module Dhall.Secret.Age ( encrypt, decrypt, generateX25519Identity, parseRecipient, parseIdentity, toRecipient ) where import qualified Codec.Binary.Bech32 as Bech32 import qualified Crypto.Cipher.ChaChaPoly1305 as CC import Crypto.Cipher.Types (Cipher (cipherInit)) import Crypto.Error (CryptoError (..), CryptoFailable (..), eitherCryptoError, throwCryptoErrorIO) import Crypto.Hash (SHA256) import Crypto.KDF.HKDF (PRK) import qualified Crypto.KDF.HKDF as HKDF import Crypto.MAC.HMAC (HMAC (HMAC), hmac) import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519 as X25519 import Crypto.Random (MonadRandom (getRandomBytes)) import Data.ByteArray (ByteArray, ByteArrayAccess, Bytes, convert, pack) import Data.ByteArray.Encoding (Base (Base64, Base64URLUnpadded), convertToBase) import Data.ByteString (ByteString, empty, intercalate) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as BS import Data.Either (isRight) import Data.List (find, reverse) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.PEM (PEM (..), pemParseBS, pemWriteBS) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE data Stanza = Stanza { stzType:: ByteString , stzArgs :: [ByteString] , stzBody :: ByteString } deriving Show data X25519Recipient = X25519Recipient X25519.PublicKey instance Show X25519Recipient where show (X25519Recipient pub) = T.unpack $ b32 "age" pub data X25519Identity = X25519Identity X25519.PublicKey X25519.SecretKey instance Show X25519Identity where show (X25519Identity _ sec) = T.unpack $ T.toUpper $ b32 "AGE-SECRET-KEY-" sec data Header = Header [Stanza] ByteString data CipherBlock = Cipher Header ByteString ByteString encrypt :: [X25519Recipient] -> ByteString -> IO ByteString encrypt recipients msg = do fileKey <- getRandomBytes 16 :: IO ByteString nonce <- getRandomBytes 16 :: IO ByteString stanzas <- traverse (mkStanza fileKey) recipients body <- encryptChunks (payloadKey nonce fileKey) (zeroNonceOf 11) msg pure $ pemWriteBS $ PEM { pemName ="AGE ENCRYPTED FILE", pemHeader = [], pemContent = mkHeader fileKey stanzas <> nonce <> body} decrypt :: ByteString -> [X25519Identity] -> IO ByteString decrypt ciphertext identities = do (Cipher header nonce body) <- either error pure $ parseCipher ciphertext let Header stz mac = header let possibleKeys = findFileKey identities header case find isRight $ possibleKeys of Just (Right key) -> do let (headerNoMac, macGot) = mkHeaderMac key stz if macGot == mac then decryptChunks (payloadKey nonce key) (zeroNonceOf 11) body else error $ show $ "Header MAC not match" <> headerNoMac <> "\n" <> macGot _ -> error "No file key found" generateX25519Identity :: IO X25519Identity generateX25519Identity = do sec <- X25519.generateSecretKey pure $ X25519Identity (X25519.toPublic sec) sec parseRecipient :: Text -> IO X25519Recipient parseRecipient r = X25519Recipient <$> throwCryptoErrorIO (X25519.publicKey $ b32dec r) parseIdentity :: Text -> IO X25519Identity parseIdentity i = throwCryptoErrorIO $ do key <- X25519.secretKey (b32dec i) pure $ X25519Identity (X25519.toPublic key) key decryptChunks :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ByteString decryptChunks key nonce body = case BS.splitAt (64 * 1024) body of (head, tail) | tail == BS.empty -> decryptChunk key nonce head (BS.pack [1]) (head, tail) -> decryptChunk key nonce head (BS.pack [0]) <> decryptChunks key (incNonce nonce) tail decryptChunk :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ByteString decryptChunk key nonce cipherblob isFinal = do st1 <- throwCryptoErrorIO $ do payloadNonce <- CC.nonce12 $ (nonce <> isFinal) CC.finalizeAAD <$> CC.initialize key payloadNonce let (msg, tag) = BS.splitAt (BS.length cipherblob - 16) cipherblob let (d, st2) = CC.decrypt msg st1 let authtag = CC.finalize st2 if (convert authtag) == tag then pure d else error "Invalid auth tag" parseCipher :: ByteString -> Either String CipherBlock parseCipher ct = do content <- pemContent . head <$> pemParseBS ct let (v1line, rest) = BS.break (== 0x0a) content (header, rest2) <- parseHeader (Header [] "") (BS.drop 1 rest) let (nonce, body) = BS.splitAt 16 rest2 pure $ Cipher header nonce body parseHeader :: Header -> ByteString -> Either String (Header, ByteString) parseHeader (Header stz mac) content = do case BS.take 3 content of "---" -> let (mac, body) = BS.break isLF $ content in Right $ (Header (reverse stz) (BS.decodeBase64Lenient $ BS.drop 4 mac), BS.drop 1 body) "-> " -> let (recipients, rest1) = BS.break isLF $ BS.drop 3 content (fileKey, rest2) = BS.break