dimensional-codata: CODATA Recommended Physical Constants with Dimensional Types

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The dimensional-codata package provides a selection of the CODATA recommended values for fundamental physical constants for use with the dimensional library for physical quantities and units. Major version numbers represent the date of issue of the recommended values.

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Versions [RSS] 2014.0.0.0, 2014.0.0.1, 2014.0.0.2, 2014.0.0.3
Change log CHANGELOG.md
Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), dimensional (>=1.0), numtype-dk (>=0.5 && <1) [details]
Tested with ghc ==7.8.4, ghc ==7.10.1, ghc ==7.10.2, ghc ==8.8.4, ghc ==8.10.4
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Douglas McClean
Maintainer douglas.mcclean@gmail.com
Category Physics
Home page https://github.com/dmcclean/dimensional-codata/
Bug tracker https://github.com/dmcclean/dimensional-codata/issues/
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/dmcclean/dimensional-codata/
Uploaded by BjornBuckwalter at 2021-05-01T12:52:39Z
Distributions NixOS:2014.0.0.3
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Downloads 1910 total (13 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2021-05-01 [all 1 reports]

Readme for dimensional-codata-2014.0.0.3

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CODATA recommended values of fundamental physical constants, for use with the dimensional library.

This module offers a selection of fundamental physical constants with their values as defined or measured and published by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the International Council for Science.

These values are from the 2014 CODATA recommended values, by way of NIST.

The original document offers many, many more constants than are provided here. An effort has been made to narrow it down to the most useful ones. If your work requires others or if you have another contribution or suggestion, please submit issues or pull requests to the GitHub repository.