExprF List =
buildExprF ListBuild =
buildExprF ListFold =
buildExprF ListLength =
buildExprF ListHead =
buildExprF ListLast =
buildExprF ListIndexed =
buildExprF ListReverse =
buildExprF Optional =
buildExprF OptionalFold =
buildExprF OptionalBuild =
buildExprF (BoolLit True) =
buildExprF (BoolLit False) =
buildExprF (IntegerLit a) =
buildNumber a
buildExprF (NaturalLit a) =
"+" <> buildNatural a
buildExprF (DoubleLit a) =
buildDouble a
buildExprF (TextLit a) =
buildChunks a
buildExprF (Record a) =
buildRecord a
buildExprF (RecordLit a) =
buildRecordLit a
buildExprF (Union a) =
buildUnion a
buildExprF (UnionLit a b c) =
buildUnionLit a b c
buildExprF (ListLit Nothing b) =
"[" <> buildElems (Data.Vector.toList b) <> "]"
buildExprF (Embed a) =
build a
buildExprF (Note _ b) =
buildExprF b
buildExprF a =
"(" <> buildExprA a <> ")"
buildConst :: Const -> Builder
buildConst Type = "Type"
buildConst Kind = "Kind"
buildVar :: Var -> Builder
buildVar (V x 0) = buildLabel x
buildVar (V x n) = buildLabel x <> "@" <> buildNumber n
buildElems :: Buildable a => [Expr s a] -> Builder
buildElems [] = ""
buildElems [a] = buildExprA a
buildElems (a:bs) = buildExprA a <> ", " <> buildElems bs
buildRecordLit :: Buildable a => Map Text (Expr s a) -> Builder
buildRecordLit a | Data.Map.null a =
buildRecordLit a =
"{ " <> buildFieldValues (Data.Map.toList a) <> " }"
buildFieldValues :: Buildable a => [(Text, Expr s a)] -> Builder
buildFieldValues [] = ""
buildFieldValues [a] = buildFieldValue a
buildFieldValues (a:bs) = buildFieldValue a <> ", " <> buildFieldValues bs
buildFieldValue :: Buildable a => (Text, Expr s a) -> Builder
buildFieldValue (a, b) = buildLabel a <> " = " <> buildExprA b
buildRecord :: Buildable a => Map Text (Expr s a) -> Builder
buildRecord a | Data.Map.null a =
buildRecord a =
"{ " <> buildFieldTypes (Data.Map.toList a) <> " }"
buildFieldTypes :: Buildable a => [(Text, Expr s a)] -> Builder
buildFieldTypes [] = ""
buildFieldTypes [a] = buildFieldType a
buildFieldTypes (a:bs) = buildFieldType a <> ", " <> buildFieldTypes bs
buildFieldType :: Buildable a => (Text, Expr s a) -> Builder
buildFieldType (a, b) = buildLabel a <> " : " <> buildExprA b
buildUnion :: Buildable a => Map Text (Expr s a) -> Builder
buildUnion a | Data.Map.null a =
buildUnion a =
"< " <> buildAlternativeTypes (Data.Map.toList a) <> " >"
buildAlternativeTypes :: Buildable a => [(Text, Expr s a)] -> Builder
buildAlternativeTypes [] =
buildAlternativeTypes [a] =
buildAlternativeType a
buildAlternativeTypes (a:bs) =
buildAlternativeType a <> " | " <> buildAlternativeTypes bs
buildAlternativeType :: Buildable a => (Text, Expr s a) -> Builder
buildAlternativeType (a, b) = buildLabel a <> " : " <> buildExprA b
:: Buildable a => Text -> Expr s a -> Map Text (Expr s a) -> Builder
buildUnionLit a b c
| Data.Map.null c =
"< "
<> buildLabel a
<> " = "
<> buildExprA b
<> " >"
| otherwise =
"< "
<> buildLabel a
<> " = "
<> buildExprA b
<> " | "
<> buildAlternativeTypes (Data.Map.toList c)
<> " >"
instance Buildable a => Buildable (Expr s a) where
build = buildExpr
instance Pretty a => Pretty (Expr s a) where
pretty = prettyExprA
shift :: Integer -> Var -> Expr s a -> Expr s a
shift _ _ (Const a) = Const a
shift d (V x n) (Var (V x' n')) = Var (V x' n'')
n'' = if x == x' && n <= n' then n' + d else n'
shift d (V x n) (Lam x' _A b) = Lam x' _A' b'
_A' = shift d (V x n ) _A
b' = shift d (V x n') b
n' = if x == x' then n + 1 else n
shift d (V x n) (Pi x' _A _B) = Pi x' _A' _B'