isLF $ BS.drop 1 rest1 (stztype, rest11) = BS.break isSpace recipients stzarg = BS.drop 1 rest11 st = Stanza {stzType = stztype, stzArgs = [stzarg], stzBody = BS.decodeBase64Lenient fileKey} in parseHeader (Header (st:stz) mac) (BS.drop 1 rest2) _ -> Left "invalid headers" where isLF = (== 0x0a) isSpace = (== 0x20) findFileKey :: [X25519Identity] -> Header -> [Either CryptoError ByteString] findFileKey identities (Header stz mac) = hasKey <$> identities <*> stz where hasKey :: X25519Identity -> Stanza -> Either CryptoError ByteString hasKey (X25519Identity pk sec) stz = eitherCryptoError $ do let theirPkBs = BS.decodeBase64Lenient $ head (stzArgs stz) theirPk <- X25519.publicKey theirPkBs let shareKey = X25519.dh theirPk sec let salt = (convert theirPk) <> (convert pk) let wrappingKey = hkdf "" (convert shareKey) salt nonce <- CC.nonce12 (zeroNonceOf 12) st0 <- CC.initialize wrappingKey nonce let fileKey = stzBody stz let (e, tag) = BS.splitAt (BS.length fileKey - 16) fileKey let (d, st1) = CC.decrypt e st0 let dtag = CC.finalize st1 if (convert dtag) == tag then pure d else CryptoFailed CryptoError_AuthenticationTagSizeInvalid encryptChunks :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ByteString encryptChunks key nonce msg = case BS.splitAt (64 * 1024) msg of (head, tail) | tail == BS.empty -> encryptChunk key nonce head (BS.pack [1]) (head, tail) -> encryptChunk key nonce head (BS.pack [0]) <> encryptChunks key (incNonce nonce) tail encryptChunk :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ByteString encryptChunk key nonce msg isFinal = do st <- throwCryptoErrorIO $ do payloadNonce <- CC.nonce12 $ (nonce <> isFinal) CC.finalizeAAD <$> CC.initialize key payloadNonce let (e, st1) = CC.encrypt msg st let tag = CC.finalize st1 return $ e <> (convert tag) toRecipient :: X25519Identity -> X25519Recipient toRecipient (X25519Identity pub _) = X25519Recipient pub b32 :: (ByteArrayAccess b) => Text -> b -> Text b32 header b = case Bech32.humanReadablePartFromText header of Left e -> T.pack $ show e Right header -> case Bech32.encode header (Bech32.dataPartFromBytes (convert b)) of Left e -> T.pack $ show e Right t -> t b32dec :: Text -> ByteString b32dec r = case Bech32.decode r of Left e -> error "Cannot decode bech32" Right (hrp, d) -> fromMaybe (error "Cannot extract bech32 data") $ Bech32.dataPartToBytes d mkStanza :: ByteString -> X25519Recipient -> IO Stanza mkStanza fileKey (X25519Recipient theirPK) = do ourKey <- X25519.generateSecretKey let ourPK = X25519.toPublic ourKey let shareKey = X25519.dh theirPK ourKey let salt = (convert ourPK) <> (convert theirPK) :: ByteString let wrappingKey = hkdf "" (convert shareKey) salt body <- throwCryptoErrorIO $ do nonce <- CC.nonce12 (BS.pack $ take 12 $ repeat 0) st0 <- CC.initialize wrappingKey nonce let (e, st1) = CC.encrypt fileKey st0 return $ e <> (convert $ CC.finalize st1) pure Stanza {stzType = "X25519", stzBody = body, stzArgs = [BS.encodeBase64Unpadded' (convert ourPK)]} marshalStanza :: Stanza -> ByteString marshalStanza stanza = let prefix = "-> " :: ByteString body = BS.encodeBase64Unpadded' $ stzBody stanza argLine = prefix <> stzType stanza <> " " <> intercalate " " (stzArgs stanza) <> "\n" in argLine <> wrap64b body <> "\n" mkHeader :: ByteString -> [Stanza] -> ByteString mkHeader fileKey recipients = let (headerNoMac, mac) = mkHeaderMac fileKey recipients in headerNoMac <> " " <> (BS.encodeBase64Unpadded' mac) <> "\n" mkHeaderMac fileKey recipients = let intro = "\n" :: ByteString macKey = hkdf "header" fileKey "" footer = "---" :: ByteString stanza = BS.concat (marshalStanza <$> recipients) headerNoMac = intro <> stanza <> footer mac = convert (hmac macKey headerNoMac :: HMAC SHA256) :: ByteString in (headerNoMac, mac) hkdf :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString hkdf info key salt = HKDF.expand (HKDF.extract salt key ::PRK SHA256) info 32 incNonce :: ByteString -> ByteString incNonce n = BS.pack . snd $ foldr inc1 (True, []) (BS.unpack n) where inc1 cur (True, acc) = (cur + 1 == 0, (cur + 1) : acc) inc1 cur (False, acc) = (False, cur : acc) zeroNonceOf :: Int -> ByteString zeroNonceOf n = BS.pack (take n $ repeat 0) wrap64b :: ByteString -> ByteString wrap64b bs = let (head, tail) = BS.splitAt 64 bs in if (BS.length tail == 0) then head else head <> "\n" <> wrap64b tail payloadKey :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString payloadKey nonce filekey = HKDF.expand (HKDF.extract nonce filekey ::PRK SHA256) ("payload" :: ByteString) 32