_A' = shift d (V x n ) _A
_B' = shift d (V x n') _B
n' = if x == x' then n + 1 else n
shift d v (App f a) = App f' a'
f' = shift d v f
a' = shift d v a
shift d (V x n) (Let f mt r e) = Let f mt' r' e'
e' = shift d (V x n') e
n' = if x == f then n + 1 else n
mt' = fmap (shift d (V x n)) mt
r' = shift d (V x n) r
shift d v (Annot a b) = Annot a' b'
a' = shift d v a
b' = shift d v b
shift _ _ Bool = Bool
shift _ _ (BoolLit a) = BoolLit a
shift d v (BoolAnd a b) = BoolAnd a' b'
a' = shift d v a
b' = shift d v b
shift d v (BoolOr a b) = BoolOr a' b'
a' = shift d v a
b' = shift d v b
shift d v (BoolEQ a b) = BoolEQ a' b'
a' = shift d v a
b' = shift d v b
shift d v (BoolNE a b) = BoolNE a' b'
a' = shift d v a
b' = shift d v b
shift d v (BoolIf a b c) = BoolIf a' b' c'
a' = shift d v a
b' = shift d v b
c' = shift d v c
shift _ _ Natural = Natural
shift _ _ (NaturalLit a) = NaturalLit a
shift _ _ NaturalFold = NaturalFold
shift _ _ NaturalBuild = NaturalBuild
shift _ _ NaturalIsZero = NaturalIsZero
shift _ _ NaturalEven = NaturalEven
shift _ _ NaturalOdd = NaturalOdd
shift _ _ NaturalToInteger = NaturalToInteger
shift _ _ NaturalShow = NaturalShow
shift d v (NaturalPlus a b) = NaturalPlus a' b'
a' = shift d v a
b' = shift d v b
shift d v (NaturalTimes a b) = NaturalTimes a' b'
a' = shift d v a
b' = shift d v b
shift _ _ Integer = Integer
shift _ _ (IntegerLit a) = IntegerLit a
shift _ _ IntegerShow = IntegerShow
shift _ _ Double = Double
shift _ _ (DoubleLit a) = DoubleLit a
shift _ _ DoubleShow = DoubleShow
shift _ _ Text = Text
shift d v (TextLit (Chunks a b)) = TextLit (Chunks a' b)
a' = fmap (fmap (shift d v)) a
shift d v (TextAppend a b) = TextAppend a' b'
a' = shift d v a
b' = shift d v b
shift _ _ List = List
shift d v (ListLit a b) = ListLit a' b'
a' = fmap (shift d v) a
b' = fmap (shift d v) b
shift _ _ ListBuild = ListBuild
shift d v (ListAppend a b) = ListAppend a' b'
a' = shift d v a
b' = shift d v b
shift _ _ ListFold = ListFold
shift _ _ ListLength = ListLength
shift _ _ ListHead = ListHead
shift _ _ ListLast = ListLast
shift _ _ ListIndexed = ListIndexed
shift _ _ ListReverse = ListReverse
shift _ _ Optional = Optional
shift d v (OptionalLit a b) = OptionalLit a' b'
a' = shift d v a
b' = fmap (shift d v) b
shift _ _ OptionalFold = OptionalFold
shift _ _ OptionalBuild = OptionalBuild
shift d v (Record a) = Record a'
a' = fmap (shift d v) a
shift d v (RecordLit a) = RecordLit a'
a' = fmap (shift d v) a
shift d v (Union a) = Union a'
a' = fmap (shift d v) a
shift d v (UnionLit a b c) = UnionLit a b' c'
b' = shift d v b
c' = fmap (shift d v) c
shift d v (Combine a b) = Combine a' b'
a' = shift d v a
b' = shift d v b
shift d v (Prefer a b) = Prefer a' b'
a' = shift d v a
b' = shift d v b
shift d v (Merge a b c) = Merge a' b' c'
a' = shift d v a
b' = shift d v b
c' = fmap (shift d v) c
shift d v (Constructors a) = Constructors a'
a' = shift d v a
shift d v (Field a b) = Field a' b
a' = shift d v a
shift d v (Note a b) = Note a b'
b' = shift d v b
shift _ _ (Embed p) = Embed p
subst :: Var -> Expr s a -> Expr s a -> Expr s a
subst _ _ (Const a) = Const a
subst (V x n) e (Lam y _A b) = Lam y _A' b'
_A' = subst (V x n ) e _A
b' = subst (V x n') (shift 1 (V y 0) e) b
n' = if x == y then n + 1 else n
subst (V x n) e (Pi y _A _B) = Pi y _A' _B'
_A' = subst (V x n ) e _A
_B' = subst (V x n') (shift 1 (V y 0) e) _B
n' = if x == y then n + 1 else n
subst v e (App f a) = App f' a'
f' = subst v e f
a' = subst v e a
subst v e (Var v') = if v == v' then e else Var v'
subst (V x n) e (Let f mt r b) = Let f mt' r' b'
b' = subst (V x n') (shift 1 (V f 0) e) b
n' = if x == f then n + 1 else n
mt' = fmap (subst (V x n) e) mt
r' = subst (V x n) e r
subst x e (Annot a b) = Annot a' b'
a' = subst x e a
b' = subst x e b
subst _ _ Bool = Bool
subst _ _ (BoolLit a) = BoolLit a
subst x e (BoolAnd a b) = BoolAnd a' b'
a' = subst x e a
b' = subst x e b
subst x e (BoolOr a b) = BoolOr a' b'
a' = subst x e a
b' = subst x e b
subst x e (BoolEQ a b) = BoolEQ a' b'
a' = subst x e a
b' = subst x e b
subst x e (BoolNE a b) = BoolNE a' b'
a' = subst x e a
b' = subst x e b
subst x e (BoolIf a b c) = BoolIf a' b' c'
a' = subst x e a
b' = subst x e b
c' = subst x e c
subst _ _ Natural = Natural
subst _ _ (NaturalLit a) = NaturalLit a
subst _ _ NaturalFold = NaturalFold
subst _ _ NaturalBuild = NaturalBuild
subst _ _ NaturalIsZero = NaturalIsZero
subst _ _ NaturalEven = NaturalEven
subst _ _ NaturalOdd = NaturalOdd
subst _ _ NaturalToInteger = NaturalToInteger
subst _ _ NaturalShow = NaturalShow
subst x e (NaturalPlus a b) = NaturalPlus a' b'
a' = subst x e a
b' = subst x e b
subst x e (NaturalTimes a b) = NaturalTimes a' b'
a' = subst x e a
b' = subst x e b
subst _ _ Integer = Integer
subst _ _ (IntegerLit a) = IntegerLit a
subst _ _ IntegerShow = IntegerShow
subst _ _ Double = Double
subst _ _ (DoubleLit a) = DoubleLit a
subst _ _ DoubleShow = DoubleShow
subst _ _ Text = Text
subst x e (TextLit (Chunks a b)) = TextLit (Chunks a' b)
a' = fmap (fmap (subst x e)) a
subst x e (TextAppend a b) = TextAppend a' b'
a' = subst x e a
b' = subst x e b
subst _ _ List = List
subst x e (ListLit a b) = ListLit a' b'
a' = fmap (subst x e) a
b' = fmap (subst x e) b
subst x e (ListAppend a b) = ListAppend a' b'
a' = subst x e a
b' = subst x e b
subst _ _ ListBuild = ListBuild
subst _ _ ListFold = ListFold
subst _ _ ListLength = ListLength
subst _ _ ListHead = ListHead
subst _ _ ListLast = ListLast
subst _ _ ListIndexed = ListIndexed
subst _ _ ListReverse = ListReverse
subst _ _ Optional = Optional
subst x e (OptionalLit a b) = OptionalLit a' b'
a' = subst x e a
b' = fmap (subst x e) b
subst _ _ OptionalFold = OptionalFold
subst _ _ OptionalBuild = OptionalBuild
subst x e (Record kts) = Record (fmap (subst x e) kts)
subst x e (RecordLit kvs) = RecordLit (fmap (subst x e) kvs)
subst x e (Union kts) = Union (fmap (subst x e) kts)
subst x e (UnionLit a b kts) = UnionLit a (subst x e b) (fmap (subst x e) kts)
subst x e (Combine a b) = Combine a' b'
a' = subst x e a
b' = subst x e b
subst x e (Prefer a b) = Prefer a' b'
a' = subst x e a
b' = subst x e b
subst x e (Merge a b c) = Merge a' b' c'
a' = subst x e a
b' = subst x e b
c' = fmap (subst x e) c
subst x e (Constructors a) = Constructors a'
a' = subst x e a
subst x e (Field a b) = Field a' b
a' = subst x e a
subst x e (Note a b) = Note a b'
b' = subst x e b
subst _ _ (Embed p) = Embed p
normalize :: Expr s a -> Expr t a
normalize = normalizeWith (const Nothing)
boundedType :: Expr s a -> Bool
boundedType Bool = True
boundedType Natural = True
boundedType Integer = True
boundedType Double = True
boundedType Text = True
boundedType (App List _) = False
boundedType (App Optional t) = boundedType t
boundedType (Record kvs) = all boundedType kvs
boundedType (Union kvs) = all boundedType kvs
boundedType _ = False
denote :: Expr s a -> Expr t a
denote (Note _ b ) = denote b
denote (Const a ) = Const a
denote (Var a ) = Var a
denote (Lam a b c ) = Lam a (denote b) (denote c)
denote (Pi a b c ) = Pi a (denote b) (denote c)
denote (App a b ) = App (denote a) (denote b)
denote (Let a b c d ) = Let a (fmap denote b) (denote c) (denote d)
denote (Annot a b ) = Annot (denote a) (denote b)
denote Bool = Bool
denote (BoolLit a ) = BoolLit a
denote (BoolAnd a b ) = BoolAnd (denote a) (denote b)
denote (BoolOr a b ) = BoolOr (denote a) (denote b)
denote (BoolEQ a b ) = BoolEQ (denote a) (denote b)
denote (BoolNE a b ) = BoolNE (denote a) (denote b)
denote (BoolIf a b c ) = BoolIf (denote a) (denote b) (denote c)
denote Natural = Natural
denote (NaturalLit a ) = NaturalLit a
denote NaturalFold = NaturalFold
denote NaturalBuild = NaturalBuild
denote NaturalIsZero = NaturalIsZero
denote NaturalEven = NaturalEven
denote NaturalOdd = NaturalOdd
denote NaturalToInteger = NaturalToInteger
denote NaturalShow = NaturalShow
denote (NaturalPlus a b ) = NaturalPlus (denote a) (denote b)
denote (NaturalTimes a b ) = NaturalTimes (denote a) (denote b)
denote Integer = Integer
denote (IntegerLit a ) = IntegerLit a
denote IntegerShow = IntegerShow
denote Double = Double
denote (DoubleLit a ) = DoubleLit a
denote DoubleShow = DoubleShow
denote Text = Text
denote (TextLit (Chunks a b)) = TextLit (Chunks (fmap (fmap denote) a) b)
denote (TextAppend a b ) = TextAppend (denote a) (denote b)
denote List = List
denote (ListLit a b ) = ListLit (fmap denote a) (fmap denote b)
denote (ListAppend a b ) = ListAppend (denote a) (denote b)
denote ListBuild = ListBuild
denote ListFold = ListFold
denote ListLength = ListLength
denote ListHead = ListHead
denote ListLast = ListLast
denote ListIndexed = ListIndexed
denote ListReverse = ListReverse
denote Optional = Optional
denote (OptionalLit a b ) = OptionalLit (denote a) (fmap denote b)
denote OptionalFold = OptionalFold
denote OptionalBuild = OptionalBuild
denote (Record a ) = Record (fmap denote a)
denote (RecordLit a ) = RecordLit (fmap denote a)
denote (Union a ) = Union (fmap denote a)
denote (UnionLit a b c ) = UnionLit a (denote b) (fmap denote c)
denote (Combine a b ) = Combine (denote a) (denote b)
denote (Prefer a b ) = Prefer (denote a) (denote b)
denote (Merge a b c ) = Merge (denote a) (denote b) (fmap denote c)
denote (Constructors a ) = Constructors (denote a)
denote (Field a b ) = Field (denote a) b
denote (Embed a ) = Embed a
normalizeWith :: Normalizer a -> Expr s a -> Expr t a
normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
e'' = bimap (\_ -> ()) (\_ -> ()) e0
text = "NormalizeWith.loop (" <> Data.Text.pack (show e'') <> ")"
loop e = case e of
Const k -> Const k
Var v -> Var v
Lam x _A b -> Lam x _A' b'
_A' = loop _A
b' = loop b
Pi x _A _B -> Pi x _A' _B'
_A' = loop _A
_B' = loop _B
App f a -> case loop f of
Lam x _A b -> loop b''
a' = shift 1 (V x 0) a
b' = subst (V x 0) a' b
b'' = shift (1) (V x 0) b'
f' -> case App f' a' of
App (App ListBuild _) (App (App ListFold _) e') -> loop e'
App (App ListFold _) (App (App ListBuild _) e') -> loop e'
App NaturalBuild (App NaturalFold e') -> loop e'
App NaturalFold (App NaturalBuild e') -> loop e'
App (App OptionalBuild _) (App (App OptionalFold _) e') -> loop e'
App (App OptionalFold _) (App (App OptionalBuild _) e') -> loop e'
App (App (App (App NaturalFold (NaturalLit n0)) t) succ') zero ->
if boundedType (loop t) then strict else lazy
strict = strictLoop n0
lazy = loop ( lazyLoop n0)
strictLoop !0 = loop zero
strictLoop !n = loop (App succ' (strictLoop (n 1)))
lazyLoop !0 = zero
lazyLoop !n = App succ' (lazyLoop (n 1))
App NaturalBuild k
| check -> NaturalLit n
| otherwise -> App f' a'
labeled =
loop (App (App (App k Natural) "Succ") "Zero")
n = go 0 labeled
go !m (App (Var "Succ") e') = go (m + 1) e'
go !m (Var "Zero") = m
go !_ _ = internalError text
check = go labeled
go (App (Var "Succ") e') = go e'
go (Var "Zero") = True
go _ = False
App NaturalIsZero (NaturalLit n) -> BoolLit (n == 0)
App NaturalEven (NaturalLit n) -> BoolLit (even n)
App NaturalOdd (NaturalLit n) -> BoolLit (odd n)
App NaturalToInteger (NaturalLit n) -> IntegerLit (toInteger n)
App NaturalShow (NaturalLit n) ->
TextLit (Chunks [] ("+" <> buildNatural n))
App IntegerShow (IntegerLit n) ->
TextLit (Chunks [] (buildNumber n))
App DoubleShow (DoubleLit n) ->
TextLit (Chunks [] (buildDouble n))
App (App OptionalBuild t) k
| check -> OptionalLit t k'
| otherwise -> App f' a'
labeled = loop (App (App (App k (App Optional t)) "Just") "Nothing")
k' = go labeled
go (App (Var "Just") e') = pure e'
go (Var "Nothing") = empty
go _ = internalError text
check = go labeled
go (App (Var "Just") _) = True
go (Var "Nothing") = True
go _ = False
App (App ListBuild t) k
| check -> ListLit (Just t) (buildVector k')
| otherwise -> App f' a'
labeled =
loop (App (App (App k (App List t)) "Cons") "Nil")
k' cons nil = go labeled
go (App (App (Var "Cons") x) e') = cons x (go e')
go (Var "Nil") = nil
go _ = internalError text
check = go labeled
go (App (App (Var "Cons") _) e') = go e'
go (Var "Nil") = True
go _ = False
App (App (App (App (App ListFold _) (ListLit _ xs)) t) cons) nil ->
if boundedType (loop t) then strict else lazy
strict = Data.Vector.foldr strictCons strictNil xs
lazy = loop (Data.Vector.foldr lazyCons lazyNil xs)
strictNil = loop nil
lazyNil = nil
strictCons y ys = loop (App (App cons y) ys)
lazyCons y ys = App (App cons y) ys
App (App ListLength _) (ListLit _ ys) ->
NaturalLit (fromIntegral (Data.Vector.length ys))
App (App ListHead t) (ListLit _ ys) ->
loop (OptionalLit t (Data.Vector.take 1 ys))
App (App ListLast t) (ListLit _ ys) ->
loop (OptionalLit t y)
y = if Data.Vector.null ys
then Data.Vector.empty
else Data.Vector.singleton (Data.Vector.last ys)
App (App ListIndexed t) (ListLit _ xs) ->
loop (ListLit (Just t') (fmap adapt (Data.Vector.indexed xs)))
t' = Record (Data.Map.fromList kts)
kts = [ ("index", Natural)
, ("value", t)
adapt (n, x) = RecordLit (Data.Map.fromList kvs)
kvs = [ ("index", NaturalLit (fromIntegral n))
, ("value", x)
App (App ListReverse t) (ListLit _ xs) ->
loop (ListLit (Just t) (Data.Vector.reverse xs))
App (App (App (App (App OptionalFold _) (OptionalLit _ xs)) _) just) nothing ->
loop (maybe nothing just' (toMaybe xs))
just' y = App just y
toMaybe = Data.Maybe.listToMaybe . Data.Vector.toList
_ -> case ctx (App f' a') of
Nothing -> App f' a'
Just app' -> loop app'
a' = loop a
Let f _ r b -> loop b''
r' = shift 1 (V f 0) r
b' = subst (V f 0) r' b
b'' = shift (1) (V f 0) b'
Annot x _ -> loop x
Bool -> Bool
BoolLit b -> BoolLit b
BoolAnd x y ->
case x' of
BoolLit xn ->
case y' of
BoolLit yn -> BoolLit (xn && yn)
_ -> BoolAnd x' y'
_ -> BoolAnd x' y'
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
BoolOr x y ->
case x' of
BoolLit xn ->
case y' of
BoolLit yn -> BoolLit (xn || yn)
_ -> BoolOr x' y'
_ -> BoolOr x' y'
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
BoolEQ x y ->
case x' of
BoolLit xn ->
case y' of
BoolLit yn -> BoolLit (xn == yn)
_ -> BoolEQ x' y'
_ -> BoolEQ x' y'
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
BoolNE x y ->
case x' of
BoolLit xn ->
case y' of
BoolLit yn -> BoolLit (xn /= yn)
_ -> BoolNE x' y'
_ -> BoolNE x' y'
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
BoolIf b true false -> case loop b of
BoolLit True -> true'
BoolLit False -> false'
b' -> BoolIf b' true' false'
true' = loop true
false' = loop false
Natural -> Natural
NaturalLit n -> NaturalLit n
NaturalFold -> NaturalFold
NaturalBuild -> NaturalBuild
NaturalIsZero -> NaturalIsZero
NaturalEven -> NaturalEven
NaturalOdd -> NaturalOdd
NaturalToInteger -> NaturalToInteger
NaturalShow -> NaturalShow
NaturalPlus x y ->
case x' of
NaturalLit xn ->
case y' of
NaturalLit yn -> NaturalLit (xn + yn)
_ -> NaturalPlus x' y'
_ -> NaturalPlus x' y'
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
NaturalTimes x y ->
case x' of
NaturalLit xn ->
case y' of
NaturalLit yn -> NaturalLit (xn * yn)
_ -> NaturalTimes x' y'
_ -> NaturalTimes x' y'
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
Integer -> Integer
IntegerLit n -> IntegerLit n
IntegerShow -> IntegerShow
Double -> Double
DoubleLit n -> DoubleLit n
DoubleShow -> DoubleShow
Text -> Text
TextLit (Chunks xys z) ->
case mconcat chunks of
Chunks [("", x)] "" -> x
c -> TextLit c
chunks = concatMap process xys ++ [Chunks [] z]
process (x, y) = case loop y of
TextLit c -> [Chunks [] x, c]
y' -> [Chunks [(x, y')] mempty]
TextAppend x y ->
case x' of
TextLit xt ->
case y' of
TextLit yt -> TextLit (xt <> yt)
_ -> TextAppend x' y'
_ -> TextAppend x' y'
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
List -> List
ListLit t es -> ListLit t' es'
t' = fmap loop t
es' = fmap loop es
ListAppend x y ->
case x' of
ListLit t xs ->
case y' of
ListLit _ ys -> ListLit t (xs <> ys)
_ -> ListAppend x' y'
_ -> ListAppend x' y'
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
ListBuild -> ListBuild
ListFold -> ListFold
ListLength -> ListLength
ListHead -> ListHead
ListLast -> ListLast
ListIndexed -> ListIndexed
ListReverse -> ListReverse
Optional -> Optional
OptionalLit t es -> OptionalLit t' es'
t' = loop t
es' = fmap loop es
OptionalFold -> OptionalFold
OptionalBuild -> OptionalBuild
Record kts -> Record kts'
kts' = fmap loop kts
RecordLit kvs -> RecordLit kvs'
kvs' = fmap loop kvs
Union kts -> Union kts'
kts' = fmap loop kts
UnionLit k v kvs -> UnionLit k v' kvs'
v' = loop v
kvs' = fmap loop kvs
Combine x0 y0 ->
let combine x y = case x of
RecordLit kvsX -> case y of
RecordLit kvsY ->
let kvs = Data.Map.unionWith combine kvsX kvsY
in RecordLit (fmap loop kvs)
_ -> Combine x y
_ -> Combine x y
in combine (loop x0) (loop y0)
Prefer x y ->
case x' of
RecordLit kvsX ->
case y' of
RecordLit kvsY ->
RecordLit (fmap loop (Data.Map.union kvsY kvsX))
_ -> Prefer x' y'
_ -> Prefer x' y'
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
Merge x y t ->
case x' of
RecordLit kvsX ->
case y' of
UnionLit kY vY _ ->
case Data.Map.lookup kY kvsX of
Just vX -> loop (App vX vY)
Nothing -> Merge x' y' t'
_ -> Merge x' y' t'
_ -> Merge x' y' t'
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
t' = fmap loop t
Constructors t ->
case t' of
Union kts -> RecordLit kvs
kvs = Data.Map.mapWithKey adapt kts
adapt k t_ = Lam k t_ (UnionLit k (Var (V k 0)) rest)
rest = Data.Map.delete k kts
_ -> Constructors t'
t' = loop t
Field r x ->
case loop r of
RecordLit kvs ->
case Data.Map.lookup x kvs of
Just v -> loop v
Nothing -> Field (RecordLit (fmap loop kvs)) x
r' -> Field r' x
Note _ e' -> loop e'
Embed a -> Embed a
type Normalizer a = forall s. Expr s a -> Maybe (Expr s a)
isNormalizedWith :: (Eq s, Eq a) => Normalizer a -> Expr s a -> Bool
isNormalizedWith ctx e = e == (normalizeWith ctx e)
isNormalized :: Expr s a -> Bool
isNormalized e = case denote e of
Const _ -> True
Var _ -> True
Lam _ a b -> isNormalized a && isNormalized b
Pi _ a b -> isNormalized a && isNormalized b
App f a -> isNormalized f && isNormalized a && case App f a of
App (Lam _ _ _) _ -> False
App (App ListBuild _) (App (App ListFold _) _) -> False
App (App ListFold _) (App (App ListBuild _) _) -> False
App NaturalBuild (App NaturalFold _) -> False
App NaturalFold (App NaturalBuild _) -> False
App (App OptionalBuild _) (App (App OptionalFold _) _) -> False
App (App OptionalFold _) (App (App OptionalBuild _) _) -> False
App (App (App (App NaturalFold (NaturalLit _)) _) _) _ -> False
App NaturalBuild k0 -> isNormalized k0 && not (check0 k0)
check0 (Lam _ _ (Lam succ _ (Lam zero _ k))) = check1 succ zero k
check0 _ = False
check1 succ zero (App (Var (V succ' n)) k) =
succ == succ' && n == (if succ == zero then 1 else 0) && check1 succ zero k
check1 _ zero (Var (V zero' 0)) = zero == zero'
check1 _ _ _ = False
App NaturalIsZero (NaturalLit _) -> False
App NaturalEven (NaturalLit _) -> False
App NaturalOdd (NaturalLit _) -> False
App NaturalShow (NaturalLit _) -> False
App NaturalToInteger (NaturalLit _) -> False
App IntegerShow (IntegerLit _) -> False
App DoubleShow (DoubleLit _) -> False
App (App OptionalBuild t) k0 -> isNormalized t && isNormalized k0 && not (check0 k0)
check0 (Lam _ _ (Lam just _ (Lam nothing _ k))) = check1 just nothing k
check0 _ = False
check1 just nothing (App (Var (V just' n)) _) =
just == just' && n == (if just == nothing then 1 else 0)
check1 _ nothing (Var (V nothing' 0)) = nothing == nothing'
check1 _ _ _ = False
App (App ListBuild t) k0 -> isNormalized t && isNormalized k0 && not (check0 k0)
check0 (Lam _ _ (Lam cons _ (Lam nil _ k))) = check1 cons nil k
check0 _ = False
check1 cons nil (App (Var (V cons' n)) k) =
cons == cons' && n == (if cons == nil then 1 else 0) && check1 cons nil k
check1 _ nil (Var (V nil' 0)) = nil == nil'
check1 _ _ _ = False
App (App (App (App (App ListFold _) (ListLit _ _)) _) _) _ ->
App (App ListLength _) (ListLit _ _) -> False
App (App ListHead _) (ListLit _ _) -> False
App (App ListLast _) (ListLit _ _) -> False
App (App ListIndexed _) (ListLit _ _) -> False
App (App ListReverse _) (ListLit _ _) -> False
App (App (App (App (App OptionalFold _) (OptionalLit _ _)) _) _) _ ->
_ -> True
Let _ _ _ _ -> False
Annot _ _ -> False
Bool -> True
BoolLit _ -> True
BoolAnd x y -> isNormalized x && isNormalized y &&
case x of
BoolLit _ ->
case y of
BoolLit _ -> False
_ -> True
_ -> True
BoolOr x y -> isNormalized x && isNormalized y &&
case x of
BoolLit _ ->
case y of
BoolLit _ -> False
_ -> True
_ -> True
BoolEQ x y -> isNormalized x && isNormalized y &&
case x of
BoolLit _ ->
case y of
BoolLit _ -> False
_ -> True
_ -> True
BoolNE x y -> isNormalized x && isNormalized y &&
case x of
BoolLit _ ->
case y of
BoolLit _ -> False
_ -> True
_ -> True
BoolIf b true false -> isNormalized b && case b of
BoolLit _ -> False
_ -> isNormalized true && isNormalized false
Natural -> True
NaturalLit _ -> True
NaturalFold -> True
NaturalBuild -> True
NaturalIsZero -> True
NaturalEven -> True
NaturalOdd -> True
NaturalShow -> True
NaturalToInteger -> True
NaturalPlus x y -> isNormalized x && isNormalized y &&
case x of
NaturalLit _ ->
case y of
NaturalLit _ -> False
_ -> True
_ -> True
NaturalTimes x y -> isNormalized x && isNormalized y &&
case x of
NaturalLit _ ->
case y of
NaturalLit _ -> False
_ -> True
_ -> True
Integer -> True
IntegerLit _ -> True
IntegerShow -> True
Double -> True
DoubleLit _ -> True
DoubleShow -> True
Text -> True
TextLit (Chunks xys _) -> all (all isNormalized) xys
TextAppend x y -> isNormalized x && isNormalized y &&
case x of
TextLit _ ->
case y of
TextLit _ -> False
_ -> True
_ -> True
List -> True
ListLit t es -> all isNormalized t && all isNormalized es
ListAppend x y -> isNormalized x && isNormalized y &&
case x of
ListLit _ _ ->
case y of
ListLit _ _ -> False
_ -> True
_ -> True
ListBuild -> True
ListFold -> True
ListLength -> True
ListHead -> True
ListLast -> True
ListIndexed -> True
ListReverse -> True
Optional -> True
OptionalLit t es -> isNormalized t && all isNormalized es
OptionalFold -> True
OptionalBuild -> True
Record kts -> all isNormalized kts
RecordLit kvs -> all isNormalized kvs
Union kts -> all isNormalized kts
UnionLit _ v kvs -> isNormalized v && all isNormalized kvs
Combine x y -> isNormalized x && isNormalized y && combine
combine = case x of
RecordLit _ -> case y of
RecordLit _ -> False
_ -> True
_ -> True
Prefer x y -> isNormalized x && isNormalized y && combine
combine = case x of
RecordLit _ -> case y of
RecordLit _ -> False
_ -> True
_ -> True
Merge x y t -> isNormalized x && isNormalized y && any isNormalized t &&
case x of
RecordLit kvsX ->
case y of
UnionLit kY _ _ ->
case Data.Map.lookup kY kvsX of
Just _ -> False
Nothing -> True
_ -> True
_ -> True
Constructors t -> isNormalized t &&
case t of
Union _ -> False
_ -> True
Field r x -> isNormalized r &&
case r of
RecordLit kvs ->
case Data.Map.lookup x kvs of
Just _ -> False
Nothing -> True
_ -> True
Note _ e' -> isNormalized e'
Embed _ -> True
_ERROR :: String
_ERROR = "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m"
internalError :: Data.Text.Text -> forall b . b
internalError text = error (unlines
[ _ERROR <> ": Compiler bug "
, " "
, "Explanation: This error message means that there is a bug in the Dhall compiler."
, "You didn't do anything wrong, but if you would like to see this problem fixed "
, "then you should report the bug at: "
, " "
, " "
, " "
, "Please include the following text in your bug report: "
, " "
, "``` "
, Data.Text.unpack text <> " "
, "``` "
] )
buildVector :: (forall x . (a -> x -> x) -> x -> x) -> Vector a
buildVector f = Data.Vector.reverse (Data.Vector.create (do
let cons a st = do
(len, cap, mv) <- st
if len < cap
then do
Data.Vector.Mutable.write mv len a
return (len + 1, cap, mv)
else do
let cap' = 2 * cap
mv' <- Data.Vector.Mutable.unsafeGrow mv cap'
Data.Vector.Mutable.write mv' len a
return (len + 1, cap', mv')
let nil = do
mv <- Data.Vector.Mutable.unsafeNew 1
return (0, 1, mv)
(len, _, mv) <- f cons nil
return (Data.Vector.Mutable.slice 0 len mv) ))
reservedIdentifiers :: HashSet Text
reservedIdentifiers =
[ "let"
, "in"
, "Type"
, "Kind"
, "forall"
, "Bool"
, "True"
, "False"
, "merge"
, "if"
, "then"
, "else"
, "as"
, "using"
, "Natural"
, "Natural/fold"
, "Natural/build"
, "Natural/isZero"
, "Natural/even"
, "Natural/odd"
, "Natural/toInteger"
, "Natural/show"
, "Integer"
, "Integer/show"
, "Double"
, "Double/show"
, "Text"
, "List"
, "List/build"
, "List/fold"
, "List/length"
, "List/head"
, "List/last"
, "List/indexed"
, "List/reverse"
, "Optional"
, "Optional/fold"